



How To Black Out

By Bill Lacy

Wake up and immediately think to yourself, “I’m going to get hammered tonight.”  Go through day repeating this thought throughout your menial tasks.  Think about what you have to do tomorrow and reassure yourself, “I’m going to get drunk tonight.”

Finish infinitesimal responsibilities and crack open a beer as soon as you get back to your dorm/apartment/house.  Relish the first gulp.  Relish the second.  Finish the beer and open another.  Turn on the TV and watch Seinfeld reruns as you tear through the 24-case you bought yesterday.  Realize it’s only 6:30 and you’re already pretty buzzed.  Decide to slow down so you can keep drinking later.

Your roommate/spouse/friend comes over 15 minutes later and asks if you want to start drinking.  Ignore the fact that you have been already and oblige.  Decide to still take it slow.  Abandon this decision when your roommate/spouse/friend insults you for drinking slowly.  Challenge them to a “Who Can Drink More” contest.  Finish your case.

After declaring your victory, loudly, demand it is time to go out to that party/bar you had heard about from one of your friends.  Feel like you are losing your buzz by the time you get to the party/bar and order a Jack and Coke.  Finish within 5 minutes of getting it.  Order another.  Finish it and insist there is very little alcohol in it and order another.  Start going up to all your friends and realize they are not as drunk as you are.  Feel upset.  Feel ashamed.  Feel betrayed.  Finish your drink and order another.  See that one person who you wished you would never see again (i.e. ex-lover, ex-friend, etc.).  Finish drink and order another.  Think about going up and saying something to aforementioned person.

Wake up.  Wonder where you are. Realize you are in your room.  Have no idea how you got there.  Try to think about the last thing you remember.  You were going to say something to the one person you did not want to see.  But you decided not to? You think? Go through your text messages.  Realize everything you thought about doing you ended up doing.  Feel upset.  Feel ashamed.  Feel embarrassed.  Think about how you wish you could just forget everything.  Think to yourself, “I’m going to get hammered tonight.”


i’m sorry for the people who followed me because of one shared interest only to get bombarded by my other interests


i think the hardest thing about the ej/jamie scene for me is that ej TRIES to ask if gina said that about him. he’s already feeling terrible and unsure about himself but he doesn’t take it at face value, he asks specifically if those words came out of her mouth. and jamie’s too busy stewing in his actual brotherly-guilt and blindness to the situation that ej’s forced to accept what he said as fact. he tried. it just wasn’t enough.


sometimes i watch youtube videos and halfway through i’m like you know what i don’t care and then i close it


high school is soo funny in hindsight. the entire time you're there thinking it's the most important period of your life and then the second you're out you're like well that was fucking stupid


I think the fast paced society we live in currently has brainwashed me into thinking i can upgrade myself and my life just as fast as when i restart my computer or phone. I have forgotten the natural cycles of life… how the moon takes her time to be full or how the crops take their time to grow their fruits. 


sometimes i wish i could just say like... a magic spell or some shit that would just make me write non-stop for hours shsnsks


This would be so fun ngl


is- is that the same elevator sebastian was talking about in that one interview?

here it is btw


This is SO CUTE

When we’re new to adulthood, it doesn’t immediately occur to all of us that you’re almost always allowed to leave a situation, because growing up we’re forced to stay in situations until someone dismisses us and/or takes us home, or if we do leave on our own accord there’s someone waiting at home to say “we don’t quit in this family!” Boring party? You can leave. You don’t like the lecture? You can walk out. New doctor not working out? You can end the appointment, you don’t need to wait for them to dismiss you. Bad date? You can just go home. Leaving a situation prematurely might have consequences, but unless you’re under arrest or serving prison time, it’s pretty much always allowed.
--commenter Allison @ askamanager
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