
Written Jewels


Drabbles, fanfic prompts, other writings. May contain 18+ material. (she/her)

Take My Hand

Jason scrambled into the elevator. He did a quick glance to make sure Salim was with him before throwing the switch. The elevator lurched under their feet before the chain slowly started moving. He was a little surprised the thing worked after sixty years, and it was holding their weight, but it was good news for them. He let out a sigh of relief and turned to face Salim.


“Why?” Salim echoed, and Jason's mouth twitched. They did this same thing but in reverse when Salim told him no.

“Yeah. Why'd you listen to me?”

“I don't know,” Salim sighed. The corner of his lip moved up. “I suppose... I figured we've already come this far.” Jason grunted at that, shifting on his feet. Truth was, he was glad Salim went along with this and was still by his side. The guy could have refused or abandon Jason. But he was still here, and he didn't even seem mad about it.

The elevator came to rest. They were in a new cavern with weird glowing green shit on the rocks. That must have been what caused the glow they saw above. Jason stepped out first and took a look around. He couldn't hear any of the vampires, and just from a glance he saw they were right about the explorers coming down here: he saw a table with papers and an old book.

“I've seen some fucked up shit in my life,” he said to Salim, “but nothin' comes close to this.” Jason gave the space a sweep of his rifle. “They don't seem to be followin',” he added. Salim cocked an eyebrow at him.

“Would you like to wait for them or..?”

“No need to be a smart-ass,” Jason retorted with a roll of his eyes. He caught a smile on Salim's face and a teasing glint in the man's eye, but Salim turned his head away—clearly he hadn't meant Jason to see. Jason managed to tamper his own smile down.

Jason was not planning on ever saying so, but Salim was kind of funny. He made Jason laugh with that comment about shit. And it'd been fun to mess with him, too. Maybe I should have let him tell the joke, Jason thought. He focused back on the task at hand. He picked up the book he noticed earlier but it was all notes on artifacts the explorers found. Jason flipped through it and found no notes on the vampires. Discarding it, he turned to a weird object shaped sort of like...

“What is that,” Jason wondered aloud, “a cocoon? It looks like those things came from here.” Salim stepped forward to take a closer look.

“Smells like formaldehyde,” Salim judged.

“Since when did you become a scientist?” Jason teased.

“They don't teach you Americans science at school?” Salim threw back. Jason snorted; this guy was really starting to grow on him. “We should stay clear of it,” Salim added more seriously.

Jason took a discreet breath through his nose so he'd remember the smell. There was a lot of shit around this area. He noticed another book on the ground. When he knelt down, he saw it was embossed with a name. He suggested to Salim that it had intel, but Salim wasn't as optimistic. Salim turned out to be right. Jason threw the empty book back on the ground. He looked around, trying to find something. His gaze landed on some more strewn papers and a pocket watch. He clicked it open; it swung out to show a picture of a woman.

“Mary Hodgson,” he read. “Must be his wife.”

“Their story didn't end so well,” Salim noted gravely. Jason carefully placed the watch back again. “Jason?” Salim called.


“I can't end up like this.” There was a fragility in Salim's tone. Jason felt compelled to say something, but no words came out. It surprised him a little that he wanted to encourage Salim and lift the man's spirits. Maybe because Salim had been doing it for Jason this whole time, and he wanted to give some of it back. Maybe he just wanted to be the reason Salim smiled.

Jason pushed the thought away and kept moving forward. It looked like to go forward, they would have to get onto a rock shelf. It was just a little too high for Jason to pull himself up.

“Salim, could you give me a boost?” Salim was willing enough. Jason got up and immediately turned. One of Salim's hands was on the rock, the other reaching up. Without a word Jason reached out to him. He turned his hand over, palm up, for Salim's hand to drop onto. Jason clasped on with his other hand for leverage and pulled Salim up.

“Thank you,” Salim said, squeezing Jason's hand. Jason returned the grip before letting go.

“Check it out.” He nudged Salim and pointed to the open space ahead of him. “It's that green linin' in the clouds everyone's always talkin' about.”

“I thought the saying was silver lining,” Salim corrected. He sounded amused, though, and the smile was back on his face.

“Well, down here all the shit is fuckin' green, so it's a green lining!”

“All right,” Salim agreed, laughing quietly. Jason felt a little swell in his chest. As he prepared to jump down, he thought just for a moment to offer his hand to Salim again.

He wanted to reach for Salim, and he really didn't know what to do with that feeling.


One Bed night 3 continued

When Jason woke, it was still dark. He and Salim had fallen asleep facing each other, Jason's fingers in the older man's hair. Salim's lips were slightly parted as he breathed. Jason lay there for a while listening, thinking the steady noise would lull him back to sleep again. But then the insistent press of his hard-on reminded him why he woke up in the first place.

Fuck. Jason shifted carefully to get up and take care of it. Salim reached out and placed a hand on Jason's hip. He tugged Jason back with a soft grunt.

“Salim,” Jason choked out. Salim made a soft noise and opened his eyes.

“Jason.” Salim's eyes dropped to where his hand rested on Jason's hip. “Sorry,” he said, releasing his hold.

“S'okay.” His hip felt warmer where Salim touched him. Salim's tug had pulled Jason closer; he could almost feel the rise and fall of the man's chest as he breathed. Fuck, he was so hard, but he didn't dare move.

“Jason,” Salim said again, and the heat in his voice made Jason tremble a little. Jason's eyes dropped. It was hard to tell in the dark, but it looked like he and Salim had the same problem. He swallowed and brushed his fingers through the older man's hair, down to the back of his neck. Salim's gaze dropped, and when he looked up again Jason knew he'd seen.


One Bed night 3

This time, it was Salim who woke first. He found Jason asleep, his fingers having loosened their grip on Salim's shirt, his head tilted toward Salim's fingers. Salim's heart beat a little faster noticing their closeness. Warmth swelled deep in his body. His eyes flicked to the freckles scattered on Jason's cheeks. His fingers twitched as he fought the impulse to touch—hair, cheek, hand, anywhere. Salim let out a breath and pulled away. He would claim the first shower this morning and be rid of the bulge pressing against his crotch.

