

  • Like = 50-100 new followers
  • Reblog = 100++ new followers
  • Like and reblog for a 98% chance of being promoted!

Must be following all 15 blogs below: 

  1. overdid 69k
  2. brazul 65k
  3. apparant 79k
  4. explores 129k
  5. peacid 83k
  6. glassbonespaperskin 115k
  7. disorder 107k
  8. fixed 68k
  9. poutful 62k
  10. cant-remember-last-night. 90k
  11. harmonizingly 65k
  12. unpresentable100k
  13. bitrate70k
  14. happiest 85k
  15. safeguards 94k

We know you’re thinking “OMG wtf, that’s 15 blogs to follow!”, But remind you we have 1,000,000+ followers in all. I promise once you start gaining - you will think “I’m so glad that I followed them.” This is a give and take process. You’ll have a chance to be promoted to thousands of dashboards and get some followers. We won’t promise you to gain hundreds of followers; but there some people who gained hundreds already, so goodluck!

The more honest everyone is about following the more people will be promoted to our 1,000,000+ followers! :)

***Please do not try to be sneaky because we DO check. We will not promote those who does not follow all of us, BLOCKING LIARS****


Message overdid a good why YOU should be promoted. This will give you an EVEN higher chance of being chosen for winners! But you must be following ALL of the above, we do check so no lying. I’m choosing the best reasons so make sure you give a good enough reason!!

*************PROOF OF GAIN BELOW 2#************

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