


/closeted bisexual/i am confused /they or he please

First day of life up until 6th grade 

Jumped all the way to Freshman year of High School

Then I cut my hair Junior year, why did I do that

Slowly it started growing back and then….

I finally felt comfortable to express myself (the picture on the left was my debut)

At this point in my transition I am 6 months into HRT

A year on HRT

Over a year and a half on hormones. My transition hasn’t been the clearest path but I am so happy that I am on it.


2 years since my coming out 

2 years on hrt

2.3 years on hrt

2 and a half years on hormones 

Its been a while since I’ve done an update so here it goes

At this point I am 3 years into my Hormone Replacement Therapy. I’m thriving. 

These pictures were taken days apart and I am 3 and a half years into my medical transition (The picture on the right was also posted by Instagram on all their major social media handles attached with an interview I did with them for International Women’s Month)

During this time I was 4 years into HRT. Clearly living for it.

I am currently 4 and a half years into HRT, 5 years into socially transitioning, 6 years into when i first came out to my community around me and I’m loving life more than I ever thought I would. 

Lil mini update!! It’s my 5 years on hormones and I think that’s quite the milestone to be proud of so here’s some pics since the last update.

Can’t wait to see how the next 5 years go!

New Update!!

Today is my 6 years on HRT! Half a dozen years seems like it went by a lot faster than i thought it would but I’m so grateful for the place that I’m in both with my appearance and my perception of myself. I feel a confidence I never thought I could achieve.

me, every time i see this thread: oh god she’s so pretty

me, still scrolling: oh god she’s so pretty

me, at the end: oh god she’s so pretty



a mutual of mine

suddenly has posts on their blog

with links to “find women to have sex with”

my mutual is NOT POSTING THESE

tumblr just got even worse

on that note PLEASE let me know if i’m suddenly posting random pictures of women with a link underneath the photo. don’t click the link, just FYI.

i do suggest reblogging this in case someone sees this happening to someone else they follow

i had this a while back, changing my password didn’t work, i still had 40 spam posts a day, for some reason changing my theme then password worked god knows how it worked, there wasn’t anything queued they just appeared 

But yeah if this happens to me it not me


Packer Giveaway


Thanks to the support I’ve received on [my kofi page], I’m now able to do another giveaway. A two in one, actually!

I’m going to give away two Cloth Packers that I’ll buy from this etsy listing: https://www.etsy.com/se-en/listing/486642708/cloth-packers

Two winners will be picked with a random number generator on September 5th 2019. The color of them and if you want them in the cut or uncut style will be for the winners to choose, since I’ll be ordering them specifically for the winners.

To enter, all you have to do is:

  • Reblog this post before the deadline stated above and…
  • Tag it, or write an addition to the post when you reblog it, with where you live (doesn’t have to be super specific in case you prefer to not share that kind of information publically) and what it’s like to be trans there.

Please also make sure to have your instant messaging turned on here on tumblr so I can easily contact you if you win.

If you win, you will have to give me your name and address so I can fill out the shipping information correctly. Because of this, please ask for a guardian’s or parent’s approval before you enter if you’re a minor!

I will cover the cost of the packer and the shipping, but please note that depending on where you live there might be a customs cost that you will have to pay yourself. That happens to me pretty often when I buy stuff and ship it to myself here in Sweden.

Good luck!

Ky. Most young people are accepting but older people are not


‪Do you need to answer or reach out to someone? I’m really bad at answering or finding the right words to reach out to friends I haven’t heard from in a while, so I made a thing I can simply send. Maybe some of you Aliens can use it 👽‬


Your three most recent emojis will predict how your next job interview will go








Is this good?


Im so confused

You will get a job as a octopus catcher and he ain’t happy about it




When someone asks you where you see yourself in 5 years and you’re like buddy .. im just trying to make it to Friday

you can only reblog this version for another 4 and a half months


ok i did it

i see we’re at a stalemate

Everybody who interacts with this post dies on impact

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