Anonymous asked:

glad to see you’re back, even if for a minute. i hope everything is good in your life rn & in the future 🙏🏻💓

thank you so much for your kindness anon🌷tumblr continues to be my online spiritual home. Life is a little rough atm but there is always goodness and hope, I hope this year has been & continues to be kind to you💕


you may feel that things aren’t moving at the pace you want them to. you want what you want and you want it right now.

and that’s totally understandable.

but trust me, behind the scenes, things are moving forward — at the perfect pace.

what you want, will be yours.

trust the universe. trust the small signs. enjoy the little moments.

“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.”

Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus Caesar


whoever’s reading this, i pray that you find happiness. not temporary happiness, or “if i pretend and put on a smile & laugh, maybe i’ll be happy” kind of happiness, but long lasting real happiness. the kind of happiness that makes ur face glow & lights up ur soul. you deserve it

Source: lohver

forgiveness is so key in your self-love journey.

forgive yourself. forgive those who apologize. forgive those who do not apologize.

harbor no ill will. especially towards yourself. you deserve freedom. you deserve love. you deserve peace.

“I have done nothing all summer but wait for myself to be myself again —”

— Georgia O’Keeffe, in a letter to Russel Vernon Hunter, from Georgia O’Keeffe: Art and Letters


One very important thing that I have learned is to stop comparing my life to others. Sometimes, my chapter 1 isn’t like her chapter 1. And more than likely my chapter 14 isn’t like her chapter 14. And I can’t compare my chapter 1 to her chapter 21. They’re all completely incomparable. Everyone has a different path that life is taking them down. Each path is filled with lessons that you can either learn and grow from or let hinder you and depress you. I have accepted my path and what is possibly in store for me, and I’ve chosen to be optimistic about it all. Because honestly, tomorrow (or any day) could be the best day of my life! I will not allow myself to be sad because my life is not moving at the pace I may want it to. There is a silver living in every day and I’ve chosen to see each one. Life is not a competition to see who has the “better” one. The only person who you should be competing with is your past self.


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