

♕┊❝no, you never have and i’ve come to accept that, by now, you likely won’t in the future. i just wish you’d use the front door so you can be properly greeted instead of this whole ‘sneaking in’ business that you so enjoy,❞ he shook his head, allowing for a little sigh to pass through his lips before continuing on. ❝is something wrong? or did you just want to drop in for afternoon tea?❞ he sips from his cup, eyeing the maintained contact between the imported silk curtains and her fingertips but continuing not to mention it at all.
EYES ROLLED AT HIS COMPLAINT. Selina couldn’t remember the last time she had used a door. Had long ago given up because most people just slammed it shut in her face. Bruce was different, sure, but old habits died hard. DO SOMETHING LONG ENOUGH? IT KINDA BECOMES ROUTINE.  ‘But that would spoil the element of surprise,’ the thief remarked, like the answer should be obvious. It was like he forgot who he was talking too sometimes. Hand dropped down from silk curtains and instead, full attention was turned on him, an honest expression appearing upon hardened features. ‘Things are weird out there. Like more than usual. Y’SAW WHAT HAPPENED TO IVY, RIGHT?  Just thought I’d stop in and make sure things were good here.’ So like her to pretend she’s here for his benefit rather than admit the monsters shook her. 

♕┊ ❝yes, yes i know of what happened. it’s... it’s a strange case. though i can’t say it completely surprised me after the things that have been happening,❞ bruce nodded, drumming his fingertips on the wood of his desk. ❝yes, everything’s fine here. more than a little boring, but nothing is wrong SO FAR. are you going to be staying for dinner? i could tell alfred and we can set a plate for you, if you’d like,❞ the small teen offered, trying his best not to show how happy he really was to see her. they been seeing one another too often as of late, though they’d been in contact more and more as the days began to pass. 



♕┊❝well, i’ve attended multiple meetings thus far and have some scheduled in the coming weeks to sort out some things. they don’t take me seriously, they see me as the CHILD with a vocabulary wider than it should be, whose orders are simply a SUGGESTION when, in fact, i am nothing of the sort. perhaps the joke is on them in this situation and such an assumption will come back to bite them later on. one can only hope.❞ his words are followed by a laugh, a rare show of emotion after all of this time. he’s smiling, finally, however he’s keeping it very small due to the circumstances under which they are meeting. this wasn’t a business meeting, of course, but he might be able to make even more of a valuable asset out of the other male. he’d begun thinking that way recently, as though he were tens of years older and a businessman of higher stance. 
He could understand more than one might realise. Most people at Oscorp treated him like a child even now. IT COULD BE AWFULLY TIRESOME TO LIVE IN YOUR PARENT’S SHADOW.  To be surrounded with high expectations that he knew he could never meet. Oh, if people understood the truth of what his father had become in his final moments. Perhaps than expectations would lower. But he couldn’t tell them. He couldn’t tarnish Norman’s reputation like that. If not out of respect, then because tarnishing it would mean tarnishing his own too. ‘Mhm,’ the elder hummed in agreement, snapping out of his own thoughts. ‘Y’sound like a man with a smart head on his shoulders. I’m sure people will start listening soon enough. AND IF NOT? MAKE THEM LISTEN.  You’re the boss, Bruce. Fire someone. That’ll get their attention.’ 

♕┆the small teen stood a little taller at harry’s words, squaring his shoulders once again to straighten up his posture. after all, the older was definitely correct. bruce was the one in power, what he said was law in his company - but, only once he was old enough to prove that he could handle the company wisely. at that very moment in time, he had the ability to make a decision, but a group of adults far less wise than even he would vote on letting it pass or not. ❝at times it isn’t my decision, but when it is i plan on doing just that,❞ he agreed. ❝thank you, really. it’s very kind.❞


hey! i’m headed out of town for the next four days and will have zero access to my laptop - therefore replies will not be completed until i get back. i’ll see you guys soon!


lyric starter call!

i apologize for my inactivity over the last week or so! i’m back and ready to roll! smack dat heart and i’ll put my playlist on shuffle. so, we’ll see what we get! i cannot be more excited to start things off with you guys again!


                                                                               trust me, my dear!                                                                         that’s how fast he’ll leave you                                                                         i won’t say i told you so - no

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♕┊bruce had waited for a minute or so, watching the older with calculating gaze trained on the so-called PENGUIN’S face as he seemed to think up an answer to a question yet to be asked. of course, he listened as words spouted from the man’s lips, each doing more than flowing in one ear and out the other as the lad actually HEARD and UNDERSTOOD what was being said. ❝i wouldn’t quite call it CRAZY talk, mr. cobblepot. a majority of TALK is simply meaningless, with no true definition or reason behind it. and that speech of yours is not just talk. that much, at my young age, i am able to assure you of.❞
  You are a tenacious little fellow, arent you. What can I say; I like you. Perhaps thats why I would hate to see something bad happen to you. 

