
c is typing...

@c-is-writing / c-is-writing.tumblr.com

hello! i'm kk and welcome to my blog ☆ she/they ☆ 19 ☆ rules and infomasterlist ☆ requests are closed (●'◡'●)

eat the cake

note: the way i could only come up with something for my 21st birthday and its tied to my mental illness </3. i'm so sorry i haven't uploaded in awhile, i haven't had much motivation for anything really. but i am going to try and push myself a little more.

also, this isn't very good but i wanted to kinda get something out as a gift for myself even though i won't ever read this again.

anyways, hope you guys are okay and i will try to work on requests asap!!

oh and this fic has wanda in it cause that's gf fr.

warnings: ed fic + semi proofread

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summary: reader gets broken up with

note: everyone in this fic is a Lesbian because i said so. also this is for my bff, i love u jasiepoo i hope you feel better soon.

warnings: semi proofread.

mama!nat x daughter!reader

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reality check

notes: quick vent fic while i work on other stuff sorry :c

warnings: heavily revolved around restrictive eating disorders, alludes to SA, but doesn’t go into detail, natasha not being very understanding (at first), starts in the middle of a fight bc i didn’t know how else to begin the story lol, semi-proofread.

mama!nat x daughter reader

no tags cause of the topic :c

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sick days

req: i was wondering if you could do a nat x daughter reader fic where we are basically overworking ourselves with school and our first job, and get really sick/depressed and nat notices and helps? cuddles and just support and fluff please?

hope this is ok, req is currently my situation and need some nat comfort for it :)))

notes: yass slayy another request down. idk how to feel abt it but i hope this was okay and i hope you like it!!

warnings: none? sickness, semi proofread, lazy title.

mama!nat x adopted daughter!reader

🏷: @c-is-writing yasss

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note: every single stevenat stan i’ve ever interacted with has been lesbophobic so fuck them and that nasty ass ship. this ones for @starsvck and the lesbians + lesbian nat stannies.

natasha is a lesbian now go cry about it.

req: bae comfort fic w reader and nat where reader comes out as a lesbian after struggling w their sexuality for so long <333 ur so slay and ily

warnings: internalized lesbophobia, but it gets better ‹3 semi-proofread.

🏷: @c-is-writing my beloved

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notes: uh. Hi? so sorry for not writing for awhile, i’ve had some health issues that i’ve had to deal with. i hope this is okay !! send in any hurt/comfort prompts and i’ll see if i can write them :3.

just reread this and oh my god its so bad im so sorry

warnings: not proofread, rusty writing, bullying :p

🏷: @c-is-writing ‹3

mamma!nat x adopted daughter!reader


i know who you pretend i am

mama!nat x teen reader

note: i’m projecting SOOOOO HARDDDDD rn. so sorry i have mommy issues

blame mitski and a scarlett edit with her “why not me” lyrics. im in Pain. also if ur adopted this ones for you fr.

prompt: reader’s always getting in trouble and hoping to push away nat, but nat reassures them she’s never leaving. idk im awful at summaries.

🏷: @c-is-writing ‹3


Bleeding Out

Summary:  A routine mission goes wrong when Clint and Y/n are overwhelmed by Hydra. Y/n struggles to survive as Natasha and Bucky collect the intel they’re after. What awaits the future for Wandas loved ones? Lets find out….

Word count:  3428                       Masterlist

It was supposed to be an average mission with Natasha, Clint and Bucky. You were to infiltrate the base, stealthily take out some Hydra soldiers, download the needed intel then leave. Unfortunately it would seem that todays mission would not go according to plan.

You weren’t sure who was spotted, Clint or you, all you knew was you now had at least twenty Hydra soldiers on your asses with more en route.

“Don’t worry about us Nat, we can handle this.” the archer says over comms as he fires one of his explosive arrows at a group of Hydra soldiers

“He’s right. We’re currently, and unfortunately, the perfect distraction. You and Bucky will have plenty of time to grab that intel.” you add as you shoot a few more

“Are you sure?” your girlfriend asks, you can sense the unease in her voice

“Positive babe.” you reply, smirking as you picture the dopey smile she always wears when you call her that


middle ground

note: you don’t know how sorry i am that this is short :(

warnings: none other than the fact that this isn’t proofread </3

request: Hi! May I please request a Nat fic where r is lowkey touch averse. Nat sees they sometimes tense up when touched and asks about it and reader kinda off handedly explains that she's mostly fine with touch (etc hugs, cuddles, holding hands) but sometimes she just doesn't wanna be touched and whereas some find a hand on the back touches comforting then they dislike them and overall the not necessarily touches that are sometimes given when ppl pass. And Natasha actually listens and pulls back after that conversation and reader is like ??? because in the past family/partners have not respected the boundaries bc "cmon it's how I show love", and thinks mby Natasha is mad now, but Nat is very considerate and r is just relieved and thankful.. Idk if any of it makes sense, by now I'm just venting tbh. If you're not comfortable or don't have time/energy to write it then it's totally cool!! Thank you for your fics anyway, they all always make me feel better. Hope you're doing good!

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it always started out the same with everyone, well, almost everyone. you'd befriend them, you'd get comfortable with each other, then they'd do small things like rest their hand on your shoulder or give a friendly pat on your leg.

you tried not to let it bother you, but sometimes it just became too much.

you'd already had to deal with wanda's need for affection earlier in the day and now natasha was sitting next to you, her arm slung on your shoulder. it was hard not to tense up every little move she made, and you hoped natasha wouldn't notice, but it was inevitable that she would.

"you alright?" she questioned, head tilting with her eyebrows furrowed.

you sighed. "i don't want to seem rude or anything, but i'm just not necessarily in the mood to be touched right now. would you mind moving your arm?"

