
Instagram @chicabado Twitter @chicabadont

@captainjaneways-bitch / captainjaneways-bitch.tumblr.com


tumblr is the only place that im honest, how do you tell your instagram followers that you just saw a bird that changed your life? they are soulless on that app, they dont give a fuck


We’re all goin here right

Imagine if play was something encouraged in adults, places to run and jump and climb because it's fun

I never know what the machines do at the gym, but i will clamber to the top of the tower to slide into a ball pit


I am 100% certain I would be in better physical condition if adults were allowed to play in ways that focus on fun and aren't competitive.


When the Harry Potter HBO series comes out, I better not be seeing any of the bullshit justifications that you guys used to justify your Hogwarts Legacy purchases.

"Oh, she won't be making any money from it!" She's the executive producer.

"There's no ethical consumption under capitalism anyway!" That excuse applies when you're talking about things that humans actually need, like food. That excuse does not apply when you're talking about a TV show.

"I have to support the creators!" No you don't. No you fucking don't. If that excuse was true, you'd have to consume every piece of media that was ever created. Besides, Warner Brothers is a billion-dollar corporation. You won't hurt their feelings if you boycott one TV show.

"But it was my childhood!" I don't care. I legitimately do not care.

I don't wanna go through this bullshit again. Just don't fucking watch the series. It's that simple.


And also importantly

At all. No pirating to hate watch, no back water streaming site, no watch parties, No Hate Watching At All.


"How do I stop being scared of-" You do it scared. The courage arrives WITH the action, not before it. Don't wait to feel confident before you act because the key to confidence is usually doing the thing while still scared as fuck

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