


Just another writer looking for a method to express herself. I specialize in maribat fanfiction.
Anonymous asked:

Do you have any hidden gem fics or lesser known authors you would recommend for Lukanette?

I'm not going to lie, it's way easier to call to mind friends' fics so the same names tend to pop up when I'm trying to think of recommendations, so this is a great question. I don't really want to claim these are 'hidden gems' or 'lesser known authors' just because they're not in the circle of authors I hear from and talk to frequently, so let's put it this way: here's some works I love that haven't come up in the recs I've been asked for recently.

(full disclosure some of them are still written by friends 😂 but may be older or don't get as much love as I think they deserve)

I don't know tumblr names for most of these authors so I can't tag them but if you recognize your fic here and would like to be tagged, shoot me a message or leave a reply and I'll edit the post to add it.

A Discordant Song by Bounemr (this one is not heavy on the lukanette but I still love it)

i'm in a world apart (a world where roses bloom) by nonbinarynino (STILL one of my absolute favorite ever stories)

Chai Tea and Fresh Starts by @freedom-shamrock (I still looooove this one)

Okay, disclaimer on this one: It is adrienette endgame, but I enjoy the Lukanette part of it so much that I'm listing it anyway. When I reread, I just stop before they breakup. I don't know that this kind of recommendation would actually be appreciated, so apologies to the author. 😂 More of What Was Once Mine by RavenclawPianist 

Oooh and I haven't read this one myself yet but friends are gushing about it so I'm reccing it based on that: Hunted by the Night Light by hislittlelady (NSFW)

Have fun! and be sure to leave the authors a comment, I'm sure they'd love it.


Miraculous LadyBug fic recs

This is a list of Miraculous Ladybug fics I like on AO3, if you have any recs for me feel free to send me some!

Fair warning his is mostly going to be Felix/Marinette and Damian Wayne/Marinette.



Preemptive Protection Dick gives Marinette a shovel talk for Damian

Follow up by @tree-reads Say something

Nice sign- Marinette meets Damian after confessing to Adrien

In the Dark Damian actor au. trapped in a closet

Ice cream taste test challenge

That Happened- fake dating. links to ao3

Beware of Dog It's Plagg's fault that Marinette lied about having a dog

About your Ex Damian and Marinette fight after he meets Adrien

Marshmallows with Cocoa Damian is distracted at work

To be Worthy Damian ran from Gotham after displeasing Bruce. He meets Marinette before he is located by his family. links to ao3

Disintegrate Marinette is taken from her bed in the middle of the night and brought to Gotham. But there are far worse people with darker plans for her. links to ao3 (incomplete and slow updates)

In Cahoots Marinette sneaks into Damian's place with the help of Dick but he returns early and finds her

Book binding by @tinybrie

Choosing Fate The man only known as the Demon has Marinette brought to him so they can be married. links to Ao3. (incomplete)

The Mission They were fighting together against the vampires but Marinette was turned and sent to find Damian

All fic Masterlist


A Little Birdy Told Me 20

Summary: Damian continues to try and get more information about the akuma class and Marinette while Dick is having an off day and just wants it to get better.

Only one brother gets what they want.

CH 20:

Damian may have jumped the gun on that one. 

He admitted that, willingly, in the privacy of his own mind. 

“To Dupain-Cheng? I mean sure but why would you like to know.” Chloe asked with narrowed sharp eyes.

Bourgeois was sharp, as were all his acquaintances so there was no point in lying, though he was confident he could do so flawlessly, his acquaintances had proved to be somewhat trustful. They all kept secrets if asked unless it was something trivial which confused him to no end. Allegra could ask they don’t tell anyone what she shared with them when it came to her having trouble mentally or her parents fighting but the group would tell almost everyone in the group how Claude had a crush on so-and-so from class-whatever. Richard said that is just how teenagers and friends are but it didn’t make sense to Damian and he tried many times to make it make sense. The only thing that made him feel better is the fact his father also didn’t understand. When he was in med school he told him how his study group kept his fear of bats to themselves but when he admitted to not being a fan of some musician that that information was shared and laughed at, but he stated clearly that the laughing wasn’t at him, just at the information as a study group member had explained. Again. It was strange, but Damian felt like this wasn’t one of those moments that they would share his information with others. 


The Angel of Death Pt52

So this is going to be the last chapter of this, at least for now. I may add onto it later, or do a sequel. But this feels like a decent stopping point for the moment.

As the Angel of Death worked her way across the rooftops, her rage was getting worse. Just thinking of the audacity of that stupid clown was enough to make her blood boil. Cass appeared beside her as Black Bat and they continued in silence. She'd dumped all the Miraculous into her pocket before she left to make sure Chloe didn't follow herself, or even go get the others. Gina would likely follow eventually, but that was a problem for when it happened. They stopped when they had a visual of Damian dangling from a rope.

"Are you ready to let me do what needs to be done?" She waited for Cass to nod. She didn't think it would be an issue, but she was one of Batman's people, and she didn't know exactly what she'd end up doing to the freak-show on the next roof. Logic said to just kill him and be done with it, but... something was making her pause, so there was no telling what would happen when she confronted him. "Don't free the others until I've dealt with him." That got a much more hesitant nod. Whether it was worry that she couldn't handle the idiot herself, or worry over Batman's reaction was a toss up.

As she watched him strutting around the roof, calling for Batman, Marinette felt a pull to the Miraculous in her pocket. As she palmed each one in turn, the Peafowl almost felt like it was burning her. Duusu appeared in front of her with a determined look. Well, she could take a hint. The transformation didn't seem to change her outer appearance the way she'd seen with other holders. It was a question for later though. Duusu's energy was radiating through her and it seemed like the Kwami was even more pissed off at the Joker than she was. This should be interesting.

Black Bat had disappeared and Marinette assumed she was putting herself into position to protect her team. So, as she snuck up behind the Joker, she knew she could focus solely on him.

"If you wanted Batman, you should have stayed in Gotham." Watching the man jump and almost fall over as he turned to face her should have been amusing.

"Isn't it past your bedtime?" She could help but roll her eyes.

"No wonder you turned to crime. You'd never make it as a real clown with shitty jokes like that." The flash of anger in his eyes gave her more satisfaction than it should.

"You should be careful. A mouth like that is going to get you in trouble one day." Bit late with that advice.

"I guess it's a good thing the rest of me is capable of getting out of trouble then. Shame I can't say the same for you." The clown was just frowning at her now. He didn't seem to know how to react to the fact that he didn't scare her. "Batman isn't showing up. I'm going to give you one chance to pack up and go back to Gotham to aggravate him there. If you stay, the consequences will be on you."

"Are you threatening me?" He sounded somewhere between amused and insulted. Bruce was behind him trying his best to glare at her. She ignored it.

"I assure you, if I threaten you, you'll know it. Make your choice." He walked towards her with a hand outstretched to grab her.

"Listen here you little- Ahh!" The second he made contact she grabbed his hand a bent all the fingers backwards. At least three were broken.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you it's rude to touch people without their permission?" The clown was just cursing up a storm and she waited. When he finally focused on her again the rage in his eyes was actually rather impressive.

"Girly, you just made the biggest mistake of your life." She just let out a snort.

"Please, if that was a mistake, and it wasn't, it wouldn't even make the top hundred." He reached for the flower on his chest and she let him. Poor guy went from gloating to confused in a few seconds when he realized his little acid bath had no effect on her. "Are you ready to leave now, or do I need to take drastic measures? I can even help you on your way if you wish." Granted she'd just use Kaalki to put him in a cell in Arkham but he didn't need to know that. Mari could feel Duusu's anger that he might be left unpunished, and had to wonder what exactly the Kwami planned to do.

