

@memoriesofyccjungrk / memoriesofyccjungrk.tumblr.com




yena knows gahyeon is right. she knows that what gahyeon says is true but it still feels so unfair to her. the ex-streamer chews on her lips, looking back up to the ceiling. for a second it seems like she won’t say anything but then she exhales a deep breath through her nostrils, showing she’s still frustrated and torn.it ain’t because I’m tryna be empathetic… I genuinely feel like I snatched sum’ away that someone else could'a pulled off probably even better than me. I suppose I’d make a good variety member- the comedic sidekick but-, her lips press together and she exhales another breath.
why so soon…. I just ain’t get that. everythin’s happenin’ so fast…, she murmurs on. while she is usually one that enjoys new challenges, for once she’s not sure she’s ready for this one. I feel like I’m runnin’ into final boss territory, havin’ t'leave my strongest party member behind. at that she lifts her gaze towards gahyeon, bottom lip disappeared again between her teeth. I dun wanna do this without ya…

yoojung draws in a breath, and tries to consider how to approach this. after all, she understands – she imagines if she were in yena’s position, she’d feel much the same. but that wasn’t the case. yena had gotten the place in the group because the trainers thought that she fit alongside them. they wanted her in their group, she fit the image – and unfortunately for yena, there was no getting around it. it was likely from the moment they auditioned, they knew yena would end up in their lineup. yoojung sighs.

you’re not, yena. yoojung points out gently. you’re not taking someone else’s spot – this spot was yours. the trainers know what’s going to happen long before we do, i have no doubt about it. the coaches have the solos at their fingertips, they’re just waiting for the perfect opportunity to pluck a girl from the group and give it to them. you never took someone else’s spot – you were given yours. she explains. no one could’ve pulled off what you have the way you did. you’re talented, yena – don’t forget that. you didn’t get signed to royal because you’d make a good variety idol – you got signed because you’re talented. you didn’t get this spot because you’d make a good variety idol – you got it because you’re talented. yoojung stresses, voice soft.

i know it’s not how we expected it. yoojung sighs, a soft, sad smile on her lips. but some of the best things come unexpectedly, you know that ? you can do this without me. and who knows, you may have to. we may have joined this together, but that doesn’t mean we’ll leave on the same side. she points out, voice quiet. yoojung has a hard time imagining debut without yena – but the possibility seems father and farther away every time she thought about it. they had to prepare for that possibility. you’re strong on your own. and you’ll make new, great friends – girls who will be your members, who you’ll live with and probably like even more than you like me. she points out, chuckling lightly. it’ll be okay, yena. you can do this, and it’s not like you’re alone. you’re going to eventually have eleven other girls that you can work alongside and go to if you need anything. it’s going to be okay.


let me down slowly.

chungha couldn’t lie: her mind has been all over the place. with mina moving in, her own inner turmoil with the project and missing the absolute crap out of her girlfriend, chungha was basically spacey most of the time. it must have seemed as though that she stopped caring but the truth was the opposite. she cared so much. too much. it threw her in for a loop.
but since coming to her conclusion on her own, she feels a lot lighter. she’s not taking every month so seriously to the point where she feels worthless. with this new outlook she sort of accepted what she expects to be the inevitable: she won’t be joining the heartz lineup. but she’s fine with taking the back seat and supporting the heck out of the girls. she refuses to take this idea and just be bum weight. she will perform every month (and try her damndest not to care about the decision) and will give it her all during group evaluations. just because she doesn’t think she’ll make it doesn’t mean she should make it any harder for the girls.
she’s feeling better than she’s felt since the project started.
she smiles at her friend when they link arms. ah, food sounded like a lovely idea. “yes we should!” she leans into yoojung with a smile. they were at each other’s hips the first month she joined the project but since then it seemed as though they’ve gotten distant. chungha fully blamed herself for it. she should have putting more effort on checking up on the other.
“yeah let’s eat something big and hearty!” she offers with a grin. she leads the other out of the practise room and down the hall. they could go to one of the restaurants that are down the street from the building. it’ll be a bit expensive but it’d be worth it for the sake of them spending time together. “i know i’ve been all over the place lately. i’m so sorry, yoojungie. it’s been kind of crazy lately….” but still, it wasn’t right for her ignore her friend.
“i missed you so much.”

