
We’ll Never Get To Heaven

@deanwincherter / deanwincherter.tumblr.com


2021 just had to sneak in that last little suckerpunch of taking Betty White less than two weeks before her 100th, huh


Thank you for being a friend.

Estelle Gettlemen: July 25, 1923 - July 22, 2008

Beatrice Arthur: May 13, 1922 - April 25, 2009

Eddi-Rue McClanahan: February 21, 1934 - June 3, 2010

Betty Marion White Ludden: January 17, 1922 - December 31, 2021


My nephew likes to play McDonald's, which is what you'd expect it to be. He says, "Welcome to McDonald's. How may I help you?" After you order, he says, "Okay, coming right up," and pretends to give you your food. He has another game called "Silly McDonald's," which is the same thing, except no matter what you order, he says, "Here's your cold hamburger."

I know I'm biased, but he's a comedic genius, as far as I'm concerned.

The last time I saw him, he said, "Let's play McDonald's," so I assumed it was regular McDonald's. But then he hit me with a cold hamburger. It was Silly McDonald's the whole time. I got played.

Jack: We are gathered here today because SOMEBODY…
Jack, glaring at Daniel’s corpse: …Couldn’t stay alive.
“In that [final] scene in ‘The Other Side,’ the most important objective for me was to convey that sense of ‘oh my God, what have we done?’ I feel very strongly as Sam and as Amanda that we don’t have the right to be judge, jury and executioner to any culture. While we may disagree with people’s politics we are not in the business of deciding what is right for the people of any planet we visit. Now, certainly genocide or the erradication of people simply because of the colour of their skin is so obviously wrong. We all know that. We, in our own history, are still dealing with the evils of that. But, does SG-1 have the right to knowingly kill a man for this, as his way of life is being destroyed? Could we have not brought him to trial on his planet after the dust had settled? Or heard both sides of the story on the war and made an intelligent decision based on that? Also, what gives us the right to make that kind of decision? Long story short-ish, I wanted Carter to show disappointment in O’Neill and the fact that she questioned his judgement. While I disagreed with their war and why it was being fought, I still struggled with our final judgement of him.” - Amanda Tapping (X)

When I started Stargate, I got the part, I was sooo thrilled to have this incredible character, to be playing someone in the military and I had so much respect, to be playing someone who’s so smart and so liberated and… I thought, “Yes!”

I had two weeks to move from Toronto to Vancouver. I flew out there, I had my first wardrobe fitting. And one of the things that was in… the thing that was in the wardrobe room was a very low-cut tank top and a push-up bra…

And I turned to the costume designer - whom I’ve worked with since, who’s wonderful - and I said, “What… What is this?” And she said “Well, they wanna see what you look like in it.” And I said, “…but this… nobody in the military, no captain in the US airforce would wear this… while her male counterparts are wearing crew neck T-shirts and… I c… I… I can’t do it!” And she said, “Well, they just wanna see what you look like and take a picture and…”

I was like “…”

And I panicked because I thought I have just been given this amazing opportunity - I didn’t know it would last 10 years but I knew it was gonna be a kick-ass show - and I was like… “I can’t do it…”

And I started to cry and I said, “You have to go upstairs and tell them I’m not doing it. And if it means that they recast the part then recast the part but you’ve cast a smart woman and you’ve cast somebody who’s never tried to get a job based on her looks or her body. I’ve always played strong, smart women, I… I can’t do it. So if they wanna recast the part I totally get it but I’m not playing that version of this character.”

But I’m saying this while I’m blubbering because I’m suffering that I’ve just lost maybe the best job of my career…

And so she said, “Okay” and I said, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’ve never been difficult, I don’t… but I can’t do that!”

So she went upstairs and she came back down and she said, “Okay, no problem.” And I said, “Okay, so what’s my costume?” And she said, “Well…” And I said, “Just… What are the guys wearing?”

So she handed me a black T-Shirt and the BDUs, which is what my character would wear in the field with her male counterparts, and that’s where we went from there.

But that to me was the defining moment of…

And I still cry about it because I still remember that young woman on the verge of breaking into the… new something big, being petrified that she was gonna loose it, but… I knew that I couldn’t play the TNA version of Sam Carter.

And to the powers-that-be, great credit, I don’t think that it was Brad or Jonathan or Rob or any of those guys who were asking for it, I think it might have been, you know, much higher up. But to their great credit they were like, “No, absolutely not. She’s… okay, whatever she’s comfortable in.”

And… thank God that they went that route. But that was… that was one of the defining moments.


My nephew likes to play McDonald's, which is what you'd expect it to be. He says, "Welcome to McDonald's. How may I help you?" After you order, he says, "Okay, coming right up," and pretends to give you your food. He has another game called "Silly McDonald's," which is the same thing, except no matter what you order, he says, "Here's your cold hamburger."

I know I'm biased, but he's a comedic genius, as far as I'm concerned.

The last time I saw him, he said, "Let's play McDonald's," so I assumed it was regular McDonald's. But then he hit me with a cold hamburger. It was Silly McDonald's the whole time. I got played.


i wish other science fiction was as ballsy as stargate. they’re like oh we have a 1960s hippie episode but unlike star trek we actually dress their spock equivalent character AS a hippie im talking bell bottom high waisted purple jeans paired with an shiny orange shirt. also thor? like the norse god thor? he’s an alien. he’s three feet tall and he maybe caused roswell. our main character is just Some Guy and once he describes the process of castration as “snippety doo dah.” he’s being interrogated by the military and declares his name is Luke Skywalker. his squad consists an alien warrior who tried to shoot god, a whip-smart scientist with latent extraterrestrial power whose father is possessed, and a glasses-wearing nerd who is, like, Also There. the villains are literally the yeerks from animorphs they are the yeerks from animorphs except they’re also egyptian gods. you want an explanation? no <3 and that’s why this show fucking rules

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