

@oooh-darling / oooh-darling.tumblr.com

Hope you enjoy reading my rambling tags - drop me a message/ask anytime
“I remember [Paul] being ’round, he was around a lot. He liked my mother, my mother liked him. My mother cooked for him, felt sorry for him. We always remember him as being pretty. I mean, he wasn’t handsome, was he? He was pretty. […] I remember him at the gate, I remember him arriving with John. And we knew that he was John’s special friend.”

— Julia Baird, The Beatles: A Long and Winding Road. (2003)


Paul McCartney - When The Wind is Blowing 

Inspired by a Picasso painting, this was composed using chords that only use two fingers. It was originally recorded during the RAM sessions in 1971 for a proposed but unreleased Rupert the Bear album. It’s melody is now featured on Paul’s latest colab with Kanye, All Day


John Lennon and Paul McCartney, 1968 by Linda McCartney 

This is me and John, in Abbey Road. It wasn’t too long before the break up of The Beatles; this would be the end of our relationship and, at the end, when the breakup happened, it was kind of sour – very difficult to deal with. The rumour started going around that John and I didn’t get on well, we were arch-rivals, that it was very heavy and ugly. The strange thing is you sometimes get to believe something if it’s said enough times. So I used to think: ‘Yeah, it’s a pity, you know, we didn’t get on that well.”
“So this picture is a blessing for me. It’s like, this is how we were: this is why we related, or else we couldn’t have collaborated for all that time. It sums up what our relationship was like the minute we were actually working on a song, and most of the time we were together, really. I’m just writing something out and it’s lovely because John is very happily in on the process and we’re laughing about something. Just seeing the joy between us here really helped me, because it reminds me that the idea we weren’t friends is rubbish. We were lifelong friends, our relationship was super-special.” 
- Paul McCartney, 2019 via The Guardian
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