


20% is better than 0%.

Brushing your teeth at least once every day is better than none at all.

A few hours of sleep is better than none.

A few minutes outside for fresh air is better than none.

Writing a few paragraphs of the essay today is better than procrastinating till later.

Doing something is better than nothing (of course there is exception for some cases).

Do things at a pace which makes you comfortable whilst allowing you to make progress.

You can do this!



Summary: The evening after they met, Bucky and YN went to eat pizza, with her dog Balto tagging along.

Characters/Pairings: Bucky x YN, Balto the dog lol

Warnings: none

I listened to Tom’s Diner by AnnenMayKantereit ft Giant Rooks while writing this lol I love both bands

This is part of the White Wolf Series. New to this? Here’s the masterlist.

I actually planned on doing that ‘YN knows about Bucky being the Winter Soldier’ later but here we go. I thought it would be unrealistic for YN to not have seen his face at least once before and I think honesty and an open mind set are both important when you want to befriend Bucky as an outsider.


Y’all need to read this RIGHT NOW


Dream’s “Not Today, Writer’s Block” Writing Challenge!

Hello my loves!

Since this amazing community supported me so much through my writer’s block, it made me come up with a new idea. Lately I have been seeing many posts that talk about lack of feedback or reblogs in writing, and I figured, what is a better way than reblogging and commenting on your fics to support you guys back? So;

Welcome to Dream’s “Not Today, Writer’s Block”  Writing Challenge!


  • Reblog this post.
  • Please add warnings if you have any.
  • If you’re writing smut, you MUST be over 18.
  • All prompts are permanently open, but please send me an ASK with the quote you prefer, so that you can be added to the list.
  • You can pick more than one quote.
  • Tag me so that I can see and reblog it with my comments, and give you a shout out.
  • I separated the prompts into Modern and Period, but they can be used for each other if you think it works better for your story.
  • You can write for  all Marvel and Vikings characters.
  • I’m tagging my forever list, but please feel free to tag your friends <3
  • Due Date: 30th October 2019
  • I love you, have fun!

Modern Prompts:

  1.  “I’m trying to keep my expectations low about him, so I have already planned my wedding dress and we will have two children, one girl and one boy.”
  2. You don’t touch your friends’ exes.
  3. Are you capable of saying anything that isn’t sarcastic?
  4. People like you don’t end up with people like me.
  5. You? You’re my superhero crush?
  6.  If you want to leave, just leave.
  7. What did we talk about you underestimating me?
  8.  It’s not funny, and I’m not laughing.
  9.  We’re not together, we’re bros- I’m gonna be his best woman at his wedding.
  10. Do you love him?
  11. Just give me the name, and I will give you the directions to their grave.
  12. I promise you, I will never love anyone more than I love you.
  13. Everyone but us is expendable.
  14. Stop trying to save everyone.
  15. You know I’m trouble, right?

Period Prompts:

  1. I can just kill him for you if you want.
  2. You don’t marry a Viking to be happy.
  3. You are breaking my heart terribly.
  4. Never threaten me again.
  5. You’re marrying my brother, princess.
  6.  If I can’t be happy, then I will be a Queen.
  7. What are you so scared of?
  8. Come back. Please.
  9. Gods must have sent you as a gift to me.
  10. I have more important things to worry about than your feelings.
  11. I will find someone else to love, don’t worry about me.
  12. Can you sleep without me in bed?
  13. You are nothing to me from now on.
  14.  I know you don’t believe it, but he makes me happy.
  15. You dreamed of me?

I’ll have to try this challenge out! ❤️


endgame was so basic. what if when the avengers confronted thanos on his farm he was like “they said it would work. they said I would be happy” and it turned out he was just a puppet for some higher, more terrifying power. whoever it was had taken advantage of thanos’ madness and strength and used him. the film could have been about hunting down this entity and after years of searching, they find out it was the grandmaster and his brother the collector, two of the oldest beings in the universe. at this point the avengers are desperate and they can’t understand why the brothers would have done this. they need closure, they need a reason, and it turns out, after all that, the brothers were bored. they’re millions of years old and life had been getting dull so they wanted to stir the pot, mix things up a bit, so they spent thousands of years plotting an elaborate plan. they ignited the fire and watched it burn. that’s it. how would the avengers of handled that? to know that that trillions of lives were snuffed out of existence because of the tediousness of immortality? what would happen next?

This would have been a 10/10 way to introduce Death herself

Nah they should have just sued Thanos

Matt Murdock showing up to prosecute Thanos


Y’all made my day a lot less shittier❤️❤️


updated masterlist

created: 9/2/2019



Steve Rodgers

Peter Parker

Tony Stark

Clint Barton


Comfort (B.B)

• • •

Pairing: Bucky Barnes x female!Reader.

Summary: In which the reader indulges in a comfort food late at night.

Word count: 1.1k

-[post! Endgame]-

Warnings: swearing, mild descriptions of gore and violence. Spoilers for Endgame + Infinity War. Lots of fluff.