Salim felt much calmer when he exited the bathroom. He found Jason awake and waiting his turn. The young marine's half-asleep expression shifted to something more alert. Salim suddenly wished he hadn't chosen to walk out of the bathroom in just his underwear. He didn't give his middle-aged, hairy body much thought, but after seeing the more lean and hairless Jason, he couldn't help the sudden attack of self-consciousness.

“Mornin',” Jason drawled. “You wanna head to breakfast together?”

“Sure,” Salim agreed. He padded over to get dressed while Jason showered. He wished there could be some balance between how casual and easy it could feel between them, and how tense and awkward.

They spent the day on tours again, only they experienced all the tours together. Salim had discovered yesterday that touring was a lot like how Jason described drinking: not as fun alone. Besides that, Jason usually whispered a funny remark during the tours. It added a bit of playful energy to everywhere they went. They ate lunch and dinner together, chatting and teasing each other the whole time.

After dinner, they strolled past shops. Now and then they paused to look at what was in the display windows before moving on. They eventually found their way to a bar. Salim remembered suggesting they have drinks tonight. He wasn't surprised Jason was going to make him see that promise through.

Inside, the atmosphere was a little loud with televisions going. Salim pointed to a table away from all the noise.

“You sure you're okay with this?” Jason asked once they sat. “It ain't haram or whatever?” Salim's eyebrows shot up; he had talked about halal and haram with Jason over breakfast, but didn't expect the man to remember.

“I think Allah will forgive me having one drink with a friend,” he responded. “What game is that?” He nodded to the televisions meaningfully.

“Basketball,” Jason told him after a quick glance. “It' ain't really my thing.”

“Yes, I remember. Something about a Super Bowl?” Salim smiled at the memory. He, of course, hadn't understood a word Jason said at the time. It sounded good, and Jason seemed so pleased, so the gleeful energy had rubbed off. Jason met his smile; the gleam in his eyes assured he was remembering, too.

A waiter came by and took their very simple order of two beers. They were given bottles within minutes.

“Cheers.” Jason lifted his bottle.

“Cheers,” Salim echoed, and they tapped before taking a swallow. Salim tried not to immediately cough his out. “Ugh, it's been a very long time since I drank.”

“No hoppin' through single bars, huh?” Jason teased.

“I don't think we have those in my town. I wasn't ready to find out.” Salim took another small sip. Jason mimicked him and the two fell silent, listening to the game and the chatter around them. “So, did you, ah... hop single bars?” Salim asked after a moment.

“Nope.” Jason shifted a little on his seat. His eyes flicked briefly to Salim, then dropped to the table. “Weren't any I liked.”

“Do you like this one?”

Jason's eyes flicked up again and he shrugged. “So far.”

Eventually the conversation moved on to other things. They finished their beers and spent a few minutes watching the game. Or rather, Salim stared at the screen listening to Jason explain what was happening. It might not have been his thing, but he still understood it far better than Salim.

They made it back to their room, where Jason went to the bathroom first to brush his teeth while Salim got undressed. An unexpected heaviness weighed down when he thought of them only spending one more night together. The experience was so much better than he could have anticipated.

“Hey.” Jason's head poked out of the bathroom. “You gonna wear one of those dumb pun shirts?”

“I thought you liked my pun shirts,” Salim retorted, turning to face the younger man. He was much less conscious of his bare chest than this morning.

“I do.” Jason flashed a smile. “It's why I asked.”

“Which one's your favorite?” Jason took a moment to answer. Salim found his eyes gravitating to the dog-tags resting against Jason's bare skin.

“The omelette.” Jason's answer snapped Salim out of his daze.

They switched so Salim could use the bathroom. He stepped out and found Jason already under the sheets. Something about that made Salim feel warm all over. He went over to check the air conditioning to make sure the settings were okay. They looked fine, so he went around to his side of the bed and got in.

“Nice shirt,” Jason noted.

“You said you liked it,” Salim reminded him. Jason just smiled. That air conditioning couldn't be working, because Salim was still warm. “That ball game was interesting,” Salim spoke up. “I didn't think American balls were round.”

“You see many American balls?” Jason asked. The way he dipped his voice sounded almost suggestive.

“There's what you call a football,” Salim pointed out. “It's not round.”

“I don't think you can judge our balls from just one.” There was that tone in Jason's voice again.

“I feel like you're messing with me, but I can't figure out how.”

“Give it time.” Jason looked like he was fighting not to laugh. “It'll come to ya.” Salim frowned at him while Jason kept grinning. There was a playful brightness in his eyes that Salim recognized from the other times he teased Salim.

Salim ran through their conversation in his head again. Oh. His mouth dropped open and his eyes widened. Jason snickered.

“That,” Salim declared, “was an awful joke.” He pointed to the words on his shirt. “Omelette that slide.” Jason laughed, leaning forward just enough to let his tags dangle in the space between them.

“You always been such a dork?”

“Probably.” Salim reached out to catch the tags between his fingers. “But I think you like it.”

“Probably,” Jason nodded. They sat there for a few heartbeats. There was a charged energy in the space. Salim broke it by releasing the tags. He reclined on the mattress, Jason following a moment later. The silence continued stretching on. Salim knew Jason had to be hearing his thoughts, but the marine didn't say so.

After a while Jason wiggled a bit and propped his arm on the pillow just above Salim's head. His fingertips lightly brushed against Salim's hair. Salim swallowed; he had unconsciously done the same last night. He closed his eyes and let himself feel it all.


One Bed night 2

Jason was usually not a morning person, but he made an exception. He rolled out of bed and hurried to the bathroom before Salim could fully wake up. Jason knew that morning wood was perfectly normal and experienced it plenty of times, there was no reason this time was any different. Still, he preferred to get it taken care of quickly. He took a cold shower and saw Salim was out of bed waiting his turn.

“Good morning,” Salim greeted him.

“Mornin',” Jason returned. “You takin' advantage of that free breakfast, too?”

“Naturally.” Salim gave him a smile. “I'll join you after I shower. If you didn't use all the hot water, of course.”

