


She/Her. 20. (Barely) Bisexual. Because have you SEEN girls??? Homoerotic, mutually destructive antagonism enthusiast. Aggressively Indian (Marathi).

when it comes to subtext-only couples (romantic couples in TV/film that are not explicitly canon), there many reasons that these ships can very appealing to watch and can be compelling & fulfillingly romantic for the viewer, despite no overt sexual contact and no out-loud declaration of a relationship....

but one of the biggest draws for me is all of the effort put into communicating what cannot be said. all of the work put into saying without words or an on screen kiss, we are in love! You as the viewer need to be made to FEEL that love. There are no shortcuts or easy way out. They can't just tell without showing.

When a writer, an actor believes in that unspoken love and build it into their performance, when people work together to create a subtext ship, when they put thought into it and pay attention to all the details.... 👌👌👌👌

This can apply to many ships that aren't permitted explicit canon expression (including het ships that aren't Approved™ but the actors and script writer believe in)... but of course what comes most to my mind lately are the censored chinese gay dramas and how the creative team is putting their whole pussy into it like SIR. WOW. THE DEDICATION TO ROMANCEEEE

The Spirealm is the latest example where I keep thinking holy shit, the devil works hard but these actors are working harder. They are so fucking good at portraying a love story without saying it's a love story. It's like The Untamed for me all over again.

It's how everyone is working together: the writer included those beats & that allusion, the actor used that microexpression & body language, the director used that blocking and created the space for it, the editor included all the right shots and pauses on the actor's attraction/affection/love so it isn't lost in the shuffle of the plot. It's a symphony of a ship that's performed in concert.

This is something every quality romantic drama needs to include, but when you're working with subtext it's 50x harder and takes so much more care & consideration.


In a way, Hephaestion son of Amyntor was an icon of the younger members of Alexander’s army. We don’t know when Hephaestion was born but it is believed that he was Alexander’s contemporary. If that is the case, he left Macedon not long after his twentieth birthday and spent the rest of his life – the next eleven or so years – fighting and resting, fighting and resting, fighting and resting until one day in Ecbatana late in 324 B.C. he died following a short illness. Hephaestion never had time to dwell upon his share of Alexander’s riches; he never had time to settle into his wealth and power, to use it for good or ill, or to wake up in the morning and decide to do nothing. His whole adult life was work and service. In Hephaestion we see the experience of the younger Macedonian soldiers who left their homeland with Alexander and who also died before they could return to their families with the fruits of their labours. Those soldiers, and Hephaestion, lived very full lives but not complete ones. They had everything, and nothing. That is sad. What makes it tragic is that the perpetual nature of Alexander’s quest for glory denied them the ability to love without a care in the world – surely the greatest kind of love. And in so far as Hephaestion was denied this ability, so was Alexander. From that point of view, maybe death and the chance to walk hand-in-hand through the endless fields of Elysium was the best thing to ever happen to them.


can't stop thinking about the iliad having the first lines "sing, goddess, of achilles's rage". his fatal anger, black and incalculable, and the goddess isn't singing of his prideful anger, the one that spurns agamemnon, no. it is the all-consuming rage of someone whose own actions cost them everything they hold dear. can't stop thinking of the fact that you can interpret the iliad without achilles loving patroclus but if you do, you lose every major theme of the iliad. can't stop thinking about the fact that achilles was meant to be invulnerable, but the entire point of the iliad is that invulnerability only exists if one is an island and achilles was not. achilles's rage that silenced the gods, rage that reads so flat without the context that it is also anguish and it is also grief and it is also guilt. doesn't matter how but the goddess can only sing of achilles's rage when you know that achilles loved his friend. in whatever way.



They’re not mere pieces of literature for you to write whatever you want about them without understanding it properly. To us, they are holy texts connected deeply to our culture and history.




They are sacred to us.

Do people really not see the love and time people pour into writing and making art about the said texts as deeply respectful?

"Mere pieces of literature". Do they think literature is mudane? Stories hold value. Be they divine or mortal.

Why is their idea of the divine untouchable? Even the gods themselves took human forms.

