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no thoughts, head full of childe 24/7

Heroes vs. Villains : The Staff

Platonic GN!Reader x NRC Staff vs. RSA Staff Word Count: 2.7k

Summary: Woe to the Ramshackle Prefect, being caught up in the drama between the Disney Villains and their respective heroes. NRC Staff Version (Part 1: Crewel and Crowley)

ie. Headmaster Crowley is a nightmare, and Professor Crewel is, well, cruel. And to be perfectly honest, after meeting another dog-loving professor who doesn't treat you like absolute garbage, the Royal Sword Academy is starting to look a lot more appealing.


Twst Runaway Noble Au!

Chapter I

Summary: Your father had announced your marriage you nor he clearly do not want, thus he made your escape successfully.
tags: Forced Marriage, Mentions of Treachery, Angst, Not Proofreaded and Running awah

your teacup clicked its saucer rather loud for someone who should be doing it carefully and slowly if not wanting to damage the cup

"huh?" a question escaped your lips as your jaw dropped open on your father's news.

"a contract marriage to the Baron of Pigeoniel, your hand is already promised, we are to depart in two days from now." your eyes widen, your lips couldn't help but tremble and anger dwelled up your brain

"he already had returned to his own kingdom before us, now he is currently waiting for yo--"

"father, you never consulted me in this..." you argued refusing to believe your father had sold you calling it as a marital contract to a person you haven't even met once.

"im sorry my child, but i h-have to, it's for our househo--"

"Father." your chair scooted backwards making a deep screeching sound on the mahogany floor, your voice was shaking in distress yet still interrupting him making him quite alarmed with your tone.

"You have sold me?" your eyebrows scrunched up and your knuckles turned white gripping into nothingness. the upsetting word had sour your mood.

"Hatchling... i had not sold you to anyone, it's a marriage contract, you are not sold like a filthy slave." your ears wanted to fool you as if there's a truth in his words

"What's the difference of it, father..?" you stare at him in dismay and outrage, doesn't know what to feel whether betrayal or fury, perhaps both

"You had sold your own child calling it a marriage to someone they don't love or haven't even met once!?" your yell rang around the fancy room making the two servants inside with you flinch in surprise

"Child, please calm down" he shifted out of his seat and stood, put his hands up as he headed closer to your position.

he puts both of his hands on your shoulders trying to calm you

your expression carried the disapproval of the decision your father had made for you, a decision for you that you don't even had to say in it

"I'm doing this for you." liar

"It's for the better." LIAR

it's all for this ramshackle of a home

all for your father of a noble falling from his position yet not willing to give up his riches and land but has all the nerve to decide who's his child is going to marry without their will.

All for the money

you slapped his hands off your shoulders and turned your head back to his masked face, looking directly at his golden eyes with discontent.

"you can stop pretending now. i am not used at you using me as an excuse for your own benefit, my generous father." you throw his hands harshly back to his own body and stormed out.

you did not notice the teardrop dwelling up on your eye as your studded shoe walked on the marble floor of the luxuriant hallway of your home.

your household might be getting a small fund to keep the manor up or even still live at the manor but it sure didn't lose its elegance and damascene.

you're not sure if you lose the mansion and the life as a noble, you are ready to live a peasant life but you're sure your father can't. he is not used at being penniless nor even live as a lower ranking noble, after all he is a tad bit greedy as a crow for shiny things and already had married you off to some noble you don't even know the name of other than his title as a Baron.

you stopped your hurried steps to your chambers and looked back at previous ones you have taken before, your eyes bore into the woodsn door of office again.

the office you used to play when you were smaller, the office where you and your father had a lots of fun hanging out for breaks and tea.

the office where he told his own child that he is going to marry them off.

the upsetting feeling is stirring inside you again making it harder to prevent a sad sniffle coming from your mouth.

your hand aggressively flinged the door of your room to open and threw yourself right after to your bed, weeping on the silken sheets with sorrow, in the next two days you are off to be with a husband your heart don't desire.