“It's all yours,” Jason assured him. He started rummaging through his luggage for an outfit.

He and Salim clicked together so well. In a way, it didn't surprise him. Once he got over his initial distrust, he and Salim had been a great team in the catacombs. They fought in sync, could match each other's banter, and even divulged personal pain. Jason hadn't even hesitated before opening up to the guy. There was something about him that made it easy for Jason to trust him.

Last night, they chatted and laughed in bed together like it was normal for them to share such an intimate space. Jason figured there was some error that gave them one bed instead of two, but didn't see a need to bring that up to the front desk. After all they went through together, sharing a bed was nothing.

The two headed out for the day. Breakfast was good, made better by Salim's dumb jokes and occasional teasing. Jason wanted to go on different tours, so they agreed to meet up again at lunch. It was a pretty fun day. Jason liked blowing CENTCOM's money on enjoying himself and buying souvenirs for his family. At lunch he and Salim took turns discussing their tours. After a while, Jason just listened. He loved listening to Salim ramble excitedly about things. It was pretty endearing.

Jason decided to spend the rest of the afternoon with Salim—he wanted to see the man's reaction to different historical things in person. He remembered how delighted Salim was while figuring out the alien console, and bit his lip to stop from grinning any time that same look crossed the other man's face. He loved this side of Salim.

They came back to the room after dinner. Jason couldn't help laughing as Salim started gathering his sleeping clothes. “Don't tell me you're turning in already,” Jason teased.

“No. I just like being comfortable once I'm settled for the night.”

“It's not even nine,” Jason persisted with a snort. “You don't go out to drink or nothin'?”

“I was drafted into the army as soon as I turned eighteen,” Salim explained, “and Maysa got pregnant soon after. The last time I did anything crazy was when I was about sixteen, when I pierced my ears.”

“You did what?!” Jason gaped. He moved forward, leaning in to take a look for himself. Sure enough, he could see faint piercing scars in the lobe of Salim's ear. “Holy shit. You little rebel.” Salim was holding very still, watching Jason from the corner of his eye. “What's wrong?” Jason wondered.

“Nothing.” Salim lifted a finger and tapped Jason's cheek. “Freckles.”

“Oh, yeah.” Jason gently brushed the finger away. “I get those pretty easy. It's why I had to wear a hat.” He only noticed then how close he stood to Salim. Something about being in Salim's personal space made Jason's heart beat a little faster, and he quickly took a step back. “What do you wanna watch tonight?” he asked to change the subject.

“No need to keep me company if you want to go out drinking,” Salim said. Jason answered with a one shoulder shrug.

“It ain't fun to drink alone.” He had also discovered that this place was much more fun with Salim there to enjoy it with him. Jason ordered room service and the two settled in to watch television.

It was the end of a great day. Jason brushed his teeth while Salim got dressed, then they switched. Jason hadn't teased Salim for his choice in sleep wear last night but he was tempted this time. The guy wore sweats and a T-shirt with some text. Jason wasn't at all surprised that the text was a pun joke.

“You're such a nerd,” he chuckled after reading the shirt.

“You laughed at the joke,” Salim pointed out. “That makes you a nerd, too.” Jason conceded the point. He'd been the one to make a Shakespeare joke to himself down in the catacombs, after all.

The two got into bed and Jason immediately rolled so he was facing Salim, propping his head using an elbow. “You got any tattoos?”

“No.” Salim rolled and mimicked Jason's pose. “I wasn't allowed.”

“But gettin' your ears pierced was fine?”

“Not really.” A mischievous smile spread over Salim's lips. “My parents nearly had a heart attack when they saw what I did.”

“So you've always been a little shit,” Jason teased. Salim gave him a look and a gentle shove. Jason almost lost his balance. He reached out and grabbed onto Salim's shoulder at the last minute. Their eyes locked and for a moment Jason lay there with his fingers gripping onto Salim's shirt. Salim let his arm drop, stretching it so it was above Jason's head.

“Have you always been such a brat?”

“Probably,” Jason shrugged. “I think you like it, though.”

“Probably,” Salim agreed. His fingers brushed Jason's hair so lightly he almost didn't feel it. Jason's fingers tightened a little against Salim's shirt. “We should get drinks,” Salim mused.

“Now?” Jason's voice cracked in disappointment. He was comfortable here and didn't want to break the almost-embrace.

“Tomorrow,” Salim corrected. “It's been a long time since I had a night out. It might be fun.”

“Sure,” Jason agreed. “Let's do it.”

They fell quiet. After a while, the sound of Salim's steady breathing and the light touches of his fingers in Jason's hair lulled the marine to sleep.


One Bed

Salim watched Jason out of the corner of his eye, waiting for the other man to look upset. Instead, Jason just let out a grunt and dropped his suitcase in a corner. Salim kept waiting, but Jason was now messing with the curtains and the room's air conditioning system. He didn't seem bothered at all by their situation.

In all fairness, there was nothing wrong with the room. It had a decent view, a television and landline phone if they wanted to call for room service, a bathroom, a little mini-bar, a comfortable chair and even a desk. There was only one problem: Salim was sure he booked a room with two beds. His eyes darted over to Jason. The younger man had satisfied himself with the room's temperature and was surfing television stations.

“Should I--?” Salim began.

“Sorry, I'm a night owl,” Jason interrupted. “I'll turn off the television if it bugs ya.”

“No, that's all right. I'm not very tired right now, anyway.”

“Well, then.” Jason grabbed the chair from the desk and dragged it over next to the one he was using. “Park your ass here, grab a snack from the mini-bar. Enjoy some American television.” He seemed so relaxed that Salim couldn't help feeling more at ease. Maybe he was making too big a deal of the bed. After all, as soldiers they both had to sleep in all sorts of conditions.

Except it was a very different thing sleeping next to a fellow soldier in the cold or rain, and sleeping next to someone in a comfortable bed.

Salim opened the mini-bar to distract himself. “These snacks are much smaller than I was expecting,” he commented.

“That's how they get ya,” Jason answered. “Make ya rack up a bill with the snacks. Maybe we can just do room service.”