Italics: thoughts


As humans, we fear change. Change interferes the normality of our lives. As humans we’ve come to rely on the order of life, it puts us into a place of security. Chaos only interrupts our security; with security comes the feeling of comfort and peace. But chaos brings no order. Instead, it’s changes the way we accept and come to terms with the new life ahead of us. It induces us with a feeling of being at a loss of control over the situation at hand.

That is why the world had leaders.

Leaders lead the way. Often times leaders are symbols of freedom, courage and sacrifice. Examples would be Steve Rodgers himself. The symbol of leadership in America. But he’s gone now, a figure of the past. A distant icon; however, he’s not forgotten. Remains of the battle of Earth lay memorialized. Such as Thanos’ gauntlet and the bloodshed. But most of it was dedicated towards Tony.

If he could see me now. You’d think.

Leaning over a stove top at three o’clock in the morning, cooking Mac n’ cheese. He wouldn’t be the proudest man in the world. But he’d understand. Maybe? Just maybe he would.

Maybe it was the way your mum used to make the creamy meal when you had a bad day. Or maybe it was the way she’d kiss your temple; muttering apologizes when a date went south. But no matter what you said to cover up why you loved the food, it was a connection to the past you missed deeply. A connection you mourned silently.

“Fuck” a soft breath escaped your very chapped lips.

Language” Steve would say. But he’s not here anymore.

Chaos, that’s all you could ever describe in one word. Put it into all the reconstruction of New York and the overwhelming amount of change that came with the atmosphere of New York, people weren’t at ease. Even though Sam had addressed the concerns of a new Captain America and if new threats were to enter into Earth’s atmosphere, people still weren’t happy. It had all taken a toll on everyone. Including you.

“What smells so good?” A husky voice shook you from your thoughts. Turning, you saw the newest resident to the Avengers facility.

Bucky Barnes.

Well, let’s be clear, he made it clear he wasn’t planning on a permanent stay. You had understood. Sam had convinced the super soldier that it was a step up from his apartment in Bucharest. (Which was obvious to anyone but Bucky) Sam convinced him to do a lot of things lately. Coming to Tony’s funeral was tricky to do for Bucky. Especially with his doubts on wether the man of the hour would want him there. Hence why, he hadn’t wore a tuxedo at the funeral.

“Mac n cheese?” He questioned.

At first, you had pondered for a quick second why he was so interested. But as you did, as if on que, he got off the stool he was sitting on and went to the fridge. But in the end, you nodded.

Instinctively, as he strolled to the fridge, your eyes caught the untied loose strings in his sweatpants. How they dangled just short of his thighs. How they swayed with his hips, your eyes found themselves flying upwards onto his tight sleeveless tank. Too tight from the looks of it. A messy stock bun to pull off his sleep attire.

Bend me over please-

“What?” His eyes found yours

“What- I- nothing.” You coyly avoided his gaze.

What have I done. I said that aloud? Why!

“Do- would you like some?” A croak came from your foul lips. He raised an eyebrow but shrugged. “Sure”

You and him hadn’t really talked much since he moved in. You’d find him down in the gym, outside doing laps around the facility, or just watching tv in the common room. Even so, he was reserved. Never said much and only spoke when talked to. Sam was the closest to Bucky. You had heard what HYDRA did to him in the past, and what he’d done. But you always wanted to hear it from him. You weren’t one to judge based on the outside of a person. Rather, only on the inside of people. Reporters often harassed him, fans wrote about him in rather disturbing sexual detail. Privacy in the public wasn’t something Bucky was given, rather it was taken away from him in the most brutal way. But in the Avengers “tower” it was given back to him in a way. The reporters outside of the gates wouldn’t let up, and his fans wouldn’t give up hope on getting a relationship with him. But it was what it... was. What could you do about it?

Two scoops of macaroni and cheese later, you’d found an easy conversation with him. You were surprised he had even stayed to talk with you. Every so often you’d find his enchanting blue eyes roaming your body. It wasn’t in the suggestive way you felt men in clubs or bars would. Was he was deciding wether he was to trust you? Or to pull out a pistol and shoot you point blank in the head?

You decided on if he was wondering if her were to trust you or not. The second option was more grisly. Besides you didn’t feel like loosing your appetite anyways.

“How’d you make this?” you looked over at him, swallowing another bite of the creamy goodness.

“Family recipe. If you want, I could teach you” it was more of a statement that you said. Something you would’ve used back then to tell your mother to get her off your back.

But you meant it. Right?

“Really?” His voice cracked. Maybe because of the late night drowsiness?

He smiled. A smile that spread throughout his face. A type of smile that made your stomach flip with happiness. Even if it was the ass crack of dawn, you were glad to be awake.

So you decided to make it your mission to make Bucky smile more often. Even if it meant being awake at three in the morning.



Marwan & Khaled demi couture capsule collection 2019


I love them all! 🤪🥺


Bucky: *breathes*



@sebastian stan


My tablet’s still busted, but I wanted to do somethin cute for Halloween

Click to see what these silly ghosts are up to~

in the year 2018, I can not believe


I’ve been officially Rick Rolled.

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