
gifts for the signs /christmas remake

Aries: concert tickets Taurus: the finest jewelry Gemini: new cell phone Cancer: (lots of) chocolate Leo: art pieces Virgo: books Libra: vintage clothes Scorpio: video games  Sagittarius: camera gear Capricorn: a laptop Aquarius: a telescope Pisces: albums of their fav bands



Hailing from the police district, wee woo always arrives just after he’s needed. An encyclopedic understanding of every law known to man. Not going to help in this lawless place.

Strength: whappin’ stick

Weakness: upstanding citizens


Your anime identity

Aries : Hero

Taurus : Ninja

Gemini : Vampire

Cancer : Pirate

Leo : Pokemon

Virgo : Alchemist

Libra : Demon

Scorpio : Shinigami

Sagittarius : Mage

Capricorn : God

Aquarius : Student Council President

Pisces : Ghoul


Jupiter in the signs 🌈

  • Jupiter shows what are your natural gifts and abilities, your luck and natural savvy. What makes you happy and is your real comfort zone.
Aries: Ability and know how to assert yourself. The luck you have is that people don’t antagonize you for that but actually respect it and want you by their side. You are most happy when you are able to go by your own pace and teach others how to defend what is theirs.
Taurus: Jupiter expands things and here expands the silent drive you have to obtain possessions and material comfort. Careful to not over-indulge in comfort because your love for abundance can be a double-edged sword
Gemini:If your intelligence is your trademark characteristic, that means you actually can be on another league mentally and be very much known for your abilities to understand the reality in every form. Your synapses seems to work more efficiently and be faster in communicating knowledge to every peace of cells inside your brain. Very chaotic but brilliant.
Cancer:You have the fortune to spread love unconditionally and reicieve it a large sums, by who meets you. This people usually are very mathernale and must have something or someone to care for may be a pet or children, that will reward them with being considered a saving grace and real angles.
Leo:Big personality and large ego. You will be gifted with the knowledge of self-respect and stand out for who you are. Increased creativity and you are a precious friend who in time of need you can be the sparkle of people that are in the dark. Iconic.
Virgo:They seem to have all the life hacks, but actually is thanks to their ability and luck to have everything under control with a solid routine and realistic attitude toward life. They approach everything carefully and systematically. The greatest gift they have is to remind and teach the importance of simplicity.
Libra:Their luck is manifested when they live up to fairness,equality, open-mindedness. They are great in seeing all the points and impartial with other. Their shawls side is however the puzzling personality that can lead them to become snobbish and fragmented, they must find their sense of self and in order to create the real harmonies in themselves before of doing it in the outside world.
Scorpio: The gift you have is to survive any bad circumstances that life throws at you. You are like the Arabic Phoenix that always rebirth stronger then ever. You find happiness and joy in solving mysteries and discovering secrets, sometimes you can be like the Sherlock Holmes of your group.
Sagittarius: Over the limit life. You are boundless and relentless, always galloping forward on a new goal that is only the beginning of the others that will come through. You made your own luck and the gift you have is beleiveing in yourself before in any other or religion. You attract good events to you when you are able to act by morals and don’t see everything as an objection of your freedom.
Aquarius:You will be lucky in finding and attract new friends during your life time, you will never be entirely alone. You will be the voice of the reason and will teach people what you know and people will see you as different but in a special and warm way. You are gifted of Social-awareness and don’t be scared to put to concrete use your idealist and innovative mind because will attract to you good fortune.
Capricorn:Academic mind but with a patience and resilience of thousands of men. You pave your way through hard-work and unparalleled ambition. Their natural luck is their ability to master everything they need to master and are well-thought planners. Jupiter here helps when you will feel down and unable to move, giving you the necessary wisdom to never give up and try again.
Pisces: if you could embrace the world with your senses, you would be the first to do it. Your spirituality and hope helps people to make it through the rain. You would like to connect with every people through a positive string that is symbol of love and compassion for every soul. You have to learn however to not escape this gift of helping humanity and don’t refuge yourself in fear of using your spiritual abilities.
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