“Isn't that more expensive?” Salim wondered.

“Who cares? We deserve it.” That was true. Salim conceded to Jason ordering, settling on the chair to watch whatever program was on.

The evening went on with them eating through snacks and laughing at the shows. Salim started to get tired around ten, but managed to fight it until eleven. He kept missing pieces of the show, and didn't realize at first it was because he was nodding off. The next time he opened his eyes, the television was off.

“You didn't have to do that,” he protested.

“It's getting late and there's nothin' good on at this hour,” Jason shrugged. Salim got up and stretched, then hesitated, staring down at his clothes. Not the sort of attire that would be comfortable sleeping in. “Embarrassed by your PJ's?” Jason guessed.


It was a little ridiculous to feel self-conscious. It wasn't like he was trying to impress Jason or anything. Salim went through his luggage and pulled out some pajamas. He considered going into the bathroom to change, but that also seemed ridiculous. They were both men, weren't they? Both soldiers, both having seen other male bodies in various states of undress. He shook his head and started working off his clothes. He could hear Jason pulling out some sleep attire, too.

Salim looked over. “Oh, my god,” he gasped. “You have hair!”

“Shut up, asshole!” Jason snapped, throwing a shirt at his face. Salim just laughed. Seeing Jason without his hat was a strange experience. Somehow it made him look more naked than being shirtless, though that was certainly an intriguing image.

Even after over a year spent in Iraq, the marine was very pale. His muscles were firm, his build lean, and his chest smooth. Then Jason dropped his trousers and Salim was surprised to see the boxer-briefs. For some reason, he was expecting Jason to go commando. He turned to his own task of dressing for bed. He didn't always wear shirts or bottoms to bed. Salim's eyes darted to Jason and caught the marine looking at him.

“You wanna use the bathroom first?” Jason asked.


Still no comments about their situation. Salim washed up and got under the covers with Jason joining him. The light clicked off and there they were, sharing a bed. Salim could feel Jason next to him even though he tried giving a little space. He lay there with hands folded and stared at the ceiling.

“This is weird,” Jason declared.

“I was waiting for you to say so.”

“I didn't want to. You didn't seem to mind, and I didn't wanna seem like I was complainin'.”

“I thought you didn't mind,” Salim countered, turning his head to look at Jason. “I can go to the front desk.”

“Nah.” Jason shrugged. “I'm all settled in and comfy now. It ain't too bad for a few nights.” Salim let out a soft noise. “What about you?” Jason asked.

“I don't know,” Salim mused. “Do you snore? Do you squirm around?” He got a head shake for both questions. “Then I suppose 'it ain't too bad.'” Jason let out a snort and rolled so he was turned in Salim's direction.

“Hearin' you use the word 'ain't' is the funniest shit.”

“I play the long game in getting you to laugh at my jokes, jarhead.” That only made Jason laugh again, his dark eyes twinkling. “You should have let me tell you the one down in the catacombs,” Salim continued. “It was a good one.”

“Tell me now.”

“No, sorry, the moment has passed.”

“Asshole,” Jason chided, and this time it was Salim who laughed. Salim shifted in the bed to face Jason.

“You really aren't tired at all, are you?”

“Nope. But you don't gotta stay up with me.”

“I seem to have found my second wind,” Salim said. He had a feeling it was because of Jason. It was the same as when they were in the catacombs: whenever Salim felt tired or disheartened, Jason's conversation and presence kept him going. “I don't want to get out of bed, though,” he added.

“These sheets are pretty nice,” Jason agreed. “The thread count's probably higher than my military paycheck.”

They fell quiet. Looking at Jason from this angle was a little strange. Seeing him in darkness was nothing new, but without his hat Jason looked so different. His hair was a little longer than a military buzz, and Salim could actually see his eyes. Salim followed the silver chain of Jason's dog-tags down to where they rested on his chest. He had the strange impulse to touch the flat metal.

“Salim,” Jason spoke up. “This is kinda nice.”

“It ain't too bad,” Salim agreed, pleased when Jason laughed.

“G'night,” Jason sighed, rolling away.

“Good night,” Salim echoed. He rolled over as well.

No, he wasn't going to go report the mistake. Three more nights of sharing a bed with Jason. He didn't mind that arrangement at all.


Not Without Knowing

"I need to see my boy," Salim announced. He sounded tired but determined. He reached out, picking up the metal stake. "A souvenir," he remarked with a little smile. He rose to his feet and made his way to the door.

Jason didn't think, he just got up and followed. "Salim, wait," he called out. The man stopped and turned to face him. Emotion welled up in Jason's throat, threatening to choke him. He swallowed it down. "Fuck. Nevermind."

"What is it?" Salim prompted him gently, taking a step closer.

"Nothin'," Jason lied. His heart ached painfully; he pushed that down, too. "It's nothin'." Salim stood there watching him and Jason turned his face away.

"Jason." Salim's voice was gentle, coaxing, and Jason couldn't stop his eyes from focusing back on the man's face. "Whatever it is, just tell me."

Jason's emotions were building up again. His heart ached, the feelings nearly pressing against his skin. He shouldn't have followed Salim. Every second Salim stood here waiting for Jason to get a word out was time lost getting back to his son. Yet Jason couldn't just let him walk away. He would've been fine if he died without ever knowing, but to live and not know... That was different.

"I'm a selfish piece of shit," Jason declared. Salim's eyebrows rose up. "I don't want you to go yet. Not before I know..."

"Know what?" Salim prodded.

Jason couldn't just come out and say it. He felt like he was being strangled by his feelings. "Down there," he finally began. "Did you ever... wanna..." He wet his lips. Maybe he didn't want to know this. Being rejected might be worse than living without knowing.

Salim had moved a little closer. His dark eyes were studying Jason. Jason leaned forward so their noses brushed. He could feel Salim's breaths, a little labored and harsh. When their lips connected, Jason wasn't sure which of them closed the distance. His insides were too busy exploding in shocks of pleasure and relief. The touch was so hesitant and short, but then it happened again, and this time it held. Jason melted from the fire burning inside him. He reached out, gripping into Salim's arms, needing that anchor.

