

@kihyunielie / kihyunielie.tumblr.com

you're allowed to be weak, at least with me

31 days of horror ☾ halloween (2018)

i always knew he’d come back. in this town, michael myers is a myth. he’s the boogeyman. a ghost story to scare kids. but this boogeyman is real. an evil like his never stops, it just grows older. darker. more determined. forty years ago, he came to my home to kill. he killed my friends, and now he’s back to finish what he started, with me.


JACK O’FROST - Landscapes / Cityscapes

There’s something about the way this series was shot that is incredibly pleasing to me. I could paste #myaesthetic tag all over it - dimmed lights, colour palette, urban context… It makes me want to immerse in those spaces - oddly satisfying feeling that Japan seems to excel at.

She did not know if her gift had come from the lord of light or of darkness, and now, finally finding that she did not care which, she was overcome with an almost indescribable relief. - Stephen King, Carrie

Gemini Norawit as HEART & Fourth Nattawat as LI MING MOONLIGHT CHICKEN THE SERIES (2023) Aof Noppharnach Chaiwimol

Te abrazo mas fuerte a medida que intento soltarte, porque realmente no quiero hacerlo pero me haces sentir que es lo mejor que podría hacer.

what do you mean i didn’t reach out i literally thought about you

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