
Stars and Cannons

@missmagicalstar / missmagicalstar.tumblr.com

Stars are really pretty. Cannons are really cool. Pyew pyew pyew.

Do non-americans realize that the United States is literally just a bunch of countries in a trench coat that agreed to be semi-nice to each other in order to sneak into the Big Boy Club? Because let’s be honest that’s just what the USA is

The rest of the world: So… you’re a big country?

The states, standing on each other’s shoulders: Y- yes,,,

I love how everyone who’s reblogged this hasn’t added anything on or tagged anything on it. They’re all just like “Yeah. That’s it. That’s the entire United States summed up in one post-”

Don’t let these tags die omfg

10/10 can confirm

absolutely bonkers that my own tags have crossed my dash like this more than fifteen reblogs after i wrote them

I moved to another state. 30 minutes away. My family acts like I betrayed them and can’t understand my life choices. It’s completely different way of life, especially during covid. Completely different country.


every single fucking time one of those articles of “things europeans find weird about america” complains that sales tax isn’t included

states set the sales tax!!! it’s literally different across state lines!!! american retailers can’t add it bc they’d have to account for 50 different prices!!!!!!!

It gets even more insane! California’s clean air standards for cars and other such things are so much higher than everyone else’s! So if a car manufacturer in Detroit wants to sell their damn cars in California, they need to build their cars to California clean air standards. But retooling an assembly line and car design to have some cars meet California clean air standards, while building others to other clean air standards is a lot of work, so car manufacturers all over the country have to build all their cars to California clean air standards.

Which is why California went into an uproar earlier this year when the Federal Government tried to argue that states can’t set their own environmental guidelines! “Fuck you!” says California, “we remember Los Angeles in the 80s, how bad the smog gets, go pollute your own damn air over in your own damn state where there isn’t a thermal inversion layer to trap all the smog down near ground level!”

“But you’re making it soooo haaaaaard to sell our cars everywhere else!” they whine.

“Fuck you!” California shouts. “And while we’re at it, we don’t give a shit what you say, Mister President, we’re gonna open our damn states when we’re good and ready, and our friends Nevada, Oregon, Colorado, and Washington State agree! Also, we’ve decided to legalize weed!”

“But the Federal Government says it’s illegal!” shouts the other states.

“Fuck you, we make the drug laws in our state, and we say toke up!”

“Now, hang on!” shouts the Federal government. “You can legalize weed in your state, but all banks are federal agencies, so if your weed dispensaries set up bank accounts, those accounts have money from illegal practices in it and are subject to seizure by the federal government!”

“FINE!” shouts California. “Hey, weed guys, you can keep selling weed, but you can only deal in cash!”

“How the fuck is that supposed to work!?”


“By the way, if you’re gay married elsewhere, we won’t recognize it,” mutters Texas.


And so it goes and so it goes…


“What’s sales tax?” says Montana. “What’s road maintainence?” “also what’s a speed limit?”

@evertree123 I’m European I went to Ohio once for a summer job worst experience ever in my life they deserve to be the crackstate along with Florida


Me, Catholic, walking into a Protestant church with no depictions of Mary: where’s my mom

Me, culturally Protestant, walking into a Catholic church filled balls to the walls with paintings sculptures candles and god knows what else: why’s there so much stuff

Me, Orthodox, walking into a western church:  w h e r e   a r e   t h e   b o n e s






Do NOT trust Anne Rice

Hello, Vampire Chronicles fans.

Sit down. We need to have a chat.

You see, while some people are very much excited for a new show about our pompous king of the assholes (and I say this as a term of endearment, having loved Lestat since I was a depressed teenager living in New York, shuffling through my mom’s fiction section) we need to pause and remember this:

Anne Rice does not support fan fiction or anything that is not glowing praise.

Read it again, slowly.

Anne Rice does not support fan fiction or anything that is not glowing praise.

This is difficult for younger fans to understand, but let’s take a walk down memory lane.

She has threatened to sue writers in the past. She is one of the most prolific writers of our generation, and she does not support people using her characters for their own work.

In fact, in 2000 she went on a binge-attack against her fans. She threatened legal action against fans who wrote or drew her characters, but especially those who wrote with them. She sent them weeks of harassing letters and doxxed them on the internet.

Let me repeat that.

She doxxed people who wrote fan fiction.

She harassed them online and threatened to contact employers.

She used her fans to outright attack other fans.

This isn’t even something she can just shake off now, with the comment of “It was so long ago” because she did this to a writer who wrote commentary on her story in 2013.

In 2013.

While it was not that she wrote fan fiction, she still shows that she has no respect for people who are in fandom.

Remember those disclaimers used in fan fics, at the beginning? “I do not own …. ”? Yeah, a lot of that has to do with the fact that Anne Rice and others like her would attack fandoms and threaten them, and was in hopes that they would just leave us alone. She didn’t.

In short: Do not trust Anne Rice. I love her writing, I have read every book she has even written, but I do not trust her.

You shouldn’t, either.


Anne Rice was and still is a bully. Don’t support her work.


Don’t not take this seriously either. She hunted down fan fictions on small privately hosted web pages as well. She doesn’t care if you put the disclaimer in the top.

She hates fan fiction and WILL try to sue you. DO NOT think this is a joke, real people received real legal paperwork from her. And this happened about ten years ago, so it wasnt a super long time ago.


Anne Rice isn’t the only one in this club. Diana Gabaldon has compared fanfiction to putting her characters into “white slavery.” George R. R. Martin has also spoken out about fanfiction, but Rice takes the cake for rejecting any criticism of her work along with banning any and all fanfiction based on her work.

However, according to copyright law fanfiction is considered a transformative work, and therefore is considered fair use.

Support the Organization for Transformative Works, who “serve the interests of fans by providing access to and preserving the history of fanworks and fan culture in its myriad forms.”

That Amazon review was, like, the most hilariously amazing thing to ever happen in fandom.  I wasn’t even in Anne Rice fandom, I’m not sure anyone I knew was, but it caused glee far and wide.  “Interrogating the text from the wrong perspective” became the go-to catchphrase but, I, for one, think nothing matches the utterly batshit beauty of “you have strained my Dickensean principles to the max.”


Annette Curtis Klause, Robin Hobb (who also writes as Megan Lindholm), and Robin McKinley likewise take issue with fanfic. In “The Fan Fiction Rant,” available  in its entirety on Fanlore.org, Hobb refers to fanfic as “identity theft.”

Do not let fandom history be forgotten. Always remember. Always pass this on.


banish the idea that platonic love is a lesser form of love

if you go through life not investing in your friendships the same way you invest in romantic relationships, you will always be looking for love, feeling lonely, completely blind to the love all around you

friendship is not a lower level relationship. it is not a lesser form of love.


the investigations games are so good because someone at capcom had to ask themselves what edgeworth does when he isn’t around phoenix and they decided, in no particular order, that he’d throw hands with a furry, throw hands with a milf, break into some guy’s house, adopt two kids and take down a smuggling ring and i think that that was just incredibly sexy of them


on a sincere note though, you guys do know that 22 is not old and 30 is not ancient, right? like yeah by 30 you will hopefully have matured but hearing some of you talk like life ends at 30 is a little worrying. one day, not as far away as it may seem, you will be 30 and you will still be a person with value, you will probably still have a lot of the same interests, you will still use the internet, and you will still be you. you have your whole life ahead of you

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