
Red 5 Standing By

@red5iam / red5iam.tumblr.com

In my twenties, obsessed with movies, films, whatever you want to call the medium. Almost everything I post is movie related in some way. Unfortunately, I'm obvious. It should be known that I am obsessed with the following. I post a lot in regards to...

🎉 Commissions Open 🎉

Hey folks! My commissions are open again! I’m currently opening up again small, so not all of my usual options are available right now.

⭐ If you’d like something a little different than what I have for offer, ask! DM me or reach me at a contact under the cut.

Reblogs are appreciated since the links I have to use will keep this post out of any relevant tags. Under the cut are extra details and more examples!


I’m posting this here because I’m honestly so sick and tired of this kind of thing. Especially in regards to endangered languages

But yeah. so funny

For those who don’t know, Scots language is not the same as Scottish Gaelic. They are unique from each other. Some people know Scots language better as being referred to as a dialect, so if you’ve heard about the Scots dialect before online, they’re probably referring to Scots language. 

UNESCO recognizes it as a vulnerable language (Gaelic is considered more severely as “endangered”).

The Scots Wikipedia is exactly what it sounds like, an alternate wikipedia where the articles are all written in Scots. There are other wikipedias that provide content for other languages the same way. It helps preserve and give access to a threatened and underrepresented language, which is invaluable.

About 16 hours ago, it was discovered that an American teenager has been editing and writing articles not in Scots, but in an American’s disrespectful phonetic take on what he thinks Scots sounds like. 

The problem is that this person cannot speak Scots. I don’t mean this in a mean spirited or gatekeeping way where they’re trying their best but are making a few mistakes, I mean they don’t seem to have any knowledge of the language at all.

This problem isn’t unique to this incident. Frequently on tumblr I see Americans making jokes about Scottish actors making what they’ve called “garbled Scottish sounds” and attempting (and failing) to type in Scots. Scottish languages have been decimated over the centuries, and Scots Wikipedia should be an amazing language resource.

The worst part? He’s apparently been at this for YEARS. He’s edited or penned nearly 1/3 of Scots Wikipedia. Apparently when Scots speakers have corrected him in the past, he’s had a “haughty attitude,” claiming that other Scots speakers (who were never present, unsurprisingly) approved of his failed attempts at writing in Scots.

The damage is heart wrenching:

“Potentially tens of millions of people now think that Scots is a horribly mangled rendering of English rather than being a language or dialect of its own, all because they were exposed to a mangled rendering of English being called Scots by this person and by this person alone.
They wrote such a massive volume of this pretend Scots that anyone writing in genuine Scots would have their work drowned out by rubbish. Or, even worse, edited to be more in line with said rubbish.
Wikipedia could have been an invaluable resource for the struggling language. Instead, it’s just become another source of ammunition for people wanting to disparage and mock it, all because of this one person and their bizarre fixation on Scots, which unfortunately never extended so far as wanting to properly learn it.”

Even worse, many people are praising this kid as the all-time most dedicate “troll,” as funny, etc. It’s inexcusable.

They’re hoping Scots speakers will volunteer to help fix all of the nonsense articles he’s put up.


how the FUCK did they make that penguin from wallace and gromit look so evil like it’s literally just a plasticine penguin but it somehow radiates Pure Malice look at it 

truly character design at its finest

Part of the reason that Wallace and Gromit is so successful is that every single character is just so expressive. The people’s lips move like half a foot every frame. Gromit has basically only his eyebrows, and he has more personality than two average real people. The Moon Machine was up there with the rest of them, and it didn’t even have a face.

The penguin, on the other hand, never expressed anything at all. It’s designed almost explicitly with purpose of not expressing anything. It’s practically featureless, with only the bare minimum of detail necessary to tell you it’s a penguin. It has a face, but it never uses it. It has no sclera, meaning it stares straight ahead at all times. It actively repels most attempts to ascribe any emotion to it – at best, you can feel that it is coldly satisfied, perhaps detachedly frustrated. I’d say it’s like a robot wearing the skin of an animal, but that’s literally the villain of A Close Shave, and he was pretty expressive.

It’s like Aardman found a tiny crack in the likability curve, far away from the uncanny valley but a hell of a lot deeper, and decided to build a penguin there.