The way their lips moved against each other was slow, patient, and incredibly sloppy with Jason interrupting to gasp for breath. At least Salim's breaths were just as harsh and shaky. Then they were back to kissing, more intense now, seeking something deeper. Jason could feel the length of Salim's body and he had no idea if he'd done that or if Salim pulled him close.

Jason stopped thinking about anything but the next press of Salim's mouth. His world was narrowed down to the space they were occupying together, Salim's hands on his back to keep him near. The kisses finally stopped, leaving Jason feeling a little disoriented.

"Did that answer your question?" Salim asked.

"Fuckin' smart-ass," Jason grumbled. Salim let out a soft chuckle. Now that the floodgates were open, Jason closed in and gave him another soft little peck.

"If it helps," Salim spoke up, "I am just as selfish as you. I didn't want to leave without knowing, but..." His nose brushed along Jason's, making a shiver of pleasure go up his spine. "I couldn't exactly do this with all of them watching."

"Yeah," Jason agreed. They already thought him insane to defy orders and rescue an "enemy soldier." He couldn't imagine them understanding or accepting this.

"It might have been a bad idea," Salim went on. He bumped against Jason's nose again. Like he couldn't stand even the few inches that separated them when they talked. Jason understood that feeling. "It's different now. Instead of 'never knowing,' it's 'never again.'"

"Fuck." Jason's eyes fluttered and he squeezed into Salim's arms. "Didn't think of that." He knew Salim had to go home, though. Jason wouldn't forgive himself if he prevented that. "Then I guess I can't leave you yet. Not without knowing."

"Knowing what?"

Jason moved their lips to only a breath apart. "What comes next."


Man with a Sword

Salim was excited to settle in and watch a movie with Jason. They had been getting together for these weekly movie nights for about a month now. Salim was a little unsure when he agreed to alternate which one of them got to pick the movie, but it turned out all right. Jason managed to politely sit through all of Salim's picks and even seemed to enjoy parts of them. Jason's picks had all been big action movies or comedies. They were fun, especially the comedies. Salim liked that he and Jason had a similar taste in humor.

It was Jason's turn tonight and while Salim got their snacks ready, he played a little game with himself trying to guess what Jason would pick. They hadn't watched one where things blew up lately, so it might be an action picture. Salim smiled to himself picturing Jason's reactions whenever there was a cool action scene. The man must have watched these movies many times before, but he always reacted with such enthusiasm. Some of it must just be the company, since Salim was enjoying his own picks more with Jason by his side.

There was a knock at his door letting him know Jason arrived. He had his movie pick hidden by a bag that also carried their drinks. It was another agreement between them: whoever picked had to bring drinks, just in case the movie was bad.

"Hello, jarhead," Salim greeted him fondly. "What are we watching tonight?"

"It's a surprise," Jason answered, pulling his bag close to his chest. "I wanna see your face when it starts playing."

"It's not that robot one again, is it?"

"Robocop is fuckin' awesome," Jason argued, making Salim smile. He would stop teasing Jason so much, except it was fun and Jason always teased him right back. "Now sit your ass down so we can start the movie."

Salim gathered their snacks and settled on the couch. Jason popped in his movie and sat next to him. Salim noticed the space between them on the couch had diminished by inches since they started these movie viewings, though he didn't comment on it. He was just glad Jason was comfortable being so close.

Salim was confused when the movie started; he thought there might be something wrong with his television. He had seen black-and-white movies before, but never imagined Jason would like them. He grew more puzzled as the actors began to speak in another language, with text at the bottom providing the English translation. A foreign film? Salim turned to stare at Jason, completely baffled. Jason smirked back at him.

"Your fuckin' face."

"Are you messing with me?" Salim demanded.

"No, I've watched this before." After a moment, Jason snorted. "Okay, fine, so I saw A Fistful of Dollars first, but this is cooler! He's a fuckin' samurai!"

"Hm." Salim turned back to the screen. "So you think a man with a sword is cooler than a man with a gun?"

"Shut up," Jason grumbled. Salim noted a red flush spreading on the younger man's cheeks and smirked.

He felt very pleased with this new bit of information.


Partner part 7

Normally a bath eased Salim's muscles and relaxed him enough to sleep. That wasn't the case tonight. He sat in the tub long enough for the water to turn tepid, and then after he dressed he paced around his room. His body was excited, his mind looping through the moment when Jason's lips touched his.

He hadn't been kissed in a long time, and the ones he shared with Maysa didn't make Salim feel like this. He couldn't stop thinking about the taste of Jason's lips, or the feel of the other man's hand on Salim's cheek. The more he thought about it, the more excited he felt. Salim had stopped the kisses so they could eat, and afterward they went about their separate night routines. Not because Salim didn't enjoy the kiss, but because he wanted to process it.

Now that the moment had time to sink in, it left behind a desire that Salim could almost feel on his skin. He stopped pacing and headed to the open doorway that separated his and Jason's rooms.

“Jason?” he called out.

“Yep,” came a quick response. Salim thought he could see the other shifting on his bed.

“I'm sorry to disturb you when you're trying to sleep. I...” Salim searched for a way to express what he was thinking and feeling. “You kissed me,” he summed up.

There was silence for a moment. He watched Jason approach, and when he got close enough the desire sensation grew. Jason's hair was messy, as if he had been attempting to sleep but kept tossing. His sleep attire was a plain shirt and shorts. Salim always thought Jason was handsome, but that kiss had unlocked a deeper attraction. Perhaps he felt it before and the kiss had simply given him a reason to make more note of it.

“Yeah, I did.” There was a guarded expression on Jason's face.

“It's all I can think about,” Salim went on.

“Me too,” Jason confessed. “Been wanting to kiss you again all night.”

Salim could only nod; thankfully that was enough to move Jason closer. Hands were cupping his cheek, and he let out a shuddering breath just before Jason's lips touched hims. He answered back at once this time, melding his mouth against Jason's. Jason pressed against him, and then Salim's back was touching the door frame. A thrill ran through him and he slid his hands to push Jason even closer. Salim ached for this.

