
Charlotte Igroc


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Wait a damn minute

We went from Tommy getting in the middle of Buddie…

To Buck getting in the middle of Eddie and Tommy…

To Eddie getting in the middle of Buck and Tommy…

To Buck and Eddie finally being side by side, closer than ever.

Interesting, very very interesting.


Every damn day, you give me hope. Thank you Juju. You are simply the best!


Been seeing a lot of negativity towards Eddie and Buddie lately. Please like or reblog this if you still ship Buddie and know Buck and Eddie are meant to be each other’s endgame person.


Okay so I just realized something?? I still hate the cheating storyline, it's awful, but I did realize something interesting.

Kim looks like Shannon, except she has blonde hair and that white streak. But she doesn't act like Shannon. In fact, the way she interacted with Eddie, being playful and sarcastic and kinda giving him a hard time? We've seen that before with a character on the show.

And to add to it? That white streak is called a Mallen streak. And that's caused by a birthmark on the scalp.

What I'm saying is: Kim is a cross between Shannon and Buck.


No, because I’ve also caught onto that same thing. Like initially, what attracted him to her was the idea that she looked like Shannon. But she doesn’t seem very much like her personality wise. Like their little flirty banter was giving me the same flirty banter he has with Buck. And it goes to show that he had chemistry with her and the only other person he’s ever had chemistry on that show with has been Buck. So I feel like maybe when he starts getting to really know her, he can uncover other kinds of similarities that she may have with a certain firefighter that makes Eddie realize like oh even though I initially wanted to pursue her because she reminds me of my dead wife, now she point-blank reminds me of my best friend, so what the fuck does that mean???

Also, I definitely agree with having her have that white streak is very much a deliberate choice and if what you are saying is correct then I mean, why would they have her have that Mallen streak??? A lot to think about 👀


I think he's going to have to confront what attracted him to her. Like he stopped and went back to the store because she looked like Shannon. That's true. But the interaction they had? The way she ribbed at him and got him to relax a little and seem to enjoy himself? That's all Buck. And when he gets his closure about Shannon, he's going to have to face the fact that the parts of Kim he was most attracted to were the parts that were exactly like his best friend. And I can't WAIT for that.


One last thing bc I haven’t forgotten about Buddie. Last season Buck tried three times to perfect the damn lasagna which was kinda about his three failed relationships. And now he tried a new recipe for his lasagna which goes with his bisexuality and dating a man bc it’s new for him. He also burnt the new lasagna which can indicate that he’s with the wrong guy. Consider the fact that the lasagna is always connected to Eddie and Christopher and there are puzzle pieces coming together.

Wait wait wait! Have we upgraded the couch theory for a lasagna theory???

Even better because food is an act of service and quality time when served!


You don't just find a good recipe, you MAKE it. With time, trial, errors, you work hard with love until you get it just right and provide literal sustenance for those you love.

Lasagna theory rise!!


This is EXACTLY what I was telling someone! The lasagna is a metaphor!

Anonymous asked:

could you explain to me why you think bucktommy forever would be narratively satisfying but there's no possibility of them introducing a love interest for eddie that would be satisfying? i don't understand

I DON'T think bucktommy would be narratively satisfying.

I DO think there is more potential in the current narrative structure for them to make bucktommy endgame work in a reasonably narratively satisfying way (IF Eddie's story wasn't a factor, which it is).

I also don't necessarily think it would be impossible for them to bring in someone for Eddie if I'm imagining they have all the time in the world to make that work. But the reality of the current narrative is that I don't think they have all the time in the world. And as talented as these writers are, I don't see any way they could introduce someone entirely new, with no connection to the current narrative, and make me buy that person as Eddie's endgame. There just isn't time. A couple of years ago, I would have said that I thought Eddie could have an interesting and satisfying ending to his story if he learned that he didn't need romantic fulfillment to be happy. Since then, however, they've really doubled down on Eddie's loneliness and desire for a romantic partner AND they went for the queer Buck storyline. When you add to that all of Eddie's history with Buck and the way he's welcomed Buck into his life and embraced him as a partner both in his own life and in Christopher's, I don't see any way for them to disentangle that story and introduce someone else (unless it was Tommy, maybe, but nobody's going to want to hear that).

It would just take SO much work and time that I'm not sure they have because it would take several seasons, I think, for it to really reach any level of satisfying.

The difference with bucktommy is simply that it would take very slightly less work (though still a TON of work) for a few reasons.