While the Joker seemed to be trying to figure out what she was, Mari took a moment to look at his strings. All but one of them were black leading to him, but gray coming from his body. So, everyone in his life hated him with a passion, but he had no care for them at all. Not overly surprising. The other string was the weird one. It led to Bruce and was black coming from the billionaire, but from Joker... it was purple. But a warped version of the familial bond. There were odd patterns in the same kind of sickly green that pulsed between her and Damian. That was... interesting.

"I guess I'll just have to start offing hostages until Batman shows up then." She couldn't help the eye roll.

"I'm not going to let you do that."

"I'd like to see you try to stop me." He turned away from her and she had to wonder at his arrogance. Before he made it two steps, she tackled and pinned him to the roof. Bruce was yelling at her, but all she could concentrate on was the insistent thrumming in her head from Duusu. The string between her and the Joker, now gray from end to end, began vibrating, and she pushed. What exactly, she wasn't sure, but it seemed the right thing to do. The clown stopped struggling for a moment and everything was deathly quiet. Then he started screaming.

Mari got up and watched as he writhed in apparent pain, as Duusu filled her in on what had happened. The Kwami seemed to get great pleasure as the man went from screams to whimpers and sobs as he curled into the fetal position. Black Bat was watching her from the shadows, and she gave the other girl a nod. The man wasn't a threat anymore.

"What did you do?" Bruce's tone caused her to let out an aggravated breath.

"I didn't kill him. Isn't that what you wanted.?" As Black Bat untied them, it seemed that only Bruce was concerned with the man's suffering. He thought it was a good idea to loom over her.

"Torture is no better."

"No, but it's exactly what you do to the citizens of Gotham by refusing to remove threats like him." She hadn't meant those words to come out, but honestly, seeing the stunned look on his face was worth it.

"That is ridiculous. I do not torture people."

"Oh? So what do you call forcing them to live in constant fear? Knowing that the next moment could bring another villain attack from people you know are dangerous but can't properly contain? Praying that the next phone call isn't to tell them a loved one died because Batman cares more about keeping murders alive than them." The man stormed off, but the rest of them were trading looks before one of them, Red hood she was pretty sure, walked up to her.

"So, what did you do exactly?" It wasn't an accusation, and he seemed to be studying the clown with interest more than anything else.

"He's being forced to go through all the emotional pain and torment he caused others. Given the sheer amount of victims he had, I doubt it will ever stop. If he's lucky, his brain will eventually shut down and he'll go into a vegetative coma. But that won't happen for at least ten years."

"Good." That was it. He just walked back over to the others. Damian was the next to approach her, but didn't seem to know what to say. He kept rubbing his chest where his string to Talia had been.

"No after effects from being stabbed?" He blinked at her for a moment.

"No. Either the blade wasn't poisoned or whatever healed me got rid of it as well. I'd bet on the second." She nodded. "Do you truly believe killing is necessary?" Not the question she expected.

"You don't?" He hesitated.

"In the League, it was expected. With Batman it is strictly forbidden. While I believe my father's way of living is better overall, I am uncertain about the nuances." She still didn't know how to react to him when he admitted things like that. It was so strange compared to how he'd always acted when she was trapped in the League.

"I suppose it depends on the outcome you want. For my purpose it is necessary. For Gotham to regain balance and heal, I would say it is necessary. I do not know what your father's intentions are, so I can not say if they are necessary to achieve them."

"But you didn't kill him." His confusion was clear as he glanced at the Joker, still whimpering on the roof.

"I'm learning that death is an easy way out. Far too easy for some. Talia's death was necessary to rid everyone connected to her of the corruption she caused. Had she remained alive, even if she was neutralized, that corruption would have remained and possibly taken on a life of its own. The Joker, while insidious in his own way, does not have that effect on others. He will remain in the hell he created until he does die. It seems fitting, does it not?"

"The corruption you speak of, is that why I feel..." He didn't seem to know what he wanted to say. "Free?"

"Most likely, yes." He continued to rub his chest for a few minutes before he spoke again.

"I regret that you suffered because of me." The words were soft, almost like he didn't mean to say them out loud.

"You are not the one that decided my fate. If I have learned nothing else from this experience, I've learned that I was always destined to suffer. For all I know, it is actually my fault you were born into the league in the first place. But placing blame is a rather useless endeavor."

"Will you remain in Paris?" She frowned at him, but he was looking away from her. Was he trying to get information for his father?

"It is unlikely. I need to travel to serve my purpose." He hummed and fiddled with something in his jacket.

"I have something I wish to return to you." Mari's face scrunched up in confusion. When she caught sight of what he pulled out of his jacket, she stopped breathing. Her hands were trembling as she reached for the little photo album he held out to her.

"Maman carried this everywhere. She hated showing people pictures on a phone for some reason. I can't believe you have this." She couldn't bring herself to open it. The thought of looking at those pictures made her chest ache, knowing she'd never experience anything like it again.

"It fell out of her purse when... It never seemed right to get rid of it." He sounded embarrassed and wouldn't look at her. Before she realized what she was doing, her arms were around his neck.

"Thank you." She let go and stepped back quickly. Both because of her aversion to touch and because she was fairly certain he had the same issue. "I should leave before your father comes back." He nodded, still refusing to look at her. Before she left the roof, she noticed that the string between them had stopped pulsing and was starting to turn from gray, to a pale green. She supposed she could be okay with that.


The Queens Court



Our residence bonde does not seem that exited for the choice in court members.


After hackling  Chloe into an agreeing on having Juleka as a probationary member of the group they sat in a circle, some on the floor, chaise, bad and any chair available awaiting for Marinette's explanation. Marinette sat between Felix and Luka fidgeting nervously.

Both boys saw this and grabbed a hand next to them gently squeezing it in comfort, whilst glaring at one another. Chloe of course still found her friends predicament amusing and couldn't help but throw a smirk at their direction. She enjoyed chaos and this right here was filled with it.

"Can yall stop trying to figure out who's dick is bigger than who's for five minutes," Chloe huffed with a smirk and mischievous look in her eyes. Marinette narrowed her eyes at the sight.

"What do you say Marinette," Luka whispered into one ear.

"Wanna check so we can end this fued once and for all," Felix whispered into the other causing Marinette to squeak as she turned bright red while Chloe cackled. No nope, this was not happening, they were now working together?

"No nope no," Tim said shaking his head. "As tge second most chilled brother *Duke clears his throat*, third most chilled brother I would like to say that I will burry you alive watch it"

Marinette took a deep breath attempting to chase away the redness on her cheeks.

"So some of you need to be briefed on my past, others need an explanation of why I broke the group up or why I cut half of yall off for three years-"

"Cause your original reason is unbelievable," Chloe added causing a few of the group members to sneaker.

"Then they are those who want to know about the Lila situation," Marinette continued ignoring her best friend. "So all in all I need to start at the very beginning of my life."

"Let me assist you," Jason says clearly in a rush. "Bruce was irresponsible, she was the consequences of that mistake now let's get to this Lila chick."

"Baby bat you need to calm down and let her do this in her own pace," Dick says causing the dark haired boy to huff.

"So as Jason so helpfully put in," Marinette said causing Chloe to snort. "I'm Bruce Wayne's child, my father and mother were in a brief relationship that resulted in my birth. Sadly she lost her life when she gave birth to me. She left me to my father at the time, but he still had a few things going on in his life so my aunt took me in with promises of letting me visit during summer and winter break, you know for the holidays,"

"So you grew up in Paris?," Aurora asks eyes shinning.

"No I grew up in China," Marinette answers with a small laugh. "That's how I met Marc, he's part of the rich dangerous family community."

"Oh," the blonde simply says allowing the girl to continue her story.

"So Sabine Cheng raised me, allowing me to do a bit of back and forward between China and Gotham," she continued. "Galas were a big part of the agreement I had galas both in China-"

"Which is where we met," Chloe added before muttering. "I brat"

"And Gotham-" She continued without missing a beat.

"White is where I fell for her," Felix says throwing a smirk at Luka.