“Salim,” Jason sighed, breaking the kiss to press his lips to Salim's cheek instead. “I, um... fuck.” His nose brushed against Salim, his breath teasing skin. “I wanna be your partner for real.”

“You are, Jason.”

“Just wanted to be sure you knew.” Jason's lips were going to Salim's jaw. He wanted them on his mouth again so badly he almost whined. “It's you and me, Salim,” Jason continued. “Partners.”

“Yes,” Salim agreed. He moved a hand to the back of Jason's neck so he could direct the man to kiss him again. Jason's hands moved from Salim's face to his shoulders and down his chest. “Partners.”

The word finally felt like it meant something.


Special Month

Salim stepped into the kitchen to find his son waiting, an eager smile on the teen's lips. There was coffee brewing and the table was set for breakfast. Except instead of the usual foods, the only item was a cake. Salim's mouth watered looking at the careful icing. Store-bought, of course, making him love it more. Zain sacrificed his own money for this.

[Happy birthday, Baba!] Zain cheered.

[Thank you.] He gave his son a hug. [No candles, I see.]

[Yeah, well, I didn't want to burn the house down.] Salim chuckled, shaking his head. He only had himself to blame for Zain's sense of humor. [Instead, I thought you could make a wish as you take the first bite.]

[Then how do we know it will come true?] Salim challenged.

[It just will. We both have big birthdays this year; it's going to be a special month.]

[If you say so,] Salim nodded. He didn't have the same fascination for the supernatural, but loved that Zain could still believe in such things. He cut the cake and tried to think of a wish. If this truly was a special month, then Salim would wish for something special.

I don't know what I want, or what I'm looking for, he admitted to himself. I wish it would come anyway, and I will know when I find it. He put a fork full of cake in his mouth. It was just the right amount of sweetness. Zain soon took a piece and together they enjoyed the cake.

Salim hadn't been looking forward to turning forty this year, but maybe Zain was right. Maybe this month would be special.


Biker part 5

Salim spent a few minutes walking around Jason's apartment until he found a window to open. He lit a cigarette and inhaled deeply. He needed the nicotine after last night. Salim watched the sunlight spread as he smoked, thoughts playing back the past few hours.

It wasn't the sex that shook him. That part was great, and Jason was an enthusiastic lover. No, it was the calm after. The way they held hands as Jason rested on Salim's shoulder felt so... comfortable. Salim couldn't recall ever just sitting with Maysa on the rare occasions they slept together. By the end of the night, he and Jason were cuddled against each other.

Noises from the bedroom warned Salim that Jason was awake. He flicked his cigarette outside and closed the window. A moment later Jason emerged wearing only boxers. Salim indulged in admiring the other man's figure. Jason was toned and lean, a few scars on his skin. He turned, eyes widening when he noticed Salim.

"Thought you left," Jason grunted. He ran fingers through his hair. "So, uh, you wanna shower first?"

"If that's all right." Their closeness from last night was replaces with awkwardness. Jason glanced at him briefly then shrugged. Salim sighed, heading into the bathroom.

He had no idea how to navigate these small moments. He hadn't even dated Maysa; he had been single longer than they were married. Salim exited the shower feeling no more sure of himself.

He found Jason in the kitchen drinking coffee. The younger man's gaze locked on Salim, following silently as Salim poured his own cup. Salim met his gaze.

"Good morning," he greeted. Jason let out a snorted.

"Mornin'." Silence fell again. "I see what you meant about this. It'd be easier if you just bent me over and fucked me."

"Condoms and lube first, habibi." Though he couldn't help the thrill at Jason's blunt words. "I also need to check in with the gang." He almost mentioned Zain, but hesitated. Admitting he was a single father felt like too much.

"Okay," Jason nodded. He took a sip of coffee. After another moment of silence, he added, "You got my number."

Getting dressed was an awkward affair. Salim almost went out the door before Jason called him back. The younger man tugged the chains on Salim's belt, bringing him in for a kiss.

"You still taste like an ashtray," Jason scolded.

"I'll work on it," Salim promised. He returned the kiss, pecking Jason's cheek instead. He felt Jason's sigh and the brush of the man's nose as he kissed Salim's cheek in return. "Tonight?" Salim asked hopefully.

"Lube and condoms," Jason instructed. "Don't forget." Salim gave him one more cheek kiss before pulling back.

He would not be telling any of the gang where he'd been last night. This thing with Jason was new and fragile, and Salim wanted to keep it to himself.


Partner part 6

Jason could feel eyes on him when he followed Salim into the regent's first meeting. Salim asked for a chair so Jason could sit beside him.

“This is Jason, my new life partner,” was the only explanation Salim gave. Jason could hear them all thinking, but none of them spoke. Jason ignored them and focused his attention on Salim. They were maybe ten minutes into the meeting when Jason felt a gentle nudge from Salim's fingers. The way they were sitting had their hands hidden from the others.

This hand-holding wouldn't be for show; Salim was genuinely wanting it. Jason didn't hesitate to oblige.

The day went on like that. Inevitably one would reach for the other, squeezing hands and interlocking fingers. When he sensed Salim was feeling agitated, Jason brushed his thumb along the man's knuckles to soothe him. The gesture made Salim smile and catch Jason's eye with a grateful look. They were both relieved when the day drew to a close.

“What did you think?” Salim asked him.

“Nothin' I didn't figure before: you got a lot on your shoulders, and you're pretty fuckin' amazing for dealin' with it.”

“I appreciate the vote of confidence.” They were silent for a moment. Salim came to a sudden halt in his walk. “How did you know I wanted to go to the garden?” Jason smiled; of course Salim would recognize the path they were walking.

“You always go there after a stressful day.”

“That's true,” Salim agreed. He had an odd expression on his face as he stared at Jason. The scrutiny made Jason feel a little self-conscious.


“Nothing.” Salim turned his gaze away, but not before Jason caught a faint flush of color on his cheeks. Jason's heart beat a little faster. He shifted on his feet and cleared his throat.

“What do you wanna eat for dinner?”

