
what am i doing here?

@lozfunposts / lozfunposts.tumblr.com

this used to be a mod blog for social justice now its used by the former mod morokei to goof off this will be changed as soon i think of something better to put here.

izutsumi being the only one who remembers laios’s monster’s poop forest lore is peak teenager behavior


The irony of using the npc wojack to defend big corporations not being lost on you is truly magnificent.

Corporations being greedy isn't anything new, but acting like covid lockdowns and the around the clock money printers didn't enable this is foolish.


corporations can change their own prices, and often do so in a straight up abusive fashion. But they cannot affect the rate of inflation, because inflation is a direct result of an increased number of dollars in circulation. It is directly controlled by the federal government, and no matter what they tell you about "fighting" inflation, the guy claiming to be doing everything he can to prevent is is the same guy who has his hand on the 'number go up' lever.


On average, Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander women working in the U.S. only earn 80 cents for every $1 a white, non-Hispanic man makes — and for specific communities, the wage gap is far greater. Bangladeshi, Nepalese, and Burmese women are some of the lowest paid women in the country.

Equal work should mean equal pay. Period.  🪙 ≠ 💵  

The politicians WE elect can implement reforms that address pay inequality. Register to vote now at weall.vote/register.

People still cannot understand the difference between averages over the whole group and individual people? Damn

They understand it, but they ignore it. Complicates the narrative.

Statiatically, Asian American men earn more than white men. And Asian American women earn more than white women.

Why do you constantly compare wages *earned* by white men if white men arent the highest earners? And why combine pacific islanders and asian americans together? The two groups earn noticably different amounts per year.

Also, the key word here is “earned”. Sure, as a whole asian woman earn less than white men as a whole, but this isnt comparing the same job, education, or time worked. It’s just comparing wages, race, and sex. Which isnt enough to come to such a false conclusion.

It’s suspicious to use these tactics to misrepresent statistics.


today i learned twitter artists are posting their own art but captioning it as if they're reposting someone else's work, bc it gives them waaay more engagement. and its worked every time. the state of social media is truly so over 😭

like what is going on...

Honestly I would bet solid cash money that this comes down to social dynamics, what the different kinds of interaction mean to a viewer, and viewer's trying to avoid awkward-feeling/demanding-feeling social burden.

It's the same reason that people want to make a private discord server to talk with their buddies about their favourite fanfics, but get awkward and anxious and inhibited when it comes to talking to the actual author of same.

Squeeing on the server, or interacting with a reposter, is low social stakes and low demand; all it means is that you liked a thing and wanna go "hey dude look at this". The reposter doesn't give a shit about what you think about the thing; presumably your buddies on the server don't either. No pressure, no emotions, life moves on.

Interacting with a direct post from the artist or author feels way. more. risky. Saying "man I love this stuff" to another third party is a different emotional landscape from "man I love YOUR stuff" directly to the creator of said. Because now you are commenting on/reacting to the work AT the creator of the work. Now suddenly that creator can see YOU.

Now you're in a direct social interaction, even of a very sideways kind, With The Person Who Made It, and that is always less comfortable and always just a little more emotional work to actually engage with.

The further you are out from being a creator yourself, the more that is the case, ime.

To be clear: this is unfortunate and if you are an audience member I’m definitely not blaming you? But it’s a good idea to be aware that this pattern is UNBELEVABLY DEMORALIZING for creators at best, and can make a career non-viable at worst.

Saying this is not trying to shame anyone. It’s attempting to point out a cause-effect Problem with this very natural human tendency. Creators are human, and even if we are totally inclined to continue with our art Just For Ourselves, SHARING IT is work. Is labour. Even “just” uploading it to social media does take effort.

If you want art shared in places you can see and access and enjoy it, you really, really need to keep in mind that the creator needs a reason to bother with that labour. If sharing art gets us nothing at all, or worse penalizes us while enriching others (giving reposters traffic and attention and potentially revenue, unfortunately, in this economy) eventually one stops bothering.

If all the positive feedback and attention and engagement and affirmation that there’s any point to this goes on where we can’t see and we get nothing? We might as well keep the art to places we KNOW give us something back.

That’s not a threat or a shaming; it’s just a cause effect chain.

That doesn’t mean you have to do EVERYTHING right in front of the creator. But especially when no money changes hands at all, keep in mind that essentially, you need to feed and water your creators or eventually they’ll die out and go elsewhere. Even if they just means “no longer bothering to make their art accessible on your fave social media site.”


I cannot put into words how much I Fucking Loathe the fact that when you search something on youtube now it will randomly intersperse blocks of "people also watched" and "for you" into the results. That's not what I searched for, youtube. I typed in a search query because I wanted to see search results, not random unrelated garbage you have placed in my way apparently to either inconvenience me or force me to scroll further for actual results. I despise your wretched little games and every time I see it I can only instantly close the tab as I am overcome with the urge to burn something down.

"I despise your wretched little games" perfectly conveys how I feel about the entire algorithm/attention economy

They also refuse to actually show the parameters you searched for. If you sort by “upload date,” the first few videos might be more recent ones by upload date, but anything past that you’ll find a video that was uploaded five years ago, then five months ago, then three years ago, etc, which—NO! That’s NOT WHAT I ASKED FOR!! PUT THEM IN ORDER!!!

Also sometimes the “people also watched” bullcrap will not only be entirely unrelated, it will also be videos with violent, sometimes outright triggering thumbnails. I’ve gotten some AWFUL unrelated video thumbnails just when searching for video game music videos.