First, Buck is just Buck. With Eddie, there's also the Christopher of it all to contend with, which adds a complicating layer that extends the work that needs to be done in Eddie's story in a way that doesn't exist for Buck's story (as important as Christopher is for Buck, it's very different from what would need to happen for Eddie who is literally Christopher's parent). So Buck's story has fewer complications to contend with, especially since they've already gotten it off the ground with Buck's queer awakening and introducing his relationship with Tommy already at this point in canon. So there would literally just be less time involved.

Beyond that, Tommy is already an established character in universe. They don't need to do quite as much work to help us get to know him, because we already do, even if only peripherally. But he is established as significant to the stories of other characters beyond Buck. He had a role to play in Chimney's, Hen's, and Bobby's (and hell, even Eddie's!) stories long before he ever became significant to Buck's. So, developing his place among the team and their extended family is not nearly as complicated as it would be with someone entirely new—and even someone from Eddie's past wouldn't have the history with the team, so still, more complications there.

So, yes, I think bucktommy has more potential in the current narrative structure (if—and ONLY if—completely divorced from Eddie's storyline, which it can never be).

But not only do I not actually think either could be a satisfying ending for either Buck or Eddie in the current narrative, there actually isn't anything to suggest that the show is doing the work it needs to to make that potential a reality, either. Because they are not separating out Eddie and Buck (frankly, they're entwining them further). And they aren't even doing any work to flesh out Tommy’s character. I know fandom has grown really attached to him, but the reality is that the character is currently just being used as a pawn to move Buck's story forward. Tommy has a past with the 118 that creates a lot of potential, but that potential is not being used. The character is, frankly, pretty flat at the current moment. They haven't even tried to bring him back into the 118 fold—the only people he's really interacted with since his reintroduction are Eddie and Buck, when there has been plenty of opportunity to fold him back into the team in ways that would at least have him vaguely interacting with the others (like, I don't know, Chimney actually inviting him to the wedding or Hen even acknowledging him at the bachelor party). Their relationship is cute and sweet, but there's nothing that indicates it's any deeper than any of the other relationships Buck has had thus far, and they are actively juxtaposing the bucktommy relationship with the buddie relationship in a way that makes very clear just how surface level that relationship really is when compared to the depth of Buck and Eddie's relationship with one another.

So, no, I don't think bucktommy are going to be endgame, nor do I have any interest in them being endgame. But I recognize that there is currently—literally, in the canon narrative—more potential for bucktommy to work if the show really wanted to make it happen and put in the work, mostly because of Tommy’s history with the rest of the 118.

On Eddie's end, there is no current canon potential. There's no current love interest they could turn around (especially because Edy is a shit human being and people would riot if they actually made Marisol Eddie's endgame). There's no past love interest they could bring back that wouldn't somehow have to be worked into the rest of the team. There's the additional complication of the Christopher of it all and how much that changes where Eddie's story can go and how quickly it can be developed.

It's quite literally just the difference in time. If Buck's relationship with Eddie wasn't a factor, I think they could do it in two seasons for bucktommy. For Eddie and this currently non-existent love interest, I think it'd take a good three or more, and even then, I think it would have to be someone they introduce as a part of the team (Lucy? Ravi? Tommy?) because anyone separate wouldn't have any room to develop sufficiently.

But the reality is that, frankly, the ONLY narratively satisfying ending for Eddie and Buck is one another. Any other option would require dismantling so much beautiful storytelling that I cannot see how it would ever be worth it.


Kinda going crazy that Tommy made a reference to The Wedding Singer and asked if that’s who they were dressed up as because the movie is about the two main characters being engaged but to the wrong people..this episode is gonna be GOOD


No no you’re absolutely right!!! They’re both engaged to other people and they befriend each other and get closer. And as they get closer their feelings deepen for each other. Is that not what is kinda happening with Buck and Eddie? I mean they already know each other BUT they are both in relationships with other people who are clearly the wrong people. Oh I’m screaming. I need at least Tommy to clock their matching husband like behavior and say something.


Oh yup yeah you’re SO right @aworldwithoutme!! They most definitely DID meet when they were with the wrong people and immediately became friends. And they’ve become closer throughout the years to the point that they’re actual family now. And they’re STILL with the wrong people. Oh thissss just got so much better.


I can’t believe here in the year of our lord 2024 we are getting articles like this.


Howling at the fact that if Buck and Eddie do ever get married the first time the Buckley parents met Eddie he was probably really passive aggressive about how great Buck is while they waited for Buck at the station and the second time they met him he looks like this.

Way to make a good first and second impression on the future in-laws Diaz.


Like honestly as a Buddie shipper, what the fuck are we supposed to focus on??? What does all of this mean if not Buddie canon???

