
Chiefest and Tiniest of Calamities

@lottiefairchildbranwell / lottiefairchildbranwell.tumblr.com

Lottie • 20+ • aroace • she/her/fae/faer
• maths person • This is my fandom blog •
Main @8lottie8 • ADHD and maths blog @adhdmaths
Current main fandom: Chalet School (we have a discord server! Message me for an invite link), with a side of Star Wars
Runner of the Chalet School wiki, editor of Of a Linear Circle and Re-Entry wikis

The View From Bag End

Polycotton with DMC and Anchor embroidery floss

Seasons anti-clockwise from bottom right quarter: spring, summer, autumn, winter

[Image Description: a circular embroidery hoop with white fabric stretched over it. Embroidered onto the fabric is the view from the doorway of Bag End, split into quarters with each quarter showing a different season. The spring quarter shows a colourful wildflower meadow with rhododendron bushes in bloom at the back and green fields in the distance. The summer quarter shows the other half of the wildflower meadow, in more brown and green tones, with a path at the front, a pink rose bush in bloom at the back, and golden fields in the distance. The autumn quarter shows shows silver birch trees with red, gold, and brown leaves, with brown and green fields, hills in the distance, and a blue sky. The winter quarter shows snow covered fields with some green grass showing through, with hills in the distance and a blue sky. End Image Description]


holy fuck


I can’t believe someone wrote that entire setup and drew this entire comic just to make that visual pun.

It deserves a place in the pun hall of fame.

Listen, as an Anna May I am mildly annoyed by my lack of appropriate work clothes and pleased with my wicked awesome farm-sword


“supernatural has no influence outside of small parts of tumblr” ok. have you ever heard or used the word mansplain.

O. M. Fucking. God???? This is true????

Merriam-Webster in its explanation of the term also mentions that “know your meme” contributes the fist usage of the word to a LiveJournal user.

While the idea behind mansplaining is believed to have originated from an op-ed written in the LA Times on April 13, 2008, the first time the actual term “mansplaining” was used was by a LiveJournal user on May 21, 2008.

They used it in a comment on a post titled “Women Who Hate Dean Hating Women Hating… wait”. However when trying to search for the original post from LiveJournal to verify if it was Supernatural-related, it turns out that this post wasn’t preserved … except on supernaturalwiki, which links us to the Web Archive.

And on the Web Archive the second sentence of this post reads: “Hiatus in the Supernatural fandom officially started last Friday, and already fans are getting a little stir-crazy.”

So … the term mansplaining actually originated from the SPN fandom … because of course it does lol.


99% of "mysterious disappearances" esp of people in their 20s who start acting weird for 48 hours and then vanish are not mysterious, thats just when a lot of reality-obliterating mental illness tends to kick in and it's pretty easy to get a short circuit in your brain that makes you go family guy death pose in joshua tree national park. it's not any less tragic, it's just a documented phenomenon and not particularly predictable. its a big reason the medical advice is for people with a family history of schizophrenia to completely avoid weed and psychedelics. "people just go crazy sometimes" is a principle of human health that used to be a lot more accepted prior to the american midcentury and to a certain extent thats a healthier way to conceptualize and prepare for the risk, as opposed to the modern assertion that anyone acting weird is dangerous and broken forever.

you should have a rough outline of a plan for if any of your loved ones experiences psychosis, it really does happen a lot. UTIs can cause psychosis. taking drugs, even safe drugs, or prescription drugs, can cause psychosis. i was once prescribed a heavy regimen of vitamin D because i was deficient, but the doctor never told me to stop taking it, so i moved to california, stopped being deficient, and developed vitamin d toxicity with downstream hyperparathyroidism which triggered significant hypomania that was undetected and uncontrolled for yeeeeeeears. i just slowly got Weird and started making impulsive decisions based on slightly out-of-gamut beliefs. i drove cross country by myself to have a love affair. the love affair was real, the series of decisions leading to burning down my life in pursuit of it were based on not great brain function however. etc. you see what i mean. churchill mentioned depression being the "black dog who stalks us" (one reason for Churchgrim's multi-referential name) but theres another, stealthier dog called Insanity and it's closer to some people than others but man it sneaks up on you. every time i see one of those "guy gets weird and drives into the wilderness forever" missing persons stories i think "yeah i could totally pull that off"


"van gogh cut off his ear what a lunatic" you are 3 nights of bad sleep, getting unexpected upsetting news and taking a substance as benign as coffee at the wrong time away from doing the same hope this helps


This little asshole keeps getting into a bird feeder, so we need to test how small is *too* small

3 inch opening: no problem

2.75 inch opening: Easy

2.5 inch opening: doing fine

2.25 inch opening: Bit of a struggle, but as Mr Meeseeks says: CAAAN DOO!

