
@chocotunda / chocotunda.tumblr.com

The term ‘academia’ and anything to do with it has lost all non aesthetic meaning when you use this site.
TERFs and any phobes may interact so that I can beat them in debates.

i love how Siobhan is so obviously familiar with all the nursery rhymes Brennan uses in Neverafter. like she immediately asked King Cole about his Fiddlers Three, clocked that the litter box could be for the Cat that Plays the Fiddle, and asked specifically if the oats were “too much/ not enough” in regards to the three bears. it’s so fun to watch someone be so quietly knowledgeable


Answers to "it hurts"

  • I know (apologetically)
  • I know (condescendingly)
  • It's supposed to
  • Good
  • I'm sorry
  • It'll be over soon
  • Stop whining
  • And it'll get worse if you don't *insert threat*
  • Well it wouldn't have to if you didn't *insert mistake*
  • You're supposed to say 'thank you'
  • I love hearing you say that
  • This is nothing, I'll show you actual pain
  • Get used to it
  • You'll get used to it
  • Stop lying
  • At least you still feel it
  • Shut up
  • Why don't you beg me to stop, then?
  • Can't be that bad if you're still talking
  • I don't care
  • Did I ask?
  • It's the only way you'll learn
  • You can take it

“Stop lying” 🥵


I love how the world perceives tumblr as useless platform. No world news here. No algorithm. No verified accounts. Ads are about Pikachu cosplayer and shoelaces. Folks that's exactly how social media should be

way overdue edit: OP too has learned everything regarding international politics through crabs and that meme but doesn't dare to consider these paranormal/parasocial occurrences as mere news. It's a moment, it's a bliss, it's the nightmare of future generations' history textbooks, you had to be there


tumblr users being so anti-intellectual/ purposefully ignorant of the world around them is why I only use this site for about a month annually.


okay tumblr’s exclusion from the twitter social media ban list is hilarious but genuinely we do not belong on there. if a real human person asks “where can i find you on social media” and your choice is a swift death or revealing your tumblr, most of us would simply expire. half of y’all change urls every week like you’re in witness protection. just imagine for one second attaching your wholeass government name to your latest two am clownposting and tell me that didn’t send a cold chill down your spine. the only place i ever want to see the words “connect with me on tumblr!” is on the ao3 profile of an author i’m actively stalking. anyone in the world can follow me except anyone i personally know. antisocial media.


the real trick is turning off being able to have your page found from simple google searches.

I have people at my uni find my tiktok, and I only had one post on that. Can’t let that happen here lol.


I had a Terry's Chocolate Orange once in an airport 10 years ago (they’re very hard to come by in the US, I’ve never seen them sold anywhere else) and I think about it everyday.

So what you’re saying in the replies is that they are sold everywhere and they’re just hiding them from me every time I enter a store.

So what you’re saying is some sort of evil sorcerer put a curse on me to make Terry’s chocolate oranges totally invisible to me.

Attempting to obtain the orange by other means is not working.


Literally no joke, last November I ordered a case of Terry's Chocolate Oranges and they didn't arrive in time for Christmas stockings. Months later, this arrived in a package that looked like it had been toted around on Odysseus's journey:


anti-intellectualism actually refers to when I'm scrolling through tumblr tired and I skip all the posts longer than a paragraph


I will miss you if they finally realize about you, Tumblr dot com the website and app Twitter account. You shined bright, you magnificent being.


I know that we here on tumblr have had our posts stolen and rewritten by many a twitter user, and that they speak of of tumblr as a hellsite (derogatory) when it is really a hellsite (affectionate)

But now that Elon owns twitter, we must welcome new and returning users with open arms.

Every twitter user converted is one step closer to Elon Musk pulling a yahoo and loosing 99% of Twitters value.


This is meant as entirely lighthearted: can't believe how many people are calling Benoit Blanc the spiritual successor to Sherlock Holmes as if social eccentricities, roping clients into intricate ruses and solving murders at glamorous parties - with an outrageous accent and a gay little fit - are not all textbook Hercule Poirot. Like that's the Poirot modus operandi right there.


working in an office is just like being in a horse movie except the horse is a printer. im the only one in the office who can make it work and its because the printer and i have a special bond. its a wild and untamable spirit and we are going to win the big race

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