“More of your weird shit,” Salim answered at once. Jason snorted and rolled his eyes.

“Not all the food I like is weird.” Salim just laughed. He looked a little more relaxed already.

Jason was waiting at the dining table when Salim came back. The older man moved around his room, gathering his evening clothes. Jason knew Salim's routine well enough to tell just when the other was about to prepare for a bath.

“Hey, Salim,” he called, making the other pause. “C'mere and eat with me before it gets cold.” He could see Salim hesitating, but eventually he came over to sit. Jason had to bite the inside of his cheek. He'd never seen Salim look so messy before, with dirt smudged on his face and sweat on his brow.

“You could have waited for me to bathe first,” Salim complained.

“I told you I could take your bullshit,” Jason argued. “Even your sweaty, smell bullshit.” Salim's smile flickered. “I'm teasin',” Jason assured him. “You don't smell that bad.” He leaned in to take a whiff. “Kinda like flowers, actually.”

Salim let out a soft, “Oh,” and Jason blinked, realizing how close he was to the other man now. His heart started beating faster. “Thank you for being with me today,” Salim said quietly.

“You don't gotta thank me,” Jason answered, just as quiet. “I was happy to do it.” He watched Salim's Adam's apple bob as he swallowed. Jason reached up to touch his cheek. He felt the skin warm under his touch and Salim's eyes widened.

Jason leaned in a little more. Their noses brushed, Salim's shaking breaths teasing his lips. Jason pressed a soft kiss against Salim's mouth. The contact sent an exciting shock through Jason's body. Those lips shaped so perfectly against his. Salim let out a sharp gasp and Jason held still, waiting. The two sat like that with lips connected for a few heartbeats. Jason dared to press on, making his lips more firm against Salim's. He slid his hand from the man's cheek to the back of his neck, sliding fingers through the short, curly hair.

“Jason,” Salim breathed, and Jason shuddered feeling the syllables of his name brushing against his mouth. There was a returned pressure as Salim kissed him back. The gesture was soft and sweet, and over too soon. “Ahm,” Salim gulped. “We should, ah, eat.”

“Right,” Jason nodded, pulling back. The shock of their kiss still buzzed through him. It didn't feel entirely real, and yet nothing else explained the charge in the air between them. He tried to eat normally but he couldn't stop looking Salim's way, and every time their eyes met Jason's heart would skip a beat. Salim's answering smile was a little shy, gaze flicking to Jason's mouth.

They didn't kiss again, but the feel of it never left Jason's lips. It was still there when he crawled into bed, and he had an even harder time sleeping than usual.


Night Watch part 2

When Wilson told him there would be someone studying during the night shift, Jason pictured some kid. He was caught off-guard by the presence of a full-grown man. He had looked up on Jason's approach. Jason's heart gave a little skip in his chest. He was surprised, that was all. Sure, the guy had a fine square jawline and he had dark eyes pretty enough to be jewels, but so what?

“Well,” Jason spoke up once Wilson left them alone. “Good night.” He turned and made it a few paces before Salim called him back.

“I thought we could talk,” Salim suggested. “We'll be seeing a lot of each other, after all.”

There were no set rules against it. Clearly Wilson had a friendly relationship with the guy. Jason never had a problem with chatting in his other jobs. Still, the idea of talking to Salim made him squirm a little. Wasn't this guy here to study? Besides, it was Jason's first night, and he should acquaint himself with the job rather than waste time.

“I got work,” he grunted. He tugged the brim of his hat down over his eyes and walked off. This time Salim didn't stop him.

It took Jason walking half the perimeter of the building before he shook off the weird nerves. He was going to make a pretty shit watchman if his first encounter with a stranger unsettled him this much. He continued his circuit, mentally talking himself out of his funk. The only thing to do was talk to Salim and settle the awkwardness. The guy was still at the table, reading and taking notes.

“Hey,” Jason greeted. Salim looked up and gave him a smile. His whole face seemed to warm up from the expression. “Uh.” Jason cleared his throat and shook his head to clear it. “I'm Jason,” he introduced.

“I remember,” Salim assured him, looking amused. “Wilson introduced us about half an hour ago.”

“You don't gotta be a smart-ass,” Jason complained with a scowl.

“My apologies. It's a pleasure meeting you, Jason. My name's Salim.” He held out his hand and Jason shook it. Jason couldn't help noticing the strong, calloused grip. He let the hand drop and fidgeted with his cap.

“So what are you studyin'?” Jason asked.

“Ancient history, culture, music.” Salim's face grew brighter as he spoke. “I tried to teach my son that knowledge is never a waste of time. There is always something to learn, some way you can understand the world around you.” Jason smiled with him. The guy's enthusiasm was infectious.

“I'd better leave you to it, then.”

“You don't have to. That is,” Salim clarified, “I would be interested in hearing your thoughts.”

“I donno about that.” Jason fidgeted with his cap again. “I get all the history I need from cable TV.” Salim gave him a disgusted look and snorted.

“Typical.” Jason fought the amused smile and failed. Salim caught it, his face going wide. “Oh, you were messing with me.”

“All those books and you're still pretty ignorant,” Jason teased. The guy teased him first, so he figured a turn-around was deserved. “This is why I prefer the movie,” Jason added, and felt a little pleased with himself that he made Salim laugh.

“On second thought,” Salim mused, eyes sparkling, “maybe it is better for you 'leave me to it.' I'm finding it hard to focus.”

“You started it,” Jason reminded him, though amiably stepped back to give Salim space.

That wasn't so bad. Once he broke the ice, it was easy talking to Salim. There was something really charming about the guy. Night watch might not be too bad with him around.


Piano Man

[This idea I've been sitting on forever]

Salim enjoyed playing the night crowds during his shifts at the lounge. Though he was personally a morning person, he found those patrons were less interested in the entertainment. The night crowds, on the other hand, were here more for the music... and the drinks, of course. There were always a few regulars at night: they came at the same time and sat at the same table. The waitstaff likely knew them by name.

"Your fans are back," he remarked to Rachel. She had just joined him on stage and was getting ready to do a mic check. She raised an eyebrow at his words. Salim pointed over to a few tables.