Dire plopped back on his chair, shaking his head and massaging his temples, he does not know what he'd do to a kid like you but after all you had a right to be mad, after all it is you that is going to be wedded to a unknown man you don't hold an affection for.

Dire doesn't like the fact that he had to marry off his own child to save his plummetting life, but he wanted to give you a good life, yes the Baron of Pigeoniel might have a shady background but he promised he'll keep sponsoring Dire and give you a "good" life once he gets your hand in marriage.

the moment that condition was mentioned, it felt like heaven and earth turned their backs at Dire, he didn't want you to be with someone against your will but he was also determined to save your names as nobles.

the Baron who happened to be staying at one of the patrician of the kingdom. called Dire into the villa, Dire was offered the contract immediately soon as he arrives, of course money is involved the Baron had it already prepared for him and he had to sign the paper on his face immediately for the Baron doesn't have that much time nor likes waiting.

you can't blame him, he was being pressured to make a decision fast, wether its you or the house, and though without your consent he took the pen and wrote your signature.

"aren't you so generous now Viscount Dire? i appreciate your loyalty to our allegiance." he smirked as he took the signed paperwork back staring at Dire's golden shifty eyes and forced smile plastered on his face yet sensing the guilt of a decision he made.

he have heard about the rumors circling the noble infront of him, a letch who knew nothing more than to have a taste of people that catches his eye and then abandoning them after he was done with them. rumors might be true to this one but he is still a supporter of Crows, Dire had to oblige

but who was he kidding? all this time he had been a selfish person, signing a marital contract for his child who did not consent or know anything about it, he just want to... save his title... unwanting to be stripped from being a noble... just for his own sake.

he sighed in guilt seeing you wearing an unhappy and so wistful of an expression, he never meant bad, it was unintentional to hurt you. no, he does not want hurt you.

what he wanted was just for his only loved child live a good and prosperous life unlike him. he wanted a good future for you even a happy one.

still he clearly did not want you to leave him for you are his dearest child and only relative left to also lift up and held the pride for the sake name of Crows. the only one who can continue the legacy of Crows.

the only one left who is rightful for the whole heritage of his bloodline. the only one he had left to love and always would held close dearly to his heart, about to be restrained, imprisoned in a unfaithful and lonely cage called marriage.

he doesn't want that to happen.

a idea sparked on the bird's mind, a plan.

he would not let that happen.

he called one of his advisors and some of the specific attendants

not to his precious one.


Two days before you and your father to be shipped at the Kingdom of the Pigeoniel and be wedded to your future husband, you ordered your informat and other servants to gather intellect about the said Baron and their kingdom, apparently he is a dirty lecher, a scumbag who collects lovers and consorts of other people whether be it a man or a woman just to pleasure him.

the kingdom of pigeoniel allows nobles to have multiple partners and concubine meaning its filled with nymphomaniac like him.

you have caught his eye on a banquet you attended two months ago, for a reason he was also invited too, and that time you just happen to steal a glimpse of his eye and sparkle like gem you are in a bunch of gray plain rocks. he knew he wanted you.

not to mention he is vile and evil, anyone who dares to refuse his wishes gets harm or live no more the moment they displease him.

it disgusted you, he was a loathsome atrocious thing, after what you've heard on what he'd done to get rid other people who had distasted him, it nauseated you, it was too wicked.

why would your father wanted you to marry such a sick freak? did he hated you secretly? no, that can't be right... your father gave you affection and love ever since you were small.

ah that's right the baron is also known for it's wealth and assets, his connections, sponsoring merchants, nobles, and other aristocrats

including your father

he had him tied on his palm meaning he cannot refuse the Baron unless he wants the sponsoring to stop.

and if it did he'll still won and the both of you will lose the life you are used to

what a sick man.

you gritted your teeth as you raised your hand to send off the servants in your room, they make their way out as your silhouette casted a shadow of your canopy window, the sun of mid afternoon warmed your skin and the hot breeze flushed your face, the branches of a nearby tree of swayed with the breeze.

you inhale the warm air to calm yourself, you looked around your room and how are you going to yearn for it once you're gone on another kingdom.

