
Convin Big Bang 2019

@convin-big-bang / convin-big-bang.tumblr.com

Big Bang for the ship Convin (Connor RK800 and Gavin Reed)! Feel free to ask us any questions you may have! |header and icon credit to @kuinshi|

Finally! After months of a creative block and a three week extension, chapter 1 of my @convin-big-bang fic is now up! Chapter 2 will be up later this week, and the rest will be posted as I finish them (5 chapters total). Enjoy!

It is going to hurt.
But Gavin kisses him anyway. Pulling Connor close, kissing him a little too hungry and greedy for their first one. He is already regretting his decision, but he is too used to using sex and violence as a distraction from pain and he doesn’t want to cry right now. So Gavin kisses him harder than he means to. He wanted it to be softer. Something more romantic. Something that didn’t make his stomach turn over inside of him. Something more akin to butterflies in his chest. Something happier.
He’s already ruining this.

The Cost of Repairs by @norchloe (my art for the @convin-big-bang!)


Artist Sign Ups are closed!

Hey everyone! It’s been a few days already, but artist sign ups are officially closed now. We’re absolutely happy to be working with these 15 awesome artists:

DIM ( @deep-in-mind67 ) Desert Eagle ( @ddeserteagle ) AliceIsNotDead ( @there-is-not-enough-convin ) Filorux ( @filorux ) Genue Revuelta Caro ( @akexin ) Kuinshi ( @kuinshi ) Maria Meinarch ( @meindraws ) SHOLTO ( @sholtooxenstierna ) ruse ( @boisteruse ) NHMoonshadow ( @sharysisnhmoonshadow ) Julian ( @starcrossedsun ) Maxton ( @gotta-love-them-losers )

We’re looking forward to working with you! If you have to drop out, please do tell us as soon as possible, as this will be the last chance to drop out! Claiming will start a few days late, unfortunately, since both Mod Evie and Mod Chibi have gotten unexpectedly busy the past few days. I hope you understand!

Anonymous asked:

Are you sending acknowledgements of receiving summaries? Just so I know whether I need to keep an eye out for it (and totally not because I'm worried I sent it to the wrong address).

We’ll definitely send out acknowledgment that we’ve received the emails!

However, mod Evie and I are unexpectedly busy today, so responses are going to be pushed back a day or so! So don’t worry if you don’t get a reply right away!

That being said, the process of pairing artists with authors may also be pushed back a day or two.

Thanks for your understanding, and I hope this helps alleviate some of your anxiety!

Anonymous asked:

Where do we submit the summery and the 200 word excerpt at? Is it on Discord? Another question! Is there any specific way you want us to submit it?

You submit it via email! The email address can be found in the writer's rules, but it's convin.big.bang@gmail.com !

Just tell us in the email which is the excerpt and which is the summary, plus any warnings that you feel might be appropriate to give (think the general ao3 warnings!)

Hope this helps!

Anonymous asked:

I'm going to be real thick here for a minute and ask something that's been asked a million times before (I'm just fussing and worried I'm going to get it wrong). You want a summary and 200 words from writers by the 15th, right? And how much of the story needs to be written by then that you don't send in?

Yes, that’s exactly what we want! It’s of course better if you’ve written a bit more already, so that you can choose an adequate excerpt, but the summary and a two-hundred-words excerpt is all we need by July 15th. 

Hope this helps!

Anonymous asked:

Hi! I signed up as an artist but I didn't receive any notification if I'm in Convin Big Bang or not... I'm a bit worried, what if I did something wrong and my note didn't pass. Where or how can I check this out?

Hello there! If you signed up, that means you’re in! We don’t seletc who can take part, everyone who signs up can, so there’s no confirmation or anything.

I hope this helps!

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