
Requests Are Closed

@spaghettificationandpretzels / spaghettificationandpretzels.blog

Bi, mid 20s, she/her, 18+ Minors DNI

About me and my blog

Hello all,

I hope you find the below information helpful (thank you to @thegayhimbo for providing a template on how to do this)

Below you will mostly find information on my writing but I want you to know who you're following so I'll let you know a little about me too.

All about me

I'm a twenty-four-year-old woman living in wonderful Australia (AEST). I have had this blog for a very long time but only became active over the last three years and only started writing early last year. I'm also busy studying to get a bachelor's in a helping profession. I have a dog and a cat and I love them more than anything.

My blog

First and foremost, please don't follow me if you're under the age of 18. I don't want you here, especially considering the content of what I post. I do not make exceptions even if you coming to talk to me about something that is safe for work.

I am passionate about many social issues and will share posts about them from time to time. I have been told from knee-high that I'm opinionated and I'm very happy to share said opinions. Bigots of any shape will be blocked.

I love talking to people about their passion, ideas and thoughts so if you're having to urge to info dump about anything, please say hello.

My writing

I write for lots of fandoms for both men and women. I do both reader and OC although I'm moving towards OC more and more. I only do requests very rarely, mostly for milestones. I prefer to use canon as a starting point and most of my work deviates very heavily.

What I write:

One shots Series Fluff Smut Angst

I write for:

Jax Teller Lyla Winston
Guero Manny Angel Reyes EZ Reyes

Law & Order: SVU

Terry Bruno Joe Velasco Mike Duarte
Karen Page Billy Russo Frank Castle

Call of Duty (Video Games)

Simon 'Ghost' Riley Valeria Garza Phillip Graves Kate Laswell

The Gentleman

Raymond Smith

Peaky Blinders

Alfie Solomons John Shelby

Gangs of London

Sean Wallace

Many of my fics have very dark themes, and I fully believe that fiction should be used to explore the worst parts of humanity. However, it needs to be done well.

I will not write:

Any form of violence against women for the sole purpose of furthering a man's story. Violence against animals or children. Sexual assault smut. All my smut heavily features enthusiastic and mutual consent

General things for readers

  • I am more than happy to talk about my work, I will give spoilers and talk about my process if you want. Just ask!!!
  • I have a tag list and I'm happy to add you but if you are inactive for five posts, I will remove you.
  • You are under no obligation to read my work so please do not struggle through anything.
  • This is a hobby and I do this for free, I do this for myself so I'm happy to receive feedback but please don't complain.
  • Comments and reblogs are loved and cherished.

Thank you for reading this far, I wish you fun on your journey through my blog.


one time when I was a barista I was telling my coworker that I suddenly really missed cows. I used to work with cows all the time back home and then I moved away and suddenly it had been four years and nary a cow.

15 minutes later this old guy came up to the counter with his address written on a napkin & he said “me and my wife have a whole herd of dexters and a couple of new calves. come on over any time”

so after work I was like ok fuck it & I drove to the address and I parked at at the gate & I walked down the driveway to the barn and this woman was like “oh my husband told me you might stop by! come see our cows” and she introduced me to every single cow. made my whole week.

thank you cow couple



some of you are miserable because you're mean. like you're just mean to people and things

"why don't i have any friends" because you are mean

this can be fixed at least in part very easily though! just stop being mean. i believe in all of you 👍


‘but i’m not mean’ ok, cool! do you:

  • point out people’s mistakes and failures to them? in front of others?
  • belittle their accomplishments and successes? in front of others?
  • make fun of people and laugh at them? in front of others?
  • do all this secretly to your ‘friends’ because friendship means being able to ‘joke around with’ each other, or ‘be brutally honest’ with each other?
  • bring up past grievances with people over and over until they’ve apologized ‘enough’, or just to shut down arguments with them, or get out of conversations you don’t want to have?
  • refuse to do favors for people? like when you feel they haven’t ‘earned’ your time or effort? or at all because you don’t want to be ‘taken advantage’ of?
  • try to get out of paying your share of bills, doing your share of chores? spend time figuring out exactly how little you can contribute to groups in terms of time, effort, and money, without anyone noticing or getting too mad at you?
  • get angry and jealous when people are happy about things that don’t concern you? get angry and jealous when people pay attention to each other and not you?
  • spend any amount of time ‘getting even’ with people?


you might feel like you’re a perfectly nice person who cares a lot about people but also speak your mind and take no shit! but if you do any of this stuff, people won’t like you anymore, because it fucking sucks to be around you. you suck to interact with. no one fucking likes being mocked, criticized, picked on, upstaged, pushed around, mooched off, or revenged upon. they will, if they have any self-respect at all, avoid you.

the worst case scenario actually isn’t that you end up alone. it’s that you end up with other people who are just as mean as you are, and you all mutually tear each other to pieces on your way to drug addictions, losing all your money and property and kids, and jail time. this happens a lot, i have seen it go down, and it’s not fun even for bystanders. please consider putting the time and effort in to be nice, instead.

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