
Welcome To Forever


Endless Summer in Socal
21 yr old weeb yr18+

That’s because it’s not skilled labor, anyone can do those things. In order to make good money, you have to be able to do something that not everyone can do.


ARTISTS aren’t skilled labor? Really.

Make me some art RIGHT NOW. Paint me a portrait in oil-based acrylic. 

What? You don’t know that acrylics are water based, not oil based? Gee, that’s something only a skilled painter might know.    

Or instead compose me a song. Design packaging for this new product we’re launching in 10 days. Make me a webpage with eye-popping graphics you didn’t steal from another site.

Artists do all that. In fact, every manufactured thing you touch passed through the hands of a skilled artist at some point.

FAST FOOD! If fast food is ‘unskilled’ then why does Wendys, McDonalds (et al) expend time on training employees? Surely if any asshole off the street could do the work they can just slip right in there and start slinging happy meals on day one, right? 

Do you know the correct EH/OSHA-approved way to wash your hands? Do it wrong and you are literally violating the law. 

Quick: what do the symptoms of Hepatitis-A look like?  

Or let’s talk janitorial services. Do YOU think you can clean an entire floor of an office building in the allotted time? Where does the trash go? The recycling? How do you get ahold of the waste removal company when the dumpsters are inexplicably full at 4am? Whom do you call? What’s the account number? Is this even your job to worry about? If the dumpsters are full where do you put a night’s worth of collected trash?

What do you do with hazardous waste you might encounter, if you’re cleaning (say) an industrial workspace? Dispose of it incorrectly and that’s a crime.

What’s the procedure for when you encounter a trespasser in a secure building where supposedly nobody but you is working? Can you identify a fake or expired employee badge? Are you supposed to? Your training probably covered that. 

How much would we have to pay you, dear @ithinkthatthismustbetheplace, to deal with a seriously clogged toilet? Shit-smeared walls, standing waste water, the entire place trashed as if it was 3am after a frat party? You have less than an hour to return that restroom to pristine condition. And no, building services is not going to help you.  

You don’t think that requires skill? 

Or adequate compensation?

All labor is skilled labor


The idea of “skilled” or “unskilled” labor is inherently classist, and misses the fucking point anyway. All labor has dignity, whether you THINK it’s “skilled” or not, and all people deserve to live comfortably, whether they’re able to work or not.

When you peel back the layers of this bullshit argument it becomes obvious that it’s just another way to keep us huddled masses infighting instead of building guillotines.

*Allison throwing away Klaus’ flask*
Allison: I have a blender and some way better booze.

‘SAWAYAMA’ photoshoot by Hendrik Schneider

makeup: ana takahashi

nails: lauren michelle pires

hair: yusuke morioka


Counter Strike: Global Offensive

this guys videos are fucking incredible i really want everyone to watch them


this man is like midas but with knives instead of gold, he can make anything a knife, sicssor knives ,ice knives, cardboard knives, tiny knives if it can be made into a knife he will do it, and if he cant, he will do it anyway because fuck you


This doesn’t even have the best one. One time he made a knife out of ravioli then proceeded to use the knife made out of ravioli to cut up cheese and tomatoes and basil and shit then took the ravioli knife that he had used to cut up his other ingredients and cooked said knife with those ingredients and ate the fucking knife!

ate the fucking knife

nah, his best one? he made a knife out of smoke.

You know how to sharpen smoke? this guy does.


Let’s not forget everything else in his videos.

  • The googly eyes he puts on things
  • His cow jugs
  • The empty fridge that only contains Jack Daniels Chocolate
  • That one time a bear figurine possessed with a demon would attack him if he didn’t pet it so he had to build a machine that constantly rolled the bear against brushes so he would be safe long enough to finish the knife

Rina Sawayama photographed by Erika Kamano

makeup: ana takahashi

nails: sojinails

hair: 1-800-chanel

styling: ella lucia

FKA twigs x Nike Women F/W 2017 Campaign
Photography - Sean and Seng
Creative Direction - FKA twigs
Art Direction - Willyum Beck
Fashion Editor - Willyum Beck
Styling - Matthew Josephs
Make up - Kabuki
Hair - Soichi Inagaki
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