2 inch opening: Alright, lets try chewing the opening a bit, As long as we get the nuts into the mouth (huhuhu) we good I guess…

Uh-oh… Steve is getting greedy

:insert grunts of effort here:

Taking a break…

The guy who made the original video decided after a long struggle to help Steve out.

A New Challenger approaches!

1.75 inchs: Quote Mr Meseeks: “OOOHHH HE’S TRYING”


He ends up giving up.

Source: Chris Notap - Squirrel ● literally ● bites off more than he can chew ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sS4ach0CwN4

via imgur


I love it


What I learned is that I am not the only person who calls all squirrels Steve

stop it steve



His little hands at the end sent me into a frenzy of laughter.




At any given time I am probably one of these squirrel gifs

At any given

time I am probably one

of these squirrel gifs

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.


Working in the emergency department is just:

- Seeing 5 people with colds who shouldn’t be here

- Someone with diabetes who just chugged a Big Gulp Soda

- Mystery Abdominal Pain

- An old person who fell and somehow broke every bone in their body

- Seeing the happiest healthiest baby ever with parents who look like they haven’t slept in 3 days because the baby sneezed (I don’t mind these patients - cute baby, knowing the cute baby is cared for, and easing people’s worry? Great time)

- Someone who got in a car accident 2 days ago and just now decided to get checked out and is about to learn about whiplash

- Someone who didn’t try any OTC medication for their symptoms before coming and is about to get the most expensive Acetaminophen & Ibuprofen of their lives

- An interaction that changes your life; that leaves you with a deep sadness but also hope and a certainty that despite everything, in their hearts people are good and want to love one another

- A 3ppd smoker with diagnosed COPD who decided today is the day to figure out that cough they’ve had for 5 years

- Homeless people who just want to get out of the elements and have a snack you want to help but can’t

- Someone who will scream at you for not prescribing antibiotics for a viral infection

- Someone with 13 heart stents who vehemently denies any heart problems because “they fixed it!”

- Someone who just invented a new way to take medication wrong


The fastest way to shut down my "freelance life means I have to constantly be working" thoughts is to remind myself that if I was a boss holding a worker to the standards I hold myself to, their union would hunt me for sport and nobody would blame them.


Not me immediately screenshotting this and posting it to the OPP freelance writers chat I'm in


“Hey,” Quinlan greets with a small, amused smile, “What’re you doing down there?”

Obi-Wan closes his eyes again and sighs, “Oh, you know. Pondering the secrets of the universe.”

Quinlan hums, “Can I join you?”

Obi-Wan wordlessly reaches out and pats the floor next to his body.

He hears an overly dramatic groan as Quinlan lays down next to him, their shoulders brushing. Quinlan is silent for a few moments, but Obi-Wan can practically hear the many things he’d like to say darting around in that mind of his.

“Discover anything interesting about the universe?” Quinlan asks lightly, treading carefully and turning his head to look at Obi-Wan.

“Hm,” Obi-Wan hums in faux contemplation, “Just that this floor is rather cold. I was getting to the meaning of existence, but then you interrupted me.”

Quinlan snorts and Obi-Wan opens his eyes to turn and look at him, resting his cheek on the cool floor. He’s met with a crooked grin and brown eyes that send warmth through his chest no matter how many wrinkles form in the corners. 

One of Quinlan’s locs is curled over the side of his face. Obi-Wan reaches up to gently push it off his face and Quinlan’s smile slips into something smaller, more intimate.

“And what is the meaning of existence, Master Kenobi?” Quinlan questions with a teasing curl to his mouth.

Obi-Wan responds with his own smile and thumbs at the edge of the gold tattoo before slipping his hand off Quinlan’s face and resting it on his own stomach. The warm overhead light sparkles in Quinlan’s kind, clever eyes and reflects off the gold clasps in his hair that’s pushed back from his face, just barely spilling onto the floor.

