
Ass so fat it makes Obama jealous


24, transfem, occasionally really horny don't worry about it

as an optimist i dream of a beautiful world where people are fucking normal about aromanticism


At first I read “as an optometrist” and was just ready to accept the statement as is like oh yeah maybe some kind of pun about if people’s views weren’t clouded by hatred and biases they could be normal about aro and aspec in general but then I reread it was like “sigh, time for my nearsighted ass to go back to the optometrist.”

as an optimist i dream of a beautiful world where all these beautiful aromantic people get to go to the optometrist


misread aromanticism as astigmatism


Hello beautiful aromantics in my phone, it might be time for an eye exam


I think it's very fascinating that, back to back, we have had a pair of what I want to call system shocks on tumblr.

The first wave was the beef between Kendrick and Drake. The beef reached truly titanic levels in order to breach containment and reach our shores in any real way. What was then immediately revealed is that a very loud (if not actually numerous) portion of the tumblr userbase is not simply ignorant of rap music, but proudly so, and not just proudly so, but ignorant of it in ways that have become stereotypes of rap critics. Accusations of violence, misogyny, and difficulty of understanding it were particularly visible to me. With a side helping of racism. The response to this was twofold: tumblr users either got into some damn funny fights when idiots doubled down on their ignorance, or they were curious and we got some damn good recommendations.

The second event was this week: The AO3 Ship Bracket finals: Destiel vs Suletta. The strongest yaoi of the past vs the strongest yuri of today. As Sulemio tore through the polls, again this trend emerged! Deeply incurious, proudly ignorant people parroting criticisms of anime that have become stereotypes anime fans repeat to make fun of critics! Accusations of sexualization, misogyny, and obscurity were particularly visible to me. With a side helping of racism. And then, just like last time, people split off into two camps. The first was idiots without any actual knowledge of Gundam showing up to crow about Destiel like the franchise isn't older than some of their parents. The second was some really good recommendation threads with people willing to learn (just start on Witch From Mercury, it's fine, then maybe watch The Origin or something, other people have better recs than me).

I think it's really interesting that tumblr's userbase has been exposed for being really inflexible and driven into a rut in its fandom spaces. And defensively so. I think that expanding your horizons is good for you for a lot of reasons, but avoiding looking like a jackass on tumblr is a really good incentive, I think.


Tumblr Top Ships Bracket - FINALS

This poll is a celebration of fandom and fandom history; we're aware that there are certain issues with many of the listed pairings and sources, but they are a part of that history. Please do not take this as an endorsement, and refrain from harassment.


"disability only exists because the world isnt accessible" idk how to tell you this but chronic pain still hurts

i like the sentiment and i think its true in many ways, but people with mobility issues will still have mobility issues in an accommodating world, people with sensory disabilities will still have those disabilities in an accommodating world. and thats not including neurodiversity where two people with the exact same disorder will have very different experiences with them. like there's not a world where someone with agoraphobia wont be scared to leave the house just cause outside is more accessible

i dont think it accounts for the wide range of disability experience and caters more to low-support needs people. i think life would be so much easier if being disabled was less stigmatized, but disability wont just go away once it is

you can't autism proof a bright summer day, but you can normalize stimming and using sensory aids in public

okay but they are good tags tho

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