The real truth

in scope of fiscal attitudes, it's probably tied more to the fact that people have more to lose as they grow older.

To quote Thomas Sowell, "I have never understood why it is “greed” to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else’s money."

For me it was every year Id see another few things fail me that I still was forced to support and pay for.


Fiscally you've got less time to be risky, so you focus more on keeping what you've got instead of risking it to get more.

Socially, you will never keep pace with the current zeitgeist and so will naturally wish to slow it down or bring it back to where you are.

Politically, you get a long and longer time horizon to see the blatant hypocrisy, lies, and failed systems as endemic rather than outliers.

The difference between knowing what it took to get that money and just seeing someone with what you perceive as a big pile of cash.

Yeah, OP is phrased like it's some mic drop, when...older people are generally richer than younger ones. Regardless of time period or nation.

Like Cap said.

Also, a lot of rich people are liberal to leftist, at various ages. Some have been for decades, like Bernie.

These PC equations are fun

See according to them poc are poorer due to systemic racism, and now the claim here is the rich tend to be more conservative due to their wealth.

If all this is true why are more poc becoming conservative?

Something is amiss in these equations

Why is it only Catholics have to sell their priceless artifacts of worship? What about every other religion with gold statues and jewel-encrusted temples? Why is no one joking about making them give all that away?
By the way, the Catholic Church is by far the largest charitable organization in the world, and many of those “golden cathedrals” you so badly want to have sold off double as homeless shelters and soup kitchens. We already give and give and give but every time the joke is “Hm, well that tabernacle looks expensive, why don’t you have it melted down and feed a bunch of starving African kids?”
Just say you have no respect at all for Christianity or what’s considered sacred. You don’t give a shit about poor people, you just have a personal disdain for the Church.
Children in Africa aren’t starving because the Catholic Church won’t feed them. They’re starving because we keep sending them money but their corrupt governments keep it for themselves while their people continue to fucking starve.
I’m not even Catholic, but this has been common knowledge for years.

Now, I’m no economics major, but I’m pretty sure all the money Catholics would make from selling all their gold and stuff wouldn’t make much of a dent in world hunger and might actually crash the gold and stuff market.

But of course tumblr thinks “throw other people’s money at the problem!” is a good idea.


99% of the “solid gold” stuff you see in a church is like $5 worth of gold leaf (a couple hundred atoms thick) over plaster. There’s no way to melt it down, and if there was they would probably have either turned it into food for the poor years ago or used it to fix their leaky roof.

The other elephant in the room I never see brought up with this suggestion: who is buying these gold cathedrals? Selling these priceless buildings off for charitable money requires there be someone out there with enough money to purchase them.

And then the follow-up question should be: why are we harping on the world’s largest charitable organization to sell off their places of sacred worship for more charity, instead of hounding on the wealthy people who apparently have enough excess money lying around to buy a gold cathedral for funsies?

There’s also the fact that most of these “gold cathedrals” have served as mini free museums of art and architecture to the public since they were built, and in some cases were the only source of art many common people were exposed to for centuries, but go off I guess.

“fix world hunger” this, “fix world hunger” that-

I hear a lot of plans that will fix world hunger for {insert large but not absurdly large value here} dollars, but I’ve never actually seen a genuine plan that lays out how.

You can’t. 4 Billion might buy a bowl of rice for every hungry person, but one bowl of rice doesn’t fix world hunger.


Remember when the WHO took a dig at Elon Musk saying that half his fortune could solve world hunger, and he offered them that money if they could give him a budget for how it would be used and an accounting for it all as it was spent, and they slunk back into the shadows?

And also it was only for a single year.

And the NPCs said that he “refused” to give the money.


She KNOWS that the only way she can continue receive any help from her pre-existing support network is to maintain the party line. If she publicly recants, she will be excommunicated and have no one to turn to for help except the political opponents she was indoctrinated to hate on the axiom that these opponents hated her and everyone.

Amazingly this appears to be real. It's not new though - it's from 2010 - which might make it worse because the world was not this backwards then. Also this is my favorite bit:

Afraid he would kill me, I pleaded with him to honor my commitment to Haiti, to him as a brother in the mutual struggle for an end to our common oppression, but to no avail. He didn’t care that I was a Malcolm X scholar. He told me to shut up, and then slapped me in the face.

Can you imagine? A rapist doesn't care that you're a Malcolm X scholar? What has the world come to?

This is cope, but on a much more mentally-fucked level than what's typical for politics. Speaking from experience, I think she(when she wrote this) felt a strong need to rationalize herself as not having been "really" a victim. Because if you're a victim it means that there was nothing you could do to stop something awful from happening. So you twist and you stretch to make it so that you actually did have some kind of choice and just didn't use it, or what happened was a good and necessary thing, or it wasn't but you actually deserved it. Whichever feels better than the truth. I can only hope she's healed from this harmful mindset in the years since this was posted.


Shoplifting is why you have to ask an employee to unlock your toothbrush

Every day I'm reminded that female suffrage was a mistake.

Can we bring back chopping off a hand for stealing?

How did people become this braindead?

Because they see the world in terms of helpless victims and hateful oppressors. So they assume anyone stealing stuff like this must 'need' it.

Remember when they supported people stealing baby formula, and five seconds of Googling would show it's often used to cut drugs, or resold back to desperate parents, sometimes at a markup?

Ironically, these folks are classist.

I rarely wish misfortune on people, but hoping Calla's future potential employers find this tweet is not misfortune, it's just deserts.

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