“Oh dear, I’m sorry to say I’ve been sworn to secrecy, Master Vos,” Obi-Wan shrugs and Quinlan’s smile grows, “I can tell you it’s right along with Master Yoda’s famous stew recipe and whether the grand spire actually housed anything.”


I can’t stop- I love these two so much they make me so mad

another quinobi work in progress. starting to see a trend yet?

Im not 100% happy w their faces yet, an obv quinlan is missing his whole lower half, but hey that’s a problem for future me


I'm trying to write a post about tick safety and avoiding tick bites, but a lot of the info on websites is like "Avoid going in the woods, in plants, and where there are wild animals" and "Activities like hiking and gardening can put you at risk" and I'm like thanks! This is worthless!

As ticks and tick borne illnesses are expanding their range, I think it's important for people to be educated about these things, and I think it's especially important to give people actual advice on how to protect themselves instead of telling them to just...avoid the natural world

Rough draft version of Tick Advice:

  • Ticks don't jump down on you from trees, they get on you when you brush against grass, brush, bushes etc.
  • Ticks get brought to an area when they get done feeding from an animal and fall off them. In the USA, the main tick-bringing animal is deer, but I've seen plenty ticks on feral cats and songbirds.
  • Ticks get killed when they dry out so drier areas with more sunlight are less favorable to ticks.

The above is useful for figuring out whether an area is likely to have lots of ticks, and how vigilant you have to be in that area.

  • Wear light-colored, long pants outside. Tuck your pants into your socks, and tuck your shirt into the waist of your pants. Invest in light, breathable fabrics idc
  • IMMEDIATELY change out of your outside clothes when you come back from a tick-prone area, wash them, and dry them on high heat to kill any ticks that might be stuck on.
  • Shower and check yourself for ticks after coming inside. Hair, armpits, and nether regions in particular. You can use a handheld mirror or rely on touch; an attached tick will feel like a bump kinda like a scab
  • While you're outside, you can just periodically check for ticks by running your hands down your legs and checking visually to see if anything is crawling on your clothes. Light colors make them easy to spot, and they don't move fast.
  • Combing through each others' hair to check for creepy crawly critters is a time-honored primate ritual and is not weird. When hiking, bring a friend who will have your back when you feel something on your neck and need to know if it's sweat or a tick

If you're careful, you can usually catch ticks before they bite you, but if one does bite you, it's not the end of the world. Since tickborne diseases are different regionally i suspect this advice will differ based on where you are, but the important thing is remove the tick with tweezers (DON'T use butter, a lit match, or anything that kills the tick while it's still attached, please) and contact a doctor to see what to watch for. Most illnesses you can catch from ticks are easily treatable if you recognize them when symptoms first appear


Also, don't assume that just because you weren't in tall grasses you don't need to be checked.

Some advice from a former camp counselor:

- If you’re camping, check your towels, blankets, and anything else you’ve hung up before letting it touch your body. Ticks are drawn to wet towels and find it an easy jump to a person.

- If you’re out with a dog, check them over thoroughly before you pet them. Anti-tick medication can kill ticks that attach to your dog, but they can still hitch a ride on fur and then jump on you. Consider getting an outdoor comb and wear gloves while checking.

- Invest in a pair of fine-tipped tweezers to remove ticks. There are a ton of special “tick removal” tools that will work, but they’re essentially a riff on a basic set of fine-tipped tweezers. The fine tip allows you to pull a tick off without killing it while it’s attached. Standard, blunt-edged tweezers for eyebrows don’t work as well, because they can crush the tick’s body and release germs into your skin at the bite site.

- If you have a tick on or near your genitals, just go to a doctor. Just...just do it. Trust me. I’ve seen this happen. Do not engage with the junk tick.

- When you need to remove a tick, grasp it firmly with your tweezers as close to the skin as you can get it. If you can, grasp it under the head. Pull straight up - do not twist the tick. That’s going to be your best bet to pull it all off without leaving the head or mouth embedded.

- If you do break the tick, leave the mouth alone - don’t dig in to get it, since that can break your skin more and cause infection. Without the tick attached, the mouth should eventually fall off. If it doesn’t within a day or so, call a doctor.

- Disinfect, disinfect, disinfect. I’d recommend hitting the area with rubbing alcohol several times.

