


17 • she/her • bi • cancer // mostly in choices/animal crossing fandoms ♡

not to sound like an idiot on this idiot website but literally since the tag system doesn’t work and staff clearly doesn’t care to fix it,,,literally reblogging stuff is the only real way posts are gonna get around and be seen like i know it’s impossible to see everything on your dash 24/7 but my dude......if you see a post that you like literally just reblog it!!! if you like it,,make sure to reblog it later (lookin’ at you folks who just like shit and let it die in your likes) because if the tags don’t work we gotta help each other make our posts be SEEN 😤


the types of media i like can be placed in one of two categories:

type 1: oh my god this thing is amazing, i love it, i could go on hours long rants about how well executed it was. it has its faults but overall it's excellent.

type 2: i didn't say it was good, i said i liked it


There’s this girl at my school and she’s really nice and I remember sometime last year at one point she would carry a clicker around and click it everytime she had a happy thought/something good happened/she laughed etc. It was always kind of cute how you’d just hear the little click every once in a while throughout class it always made me smile knowing that it was bc something made her feel happy idk

she was training herself to be happy oh my god

does it work???? Imagine feeling yourself slipping into depression and you just click a few times and your brain says “wait, this is the sound of happiness I have to release serotonin”

She fucking Pavlov’d herself, the absolute madwoman


Why must your art be "good"? Isn't it enough to explore your medium on your own terms, joyfully?


Fun fact!! It's cuz your body feels your pulse falling rapidly and is like "I don't know if you're dying or falling asleep and I'm not willing to gamble" so it shoots you up with adrenaline fuel to make you not die™. It's one of my favourite facts


how bout it gets with the fucking program we’ve only been at it nearly every single night for my entire goddam life


(Image description: a white square background, the center of the image has an illustration of three people dressed in asexual pride colors, posing as if for a picture; text above the drawing in purple and gray says "celebrate asexual community".)


“what’d you do today” oh, y'know, just isolated myself from everyone and slept bc existing in general is unbearable

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