They were like ‘I will show you fear in a handful of penguin-shaped play dough’ and we all had to pay the price 


Whoops I went on a whole reblogging spam moment after not being on here for probably a year and a half. 🙃 Penalty Frankie pic 🤷🏻‍♀️


I am done with anti-medicine nuts who are like “God gave us all we need in nature” yup he sure did. wtf do you think scientists use to make their medicines? where do you think they got all those chemicals. they didn’t summon them from the void. we haven’t outsourced to alien planets. everything came from this earth. we just tweaked them into something more effective. taking a long walk in the woods and chewing on plants never made me feel less like dying but taking prozac sure fucking did.


when people are like “medicine has all those NASTY CHEMICALS” it makes me genuinely concerned that they dont know herbalism is literally those same ‘nasty’ chemicals, just less precise/concentrated/helpful


Me, with a literal graph to show how much Zoloft helped me over roughly a month of use. I don’t even have words for how big a difference this is on a day to day basis. Sometimes you just need those big scary chemicals, ok.


“I feel good, I feel great, I feel wonderful... I feel good, I feel great, I feel wonderful... I feel good, I feel great, I feel wonderful...”


Fun fact, this may actually account for many of the “imaginings” we have of extinct animals.

I had a molecular biology professor who referred it to “vacuum packing” where many extinct animals are rendered slimmer or muscular than they may have been, since things like body fat and fur are not preserved during fossilization. So our view of animals like dinosaurs may be entirely inaccurate.

There’s actually a book, All Yesterdays, in which the artist, CM Koseman, draws modern animals as we might have interpreted them to look if we found them extinct the same way do dinosaurs.

Fun examples include:

The manatee

An elephant


And literally the picture of the hippo

Another funny thing to add to this…because of how fossils are formed, it’s possible we don’t know what type of dinosaurs were different species or the same species.  If we compare the skeletons to modern animals, snake skeletons often look pretty much the same so if all snakes were extinct we may believe they were all one species of animal instead of hundreds.  Meanwhile, all dog breeds are considered the same species Canis lupus familiaris (technically domestic dogs are a subspecies of Canus lupus, the Grey Wolf, but you get what I mean) despite their skeletons being drastically different from each other (compare a pug skull to a great dane and to a poodle…they’ll look different).

So, if all snakes were mistaken for being only a small handful of species and modern dogs could be mistaken for a BUNCH of unique different species…think about how that knowledge can reflect onto our current understanding of extinct animals.


do you ever read about clean eating and intermittent fasting and cleanses and all that shit and just think about how good the wellness industry is as repackaging dangerous and disordered eating habits as shiny wellness routines and become literally enraged

Generations of readers have been led to believe that murder victims most often are women killed by men and that Black serial murderers are rare. Neither assertion is true. According to the FBI, the majority of homicide victims are men killed by other men, and the race of serial murderers is commensurate with the racial makeup of the U.S. as a whole.
The fallout extends beyond misperception into policy, and it has for decades. For example, as Rachel Monroe detailed in her 2019 book “Savage Appetites,” the rise of the victims’ rights movement, led by the mother of Sharon Tate—a white actress whose murder at the hands of Manson Family members has been documented ad nauseam—led directly to the rights of defendants being restricted. The severity of punishment is rarely even questioned. “[True crime] frames the justice system as inherently just, and it frames long prison sentences as something to aspire toward,” says journalist Rachelle Hampton. “It very much sets up a neat line between us—people who are not incarcerated—and them, people who are incarcerated.”
To this day, reporters enable law enforcement to spread misleading statistics—to suggest, with scant evidence, that major cities, including New York, are suffering through an unprecedented rise in crime. That, too, is false.
“We end up misrepresenting what the world actually looks like,” says Lowery.
Or as Jean Murley, author of “The Rise of True Crime,” puts it: “Modern true crime is almost a fantasy genre.”

I have a lot of feelings about true crime. And a lot of them are rooted in what this post is talking about. It’s a “genre” with a million faults and a million things that need to be addressed.


a commission of Frankie for @red5iam!


That thing where I randomly reappear back on tumblr to share artwork I commissioned of my dog that is fabulous 🙌


Sir Hiss, I promise your new enclosure will be set up as soon as this project is over. You’re gonna have so much room for activities (or hiding. Whatever.) Love, Snek Mom https://www.instagram.com/p/BrFL9UugK-N/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=g7lvkl8f3rc4


Zuko, you're a real pretty dude. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq1efYBA0vO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13uqde6s86e8q


Happy Reptile Awareness Day! Reptiles are everywhere, and they've been here a hell of a lot longer than we have. So I'm just glad I get the privilege to care for some really pretty ones. (Conspicuously absent here is Zuko the Honduran milksnake, but he ate last night so he couldn't join us in the shark mouth.) 🐍 Be nice to your local reptile population, they help keep bugs and rodents down and honestly the Eco system is damaged by humans enough without removing animals from it. 🖤 https://www.instagram.com/p/BpNPA4ylTtF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ktypgnhntzi3

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