
Please read if you’re a student

You are NOT PROCRASTINATING, if - you’re sick - you have headache - you feel pain - you’re exhausted - you feel anxious - you have had big changes in your life that make you feel tired/restless/anxious/sad - you have to skip a class/take rest because of reasons I mentioned above. It’s not procrastinating. You’re not lazy. Everyone needs to have rest and take care of themselves when they’re sick. IT IS NOT OKAY TO WORK IN PAIN. Don’t burn out. It’s not worth it. Do not feel guilty. After some rest and relaxing you will study even more effectively. If you feel pain, - take a medicine if it works for you - put all of your books away - take warm shower - eat at least 1 healthy thing and 1 treat/feel-good-food, drink water - go to bed, sleep or read a book/listen to music that is not related to your school (if you have headache/migraine I suggest you to switch off the lights and just sleep) - just take your time - it’ll be all okay.


Just finished my exams! Woohooooo 😍 I have a feeling they all went very well, except for one… I just hope I don’t have to redo that one in August, oh please

Ps: This is me getting messy and throwing pages everywhere


my housemate gave me the prettiest wine bottle to use as a vase and now i’m determined to include it in all my photos 🌟  ig: studylustre


yesterday I switched to a harder honors english class at school… I think I need the challenge though because I want to be an author ✨✨


23 Jan 2018 || ig 

So many readings, so little time. In honour of national handwriting day, this post features my lecture notes for romantic literature. 




i’m trying to consistently upload but it’s hard to think of what to take pictures of when school isn’t that demanding and i haven’t been taking that many notes hahahah

also currently writing some essays for summer programs woo

currently listening to:

long poem - moonmoon

february O1, 2O17

the ppts/handouts for microecon that i modified (so that i will save more ink bc the backgrounds are colored) turned out like this omg i just thought that it was so cute.

ps. i’m still struggling with macroeconomics and taking notes from my v thick textbook 

Source: wishcafe

the thing is, somebody cares. i know your best friend seems really busy all the time and is shit at texting but she still loves you and she talks to you more than she talks to anyone else and you’re the only breath of calm she has on this planet. the boy in your science class loves seeing what music you’re listening to on your headphones - he has the same taste and wishes he had the nerve to ask you about it. your english teacher loves the insight you have on your papers. somebody cares. the person who lives down the street from you notices when you are sick because they don’t see you stomping your way to the schoolbus - it’s how they know it’s time to get their breakfast ready. somebody is looking for you at the party, even if they don’t know they’re really looking for you - but when you don’t show up, some part of them is disappointed. somebody is looking for you in the library, in the spot where you eat lunch, in front of that one step you always seem to trip on. i know your parents are a complicated mess and there’s drama between your friends and your love life is sort of shaped like a constant question and everybody seems all caught up in their own lives and their own happiness and nobody really notices: but somebody always does. every face in your dreams is someone you have met, and that means that you are in a million’s stranger’s heads. they see you when they go to bed. and somebody cares. somebody still thinks about you even though you were just a person with a nice outfit or good eyeliner or a great smile or because you were having one of those moments that are so charmingly human in nature or because they regret not asking if you needed help when you fell or because they wonder what you were thinking about or drawing or writing or just because you’re alive, and that makes you fascinating. somebody cares. when you were on break from work and saw a dog hanging his head out of the car and suddenly broke into a smile: there was a girl in the back of that car, and I was her, and I still think about you, and i hope you get more chances to smile like that. and there is you, sitting here reading this, and by some small extension, meeting me, and i am telling you, I care. somebody always does. i promise. i promise. you are loved.


23.01.18 // did some math revision this morning for an upcoming test! it’s been so long since i’ve actually studied haha i’m on the second week of school now but it still feels so surreal and hard to believe that i’ve graduated and moved on to my next chapter of my schooling life!

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