We get closer than ever this season. There’s a lot of changes in the relationship and how we interact. We’re trying to give the audience what they want.
Well, there’s something brand new for both of us. I can only say that much.
Outside of Christopher, Buck would be the second closest thing that he can have as a relationship.
And then go to Buck and say, 'I trust you with my child, and I see how much you put in for my son; this goes beyond friendship, and I love you to the core. To have that sense of vulnerability is a sense of strength that has been shown.
And the way Eddie navigates that is just kind of a no, that's just who he is. And nothing ruffles my feathers. Even if you break my ankle or maim me, it's fine. That's who he is, and I love him either way. And there's no competition for Eddie.
I don't think that the Buddie fans are wrong.
There is a chemistry there that exists just naturally, so we don't have to try and lean into that or lean away from that. We just let it flow.
Oh, 100%. 100%. I watch certain edits and I think 'Am I Team Buddie?' because there are really talented editors out there. And you know how it is.
Obviously Eddie and Ryan who plays him is obviously an attractive man.
I think with this season 7, we got a lot in store for the audience. You give them what they’ve known and a lot of what they don’t.
There’s a scene in the first episode, where Eddie reveals that he's going — or he mentions a first date, and it in fact ends up being Christopher's first date. And Buck has this moment of "Oh. I thought things were going great with Marisol...' So little moments where I felt like, 'Is there scope to play with Buck?'
They've both become quite embedded in each other's lives. "I think they've kind of bonded and connected on so many levels, whether it be work, their personal lives and then add in that kind of fun dynamic where they clearly do just get on well. I think it's just a nice recipe for a good relationship, however you choose to see it.
There's some really beautiful stuff between him and Eddie and kind of them being open and sharing things with each other that they may have been reluctant to share with—I know how that's going to be taken. But it's true. [They're] there for each other in a very kind of open and nonjudgmental way.
They get to show up for each other in different ways. Moving forward there’s almost like potential for things to come up in a not so great light. But we get to see their friendship persevering, and them being there in ways they didn’t necessarily expect for each other. And I just, it’s a really lovely journey for them this season.
Eddie doesn't really have a sense of direction, so he reaches out for the closest person, and that closest person is Buck.
And Eddie was a mess. I think at that moment, the friendship had a turning point and now has allowed Buck and Eddie to really share as much or whatever they'd want, the scariest things in the world they could share with each other. And we're going to be seeing more of that this season.
As far as [Eddie's] sexuality, I think it's pretty clear that he's tried to fill in this motherly, this wife type role—that's all he knows…"And he's a man [that] first off, he's Catholic. Second off, he's from the military. So those are very straight-edge kind of lifestyles that don't offer too much of exploring. But through the 118, he's had this epiphany each year, like, 'Well, maybe I don't know as much as I thought I did. And maybe I should be exploring a little bit more and maybe I should understand myself a little bit more and even seek a therapist, which is something new for Eddie.
He is actually starting to figure out who he is outside of 'I am an Army man who has a silver badge! ... He's way more than that. He's starting to live in that [feeling] a little bit more, and I think that's freeing to him.

At this point we can’t be reading between the lines or coming to random conclusions when every thing said is so blatantly obvious.


Honestly before this season this was how I felt. But now?? It's going to happen. I'm more sure of it than ever.


DPxDC Prompt where Danny is caught stealing some food in Gotham and when asked where his legal guardian is, he panics and points to the nearest stranger, hoping against hope that they might lie for him long enough to keep him out of the foster system (and the inevitable escape he'd have to stage from it).

He honestly doesn't expect it to work. It's a stupid plan that has him cringing, blushing red as he expects the stranger to call his bluff and walk away--

But Danny is shocked when the stranger immediately rolls with the plan, no questions asked. They are… Surprisingly convincing. Enough so that for a second Danny wonders if he really is their kid now.

Well, that might wind up being true, in any case, seeing as the stranger refuses to leave him alone after the incident.

"My apologies," Cass carefully enunciated. "Here's my card." The security officer who had grabbed the kid at the door looked between the two of them. Disbelief, but: Relief. No problems wanted, easy solution. He nodded as he reached for her credit card. Grateful. No aggression. She saw the eyebrows shoot up when he read the Wayne name. Surprised! She gave the little food thief a chiding smile, then looked back to the security officer. The tension was rapidly leaving. The other customers pretended they weren't looking but they were curious, sorry, sad, amused.

"One moment please." The officer handed her card to the lingering cashier who had pointed out the smuggled sandwich. The cashier beeped a few things at their work station and then walked the card back over. "Here's your receipt, ma'am," they said, clearly uncomfortable. They were smiling but their shoulders said guilty guilty I don't like this, I want it over.

Cass took the black card back and slipped it away. "Thank you." When she started walking she nudged the hungry boy to move with her. His ears were bright red. Misery. So so relieved. Hungry.