"You don't know they're here for me," Rachel argued.

"They only come on nights you sing," Salim pressed. "The blond and the dark-skinned man sit close to the stage."

"What about the guy in the hat?" Rachel persisted.

That made Salim frown. He knew the one she meant. The hat was a noticeable accessory in the lounge. Salim found it amusing and a little charming that the patron would wear it. It worked as an effective shield against anyone seeing the man's face.

"Maybe he's shy," Salim suggested when this thought came to him. "He does usually sit alone." And he sat farther than the others-- closer to Salim's position than Rachel's. Rachel didn't look convinced by his reasoning. "I know," Salim said. "We can have a promotion to buy flowers. Your admirers will buy them for you, then you'll see I'm right."

Rachel agreed, and the manager thought it was a great idea. A few of the other lounge singers got flowers before it was Rachel's shift again. On the next night she was to sing, Salim tried to watch her admirers. In the end, he missed if they bought her anything. That is, until the end of the night when she ended up with two bouquets.

"There's something for you, too, Salim," a waiter informed him.

"Me?" Salim wasn't expecting that. "Are you sure?"

"You're 'the guy at the piano,'" the waiter shrugged.

Salim got a single flower rather than a bouquet, and he had to think a moment before recognizing it as a gladiolus. What an unusual choice.

"But... who bought it?" he wondered. And why me? he added internally.

"No idea," the waiter admitted. "The vendor said he was really shy and awkward about it."

Salim instantly thought of the man in the hat. Though that didn't answer why. He looked for the man later, sitting alone near Salim's spot as always. Still wearing that hat, making it hard to know if he was looking Salim's way.

Salim found himself hoping the man was.


Dark Sky

Jason had been anticipating this day all year. The rest of the world had, too, though for entirely different reasons. People were excited hearing about the total solar eclipse that would be seen by so many people. Jason dreaded it.

That day, he got all his weapons prepared and watched the skies. NASA gave the anticipated time, and Jason kept glancing at the clock. His pulse rose with every second that ticked him closer. Clouds rolled over, obstructing his view of the sun. His heart raced faster, his palms starting to sweat. Jason gripped onto the barrel of his rifle.

It was getting darker, like the moments before a storm. He couldn't see the damn sun through the clouds! How long was this supposed to last again? He kept thinking of all the people having eclipse watch parties right now. Jason watched and waited. The pseudo-night seemed to last forever. At least last time he was fighting for his life; here he could only sit.

The skies eventually grew brighter again. Jason shut his eyes, relief draining his adrenaline and making him feel exhausted. Every damn eclipse this happened. At least he knew four other people were experiencing the same thing. He would see one of those people tonight. They would help each other through this, as they had every eclipse before.

As any good sword and shield would, battling against the darkness.


Schoolyard Romance

Jason settled on the bench, watching the door. A few minutes later Salim appeared. Everyone adhered to a schedule here in the quarantine. Salim headed to get breakfast, then sat across from Jason.

"Mornin'," Jason greeted. "You look like shit."

"They won't give me any more cigarettes," Salim complained.

"Good." And Jason meant that. He got on Nick for the habit, but he worried more for Salim.

"You won't think it's good when the withdrawal makes me cranky," Salim warned. Jason cracked a smile.

"I dunno, sounds worth it watching you lose your shit." Salim rolled his eyes and the two finished eating. Nick was waiting when Jason exited the makeshift cafeteria.

"So when are you gonna make a move on him?"

"The fuck's that mean?" Jason frowned.

"Come on, man. I've been watching you and Salim for days. Just kiss him already."

"What?!" Jason's face went hot, his heart beating faster. Nick gave him a tired look.

"Dude, if he had pigtails, you'd be pulling them right now." Jason couldn't find any words. Nick didn't know what he was talking about! Sure Jason liked teasing Salim, but it was friendly! It wasn't... "Make a real move," Nick urged him again.

"Fuck off, Nicky. It ain't like that. It just fuckin' ain't." Nick raised an eyebrow and Jason flicked him off.

He hated that Nick noticed, but no way he was doing more than teasing Salim. He was too damned scared of how he felt to do anything else.


Night Watch

[Random idea time! Just seeing how it goes]

Salim greeted the night watchman on his way inside. By now, he and Wilson were well acquainted. Usually, Salim was the only one in the building at this hour. He took his usual spot and began to study. A few minutes later, Wilson approached.

"Salim, if you have a minute..."

"Of course." Salim looked up from his work.

"Today's my last day," Wilson said. "My replacement is getting changed into his uniform."

"Ah, yes, I remember," Salim nodded. "How was your retirement party?"

"It was good, thank you." Wilson waved at someone. "Jason, come over here." A moment later, an unfamiliar young man came up beside Wilson.

The man--Jason-- had fair skin, his dark hair mostly hidden under his hat. Salim wasn't great at guessing ages, but Jason looked possibly ten years younger than Salim.

"Jason, this is Salim," Wilson introduced. "He comes here at night to study."

"Howdy," Jason nodded, touching the brim of his hat.

"If you're settled, Jason, I'm going to be on my way," Wilson said. "I just wanted to say goodbye to Salim."

"I got this," Jason insisted.

"Yes, go enjoy your retirement," Salim agreed. "Good luck, my friend." Salim was sad to see Wilson leave, but happy he would get to enjoy his free time.

"Well," Jason spoke up. "Good night." He turned to walk away. Salim was too stunned to speak at first.

"Wait!" he called. Jason paused, head tilted to one side. "I thought we could talk," Salim said. "We'll be seeing a lot of each other, after all."

"I got work," Jason grunted, tugging the brim of his cap down. Salim didn't stop him this time when Jason turned away.

Maybe some other night, Salim decided. As he said, they would see a lot of each other.


Original fiction side blog

Thank you to those who voted! Enough of you seemed interested in following a side-blog dedicated to my original stuff that I went ahead and made it. Please feel free to follow laustwrites for all original fiction related things, as well as me rambling about my writing process, original characters, etc.

Thank you as always for reading!

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