the things you treasure and pine for have been in luggage preparing for the departure two days from now

this room was what you would call a comfort place since you have all the privacy you wanted, although it'll be taken away from you with two more suns to go down.

you'll miss it


two days had gone by and you finally got out of your room after sulking at your father. still ignoring him even after the servants persuade you to see him.

the whole ride on the carriage was awkward, he kept talking and rambling about certain stuff even asking you questions you don't answer nor look at him in the face prior to be stil angry to him, though it didn't stop him to squawk the whole time.

the moment you arrive at the port, a big full rigged ship loomed over you and multiple passengers that is happy to their leave, but of course not you.

he offered you a hand, a help for you to up the metallic stairs and you, forgiving him a little bit, accepted it making him beam as you two climb the metal stairs.

what seemed weird is some of your few servants came with you and your father, you think it's some business stuff he needed to deal with even while travelling on the ocean, your father seemed to be always looking at a pocket watch as soon as the boat started to depart.

the travel on a ship was exhausting, the floating feeling is nauseating it made you felt like you need to throw up, what's worse is you have you deal with it and get used to it for the whole day of your journey, the room assigned to you is a tad bit dirty and the only view you can see from your window is open blue sea making this whole experience all pretty boring and tiring.

of course it was a travelling ship, there isn't a banquet or a party held in it since it's not a fancy one like you and your father used to go to, so all you could do was stay in your room while your father do his work on a separate office. your room isn't that big in comparison in the one back in your home but it's close enough to make you comfortable.

however, the new life you are about to have once you arrived at your destination won't be comfortable as it is now. (you just hope that sleazebag doesn't force himself to you)

after a few hours of boredom and sitting quitely in your room, night had started to fall deep in the sky.

you can't sleep, the thought of being married to to a lowlife of a baron is making you feel overwhelmed and weary.

you sat up and scooted over to the only window near the bed, you sighed as your hand traced the wooden windowframe, you lean on the slightly squalid glass and gazed at the dark sky being lit with little stars, what a beautiful scene, you look back at the dark sea, the moon reflected on the darkest pit of salt water.

suddenly a knock was hit on the wooden carved door of your room, curious, you stood up and walked to check who it is

"its me" your father's voice, you sighed and roll your eyes as your door click open for the man to enter.

"come in--" your father seemed to be drooping, like a crow taken away from its shiny trinkets

"go and quickly change my dear, to a plain clothing, a attire a commoner would wear" his voice was raspy and breathless as if he just cried is he okay?

still, scoffing at the man, you stomped and sat back down at your bed and crossed your arm

"What do you mean? first you arrange a marriage on me, now you want me to dress like a peasant?" you turn your head away from him like a child sulking after getting yelled at

a moment of silence, he walked over to your sitting figure, making you stand up quickly to hear his scold as he pulled your hand and held you close to him, hugging you in a warm embrace, you didn't push away but that doesn't mean you are return the hug

you heard a sniffle as he caress your hair, holding you warmly as if he never want to let go.

"I've found a way for you to flee, to be free"


he leaned back to look at your face that wears the confusion and caressed your cheek with his gloved leather hand.

"once you get married to the Baron Pigeoniel, you would be a Pigeon and Crows will be forgotten as a name of a aristocrat." that's right, he still prioritize the family's pride even after getting hooked on a bait of some rich noble

he broke free from the hug and to your luggages

"our inherited name will go downhill if you are to lose it for a last name such as pigeoniel. i don't want that happen and--" he hooped his hand at the handle to carry the luggage and placing it on your bed, clicking both strap hinges of the antique suitcase pulling out

"i want you to still live on your life carrying our name, and... live happily dear child, i want you to live your life the way you wanted and not to be bounded to a marriage with no love and happiness like you say."


