
I made a new account @ @hedgehoginthesun!

tbh I toyed with the idea of just cleaning this one up, because the amount of stuff I followed was one of the things that made me dizzy and stressed about it, but it wouldn’t have fixed the amount of people following me.

So! a new blog! feel totally free to follow me there if you want - if you read this I 99% certain want to to :)


i finally got my boyfriend to take a hogwart house sorting quiz and he got... slytherin. which I didn’t expect but also am not really surprised about, HA!


my boss also invested in a new spa in town and as such as two member cards we can ask for and use whenever we want. so - free spa.

I freaking love my job.


Since I’m in charge of the social committee at my office, I’m also in charge of coffee/tea/snacks for the office, right? I mostly keep it simple, but lately I’ve been getting emails of companies that offer coffee machines and other snacks to businesses wanting to present (and have me taste test) their products...

I love my job.


I like how my hair always looks better when I’m on my period like. Hormones apologizing for making me feel shitty for a week by making sure I’m miserable but with great, shiny, silky hair. Thanks for that, body!

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