

all you need is time :).
“and no matter how much you miss a toxic person for fuck sake please don’t call don’t write letters don’t buy flowers don’t stop the wedding don’t get into a relationship. allow yourself to heal. travel. find yourself. consider counseling. true love will find you someday.”

juansen dizon, it’s going to be okay

“Never go back to what broke you”

— @biancandthebeanstalk I wish I could take my own advice

““Good Morning” “How was your day?” “Be careful” “Text me when you get home so I know you’re safe” “Sweet dreams” “How are you?” “I hope you’re feeling better” “Have a good day today!” “:)” “I miss you” “Good night” “Can you come over?” “Can I come over?” “Can I see you?” “Can I call you?” “You’re beautiful” “Want something to drink?” “Watch your step” “Let’s watch a movie” “What are you up to?” “How is your day so far?” “It will be okay” “I’m here for you” “Do you need anything?” “Are you hungry?” “I just wanted to hear your voice” “You just made my day” … You don’t have to hear “I Love You” to know that someone does. Listen carefully. People speak from the heart more often than you think.”

— (via tullipsink)


Sometimes youve just gotta move on. Find someone better. Love someone new. Realize it's not meant for you and dance with the moon.

- Expherience


Eventually you'll end up where you need to be, with who you’re meant to be with, and doing what you should be doing. You're gonna be alright

- Expherience

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