
Ellis in the Wonderland

@ellis-in-the-wonderland / ellis-in-the-wonderland.tumblr.com

Anonymous asked:

Ranke die intromusik: Wickie, simsala grimm, weihnachtsmann und cokg, gummibären, pfefferkörner, biene maja

Wie… WIE soll ich das ranken…. das sind alles BOPS

6. Diese Bops5. Kann man nicht ranken4. weil ich Kindheitserinnerungen3. an alle hab2. und alle gleich gut sind1. SISSI


Just cos I was discussing this with a mate and it’s always slightly irked me:

Tiny PSA for American rose twitter/DSA bros, if I may be very pedantic for a mo:

🌹 = the commonly accepted symbol across Europe and most of the world of social democracy

🚩 = the commonly accepted symbol across Europe and most of the world of  socialism

(These emojis may look slightly different on an Apple phone, idk, but tbh that’s your own fault for buying Apple lol)

Anyway - the point is, there is already an international symbol for the kind of edgy hard leftist you guys wanna be (whether you actually are, I shan’t pass comment). You don’t need to put a red rose in your twitter handle, it should be a red flag! The literal song goes “The People’s Flag is deepest red”!

I understand that America has a sadly multiply disrupted tradition when it comes to these things but come on, even beardy hipsters who think reading Marx makes them radical should have done their research…if you’re gonna be socialist wannabes try harder with your branding, is all I’m saying.

(The especially amusing thing for me, as a sometime Labourite from Britain, is that while Bernie Bros and DSA types all think the rose is very radikewl, over here the party was literally rebranded from a red flag 🚩  to a red rose to look less radical and more centrist by this guy:


and honestly, if you met him, you’d all start crying about evil dark lord centrists, so…)


man can’t people just dislike characters anymore just because?? like why does there always have to be some deep underlying reason other than the fact that the characters annoys the ever loving shit out of me or I don’t like their prickly little face

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