"I actually remember a lot of fighting during that day," Dick says causing a few giggles to erupt from the room and an annoyed look to cross upon Felix's features.

"Yes it was hate at first sight," Chloe cackled.

"Though it kind of ended when he saw her punch a grown man in the balls," Babs adds.

"My all time favorite Gala moment," Jason says dabbing fake tears with a fake hankerchief.

"I was never officially introduced to society as either a Wayne or a Cheng for the first couple of years because both parties wanted me in the spotlight thinking I was still too young," Marinette continued.

"Especially since mother was heiress of their entire family fortune," Chloe adds.

"And her Father was one of the richest man in the world and she was at the time his only know heir," Felix continues.

"It's a good thing you weren't there when Damian arrived actually," Tim quips in.

"Otherwise he would have killed you," Stephanie says side eying tge boy.

"Another thing that helped was that I was 2 years older than you," Damian mutters.

"I thought you were going to bring up gender," Jeleka mutters somewhat drawing attention to her once more. The girls ability to dissappear and be forgotten was honestly scary.

"My mother raised, I learnt quite awhile ago you do not underestimate the opposite gender," The boy said with a winch.

"What happened with his mother?" Aurora asked.

"We don't talk about that," multiple voices echoed.

"Alright," Aurora says putting her hands up in surrender, being a reporter didn't mean she was stupid. Something told her if she continued to dig she wouldn't leave to tell the story.

"So when Damian was forced to go to School, he dragged me along stating her wasn't going to suffer it on his own," Marinette says. "So I relocated to Gotham."

"And we followed," Chloe and Felix say at the same time.

"Felix followed Marie around like  a puppy dog at the time and took her relocation as an excuse to finally be close to her," Chloe continues with a smirk.

"And Chloe was obsessed with the bluenette and wanted everything Marinette," Felix laughed as the blonde girl blushed.

"You had a crush on her?" Kagami asks causing the blondes blush to intensify.

"Yes but I got over it when we were 12, I kind of knew I stood no chance," she admitted glancing at the blonde boy sitting next to the bluenette before her eyes trailed towards Luka. "Though maybe I should've tried harder."

It was obvious she was trying to shift the attention from her anger to the possibility of the blonde boys anger. But Felix did not take the bait, he smirked at her clearly counting this encounter as his victory.

"Don't worry I felt something for Marinette as well it's nothing to be embarrassed about," Kagami says offering the blonde an awkward nudge, she was clearly not used to social interactions. Chloe stared at the girl who was already staring at her, the two kept eye contact for longer than was considered friendly.

"Wait you two are gay," Aurora shouted shattering their moment causing Felix to chuckle.

"Yes/I'm bi," Chloe and Kagami answered causing the blonde to squeal.

"Ok so I had been dragged to school against my will," Marinette said continuing with the story. "Which was annoying because I had spent my whole life being homeschooled,"

"More like being groomed to one day take over the world," Chloe mutters.

"You'd think being raised by mafia leaders is bad," Marc shivered. "The mafia is scared of the Chengs"

"Well so we sort of took over the school, we were groomed to be leaders and became just that as soon as we entered the social environment we did just that," Marinette continued on ignoring the interjections.

"Plus Marie wanted to rid the world of all evil," Felix says with a smile. "And I'd follow my queen to the ends of the earth."

"But it soon became too much for me, somehow information about me was leaked, paparazzi was everywhere all the time and the kidnapping attempts," Marie says.

"On the plus side you got Harley and Ivy to completely adore you," Dick interjected earning a small smile from the girl.

"Yeah but I was young and at the time I wanted at least a shred of normalcy," Marinette says. "So for my 11th birthday I asked for them to make it all go away."

"And they delivered," Jason says with a bitter smile knowing very well he was one of the reasons she wanted to escape Gotham, well at least his death was.

"So they moved me to Paris where my Aunt had gone after falling in love with uncle Tom," she continued. "We gained different allies to help me blend in,"

"And where she went we followed," Chloe says pointing to Felix, Marc and herself.

"We once again took over our new school," Felix continues.

"Riding the school of all that is bad," Marc continued on.

"Picking up strays along the way," Chloe says eyeing Nathaniel before tearing her gaze away from him and muttering. "Though some of them did not deserve it."

"The world soon forgot of Marie Wayne, for I had disappeared just as soon as I had appeared," Marinette continues. "Life was okay for about three years before I had someone say something that haunted my everyday living."

"'don't you regret it' those four simple words got me thinking about everything, what if I was doing the world more bad then I was good," she said voice cracking as a single tear slipped down her cheek." I was destroying lives, people were afraid of me, I felt like an oppressor, a villain. And I felt as though no one truly knew me, they just knew the ruthless queen."

"So you asked the gang to split apart," Chloe says with a tinge of guilt finally realizing her friends inner temoil.

"Yeah not my finest moments, I'm sure if I had talked to yall-"

"We would have told you how wrong you were," Jason finished off for her.

"And how much good you'd actually done for us," Aurora says clearly heartbroken at her queens mental state.

"We bow down to you Marinette because of your kindness," Juleka surprisingly says followed with a bow.

"Because of your heart," Felix says following the Goths example.

"Your melody," Luka says with his bow.

"Your bravery," Kagami says.

"Your loyalty," Chloe says with a smile as the rest of the group added their own compliment followed with a bow.

"I'm very grateful for this show of affection," Marinette laughs feeling a bit lighter then she had in years. "But I'd really like to continue this story."

"Yes we're getting to the Lila girl," Jason says firmly followed by a few growls from different members of the group.

"Yes well a few months after the group split, I was honestly ready to come to yall and burden you with my feelings, then a certain incident happened and it completely broke me," Marinette says causing Felix to look away in guilt. "It wasn't even the person's fault it was all a misunderstanding that communication could have solved"

"Communication is a new court rule," Chloe declared.

"So I spent the next couple of years as a shadow of who I used to be, I ignored all that was wrong and made friends who did nothing but walk all over me," Marinette says tears flowing once more. "I did everything for those people, I even went as far as losing myself and the threw ne aside over the words of some liar who can't even style her hair!"

"I'll brief everyone on the rest, you don't need to continue Marie," Chloe says earning a greatful smile from the crying bluenette who was now squeezed in between her suitors.

"Thanks Chlo," she says causing the blonde to beam at the nickname.

"Yeah, yeah you softly," The blonde said feigning dismissal. "Let's plan our revenge."


The court is out for blood.



Anonymous asked:

Man, Adrien's just wants everyone to be happy, and because he goes on the wrong way, he gets a raw deal.

Will he ever get a break in your fics?

... Okay I have gotten 1 to many asks like this even though if you check my pinned post you would see all my fics with tags a fair few of which include Adrienette or even just cool friends Adrien and Mari but to make your life even easier HERE I will link every single fic I have written (to this date) in which there is 0 Adrien salt ENJOY:

Alya Salt Prompt: Views (Alya Salt / Prompt / Mild Lila Salt )

Ladybug Is Addicted to Pastries ( Fluff / Comedy Short )

Corruption: A Prompt ( Light Adrinette / Lila Salt / Prompt)

Marinette Changes Schools: Funny Prompt ( Adrienette / Kagaminette / Felinette / Fluff / Comedy / Lila Salt)

A Sinister Sneaky Lila Prompt (Marinette Harem / Lila Salt / Prompt )

The Liar Trap: Lila Salt Prompt (Comedy / Lila Salt / Hints of Kagaminette )

Marinette The Perfect Daughter In-Law (Marinette Harem / Fluff / Comedy)

‘Akumatized’ Marinette: Funny Prompt (Marinette Harem / Fluff / Comedy / Lila Salt )

The Interview (Comedy /Gabriel Salt / Nathalie Salt / Lila Salt / BAMF Marinette)

