

@nerdyzombiesonskates / nerdyzombiesonskates.tumblr.com

NH•26•♉ Witch Blog (for all your witchy needs)

If your plot feels flat, STUDY it! Your story might be lacking...

Stakes - What would happen if the protagonist failed? Would it really be such a bad thing if it happened?

Thematic relevance - Do the events of the story speak to a greater emotional or moral message? Is the conflict resolved in a way that befits the theme?

Urgency - How much time does the protagonist have to complete their goal? Are there multiple factors complicating the situation?

Drive - What motivates the protagonist? Are they an active player in the story, or are they repeatedly getting pushed around by external forces? Could you swap them out for a different character with no impact on the plot? On the flip side, do the other characters have sensible motivations of their own?

Yield - Is there foreshadowing? Do the protagonist's choices have unforeseen consequences down the road? Do they use knowledge or clues from the beginning, to help them in the end? Do they learn things about the other characters that weren't immediately obvious?

Thank you so much for this!


hello google chrome refugees

don't use any of these browsers, they're also chrome

Here are my favorite firefox plugins for security/anti-tracking/anti-ad that I recommend you get

please get off chrome google is currently being investigated for being an Illegal Monopoly so get outta there okay love you bye


we’re gonna be ok btw

it’s ok if you’re scared. or tired. or unsure. or one million billion other complicated emotions at once. but i’ve decided things are going to be ok anyway. and i will hold that belief close to my heart no matter how scared or tired or lonely or depressed or one million billion other things i am. i will hold onto that. and if you’re scared, you can hold onto me. we can carry each other through


Shit is going to happen.

Your friend is going to ghost you. You are not going to get the job. Your car is going to break down at the worst time. Your boss is going to have unrealistic demands and deadlines. Your basement is going to flood.

Life hurts.

No matter how recovered you are. No matter how stable you are. No matter how much you excel at using your toolbox of strategies.

Life hurts.

You are not going to go through it being a happy little bean all of the time.

So, don’t put that pressure on yourself.

If you do, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. You’ll fear that you’re slipping, experiencing a setback, losing your recovery, when the negative emotions come.

Instead, the more you heal, the better you get at coping with this all too painful thing called life, the less hard those moments will hit. Oh, they will still hit, they will still suck, but they won’t suck for as long or as much. You’ll see the other side of them and know happiness is waiting there for you again.


hey netizens! i'm not sure how many people are aware, but youtube's been slowly rolling out a new anti-adblock policy that can't be bypassed with the usual software like uBlock Origin and Pi-Hole out of the gate

BUT, if you're a uBlock Origin user (or use an adblocker with a similar cosmetics modifier), you can add these commands in the uBlock dashboard (under My Filters) to get rid of it!

youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.openPopupConfig.supportedPopups.adBlockMessageViewModel, false) youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.adBlocksFound, 0) youtube.com##+js(set, ytplayer.config.args.raw_player_response.adPlacements, []) youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.hasAllowedInstreamAd, true)

reblog to help keep the internet less annoying and to tell corporations that try shit like this to go fuck themselves <3

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