
A love for old guns. And old trucks.


And some modern ones, too. Just a metal/metalcore/punk rock loving redneck from the great state of Wisconsin.

This is completely ignores that prices are driven by supply and demand. Corporations can raise prices because there is less supply and more demand. The reason why supply is restricted is because of government regulations. Gas is at an all time high because the Biden administration artificially limited the supply by shutting down pipelines and new drilling. Food cost is rising because gas prices are rising (it takes A LOT of diesel to run tractors that harvest food and trucks that bring it to market) but also because the Biden administration is forcing farmers to destroy crops. Plus there are more regulatory agencies and laws than ever (which isn't Biden's fault exactly, it's just the nature of government to grow like cancer and destroy everything good) which causes higher prices for the consumer, slows the economy by raising the barrier for entry, and discourages new business creation.

It also doesn't help that the Democrat controlled Congress is sending hundreds of billions of dollars to foreign countries. The Biden administration is not interested in helping you. Congress is not interested in helping you. They are actively making it worse. This is much, much more than just corporate greed. This is the self-inflicted collapse of an empire.


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