The Interview Part 2: Live Broadcast ( Comedy / Gabriel Salt / Nathalie Salt / Lila Salt / BAMF Marinette / Hints of Daminette / Gay Adrien / AdriJon )

Jealousy & Honesty: Sugary Prompt (Innocent Lila AU / Marinette Is Insecure but Sweet / Marinette Talks to Her Mom / Prompt)

Who Framed Marinette Dupain Cheng (Comedy / Marinette Harem / Fluff / Class Sugar)



one shots

Still bitter Marinette took Tim's coffee

Always here childhood friends timari told over a few years

Barter meet cute with a stolen cheeseburger

Take a break Tim forces Marinette to take time away from working

Birthday Fluff Tim is supposed to be sleeping in for his birthday but he has help waking up

Blind Commission meet cute as a confusing client meeting

Speed Dating meet cute at speed dating

On the Nose meet cute where they both go for the door

Glimpse soulmate meet cute

Old Trick TIm shows up at Marinette's to explain why he ghosted her

It lives clumsy costumed meet cute

Excuse me coffee shop meet cute

longer works

Remember When- Marinette is in Gotham with few memories of her time in Paris after becoming Ladybug. She attempted to protect the miracle box from Hawkmoth with a trick guardian transfer but still suffered amnesia. She mets Red Robin and because Rouge Gorge for her hero persona but convincing all of the bat family is proving difficult.

Kiss me more- timari January 2022 prompts with kisses


*claps and rubs hands together* alright you miscreants, behold! epic literature provided by moi

~ You Might Be King Of Half The World, But You’ll Not Own Me As Well by WickedTheRedHorse (a literal masterpiece, i’m being so serious rn. when i say i only ship fanon darklina, this is what i mean)

~ the reports associated with my existence have been significantly misconstrued by davidstennant (multi-media fics aren’t usually my jam, but this, this is good jam. exquisite jam. would gladly slather it over some challa bread and feast) [note: hasn’t been updated since may last year]

~ Liar’s Waltz (based on the poll) by @sunlightsage (first rhysta fic i ever read🤌🏾🤌🏾)

~ House of Mirrors by ae_neon (love a widow whose husband died under mysterious circumstances — @ae-neon)

~ Burial Rites in Crepuscular Hours by Existential_Teatime (badass alina rights, badass alina wrongs, when she makes the darkling question his intelligence>>>)

~ #8024 by SimplyAnotherWriter (marinette in arkham. that’s it)

~ The Journey to You by Thisishowitbegins (responsible for my resolute belief that timinette is the superior maribat ship, can’t believe this the author’s debut fic) [note: updates may be long as author grew incredibly busy]

~ Feylin Oneshots by Bookish_Gal (let’s be honest here, it’s by @bookishfeylin, need i say more. if you haven’t read it, what are you doing? alexander and adora live on my heart. also dragon tamlin, like hello???)

~ A Court of Frost and Embers by Midnight_Wishes (i made a whole, 6 minute long tiktok abt this on my first acc (that got banned because that clock app is so damn sensitive) really took my feycien obsession from brainworm to brainrot. the absolute longing and devastating angst because lucien knows feyre needs to break the curse yet falls for her anyway, but feyre doesn’t know so she just thinks lucien’s avoiding her for no reason. crushes my heart in the best way. and their calanmai scene, whew) [edit: @goforth-ladymidnight is the author’s tumblr)

~ heaven can’t help me now by disarmed (completed, perfect, there aren’t enough feycien infidelity fics out there)

~ The Girl and the Wolf by MythNinesevenine (miss janet dreams that she was as good at writing as @longsightmyth, DREAMS, i said)

~ A Court of Family Secrets and A Court of Flames and Shadows by flamesandshadows (feyre not going back to rhys after she finds out, nesta not going on that stupid hike, feycien friendship revival, eris and elain sibling relationship, elucien, azris, feyre ruling hewn city. literally all i could ask for)

~ Riddles in the Dark by flamesandshadows (feyre never gets sa’d utm. that’s it)

~ Sacrifice by flamesandshadows (rhys doesn’t get his powers back in acowar)

~ Reputation by flamesandshadows (nyx learns that his family isn’t as innocent as he grew up believing, especially his father. my favorite part, he goes absolute ape shit and deadass almost kills rhysand when he finds out what happened utm)

~ The Great Ikea Game by IcedAquarius (have you ever played hide and seek in ikea with your brothers and then you meet a girl that helps you with god-like magic because she’s bored? well that happens to damian wayne) [first work in an incomplete series but this work itself is completed]

~ Second Best by stormpill (Second Best Cinematic Universe is an actual collection with 75 works across 15 fandoms, Inspired by Second Best - stormpill is an actual tag. SB was a cultural reset. two sun summoners? genius. fjerdan barbie is the best inside joke i know. this shit was so good y’all, i’m so sad it was deleted)

~ Dragonlight by Anonymous (tgt/asoiaf crossover. alina lands in king’s landing (ha, get it) and ends up in a sacrifice by that mad king dude to bring back dragons, except due to her small science, it works. so now alya’s a dragon mama to six firebreathing cuties. alina and that rhaegar dude (that’s his name right?) marry to protect alina from his father cuz bro is called the mad king for a reason. political intrigue, yum.) [sporadic updates]

Veiled Wings and Shattered Panoramas — A Series by Dragonfly08 (@dragonfly0808 S4 REWRITE IS TOMORROW🥳🥳. best winx rewrite like ever. netflix wishes, WISHES, that they could ever be as good as writing winx as dragonfly is. btw A Withering Pretense is the best rewrite, argue with your mother)

if you don’t read at least one of these, i will cry🙂


The Queens Court


Before you start reading I'd like to warn you on the possibly confusing way I go from referring to Marinette to Marie than back to Marinette again. I'm trying to highlight the girls identity crisis. She is not quite sure who she. Plus those who knew her in the past refer to her as Marie and those who are new to her life know her as Marinette. Different POV's will have different refrences. Thank you for your patience.


A few reminders will be posted tommorow to ensure that you survive the queens rein.


Jason had brought along her motorcycle for Gotham. He said he was apparently the only brave enough (stupid enough) to drive the thing though the Zeta tubes. Marinette's friend group was not quite sure what connection Marinette's family had to the heroes, all the knew was rich people had connections.

Marinette had been overjoyed at the sight. She had admittedly missed the benefits that came with coming from a rich family.

"Your car shall be here by the end of the day tommorow," Jason smiled watching his sister's happiness. It had admittedly been awhile, when Marinette had cut contact with the family, they had decided to give her space, she was obviously going through something.

They had been overjoyed when Damian had gotten the call of their sister being back to her old antics. Though their happiness was soon crushed when a text from the blonde heiress that summaried what exactly had been the cause of her sudden change.

While his family scrambled to get their private jet ready, he had grabbed a few clothes hopped on her motorcycle, driven it to the batcave and Zetared straight to Paris. No one messes with a member of the batfamily.

"So tell me about this whole bullying situation," he calmly said causing the girl to freeze in the middle of inspecting her motorcycle. Not that they was anything wrong with it, he had made sure of that, taking care of it while she was away.

This statement gained the blonde's attention as well who had finally stopped staring at Marie's, much to Jason's relief, in order to meet the older boys gaze with a raised eyebrow. The boy was admittedly not dumb as he had caught Marie's reaction to the comment.

"Marinette," he said darkly. Jason couldn't help but appreciated the dark energy that radiated from the boy.

"Not now," the girl whispered as she gazed at the ground. "I'll explain everything when everyone gets here I promise"

"You better," the boy growled angrily causing the boy to flinch. Jason raised his eyebrow at the reaction clearly perplexed. This reaction was foreign to him, his sister usually met such remark with her oen fiery temper, what had these people done to her. Despite the odd reaction Jason had taken the liberty of glaring at the blonde brat for making his sister uncomfortable. The blonde himself had faltered at the reaction.