"Hush now my little crow... go change for your own departure, you have to be free even if you have to leave without me." he leaded you to the cheap dressing screen, you follow his order by taking the walking inside the three-fold, choosing called plain clothing if it was worn in a social gathering, you tear its accessories and design, wasting no time to make it look ragged.

you step out the dressing screen, holding your previous clothing and handing it over to your father, he let the ruffled and laced frilled fabric placed inside the suitcase in a hurry, he pulled out a blue cloak from the suitcase and robed it over you.

worry and confusion flooded your brain with all that is happening, you knew your father doing this to let you flee you will lead to a undesired consequence.

before you could ask a question he already had grabbed your hand rapidly and pulled you by walking, you two tread the wooden floorboard of the deck with hurry making it creak in a hush, his grip was tender but his steps are in speed while he continuously looked at his pocket watch.

the whole ship was dark except for some lighting the stars provided sl you can make some of its obvious details, like the ropes, the huge carriages, and the sail winding up wide to catch the wind,

the cold wind hit, unhooding you from the cover from your identity yet not stopping the rushed walking your father is guiding you

another ship stopped infront of you, more ragged and rusty as if a boat for shipping cargos and peasants who can't afford to travel in a cruise

two men appeared placing a big plank big enough to make way for you between the two boat

you halted and he responds in stopping his steps and turning his attention to you

"what about the fortune he promised you? do you not desire it anymore?" you have always knew that your father loves money and if that's the only thing making him happy you don't want to take that away

"what is money or spoils to me? if you are the one suffering for it?" your heart felt warm, you still realize the fatherly love he had for you still exists

"treasures, aristocracy, prosperity is nothing if you are not the one to be happy." he looked at your eyes with a loving look, caressing you face, still holding your hand he guided you to go down.

"but father i have learnt a news, the baron of pigeoniel is a cruel viscous man who does not forgive nor merciful, what would he do to you once he founds out you broke a promise, the contract? i don't want any danger to you for my sake"

by the pitiful look you are giving him, his heart strucked by a he held you close and whispered to your ear

"why can't you come with me? we could escape together...!"

"it is not an option for me my hatchling, if neither of us arrived at Pigeoniel, he'll have an order to find us and we'll never live in peace, and if they did find us somewhere, i do not what they'll do."

"i know what punishment is waiting for me as soon as i arrive at Pigeoniel but it'll be alright dear, do not worry about me." he kissed your forehead as he pulled down your hood to hide your face, handing you the suitcase that is now lighter without the expensive accessories you had bought with you

he nodded his head at the men behind you as they walked the plank instead to take your arm and pull you harshly to break away from your beloved father

you tried to struggle still wanting to bathe in his love for this might be the last time you'll see him smiling

"i would make sure no one will know that you got away..."

you muttered the word father as the plank let go of both sides and dropped on the vast dark sea, completely getting rid of the evidence you had run away with his help

fog emanating from the dark, blurring your vision as well as the ship you have been into

he is facing you yet the fog made his features blurry, you knew he is still looking out for you

you look at your father one last time as guilt and concern to him painted your face

a/n: this is way too long lmao sorry if mc/reader sounds a bit spoiled jere but that's how i think nobels or normal people act when they get married off without their consent (also Dire and Crowley are gunna be two different people)

(if some words don't make sense, English is not my first language pls understand)


You Kiss me Once, I’ll Kiss you Twice

Jade Leech and Floyd Leech x reader (not poly)
summary: How a Leech says in his own way that he ‘loves you’ over the course of your relationship.
wc: 2.5k
authors note: numbered prompts from this ! selected by a wheel and also what I think would what fit the brothers the best over the course of what a relationship would be like. also this took way too long to get out especially Floyd’s parts. not beta-read
DT to my lovely friend amulet @acetrapola

haikyuu | miya twins + inarizaki ⏤20:50

not proofread ; please excuse any spelling/grammar mistakes ; fantasy!au ; hybrid!au ; fluff

Looking around your cosy cottage, you mentally check through all the things you’ve reinforced and secured for the tumultuous night that had begun its descent in the late afternoon. The usual lavender, pink and orange sunset was hidden behind irate and swelling clouds that introduced a frightful chill over the small village and its surrounding mountains, angry rumblings of thunder charging up within its blackening body. Despite that ominous feeling that had been building in your chest hours earlier, you were finally able to breathe a sigh of relief; for the night you will be safe and comfortable inside, indulging in some creamy vegetable and chicken soup, freshly baked bread whilst bundled up within your fluffy blankets.