  A rare sentiment from Oswald that APPEARED to be more sincere than not. Something bad wasbound to happen to Bruce if he kept at this but then he supposed Bruce didn’t feel like he had much to lose. Not that it helped any. 

   What does your butler think of this goose-chase of yours? ❞

  He asked. It wasn’t to be curt or DISMISSIVE, he truly was curious. He wasn’t sure how it worked honestly, but he gathered   Alfred was Bruce’s parental guardian now. Oswald couldn’t be sure how that worked out. Heimagined angry, orphaned billionaires as clever as little Bruce here were quite a HANDFUL.Or perhaps they simply did as they liked no matter what their Butler’s thought about it. 

♕┊❝alfred is as supportive as a butler needs to be,❞ he answered, leaving much to be questioned but continuing to hope that further inquiry would not be made upon the subject. he was in no position to be lying or, even, withholding too much information from the older male. bruce was really HERE to make an ally and was only continuing because it seemed as though he’d already made one. 

the young heir would not have gone so far as to call it all a goose-chase, though the answer still remained hidden to those search for it, due to his constant belief that he would be receiving clarification at sometime soon. ❝why is it that you’d call it all a CHASE, of sorts? do you see no true solution in sight?❞


♕┊it had been an incredibly long time since they’d seen one another, months even. bruce had begun to wonder about her safety, perhaps something had happened, but... when he’d looked for some sign of danger there weren’t any. but, when he saw her standing in the doorway of the office, his entire face lit up. ❝hello,❞ the younger teen grinned from ear to ear, though he remained in his seat at the desk. ❝i’d say it’s been a while.❞


rping with adhd

  • starting a reply and then pausing to check your dash and never returning
  • and then when you do go back you forget where you were going with the reply
  • saving all your replies in your drafts to ‘do later’ and never doing them
  • thinking about saving your drafts and saying you’ll remember it and the not remembering it
  • writing a sentence and then thinking of something cool to say later on mid-sentence and writing that instead and then never going back to finish your first sentence
  • 30 different tabs open at all times
  • stopping replying to format posts/themes instead
  • putting things in your likes to reblog later but never doing it
  • 10 different tags for one type of post
  • missing out a detail in a reply because you only skimmed it bc you don’t have the attention-span to read a long-ass para
  • i literally stopped writing this post for about half an hour because i started dash browsing how do i get anything done

vet bill emergency.

Yesterday, December 16th, my cat had a seizure. Rushing him to the emergency vet, multiple tests were done that determined a variety of things were wrong, so severe that treating it would have been useless, and prolonging his life for an extra few months with weekly check ups and needles would have just added to his suffering. So we made the decision to euthanize and cremate him.
 All of this was expensive, as one could imagine, and being as we’re on a fixed budget at home ( all on disability with monthly social security checks ) the bill was far too high for us to even afford, so my brother paid for the entirety of it out of his tax money, and needs paid back asap. 
Two checks immediately go to bill and rent, with 400$ out of mine contributing, that doesn’t leave me with enough to pay him back ( the full amount of the bill is $678.00. ) The vet hospital doesn’t take payments and the Care Card they asked me to apply for that would have paid for it all and I would pay that back in monthly installments, declined my application, so that didn’t leave us with any other option. 
Honestly, there’s nothing I can really say other than the fact that this is dire. He needs this all back as soon as possible and I have no means of paying him in one fell swoop, and we can’t short the rent or the bills without either getting evicted or something shut off, and with the freezing weather right now, either would be devastating. I’m not asking for a miracle, but any sort of help would be so very appreciated and such a huge relief and burden off my shoulders and my mom’s. I can’t offer much in return other than a million thank you’s, but hopefully my gratefulness can be felt. 
I know trusting anybody on the internet with sincerity is difficult, here’s a picture of the vet bill itself, ( the only thing blurred is my last name and phone number ) with everything they did on it and the prices and the final amount. As I said, I’m not asking for a miracle, I don’t expect to somehow get this all up just by asking for help, but anything, no matter how little or how much, will be going directly to this and will be a huge help regardless. 
The best way is through Paypal, as I don’t have a bank account for any other website and can’t wait to get a check in the mail, though I do have a Paypal debit card that I can just use at an atm to withdrawal. My Paypal email is stumpomaticx@yahoo.com and as I’ve said a million times already, a thousand thank you’s are out to anybody able or willing to help us out right now, or anybody else that can’t but signal boosts this anyway. 
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