- Keep the tick in a plastic bag in your freezer or fridge. It’s gross, but if you start having any illness symptoms, it can be helpful for your doctor to have the tick itself.

- Watch for a rash on the site, a fever, chills, or body aches. If you experience anything like that, go to an urgent care or hospital.

- Don’t panic! Lyme disease is treatable. The quicker you get medical treatment, the less likely that you’ll have significant long-term effects.

Speaking as a long time outdoorsman this is all great advice. I’ll add one thing: in the past many places have had traditional tick seasons. Be aware that these seasons are shifting and expanding due to global climate change. I’ve spent a lot of time in the central Rocky Mountains and traditionally tick season was early to mid spring. That has shifted to late winter in the valleys and ranges to mid summer at higher altitudes.

Additionally, tick species ranges and the tickborne illness ranges have also been shifting because of climate change. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever used to be moderately common in the Rockies and has expanded east.

Teal deer: don’t rely on traditional information, verify seasons and ranges before assuming you’re safe.


Do not engage with the junk tick.


Other protip: a deep woods style bug spray can repel ticks. Spray the insides and outsides of your shoes and also your socks. It helps a LOT.

I went from getting a dozen ticks to getting zero after doing this. Be aware that deep woods bug sprays are poisons and keep them away from non human animals and use sparingly on skin.


The thing about fanfiction after writing original fiction for so long is that it feels like taking weighted clothes off. If I wanted a cool plot twist or a reveal or a mystery I had to set up all the expectations myself. I had to set up the red herrings, the clues, the boundaries of what was reasonable.

In fanfiction I drop a name from canon I never referenced before and it will carry the weight that a hundred pages of set up would carry in original fiction.

Do you have any fucking idea how intoxicating that is.

The shared language of a fandom in fanfiction is so amazingly conducive to a type of story telling that we lost when public domain was gutted as a legal concept. And it’s such a thrilling way to make stories and I weep for how rare it is to encounter.

Like you sort of get a ghoulish attempt with star wars style “look it’s revan” but it’s still only a handful of people who get to play. With fandom everyone gets to play with the full toolbox, with infinite chances to try.


It’s striking me really hard after reading this post–so much of what is considered the ~canon~ of western literature really arises out of this situation where everyone who wrote (i.e. a tiny minority of educated men and the very very rare educated woman) was operating with a common set of referents. There were just so few books, back then, and if you were educated enough to write, those were the books you had read, and that your teachers had read and told you about. Everyone got the same references.

We talk about the Divine Comedy being Bible fanfic and so forth, but it really was in a way we don’t always articulate–it wasn’t just that it was repurposing other stories the author had read. It was the product of an author who felt himself a part of a community that had this shared set of referents. He only had to allude to things, and his intended readers knew all of the context. Being in modern fandom allows us to be part of a community that likewise shares a canon and shares references and influences, something that is increasingly lost in modern copyrighted fiction where everyone is constantly desperate to be original.


*falls down the stairs crashes down on the floor and shatters into a gazillion pieces* Ideal Quinobi dynamic (real unedited panels believe me)

Star Wars: Republic #69

people are absolutely EVIL about the boundaries of “picky eaters”. no, they do not have to try it. yes, they can know they don’t like it without having eaten it before. no, they probably have not suddenly grown a taste for the food they’ve said they hate. no, they probably are not going to like it in the Special Way This One Place Cooks It. yes, you are being a bad friend if you try to “trick” them into eating it anyway

Things that actually help picky eaters try new things:

  • “Do you want to try this off of my plate?”
  • “It’s made of [ingredients], I think you’d like [x part]”
  • “If you want to see if you like [x food], this is a pretty good representation of it”
  • “You won’t like this, it tastes like [description]. Do you want to try it for fun?”
  • “Do you remember trying/have you ever tried [x food]? This is like that, but [differences]”
  • “I think you’d like the taste of this, but the texture is iffy. It’s [description]”
  • Make sure there’s other food they can eat if they don’t like the new one

And most importantly, build trust with that person by listening to them, showing that you take their concerns into account, and being cool if the answer is no. No is always an option. This isn’t something you do once, it’s a pattern you have to stick to if you want to establish that you are a safe person when it comes to food stuff

Basically: offer the food, explain what’s in it and why you think it’s worth trying, and then be cool with the answer you get. No pressure, no trickery, just be straight up with people

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