"Marie love I'm not angry at you," he saud approaching the girl with an embrace before kissing the top of her head. "Just at the idiots who are surely going to loose their heads for this."

"Watch where you place those lips blondie," Jason muttered earning an eye roll from the pair.

"Well I can always place them on her-"

"No we're not doing this," Marinette interrupted face turning red. "Let's go upstairs and catchup."

Before either boy could protest she grabbed their hands and dragged them upstairs, back to her room. The next two hour were filled with awkward conversations, males butting heads and Marinette's never ending embarrassment.

This was interrupted by a soft knock on the trap door.

"Oh someone in this place knocks," Felix muttered bitterly as he thought back to the interruptions on his private time with his Queen.

"Come in Kagami," Marinette yelled out with a small laugh.

"How are you always aware it is me," the stoic girl asked as she made her way into the room.

"You're the only one who knocks," Marie said with a laugh. Felix couldn't help but appreciate the girls flawless beauty and bell like laughter.

Kagami let out the most formal hiff either boy heard before bowing at each person in respect. "It's an honor to make your acquaintance, Marinette I'm happy to see you once more and you'll be happy to note that you were missed"

"What a way to question my manners," Marie scrambled towards the girl pulling her towards where she and the two boys where sitting. "This is Jason my brother and Felix my-"

"Ex," Felix supplied.

"You are not my ex," Marinette yelped in horror.

"Great I'm her future," Marinette blushed at his statement and Jason couldn't help but burst into a fit of laughter at the exchange.

"I wasn't aware you had a brother nor a ahh past lover Marinette," the girl said eying Felix suspiciously.

"We're not... He's not... That's not," the girl stuttered.

"You were not supposed to," both men cut of as the girl scrambled to get herself together.

"Félix Graham de Vanily we are not past lovers," the girl growled out glaring at the man.

"Your tone and the way you're looking at me right now pains me as much as having a dagger shoved into one's chest," the boy said meeting Marinette's faze with one of his own, though his was filled with pure unfiltered adoration. "Though hearing you say our relationship was in the past would hurt me more than that."

"Gag," Chloe's voice called out as she entered the room. "Save it for wedding vows, if guitar boy does not get your way and who's that"

"Chloe," Marie brightened up upon the girls arrivals she grabbed kagami dragging her towards the blonde leaving Felix at the mercy of her brother. "Kagami this is Chloe my childhood best friend, Chloe this is Kagami the newest member of the Court."

"I thought the role best friend belonged to me," Felix said from his spot in the room, where he was quite obviously ignoring Jason.

"Aren't you greedy, you wanna be her boyfriend, best friend and ex all at the same time," Chloe snarked earning a glare from the boy.

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance," Kagami says ignoring the impending banter and offering the female blonde a respective bonde. "What is the court you speak off."

"You're hot, can weild a sword and are brave enough to disturb our arguments," Chloe assessed. "Hmm I can work with that."

Chloe pulled the unsuspecting girl to the other side of the room.

"I'll explain everything to you later Kagami," Marinette yelled after her even though she was hyper aware Chloe was two steps ahead of her.

An exited squeal sounded from tge stairs leading to the trapdoor. Before anyone could question it a blur off yellow came kn tackling Marinette into a hug.

"You're giving me an inside scope," Aurora said clearly overjoyed.

"I tried to stop," Mireille said rushing in clearly out of breath.

"Really," Chloe said assessing the two girls with a raised eyebrow.

"We now the news," Marinette replied to her clear judgement.

"Welcome to the court," Chloe said motioning for them to join her and Kagami. Aurora squealed practically running towards her while poor Mireille was forced to chase after her.

Chloe was not stupid, she knew the bluenette had a point. Welcoming these girls to their group will be beneficial both now and in the future. Those who control the news, control the minds of the people.

"Conniving as ever I see," a familiar voice said causing the girl to whip her head back.

"Dames," the girl squealed launching herself at her biological brother. The boy welcomed her hug without complaint causing the eldest of the siblings to complain.

"I will never understand why she gets such warm hug reciprocation while the rest of us are threatened with death," Dick mumbled as he followed with the rest of the bats.

"Because Marie is actually my sister while the rest of the you are just strays father picked up in the streets," Damian said followed by someone clearing their throat. "Minus Cassandra."

The girl beamed as the rest of her siblings groaned and complained at the clear favoritism. The siblings were in the middle of their greeting when a small voice disturbed them.

"Uhm hey," Marc muttered clearly shocked by the amount of people in the room. By his side stood an equally shocked Nathaniel.

"Marie no," Chloe shouted in desperation as she assessed the two.

"Mafia, spy," Marinette said pointing at Marc then Nathaniel. "Plus they were already members."

"He's a traitor," Chloe said pointing at Nathaniel.

"I do not act if the queen does not want me to," Nathaniel says in a voice colder than most have heard from him.

"He was working on the inside Chloe," Marinette says finally breaking through her friends resolve.

"Fine Gay and red can make their way towards the group over here," Chloe huffed as she turned her attention back towards briefing the group. "You too Wayne"

"I see somethings never changed," Damian muttered making his way towards the group alongside the two new comers.

"Shut is Wayne," Chloe hisses causing some of the bats to snicker as Marinette rolls her eyes.

Everyone is now distracted talking, catching up and plotting. Marinette feels a pair of hands wrap around her stomach as she is lifted from the ground. Someone's face connects with her neck as a blush feels her cheeks. Dread for the incoming storm settles in the pit of her stomach at the incoming storm.

"Hey blue," Luka whispers into her ear. Marinette squeaks as she becomes redder. Of all the days he could have chosen to be over affectionate.

Chloe laughs at her position and as Felix cooly strides towards the pair.

"So you're the other man," Felix states coldly assessing the blue head.

"I'm sorry who are you?" Luka asked causing Chloe to cackle.

"Félix Graham de Vanily her ex," he says moving the bluenette to his side as he offers his hand to the boy.

"Felix you're not my ex," the girl hisses once more blantly ignoring Chloe's laughter.

'traitor' she thought as she looked in between the boys.

"Oh sorry her boyfriend," Felix continued on ignoring the girls yelped.

"Not my boyfriend," she says as the two men glared at each other. What had she gotten herself into.

"Are you denying my affection for you, and your for me," The blonde asks as he presses her back against him causing her to stop her sputtering with a red brush as she felt what was pressed again her a**.


"Juleka warned me about you," Luka stated with a smirk as he too pressed his body against hers looking over her head to meet the green eyes of the blonde behind her. "and trust me I'm not afraid of you, when Marinette finally untangles her emotions she'll know exactly who better suits her. "

Marinette couldn't believe that these two were turned on by the situation. She expected something big, bantering, fighting, her heart being broken. But this, this was highly unexpected.

"I welcome your competition," Felix states with a smirk. The only person who had ever had the guts to face him head on was the bluenette pressed against him and jer biological brother. This was going to be fun. "Though I do not intend to lose."

"As amusing as this is to watch, I would ask that you unhand my sister before they is a need for me to step in," Damian growls causing the two to reluctant make some distance between themselves and the girl still glaring at one another.

"Damn Mars," Dick says eyeing the two boys alongside a now fully awake Tim.

"You became a player while you were gone," Barbara cackled out.

"Can Cass and I get the one you reject," Stephanie says earning an elbow to the side from Cass.

"What there hot," she whisper yalls causing the quiet girl to nod along.

"Uhmm that was intreast," Juleka mutters from her spot near the entrance of the room.

"Marir NO!" Chloe yelled as she and the rest of the room noticed the girls presence.


Your girl has an inside scoop on all that's happening. The rival kings have finally meet and the court members have been chosen, stay tuned for more on what's happening with the royal family of Dupont.



Uhmm, so this chapter, the chapter before that and the chapter after this one were supposed to be one filler chapter. I had to split it into three because the word count was exceeding what I originally thought it would be. So please bear with me, I swear the action is coming soon.