Pulling back the curtains, you stare out into the dark abyss as rain pelts down and flashes of lightning lights up the sky, its veiny body branching out further and further with every strike, almost competing with itself to dominate the ebony canvas of the cloudy night. Even though the temperament of nature tonight was aggrieved, within the sturdy walls of your home, there was peace.

You had opted to read - one of your favourite pastimes - in the company of the storm for most part of the night but were abruptly shaken out of your bubble of comfort as everything around you flashed a blinding white and was closely followed by a deafening THUD!

It took you a moment to shake off the shock of what had just happened moments ago before you jumped up from your snug nook, hurrying to dress yourself in a thick jacket and your resistant boots. This needed investigation.


v. run child run

:・゚✧ synopsis : imprisoned for a crime you did not commit and for the blood of a now dead king running through your veins, you’re hidden in a cage from the world. vowing to end those who took so much from you, when your freedom arrives in the form of dark eyes, and grey wind swept hair carrying the scent of the sea you don't hesitate to take it.
this chance comes at a cost; help the the rugged band of pirate thieves who call the infamous nine-tails home in finding the artefact of the ancient mycenian king, and anything you could ever dream of will be in your reach. Including the sea tossed pirate who saved your life

✗ pairing : osamu miya x reader

✗ genre : pirate au, royalty reader, mutual pining, fluff + a pinch of angst

✗ warnings : mature content : mentions of alcohol, language, death (mentioned)

✧・゚:* previous | m.list | next *:・゚✧

Four nights to the average human may not seem like that long of a wait - however your circumstances saw to it that four nights drew long. 

In the beginning, you weren't sure what to make of the information that had been leaked to you from the shadow that night. You trusted Osamu with your life, but was he truly with the Nine Tails? A pirate? How in the hell did he even end up with them in the first place?


you can’t see it, but he’s trying his best not to cry


it's in the little things {octavinelle + scarabia}

Part two of my "things they'd do when they're into you!" again, i'm not really sure if all of these are antithetical or not, at this point it's just me writing whatever sparks joy in my soul and trying to make it fit canon...a writing exercise of sorts?

part one (heartslabyul + savanaclaw) here!


Azul - in the scribbled hearts in the margins of his notebook

This was certainly a nightmare.

It started as a dream - but a nightmare is a type of dream, certainly! Only this time, instead of happening on the vast fields in the middle of a dreadful P.E. block like most of his class-related nightmares occurred, Azul was stuck in the middle of a cold sweat in alchemy. Made into a fool in his best subject - how terrible is that?!


hello friends!

writing commissions are now open ♡

do you have a dnd character or an oc you want something written for? a vtuber model you need a backstory for? — i would be happy to provide my services and help you create the story of your dreams!

i have opened 12 slots for 5 different story formats, which you can claim on my ko-fi right here: click me!

if you’re interested, please make sure to read my terms and conditions before ordering. you can find those right here: click me!

separate from all my fanfiction you can find on my ao3 (click me!), here are some more examples of my writing from an original novel that i’m currently working on:

if there’s any further questions or if you’re unsure about anything, i’ll be happy to provide further clarity via DMs!

i hope to hear from you guys soon!

reblogs are appreciated! ♡


Night Raven's Festival !

# synopsis

Night Raven's college is organizing a festival, with every year doing a certain theme decided by drawing. Your year got unlucky and got 'maid cafe'. So now you have to wear a maid dress, surprisingly, you wore it with confidence. Which bought the attention of you s/o.

# navi.

Diasomnia ; malleus | lillia | silver | sebek

Scarabia ; kalim | jamil

Ignihyde ; idia

Savanclaw ; leona | ruggie | jack

Heartslabyul ; riddle | trey | cater | ace | deuce

Pomefiore ; vil | rook | epel

Octavinelle ; azul | jade | leech

# note !

Mmmh i like twst plus i haven't really wrote anything for it, some character may be a bit ooc but i hope you can enjoy ! [Reader's gender neutral]

© miosatelier — 2022.



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