
Bold and Saucy Wrongs

@dressagekitten / dressagekitten.tumblr.com

Unofficial pole work queen of tumblr. Just a 25 year old washed up NAJYRC dressage kid who didn't have enough money to go pro. Part Slytherin, part cuddle bunny, all sassy and never sirius. Talk to me? I need friends.

Anyways.... y’all wild out here still doing the damn thing. I hope the ponies are healthy. I hope the riding adventures are prosperous. I hope life is kind to all of you. Genuinely hope you all are doing well. 


Science is Amazing: An A.I. Designed to Play League of Legends Was Found Playing Cave Story Instead.

Researchers at MIT were surprised when they discovered that an A.I. which was designed to play League of Legends was instead found playing the popular indie game, Cave Story. The A.I., dubbed Playtron 2000, was created to test logic and learning in machines. “We wanted to create an A.I. that could learn and strategize over time based on its experiences.” spoke Dr. Richards, head researcher at MI, “We chose League of Legends as Playtron 2000′s testing grounds as we wanted to see how an A.I. that was designed to learn from its mistakes would go up against an expect human player.”

However, the researchers plans were cut short when they found on Tuesday morning that Playtron 2000 had uninstalled League of Legends and installed Cave Story in its wake. “At first we thought there may have been an error in Playtron 2000′s code,” spoke Dr. Richards, “but we discovered that Playtron 2000 had indeed gone through a complex trial and error process and had made its decision entirely logically.”

Similar experiments were ran earlier this year with two A.I.’s designed to play DOTA 2, which ended in the A.I.’s uninstalling DOTA 2 to play Bejeweled and Castle Crashers respectively. Research into why this happens is still ongoing.

Robot uninstalls shit game for a better one


any sufficient intelligence will pick to not play league of legends


Some causal driving to the barn and home photos from yesterday. That's the beautiful orange orchard and behind that's the big open field we can ride in! It's so pretty I get so happy driving to the barn and being out there now.


Quick update because new barn 🌞✌️ very happy and getting settled.


The real glo up is when you stop waiting to turn into some perfect hypothetical version of yourself and consciously enjoy being who you are in the present moment.


i’m still PISSED about harry potter leaving draco to die because “oh boo hoo there aren’t enough seats in this minivan someone has to stay behind” like you fool. you fucking fool. i’ve ridden to walmart and back in an 11-person shuttle seating 17 people just bc i didn’t wanna wait to get some skim milk. are you really telling me that you couldn’t put a dude in the trunk for the sake of getting away from a collapsing island? you worried about not having enough seat belts??? people died bc of your poor minivan management skills, harry

i drafted this in a blind rage immediately upon waking up today and i may have misremembered some plot points of the Harry Potter series


Fuck me up

I became poor watching this

The dried berries are fucking me up someone explain how they do that

This shit probably cost 300 a plate

I’m beyond confused 😭

Sup friends,

This is called “artificial luxury” and is generally used in sorta upscale places to overprice their food with words like “robust” and “complexity” in their food descriptions.

Luckily, this is a DIY guide for making your own fancy plates. Awesome when you want to invite friends over for a fancy tea party, or you just want to lounge around feeling like you’re treating yourself.

I do this with cheese spreads all the time. The point of it is to FEEL luxurious - and the more POUNTLESS EFFORT is put into presenting something, the more luxurious it feels.

Like hand-picked, spring-fed grapes fermented in an oak cask I crafted myself, wine bottled in glass I blew myself…. would be a ridiculous times more expensive than just going out and grabbing a 10$ wine off the shelf. For what? The feeling of luxury. The feeling of consuming and destroying the product of someone’s prolonged effort. Knowing exactly what it took to get that glass of wine that you’re now consuming.

It’s the same satisfaction gained from crafting a huge sand castle and then punching it. Or building a card castle and then slapping your arm through it.

This is also part of the reason street vendors tend to do quite well if they have a performing chef - there’s a sense of satisfaction in knowing the work you’re destroying.


Fancy up your plates. Use celery leaf garnishes! Drizzle your sauce in an artful swirl~ arrange your chicken slices atop your 2-minute rice in a symmetrical circle. Carefully stack your nuggets! Eating that plate of food will be way more fun and satisfying after its prettied up.

It also feels more satisfying and tastier when you learn to cook things yourself - you’ll know the work YOU put into making it, and will appreciate it even more.

We like to crunch leaves and race through the first fresh, pristine snow. We like that first slice into a cake, grinding a footprint into wet sand, and petting fur against the grain.

Humans like destroying beautiful things.

It’s tastier that way.

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