Amaranthine - Chapter 1 - Another Day

            “Paris was once again saved by its valiant defenders, Midnight and Carmine. They once again stopped the mysterious Adonis’s monster from rampaging and destroying the city,” Nadja Chamack of the news announced.

            Marinette peeked over from her kitchen in the living room. Longg sat on the couch as a woman with olive skin and long, wavy black hair. Marinette sighed and shook her head at the sight.

            “Longg, I need your help with this brew,” Marinette called.

            “Just a moment. This is my favorite part.”

            Marinette rolled her eyes as she watched the TV. The broadcast showed a clip of the battle earlier that day with a behemoth creature. Midnight and Carmine, the heroes of the black cat and the ladybug, worked at getting to the monster’s weak spot. In the background were shimmers of brilliant gold as they darted about. The gold entity didn’t come into focus until the end of the battle. It revealed itself to be a woman in golden armor, her face obscured with a draconic mask, and a pair of massive wings on her back.

            Marinette stopped preparing her potion to watch the rest of the broadcast. The dragon warrior used her powers as vines and trees sprouted beneath the monster and ensnared it. It fought against the restraints but couldn’t break free before Midnight destroyed the weak point, a black crystal on its chest. A horrific butterfly flew from the crystal that was caught in Carmine’s yo-yo and purified into energy. Through the combined powers of Midnight and Carmine, they were able to restore the damages the monster had done. The broadcast went back to Nadja as Midnight and Carmine dealt with the press and the dragon left.

            “While we continue to give our thanks to Midnight and Carmine, we cannot express our gratitude enough to the mysterious golden dragon. Thanks to their efforts, the casualties from these attacks have reduced tenfold. I think I can speak for all of Paris in the expression of our thanks for keeping us safe.”

            “But their villain remains at large,” Nadja’s anchor partner commented.

            “True. Though it has been a long year, we must have faith in our heroes. We’ve seen only they can stop these bizarre creatures and the true monster behind them. I believe they will bring this Adonis down and finally liberate us. We just-.”

            Longg turned off the TV as she threw a pillow up in celebration. “Another job well done! Don’t you think so, ‘mysterious golden dragon?’”

            Marinette sighed. “You know, that other news anchor had a point. Our enemy is still at large.”

            “I mean, technically Midnight and Carmine’s enemy. You’re just the hero of the people.”

            “Maybe so, but so long as he puts the people in danger, then he is my enemy too.”

            “Oh, please. You can pretend to be all noble, Mari, but I know the truth. Don’t try to fool yourself now.”

            Marinette puffed out her cheeks. “Does this not match up? Didn’t I see myself as a hero back then? A hero of the people?”

            “Well, yeah, you did, but not like this. You had no enemies. You just helped to help people. You just couldn’t do what you wanted until you had me. Though I believe Sass would have been better for you, but I found you first.”

            “Regardless, I know this will help me find him. The one from my dream. My soulmate.”

            Longg snickered. “You mean your prosecutor.”

            “Will you stop calling him that? He saved me back then. You even said so yourself.”

            “Along with saving his own skin. Though I suppose having to drag your soulmate to the pyre is punishment enough. Though it did feel nice to set those flames myself. The surprise on his, and everyone’s, faces had me roaring. It was great. Oh! Minus you dying.”

            Marinette gave a dry laugh. “Always doing things on my terms, no?”

            “And how. That’s just how you were. How you still are. Honestly, I’m glad you didn’t lose that trait. Hence why we’re in this predicament.”

            “Maybe we wouldn’t be if you helped a little more with finding him.”

            “Hey! I’m helping where I can, but do I look like Psyche to you? I can’t just read people’s souls and tell who are and aren’t connected. That isn’t my concept. Besides, I’m helping you in other places that are my concept.”

            Marinette sighed. “I know. I just… I don’t know.”

            Longg stood and approached Marinette. “Hey, I know. You aren’t the first mortal I’ve met that longed for their soulmates. Just don’t forget that it’s never a guarantee that you’ll meet them again.”

            “I know, but that’s why I do all this. I know if I just repeat the initial conditions, I will meet him.”

            “And I’ll repeat what I’ve said before. If you wish to repeat your history, you will be doomed to repeat your downfall.”

            “I know, but I can also learn from my history and take steps to avoid it. That’s the point, no? We’ll be doomed to repeat history regardless unless we also learn and be better.”

            Longg smiled. “If only there were more humans like yourself. Maybe then we wouldn’t see so many of the same mistakes made. At least in this era you don’t have to worry about being burned at the stake for being a witch.”

            “That is unless the fires are yours.”

            “Only on a bad day. Or a bad meal. Don’t forget about those gas station tacos.”

            Marinette frowned. “I still want to know what possessed you to eat those awful things.”

            “Look, you know what your kind says. Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought him back.”

            “In a roar of flames like a phoenix.”

            Longg grinned.

            Marinette shook her head. She opened her mouth to speak, but stopped when there was a knock on the door. She answered it as Longg moved to the kitchen. She smiled seeing Juleka and gestured for her to come inside.

            “Hey, Jules. How’re you this evening?”

            “I’m… actually fantastic. I just got some amazing news before I headed over here.”

            Marinette beamed. “Oh, do share. Oh! I should get some tea. Let me just-.”

            “Already started!” Longg called.

            “Well, alright. Let’s take a seat on the couch.”

            Juleka nodded and sat down with Marinette. “So, I’m not sure which to start with first.”

            “Is there any bad news?”

            “No. Just good and great news.”

            “Oh! Start with the great news then.”

            “Ok. Well. Rose and I are expecting.”

            Marinette squealed and bounced. “That’s amazing news! How is she?”

            “She’s doing well. Over the moon actually. She actually wanted to come along and tell you, but I wasn’t sure she’d be able to tolerate the odor of all the herbs. I know when I was pregnant I got sick easy from just normal smells. Not to say she’ll be the same, but you know.”

            “Well, not personally, but I have a hunch from all that I’ve heard. Regardless, that is fantastic. How far along is she? How did the twins take the news?”

            “She’s about five weeks along now. And Freye was ecstatic while Diana wasn’t too thrilled. Though she’s just worried Freye will love the new baby more over her. Classic siblings, I suppose.”

            “If Alya is any proof of that, then yeah, I’d say so.”

            Juleka chuckled. “I don’t know how Alya dealt with it. It’s one thing to have just one sibling. But to have three others must have been a lot.”

            Marinette furrowed her brow. “You have a sibling?”

            “Huh? Oh, right. You were never told. I have my own twin. His name is Luka.”

            “Really? How come you never mentioned him or introduced us?”

            Juleka grimaced. “Well, it’s a little complicated. See, when Rose introduced us, Luka was on tour with our blood father, Jagged Stone. He made a deal with us that he’d help us with tuition for university, but he wanted Luka to join him for some tours. I really think he just wanted to use Luka to save his dying music brand, but Luka agreed all the same. So, I was able to get my Associate’s to become a mortician while he’s finishing up tour with Jagged.”

            “Sounds like he’s scum of the Earth,” Longg remarked.

            Marinette shot a glare at Longg as Longg set a tray on the coffee table for tea.

            “What? Tell me I’m wrong,” Longg challenged.

            “You’re not. He… he wasn’t there for us. Didn’t really care until Luka expressed interest in music therapy. Well, more the music part than the therapy. But it’ll be all over soon and he’ll be back,” Juleka explained.

            “Really? That’s incredible. Though you will have to introduce us now,” Marinette teased.

            “Don’t worry, I will. He’s actually interested in meeting you.”

            “Wait, really? How? Why?”

            “Well, Rose might have mentioned you a few times. Which, yeah, a curiosity. But when I mentioned you and that you were teaching me about herbs and other witchcraft, he wanted to meet you. I think just to make sure you weren’t scamming me.”

