
A Sad Mess™

@livinthechoiceslife / livinthechoiceslife.tumblr.com

Anu || She/Her || Constantly freaking out over one Choices character or the other || Icon by @purple-whispers || Explicit/mature content will be shared on this blog, so please tread with caution.

image of me knowing full well marc antony is an asshole but still going to play the acor finale to live the rest of my mc’s life with him after killing caesar:


Sometimes i see some of yall making memes about getting the wrong choices and just being okay with it and exploring the results and tbh you do you but I am too much of an Anxious Perfectionist™ to not hit every choice correctly


not to go all cringe on main but fictional characters have genuinely helped me through some of the worst shit in my life n i’ll forever be grateful to fiction for giving me comfort when i’ve needed it most


I love this new Thomas, and I’m not talking only about his appearance, but his behavior. I don’t know if I’m the only one who saw the change (maybe it only happens if you romance him) but I saw him a lot happier and more open to others, he looks relaxed, and even when he commented the doubts he had about his career, he didn’t let that go to his head in that moment. Literally, this is the first chapter in which I saw him smile almost all the time, saying cute things, dancing hula with mc, and all of this without leaving him grumpy side. It’s like the usual Hunt, but in a best version of himself, and I’m really here for it.


playing open heart as a male mc adds a nice touch to their character development because they don’t succeed and excel because of their prowess, superiority, or other traditional/hegemonic masculine traits, but because they’re a genuinely caring and nurturing person


Friendly reminder that GIMP does pretty much everything Photoshop does, and it’s 100% free. Fuck DRM and the license culture, we have plenty of open source options available to us as a consumer.

  • Lightworks is a freeware video editor on par with Premiere
  • Blender is an excellent freeware 3D renderer,possibly better than After Effects
  • Lightzone to replace Lightroom
  • Inkscape to replace Illustratr
  • Audacity to replace Audition (I also received a free version of Pro Tools with my Scarlett Solo audio interface)

If Adobe is going to be greedy shitheads, then fuck ‘em. Don’t use their stuff. Freeware can be just as good, if not better, than Adobe CC.


Dear reader, just imagine.

You’re in a giant, old library. The rain is pouring outside. Books are stacked, in perfect, neat order from the floor all the wall to the high ceiling of this library. It’s dusk - the old lamps are turning brighter by the second, as you sit at a quiet corner of this library.

The soft footsteps of strangers, the furious scribbles of a few teenagers, and the whispers of the librarian barely disrupts you as you are lost in the book you are now reading.

At some point, you look up. Your eye catches that of the familiar face sitting across you. Your most favourite person in this world abandons their own reading for a few seconds to spare you a soft smile. You feel yourself return one. 

The droplets of rain fall heavier against the stained glass windows. There’s a low rumble of thunder.

You’re happy. You favourite person is happy. Everyone you love is happy, content, and safe. 

You’re at peace.

This is all I want. 

ethan ramsey, last week: we need to work on our boundary issues
ethan ramsey this week: come to the opera with me? you know the way bosses and employees do

MC gets the photo Mrs. Martinez sent them of herself in Paris developed and it sits in a pretty gold frame on her living room mantle, reminding her every day to take risks and do right by her patient’s wishes…because there are some things that are worth the risk.

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