
@ladylynse / ladylynse.tumblr.com

Fic writer. Multifandom and non-fandom. Lots of DP, smatterings of ML, TOH, TAZ, SPN, etc. Crossover lover. Slow burn reveal fics. Runs the gambit from angst to fluff but tends to angst.

If you want to take a peek at my writing, here’s how to find it!

I’m Lynse on FFN and the AO3.

Tumblr fics: (some crossposted to FFN/AO3)

I don’t do proper commissions, but I write thank you snippets for those who choose to donate to my ko-fi, so if you would like to see something continued or expanded, or if you want to see how I’d run with a particular idea/crossover, you can consider going that route and receiving a thank you snippet. (I’ve also done a fic/art trade before, so....)

If you have a moment, I’d encourage you to check out the wonderful fanart/fanfic/moodboard gifts I’ve received from some lovely folk!


my advice to you is to never waste your time trying to fit into a club or hobby or any community who makes you beg for acceptance and approval just to participate when you could do the alternative—get involved in a niche and endangered hobby run primarily by old people.

i wanted to learn how to hunt ruffed grouse and train bird dogs so i sent an email to my local chapter of the ruffed grouse society explaining that getting into wildlife groups is intimidating to me because I’m trans

and all they saw was that someone under 60 wanted to learn to hunt grouse & several months into my mentorship I was told that like 7 old guys argued over me until they had to pick a number between 1 and 100 to decide who got to personally mentor me.

imagine vying for the acceptance of some gatekeeping weirdos when your mere interest could be inciting verbal combat among retirees

my mentor was so sweet & funny too. he suggested we meet over lunch first so he could tell me about what to expect before we got started & I emailed back “I’m ready to get started right away!”

and he said “I was actually suggesting lunch first for your comfort on the assumption you wouldn’t want to get together with a man you’ve never met, in the woods with a gun.”

Like, I trusted him because of the referrals I got from one of my professors but like, right you are sir fair enough. Lunch it is.


HC that the average life expectancy in Gotham is actually four years higher than the national average because they collectively just keep refusing to die

the general concensus being "if we die the clown wins"

Gotham really is the perfect scientist trap, like every scientist in the world is either at "I could fix it" or "I could make it worse" with a few that are like "I could study so so SO good it and win a Nobel"

It's basically the most frantic game of whack-a-mole/herding cats. All STEM majors have a 100-level required class on why you can't go to Gotham.

I bets that's really hard/confusing for the kid from Gotham who whent to school out of state and took Gotham 101 as an easy A.

And ends up fistfighting a TA because they used a Google image of her grandma's house in a slide show.

OK but like Gotham is like that™️ cuz of so, so many curses. Gothamites survive because they've evolved. Adapted. Like a VERY stubborn type of New York sewer rat. So, for example, if anyone other normal type of rat came in, they'd either have to adjust and evolve (i.e become a rogue or smth) or just...die. It makes sense.


There’s fanfiction…. And then there’s FANFICTION. The kind of shit you happen upon at like 3am or some other ungodly time because you were trying to find a fix for ur fixation at the time and you are just SUCKED IN and every sentence feels like a line of cocaine and it has quotes and imagery that permeate your brain and it’s the shit that sticks around in your consciousness forever and it never goes away and it’s always going to be one of Those Fics.


a few months ago I binged If You Give a Bat a Burger by @noir-renard.

first of all? top 10 banger fics of all time I am not kidding. look at me. look at me? look at me. not kidding.

anyway I couldn't NOT experiment with a (starter?) Cardinal outfit. took a bit of inspiration from other versions I've seen, a bit from redesigns I've fiddled on Danny before, and just today threw a vest on top because I've recently become convinced that what the Phantom design actually needs is a sick white leather jacket coming soon patent pending (not really on the patent, yes really on the imma draw this thing. look i scribbled it the other night

do you see what I mean? do you see what I mean???? ...give it time.)



Callsigns are ALL like this. I know in movies everyone's got cool callsigns, but you have to EARN a cool callsign. Most people's are like, commemoration of something real stupid they did, or, like, "Carrots" bc "he ate carrots weirdly." This database is a treasure trove:


Also unironically if you are nb and have an "object" name you can 100% get old republicans to use it by just claiming it's for something dumb. "Yeah man I go by Brick because I dropped a bunch of bricks once and messed up a timeline on a job" will get everyone you will ever meet to call you that.


A werewolf who works in their local national park bcos they feel like it's their territory who gets really mad about littering by day and single handedly keeps the deer population at a manageable level by night

Once the local government tried to force the trust into selling off some land for farming but the trial run was quickly suspended after some... incidents

They strongly back the ongoing attempts to reintroduce wolves to the area because it's a more sustainable way to maintain the ecosystem but also bcos they miss their family*

*their brother is a city banker who hates mud

Their partner is a vampire who has lived in a heritage property in the park for 200 years and spends all of their time complaining that the trust restored the grounds wrong and trying to convince the werewolf to let them eat lost hikers

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