“that’s okay," she whispered before adjusting herself. both her words and actions surprised you.

could she be mad?

a moment of silence later and it was still bothering you how calm she reacted to your request.



"are...are you upset?"

"what? no, not at all. why?" she asked, pausing the movie you were watching.

"well, you know. it's a lot of people's love language"

"but why would you asking me not to touch you make me upset?"

your fingers caught your attention and suddenly you weren't so sure of yourself. natasha cut that short though by placing her hand below your chin, cupping your face to bring your focus back to her.

you bit the inside of your cheek, emitting a nervous laugh. "people never seemed to care about my own comfort when it came to showing their love language. and it's fine i guess, you know. i'm okay with holding hands and cuddling, but only when i want to. but sometimes it's a little overwhelming? and i know i shouldn't be surprised because you're so considerate, always, all the time, about everything, i don't know... no one's ever been so considerate over something like this though." you finished awkwardly.

natasha softened, "i'm so sorry no one ever took into account about how you felt, but it does matter, to me especially. you matter to me. any time i ever do something, or if you just don't feel like being touched just let me know. your comfort will never be an inconvenience."

she gave your a quick kiss on the lips before pulling away. "want to finish our movie?"

you smiled, nothing but love showing in your eyes.

"of course."



Natasha Romanoff x Reader + Avengers 

Word Count: 2.3K

A/N: Hurt/comfort. I think this leans towards fluffy honestly. Yes, I know I’m posting this on a Tuesday.

Natasha took your hand in the kitchen. Her fingertips touched yours.

The slightly calloused skin was perfectly familiar. 

She lifted your hand up in the air, right alongside hers. 

You laughed and Natasha’s smile went wide, filled with pride just for making you happy.

She spun you with her fingertips and you let the kitchen tiles slide under your fluffy socks. 

Two spins and you felt free. You knew she did too. You let yourself tip forward against her chest.

Natasha held you close, her hands moving reassuringly up and down your shoulders.

You could feel the warm huffs of her breath on the side of your neck. 

‘It’s finally Saturday.’ Natasha whispered and your cheeks ached with grinning. Everything felt too light for words.



Natasha Romanoff x Reader

Summary: You felt her before you saw her.

Requested by anon: I really loved how you portrayed Nat in your last fic and saw you'd like requests. I keep wondering how she'd react if reader was an empath... Wanting to be in a relationship but also afraid that this person saw right through her.

A/N: Small and sweet. Hope you like it <3.

You didn't want to be here. Well, maybe that was a stretch. It's not that you didn't want to, you just didn't know what you could possibly add to the team.

Miss perfect girl.

Pairings: Natasha x reader

TW: cursing

Summary: For the 1k request hehe R is an overachiever student, top of the class, MVP/Lead of your chosen sports team, always trying to be active with events, many hidden skills such as painting, singing, playing an instrument (your choice) while being the center of social circles. Natasha finds R presumptuous until she realized that R didn't even like doing all those things and she's so tired of always trying to be so perfect for her parents :) You decide how their relationship will go hehe
A/n: This one is specially for @theperfectlovestory ;) Carol and Peggy are coming soon. Two posts in a day it's...weird for me but...could be a thing now...

If there was something Natasha hated the most, was people who liked to get attention and believed they were better than everyone else. 2 years in school and she was done. She believed that everyone had their own skills, and no one was meant to be perfect, but y/n y/l/n definitely believed she was the best in the whole school; she believed that girl even believed she was the best in the whole world.


It’s always been you.


Pairing: Natasha Romanoff, x avenger!fem

Warning: none, just pure fluff.

Summary Anonymous requested:

 Can I request something with Natasha? Just something about her having feeling for the reader and it’s the first person she’s loved for a long time, but she’s scared about admitting it. Then they go on a mission and Nat thinks the reader was killed, and when she sees her, Nat hugs her and holds her super tight for a long while, because she really got scared. Later the reader talks to her about it because she noticed the feels. Thank you :3

A/N: i fee like i didn’t do this one justice, but i hope you enjoy it!! 

You always told her that you were nothing special. That you were always questioning why they wanted you on the Avengers. She remembered you chuckling and telling her that you were just a simple hacker, that, that was all that you could give to the world. You made sure people got money when they needed it, and got exposed when they deserved to get exposed. Natasha kept reminding you, that was why you were an Avenger, because you helped people, and your skills were not matched by anyone’s out there. You helped the Avengers with targets, you helped hack into their security systems and took them down for the others to get in. You definitely rivaled Stark, though Natasha always believed you were better at it than Stark, but she’d never say that out loud. She loved the way that your tongue would stick out between your lips when you were hacking, when you were concentrating. It didn’t just happen when you were hacking though, you did that a lot even when you were reading, or trying to win at a game of chess against Bruce. Natasha never believed in love, she always believed that it was for children, believed that it was just some fairytale that would never become a reality. She’d seen people in love, and then see them move on to someone else. She couldn’t remember when she started feeling it, she just remembered how she got to feel it. How it crept up on her out of nowhere. She didn’t want to say anything to you about it. She was afraid of explaining it to you, of coming out to you with how much she loved you that it consumed her. She found herself unable to sleep because you were just clouding her mind, she found it hard to think with you sitting right next to her. How could she love someone like you? You were good, and pure, and sure you were a pain in the ass sometimes, but she loved that about you also. The way your eyes would light up when you were excited about something, the way you would stammer when you were trying to get your words out, but you were so excited about it so you couldn’t get the words out. Just thinking about you had a smile gracing Natasha’s features, had her palms sweaty. 

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