The kid kept watching her with wide eyes as they walked out the doors and onto the sidewalk. Hope. Sorry. Embarrassed. Grateful. Hungry, hungry, hungry. "...I didn't expect that to work out," he admitted. "Thank you."

Cass reached over to pat his head. "Come on," she said, and moved so the arm was around his shoulder. He spluttered a little but the tension was gradually bleeding out of his bony shoulder.

Too bony, she decided. Needed Alfie. She fished her phone out of her pocket and went to selfie mode. Then she glanced at her new son. "Photo to my grandpa," she checked.

"Uh- sure?" His voice lilted high.

Cass nodded thanks and stopped walking for a moment to grin into the camera and take a good photo. She sent the baby photo to Alfred directly. Then she followed up with; 🐣🐥! 💕

He immediately responded, "So I see. Are you coming home for lunch?"

She weighed the baby's jumpiness against the way he seemed to instinctively trust her. More time. She needed more time before she put him in a car.




Alfred would have sent a frownie face to her plan if he truly disagreed. Instead he sent, "I shall see the two of you at dinner time. Your father and youngest brother are still out of the house, but Tim will be there."


She gave her full attention to the new Wayne baby when he cleared his throat. He didn't have to look up at her much, but at least he wasn't bigger than her yet.

"I really really appreciate the help," he said, glancing backwards guiltily. "I shouldn't have put you on the spot like that. It was rude, I just panicked and-"

"No worries," Cass reassured him, and willed him to believe it. "I was hungry once. Open?"

He opened the door she steered him to on autopilot. The bell chimed above their head and a rush of hot salty air greeted them. Cooked meat, smoke, syrup.

A server looked up from the register. Bored, dutiful, busy. "I'll be with you in a moment!" She called, voice bright and fake happy.

"Wha- are you sure?" Her new son let him steer him into a booth. Cass sat down on the same side and playfully bumped him further in, until she could cuddle him against the wall.

"My baby now," she said. "Guardian." She willed him to believe it. She was 21, she could guardian him. He'd claimed her first, no take backs.

"I'm fifteen!" He spluttered. Good to know. She'd need it for Tim, for the paperwork. "I'm not a baby."

"No, not a baby," Cass agreed. "My baby." She crinkled her nose up at him playfully. "Look." She tapped the menu pointedly with her fingers.


Short DPXDC Prompts #974

The Green Lantern Corps. All know of the Notes. Only before moments of great moments and tragedy do the notes appear to warn the lanterns of the oncoming doom. Hal Jordan’s blood turns to ice in his veins when he sees a glowing green note on a wall that definitely hadn’t been there before. With shaky hands he picks up the note and reads it.

'Save him, no matter the cost; you have four minutes before his life ends. 4323 Farland St, Bensenville, IL, 60106.'

Hal doesn't hesitate.

He just moves.

He yanks out his phone, looks up the address, and...even at his fastest speed, it'd take twelve minutes to get there.

He won't get there in time.

But luckily, he knows the fastest man alive. He calls the Flash on the emergency communicator, already enroute

"Flash here-"

"Emergency extraction, right now. 4323 Farland St, Bensenville, IL, 60106. We have four minutes-scratch that, three and a half, before the victim dies-!"

Hal yanks the phone away from his ear as he gets interrupted by an explosion.


Screaming. More explosions. Gunshots. A pained grunt.

Hal can't go any faster than he already is; the heat generated by his speed can be felt through the shield he set around himself. He's liable to break the ring if he tries to push it any further, and it sounds like he's gonna need it in the upcoming fight.

"Okay," Flash pants, and what sounds like a very heavy door is slammed shut. "Alright, I'm here, I got past their shields. They were prepared for someone with speed, which. Weird. Not sure who we're after, but I figured the deepest part of the compound would be the best plaaaaa-oh no. Oh. Oh that's bad. I think I found him."

Hal would relax if he wasn't hurtling at 9000mph through the air.

"Yeah? He gonna make it?" He asks instead, maintaining his focus on his speed and shield.

"...I need to open the door again, and I need to find the nearest zeta tube."

Hal felt his heart drop.

He hadn't made it in time.


Except that he had.

Flash, true to his word, had found a zeta and gotten the target/victim to the Watchtower in time.

The Justice League's own medical team was working on a scrawny, malnourished teenager. Said teen was alive, and it was well past the four minute mark.

Flash had also grabbed a random handbook that he'd seen, labeled "Rules and Regulations; GIW Sector", and Hal was flipping through it.

He was reading a manual on war crimes. It broke so many laws. Laws that he, as a Green Lantern, enforced.

He'd have to call a meeting.

This...this wasn't going to be pretty.

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