Why must they insist on flattening their own culture and history in this incredibly narrow and prescriptive way? Our traditions were oral before they were ever penned. Each storyteller through millennia has touched, shaped and molded these stories in their own way. The rigidity and insistence on there being the "one right version" is the actual deviation from history here.

- Mod S


I turn 30 next month so here’s what I learned in my 20s:

—don’t work for startups, they’re always one ‘innovative idea’ away adding ‘sell your kidneys on the black market’ to your job description.

—keeping a collection of basic OTC medicine on you will save your life one day. I recommend Advil, Imodium, and TUMS.

—those little single-use glasses cleaning wipes are 1000% worth the money

—overly self-depreciating jokes just make people uncomfortable, wean yourself off of them

—you can buy dehydrated mini marshmallows in bulk online and they’re a godsend for hot cocoa

—people don’t care if you have fidget toys on your desk they just want to play with them

—try to go to bed BEFORE the existential ennui kicks in

Also drink water and eat a plant


This is all GREAT. I turned 40 last week, so permit me to add what I learned in my 30s:

  • keep on not working for startups
  • sometimes there comes a point where the thing (fandom, hobby, friendship, romantic relationship) you loved no longer brings you joy. And that's okay. Try to mourn the loss, take joy in the memories, and don't burn any bridges in case ten years go by and you find yourself back in that fandom/hobby/relationship again
  • it turns out that (ugh) moderate regular exercise is (spit) good for you. The sooner you make it part of your life, the easier it'll be
  • related: if you throw yourself into a new exercise regime too hard and too fast, without stopping to rest or consider whether a particular move is good for you ... well, shoulder injuries are painful and consults with orthopedic surgeons are expensive
  • knees are bastards too
  • don't even get me started on ankles
  • there may come a time when your digestive system is too fragile for ibuprofin. I'm sorry
  • one day you're gonna wake up and realise you no longer give any fucks about some things that used to bother you
  • on the other hand, you might be alarmed to realise what you still give a fuck about
  • never get down on the floor without an exit strategy for getting back up

I turn 50 this year. what I have learned in my 40s:

  • "loving yourself" is less of a feeling and more of an action. you can start doing it any time and it will make your life better and better as you go on
  • this will happen incrementally - be patient
  • along those lines, if you haven't started making an active effort to quit shit-talking yourself, suck it up and do it
  • no, shut up. do it. "but it's haaaaard!" don't care. do it.
  • whether you like it or not, you are mortal and you need to go to the doctor for an annual checkup
  • stretch regularly - your future self will thank you
  • at some point you will encounter people much younger than you arguing passionately and incorrectly about history you personally remember and experienced
  • this will be infuriating and annoying
  • otoh, most other things just... will not matter to you as much
  • at some point you will shift from wanting to go out to being like "eh" and deciding to stay in. this is okay.
  • you will have absolutely no idea what The Youth are talking about and you will not care
  • but if you keep your mind open to new ideas you'll never be irrelevant
  • your company still doesn't love you - don't give them more than they pay you for
  • get a fucking hobby, especially a hobby that involves physically creating/handling something and/or moving your body in physical space. it will do you more good than you can imagine

Just turned 60 and let me say:

  • Find joy, every kind, it's always worth it
  • I'm talking that massive, never-ending Discord chat with your bestie? The one that makes you giggle through the day? It's not a "waste of time," it's what time was made for
  • If that's fanfic for your favorite characters who never even met on screen celebrate that!
  • If that's building a tiny fleet of snake villagers for your snake town and they just cover your mantel hell yes!
  • If that's collecting pillows and making a fort of them every weekend I'll be right over
  • Feeling and sharing joy is the whole point

This is too tempting…, so, I’m 74, and: don’t fund startups

Please keep stretching and exercise enough NOT to need an elaborate strategy to get up from the floor. IT MAY SAVE YOUR LIFE

Say bye to your employer as early as you possibly can, unless you really love your job. You won’t be sorry.