            Marinette smirked. “Then perhaps I should prepare a special hex just for him. See him doubt me after that.”

            Juleka laughed, then sighed. “If only it were possible to cast such spells. It’d be like a dream come true.”

            “Well, maybe not like the glorified magic in media, but I do have my own brand of magic. And it’s what you are here for today, my older grasshopper.”

            Juleka snorted. “I’m only a few years old than you.”

            “I know. But let’s get started. I don’t want to keep you away all night when Rose and the girls will need you.”

            “Oh! Right. Let’s get started.”


The Queens Court



Rumor has it they is going to be a battle on who gets to be king.


After a bit of discussion and strategiesing Chloe had left the pair alone due to needing to head back to school as lunch period was over. Marinette had decided to not return to school, and Chloe had of course agreed. Aurora had already hinted on the queens return earlier then expected and her return to school was suppose to be grand.

"Sooo," Marinette had dragged out after a minute of silence. Both set on the floor legs crossed, facing toward one another. "We need to talk"

"You mean argue?" the blonde said . He had never been one to beat around the bush. He leaned forward with his infuriating smirk, hocking his finger on her chin. "I'm sure we can find better things to do with our time."

Color spread throughout the bluenette's cheeks. She took a deep breath trying to control her haywire mind before gently pushing the blonde away.

"Stop doing that," she hissed causing him to smirk as he leaned back exposing a bit more of his chest driving the blue eyed girl crazier then before.

"Stop what," he asked with a raised eyebrow almost daring her to voice her thoughts out.

"That," she said feverishly gesturing towards his general direction. "Your messing with my mind"

"Well it's not my fault we're crazy about each other," he said chuckling at the girls flustered state.

"We're supposed to be having a serious conversation," the girl says through her gritted teeth.

"Talk my Queen, I'll never miss the opportunity to listen to you melodic voice," Felix say leaning forward as a gesture of his undivided attention.

Marinette froze for awhile at the word 'melodic'. It reminded her of a certain guitarist. Guilt seemed to settle in the stomach, her she was thinking of another men in front of Felix, whom she could not deny her feelings for.

"You okay love?" Felix asked worry clear in his eyes. Marinette realized she had frozen for a minute too long and was not able to keep her negative emotions from being visible on her face.

"I-i don't think you know the real me Felix," she whispered eyes studying the floor. "You can't possibly be in love with me"

"What do you mean, of course I know the real you Marie," he said softly, using her birth given name. This gave her a sense of dejavu for two entirely different reasons. "I know you as you are and I love you for it"

"You in love with a facade," she shouted. "This cold ruthless queen that is not who I am, I-"

"Have a heart of gold, I know," he cuts in causing her to stare at him in shock. "Marie I've known for as long as you've been alive and that's a long time for me not to truly see what kind of person you are."

His admission caused her heart to feel with warmth, releasing a tension she did not know was there to begin with from her shoulders.

"You're the type of person who begins to cry in the middle of a ball ruin, making a scene in order to draw attention away from an unfortunate woman who had made a mess of her dress," he continues. "You the type of person who punches a grown men in the balls at the age of five for getting handsy with a teenager."

"You fight a destroy as much evil as you can and I am more than happy to fight besides you," he states earnestly. "I will follow you to the ends of the earth because I know that your heart is leading the way."

"I know you Marie and I never want you doubting my love for you ever again."

Felix's admission hung in the air. Something about it felt as pure and powerful as Luka's admission. In that moment Marinette knew she was in trouble. Both of her suitors had admitted their love for her in the purest way imaginable and she had no idea who to pick.

"He's a true cat," Tikki swooned shattering the two's peace. She had her tiny paw on her forehead, leaning back dramatically.

"Tikki," Marinette yelped at the way the kwami had exposed herself.

"What he already knows, you were bound to introduce is to each other," Tikki states floating around the boy carefully assessing him. "Quiet a fine specimen."

"Tikki," the girl yelped once again throughly embarrassed.

"He sssstill, gottt notthing on Luka thoughhh," Sass hissed making his presence known. Marinette looked at the creature in astonishment.

"How'd you get out of the box," Marinette yelped causing the snake to smirk at her, letting her know she was not receiving the answer to that question.

"Luka?" Felix questioned. "Is that his name? "

"The tale of the Cat and the Snake , a war that has been raging on since the very beginning of time, each trying to win over the heart of Ladybug," Wayzz said seemingly materializing from thin air.

"Seriously, where are you guys coming from," Marinette said surveying the room for anymore stray Kwami's.

"Who wins?" Felix asked frantically.

"What?" four voices echoed.

"Who wins her heart, the Cat or the Snake," he asks firmly staring at the beings.

"It issss/is not predetermined," Both Wayzz and Sass echo out at the same time.

"Yeah I guess I wouldn't like it is fate stripped my choice away from me," Marinette absentmindedly mumbled.

"Well let me make your choice simpler," Felix announced pulling her onto his lap, taking the bluenette completely by surprise. Marinette let out a yelp at the sudden movement.

Felix pulled her face toward his. Their lips had barely touched before another bang disturbed causing Felix to groan against a giggling Marinette's lips.

"Now now dear little sister what have I said about having boys in your room," the one and only Jason Todd said with a smirk.

"Not to do anything you wouldn't do," the girl answered turning towards her brother while trying to detach from the boy.

"Nice try but no," he said with a chuckle fully emerging into the room. "The only thing stopping me from putting a bullet between pretty boys head is you... Well that and the fact that neither of you is naked"

"Jason," the girl yelled as she finally managed to pull herself up.

"A few minutes and you would have," Felix said causing Marinette to look at him in horror.

"Careful blondy," Jason warned as he embraced his sister. "Long time no see you little devil"

"It's been awhile," the girl whispered with a hint of guilt.

"We'll discuss that later," he said ruffling her hair. "Right now special delivery."


Not many know what brought the court together, when asked they had one answer. Family matters.



The Queens Court



When the queen needs help, the king arrives without a need to be called.


Hot. That was the first thing that went through Marinette's mind when she saw the blonde. It had been three years since they once seen each other and the change was way too dramatic. He and gained a few inches and lot of muscles. His looks were out of this world.

Her eyes widened as feeling she thought she had left behind a long time ago began to resurface. Her heart began to beat frantically as the men in front of her continued speaking to her with that infuriating smirk on his face.

"What cat got your tongue," he asked getting up from the chaise and heading towards her. His movements looked almost seductive in the bluenette's eyes. He stood in front of her leaning over to whisper in her ear. "Cause I'm sure I haven't possessed it yet"

"Uhh," she said dumbly as her brain began to short circuit. She yelped as he swiftly pulled her fully onto the room shutting the trap.

"Now tell me my dear," he says slowly backing her onto the wall slamming his right hand next to her head while cradling her face with the other. "What exactly did I do that warrants being cut off for 3 years."

He brings his face to her neck inhaling her seance. "Not only that but I return to find you've found another man"

His hot breath set tingles across her skin. Marinette had turned beat red. She had utterly been rendered speechless, she thought she had a few more hours before she had to face Felix once again.

"Someone's been a very bad girl," he whispers drawing himself back from her neck and staring at her. "You trying to break my heart love"

"Break your heart?" she questions. As far as she knows they had never romantically been together.

"Yes love, a few months after our separation I come back to see you and find you confessing your love to my cousin of all people," he hisses.

"It was a a part of the act," I defend offended that he would think I'd ever fall in love with that spineless coward.

"Good, he did not seem like your type anyway," he said green eyes shining as he pressed a kiss on my nose. "Now tell me is falling in love with another man all apart of the act well?"

She had no answer for this question though it seemed as though her silence was confirmation enough for her. He sighed heart break clear in his eyes.

