
Still Here For Some Reason

@i-am-become-gamer / i-am-become-gamer.tumblr.com

I mainly post about games and memes and stuff. Icon from Aharen-san wa Hakarenai

I think the thing that makes me saddest about this is that... filler / quiet / character / bottle episodes that have nothing to do with plot used to be considered crucial structure in storytelling, particularly in a lot of drama storytelling.

It's been really lost with the rise of grimdark as a genre, and also with the way television has changed over the years. But 'the rise and the fall' or the 'inhale and exhale' within a genre (i.e. between intense and light moments, or emotional and silly moments) was actually fundamental in particular to television storytelling structure, and certainly in a lot of books too. You only need to look at Lord of the Rings to see that even J.R.R. Tolkien understood this inherently. It's good storytelling to know that in most stories, in most genres, even horror and thriller, it's good - powerful actually - to let your characters breathe and have a moment.

Anyway, ThatKodo is 100% on it, it's just that plot driven stories used to have so so so much more of this. Characterisation IS plot and it DRIVES plot. I am a 'character over plot' writer so I want to eat all of ThatKodo's words, I fully agree with them. It's just that for the most part the current divide between plot and character is one we didn't used to have in most genres to the severe degree we do now.


Astrology's weird bc if you've only ever had fun with it and come across someone w seething hatred for it you're understandably like, what the fuck is this person's problem? But also if you've seen someone take it Too Far, any mention of it understandably becomes a red flag

Like imagine if you really liked Pokemon and you're like, "I really don't see why people would hate this unless they're just assholes for no reason?" Like it's a totally normal opinion opinion to have. But also imagine if you took a quiz and learned you were a Bug type and people stopped talking to you because they were like "It's in your nature to be emotionally manipulative." It would also be totally normal to be like "Oh okay fuck Pokemon fans then."

Now you may be like, "But the latter situation doesn't happen!" and that tells me you are fortunate because you have not dealt with the worst that the west coast of America has to offer

All this is to say, I too was once a "Let people have fun" person, and then I met gay people from Portland and now I am not that person

I'm in the "it's fine if you like reading your horoscope but I don't think the US president should utilize it to make policy decisions" camp

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