Keep doing the annual checkups 🙏🏼

Enjoy that fucking hobby you’ve acquired in your 50, or find something new. Do try new things & adventures.


varadha's motive.

so, it was obvious that varadha closing his eyes was a very particular action that carried a specific significance of him accepting what was happening, but i didn't completely understand the exact reason, within the cinematic context.

i thought at first that it was acceptance of either deva's actions or their eventual outcome then i thought it was tied to deva's guilt after the massacre – maybe varadha didn't want to witness deva's violence, out of consideration for him, but that wouldn't make sense, since he himself fights by deva's side. violence has never been somthing they shy away from. then it sort of struck me:

the fact that varadha had to stand and watch, as women were disrespected and treated in such a gruesome way, must be something he's deeply ashamed of.

with the way things were, and even though he had no fear of his own death, he did not have the means nor the power to defend anybody, especially when doing so would guarantee his brother's and everyone else's death

but when he complied with the order to fold his hands, and avert his gaze, he must have been repulsed by his own actions.

everytime they were asked to fold their hands, varadha bodily complied – they all did – but he obviously never did it with the intent the gesture was meant to have: deference to vishnu and the man's actions.

he always looked up at the girls who were taken, not closing his eyes to the barbarity of this ritual in the slightest:

but when deva walks ahead, varadha can finally close his eyes, and keep his hands folded in true deference to deva, because he knows, if deva steps up, justice will be enacted.

he cannot absolve himself of the sin of witnessing what has been happening to the women, but he can finally mean it when he keeps his arms crossed and looks away.

he can finally accept the events unfolding in front of him, knowing that deva will make sure those atrocities never happen again.


The way three out of four Rajamannar siblings are some flavour of queer:

Radha Rama with her peculiar codependancy on Obulamma and blatant disinterest in her own husband.

Rudra, his fixation on Varadha that borders on antagonistic obsession, him letting Ranga drape himself all over him, hearing him whine and moan like a loud girlfriend and promising to solve his problems.

And finally, Varadha. His case doesn't even need to be elaborated. The entire film is based around his inability to let Deva go and the lengths he would go to keep him by his side, to keep him safe.


A Goodbye

Not beta read or anything. Literally the most self indulgent thing ive ever written. enjoy. inspired by @rambheem-is-real 's nsfw posts that got the horny wheels working.

Pairing: Varadeva



Khansaar, 2010

There it was. Laid out in front of them like an animal's carcass.

Love had never been easy for Varadha. Love had always been an enemy, a weakness and every other attribute that tainted that word. It ate away at him like a disease and spit him back out like phlegm. When love did not want him, it made him its weapon.

So he looked at its corpse. Beaten, ragged and dirty, as it was meant to be. He was the one who had ended its life, so why was he feeling like a gaping hole had been made in his heart?

And why did love look so alive in his eyes? Why did it writhe and dance and reach out and pull Varadha towards him? Why did it seem to want to live when he kept killing it? Why couldn't it just go?

"Varadha," said Deva.

"Go." A piece of his heart turned to stone as he said that.

"Varadha, listen-"

"Get out. If I ever see your face again, I'll put your head on a spike and hang it at Khansaar's doors. Go."

Well, it had achieved what he wanted it to. That writhing love stopped its dance in Deva's eyes. In its remains, all that was left was a rising anger.

Good. At least he would go out of this world in the wake of that love. No death would be more respectable.

But Varadha knew Deva more than he knew himself. That anger, so familiar to him, cooled down, replaced with another emotion

It wracked him to his bones.

Don't leave me, he wanted to say. I love you. Love me back. Please.

But he stood his ground.

Deva turned around, and walked out of the room. The entire place descended into silence. No one spoke a word. The sun set.

Varadharaja Mannar became King.



Scenes From A Marriage | 💏🏻 HONEYMOONERS Felix & Oliver · dir. Emerald Fennell · Saltburn (2023)


losing a final is heartbreaking. but losing a final when your team dominated the entire tournament, won every single match, broke records, stayed on top of the table and entered the finals with a smashing 10/10 win is next level traumatizing :( this is breaking me like nothing 


idc if this is late (I was processing the loss okay!?) but all of this. we had a dream run throughout this WC, but one bad day is all it took to fucking crush the hopes of lifting our third trophy.

australia is not a better team that us, they just played better that day. they walked into the stadium like they'd already won the match. i think we somewhere succumbed to the pressure of playing a historically more successful side in the finals.

but i've made my peace with it. i sincerely congratulate our team for playing some of the best cricket i've seen in my life. well done, boys!

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