"Don't look at me like that," she said tears forming in the corner of her eyes. "Don't look at me as if you did not try to kiss Ladybug"

"Marinette sweetie you are Ladybug," he says causing her to look at him in shock. Felix registered her shocked features eyes widening. "Wait you thought I did not know?"

He hocked his finger on her chin forcing her to look at him. "Is that why you cut me off? Is that what pushed you to him?" he asked searching desperately for answers. "You you thought I would would betray my feelings for you"

Once again her, silence gave him all the answers he needed. "Marie I've loved you for as long as I knew what the word means, they never has and they never will be any other girl for me"

"I-i-i," she stuttered causing the boy to pull her closer to his chest as she began to sob.

"Shhh baby it's okay," he said as he hugged her.

What hurt more than knowing she had fallen for another men was hearing that he had caused her pain. He wiped the tears of her cheek. Pinning her to the wall once again as she began to calm down.

"Maybe we can still fix this," he said as he began to pamper her neck with little butterfly kisses. "Maybe I could make you forget all about this other man.

"How?" she whispered meeting his intense gaze with her own.

"By having you scream my name instead," he whispered breath tickling her lips as they were half centimeter apart. Bang.

The trap door opened causing both of them to jump. Felix groaned as he withdrew himself from hee, fixing the intruder with a glare fir interrupting their moment.

Chloe walked into the room unfazed by what she was walking into and the glare that was thrown her way.

"Good you're here," she said unbordered by the blonde's anger.

"I was just about to continue catching up with my queen before you disturbed," he bristled causing her to snort.

"Not so sure she's yours anymore, should have seen her throw aside another girl like a raf doll for touching what hers," Chloe said causing the boy to growl. "Our queen is quite possessive"

The blonde growled at the comment.

"Don't worry Chloe that won't last long, afterall I don't plan on letting the Queen go," he says running his hand down Marinette's cheek before pushing away, knowing very well whatever moment they were having had been disturbed.

"Well now that's done," Chloe says to their general direction. "Let's get down to business."

"Right," Marinette says straightening up as she heads towards the blue eyed blonde. "Has everyone been contacted, I need an immediate status update."

"Well Aurora and her new partner Mireille have been updated on what's going on, the school shall be warned of the incoming storm tonight," Chloe states earning a nod from the other two. "Marc has been informed and is going to be here with the red head betrayer after classes end, traitors have officially been kicked out of the court, though I feel as though this has decreased our size dramatically. Lastly I feel as though you've already contacted your family"

"Yes Chloe I've contacted my family, don't worry much about our size I've got that covered," she said with a small smirk.

"Now love you know very well what that look does to me," Felix said snaking his arms around her waist, pulling her towards him.

Marinette huffed nudging the blonde with a quick behave aimed his way.


I have what most would call the scoop of a life time. The court is back and they're after someone's head. Prepare yourself Dupont.



The Queens Court



A little birdy told me it's going to be a very eventful week.


"Court is back in session you majesty," Chloe said causing the person on the other end of the line to immediately hang up. She huffed. "Well that was rude."

She looked at her watch. 2 hours she predicted as she continued contacting those who were relevant to their cause. You and the rest of the Akuma class are going down Rosi.


Luka spent a good 30 minutes cradling a crying Marinette in his arms. Her sadness worried him. She had not looked like this in class, in fact everything about her has radiated pure confidence. Now here she sat crying her eyes out.

Luka has ran after Marinette intending to make her feel better. Her melody felt off. It felt sad and distraughted. He had dragged her to the boat, discarding every single one of their belonging before pulling her to sit down next to him, allowing her to let out all the emotions she seemed to be holding in.

He would not rush, he would allow her to take all the time she needed. Plus she admittedly enjoyed having her in his arms. After another 15 minutes he was getting used to the sound of faint sobbing. So he was quite shocked when he heard her quite voice.

"Luka," she uttered causing him to freeze.

"Yes melody?"

"Do you think I'm a monster?"

"Why would I think you're a monster darling?" he asked genuinely concerned by the question.

"Because I'm cold_snort(from Luka), heartless..."

"Pretty sure you have a heart," Luka mumbled as she continued on with her list.

"Cruel _light chuckle_, unforgiving _" really?"_ and possessive"

"I actually liked that part of you," he replied causing a small blush to color her cheeks.

"Luka I'm being serious," she whined glaring at his with her red eyes and tear stained cheeks. He reached out to wipe her tears.

"Really now, I thought you were practicing your stand up comedy act," he replies causing her to huff. He gently cradles her cheek forcing her to look at him. "You are kind, you have the biggest heart with the sweetest melody, you are way to forgiving and I find that little display back tgere unbelievably hot"

Marinette blushed at the comment but she waa not going to give in that easily. She needed him ro see her as she was.

"What if it's all a just a mask Luka," Marinette say forcing her head to the size causing him to let go of her face. "What's if it's all a role I've been playing for all these years"

"It's not," he said forcing her to look at him once again.

"Yes it is," she says staring at him, willing him to disagree.

"Melody I know you, I know your character, I hear your song, I feel your spirit and I adore every bit of you," he says staring at her with a but load of love and adoration causing her heart to clench.

"I've not always been like this Luka," she says sighing. "Chloe, the rest of my friend group and I used to rule the school back in Ecole, cross us and gone with you, we were tge royal court, top of the schools social food chain, ruthless little savages

She goes on to tell him a summary about her past, leaving out a few details she wasn’t quite ready to share. She told him about how she used to run the school with an iron fust and icy heart. She told him about the people she targeted and the reasons behind them.

She told him about the rules and the court. About how how she had used her friends and her influence to get her way. How she had filtered out all the trash in the school earning her title as queen. She told him every single thing at the worst possible light.

"Well that's not the stories I heard," Luka says causing her eyes to widen.

"You've heard about me?"

"Of course though I did not quite know it was you, Juleka used to refer to you as the queen," Luka replies. "Ruthless but all in good cause, from what I've heard you had to be cold to earn respect"

"I ruined people's lives,"

"They ruined their own lives," he replies. "And if it makes you feel better I had something similar as well"


"Yeah bullies were relentless in my old school, so I found myself constantly pounding my point into someone's face," he admits causing her to laugh.

"It's not the same thing Lulu," she sighs.

"Of course it's not," she did not want to admit it but her heart broke a little at this remark despite the truth it held within it. "I fought for myself, you fought for those who couldn't fight for themsellf. In fact something tells me that the cold queen bit sas tge real facade"

"Luka..." she tried to argue but he cut her off by drawing her face closer towards his.

"They's nothing you can say to convince me otherwise," he whispered. His lips were almost touching her own. She closed her eyes wanting to draw him closer when an epp busted their little bubble.

"Sorry," a blushing Juleka whispered as the two sprang apart. "It's lunch and I thought I'd come back and update you, though I guess you're fully updated"

"Not quite fully," Marinette confessed causing the girl to look at the too in worry.

"Marinette," the girl says.

"Not yet."

"Don't break his heart."

"I'll try"

Luka looked between the two clearly confused. He knew they was something he was missing but he witheld his questions for the time being.

"I have to go call my brother to him that the court is back together." she says springing to her feet readying herself to leave.

"You have a brother? " the boy questioned as she gathered her things.

"I'll tell you about it after classes," she replied making her way towards the door. "for now I have buisness to take care of.

"Marinette," Luka called out as she was about to head out the door causing her to freeze.


"A queen has no need to hide her heart."

"Thanks Luka," she replied with a smile before ducking out the room.

Juleka turned towards her brother with a smirk dancing on her lips.

"You really are smitten aren't you,"


"-see you soon Dames." Marinette said as she opened the trap door leading to her room.

"You call the court in order and you don't bother personally calling your King to tell him about it," a voice said startling her.

"Felix?" the girl asked looking at the boy sitting on her chaise.

"Hello my queen did you miss me cause I sure did miss you." the guy said with a smirk.


The queen can only survive so long without her king.


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