yoojung hums gently at chungha’s words as they begin their walk to the exit of the building – it feels like it’s been too long since they’ve hung out. yoojung would have to blame herself, she feel exhausted enough as it is, but today’s a good day. today’s a day where she doesn’t feel a particularly heavy weight on her shoulders for once, so she’s taking advantage of it – she couldn’t plague herself with those thoughts right now. otherwise, she’d just be miserable – and she didn’t want that while they were hanging out. so, she was more than happy to link arms and walk down the halls of sphere with chungha without having to think much about it.

but then chungha tries to blame herself for them not really talking outside of practice. don’t blame yourself, unnie. i haven’t been outside the practice room to see anyone since the project started. yoojung points out, voice small. she doesn’t like to admit how she hasn’t been taking care of herself, even in such a small way as she just had. so, don’t apologize, we’ve both been busy haven’t we ? it’s no one’s fault. we’ve just been working hard. she says, nudging chungha gently. i missed you too … isn’t it strange to miss someone you’ve been around daily ? yoojung asks with a small chuckle. we’ll have to make more of an effort from now on.

where should we go ? i haven’t gone out in forever. she murmurs, smiling sheepishly. i don’t get out much anymore, but i figure we should start spending more time together before there’s no time to spend anymore. she says, looking up at the older girl. it was bound to happen eventually, anyway – so may as well prepare for it.


once in a lifetime.

( ... )
“Aaah, they’re keeping the best for last, they’re simply using us to get Heartz’ name out there, to propel you to stardom,” she joked back.

yoojung hums in response, shrugging slightly. she doesn’t really know how she feels about the project. as much as she’s been working toward potentially being in the group, she still hasn’t settled on what she wanted to do in regards to it. of course she wanted to debut with her best friend, but the chances seemed slim and yoojung wasn’t sure how she was feeling about the group. not that she didn’t love the girls – she was getting to meet new friends and reconnect with old ones, but it was still … strange. she wasn’t sure how to explain it. so instead of elaborating, yoojung just shrugs and says, i’m okay.because what else was there to say ?

i get that, yoojung responds, nodding. although, she guesses she’s thought about it a whole lot more being that she’s already watched so many of friends leave for that opportunity. but she still doesn’t know if it’s time. i’m glad to hear that, that it’s been exciting and all. i feel like i’d be nervous going up to it. the anticipation of the project is already a lot … she points out, smiling meekly.

nodding along with the other, yoojung chuckles slightly. it’ll be okay. eventually you’ll be twelve, and you’ll all get to practice together all the time. she points out. at least when the whole group is together, i suppose not for subunits … yoojung hums, then shrugs. but … i don’t think sphere would do that, honestly. she admits quietly, a soft, sad smile on her face.  she rolls her eyes at luda’s comment and shrugs – maybe you’re right, who knows. but you guys are all super talented, so i highly doubt that – you all will propel heartz to stardom from the beginning, i’m sure. she hums. are you nervous about it ?


great goods.


( ... )
smile still on face, she laughs along to the comment the other made about her own rapping skills. “well, you’re definitely better than me. i’ve got very little experience with rapping, even though i’m like… decent, at most.” she lets out a little chuckle that she’s not 100% sure if it was nervous or not. she shouldn’t be nervous around the other, still. besides the fact that she was technically her sunbaenim, they’re friends now. mina could be chill with her, so she tries her best to think that the laugh was just casual. she’s about to speak, but she’s thrown off-guard by the other congratulating her. “oh! wow, thank you! yeah. honestly, it’s an honor being here,” she answers, gahyeon actually being one of the reasosn why she considers it so. “it’s going fine! i really just wanted to touch it up to see if it sounds… cool enough,” she explains more. “k.arma’s like… my favorite girl group right now. so i really want to do my one line justice. and i figured.. you could help me with that?” 

yoojung smiles sheepishly - it was still so odd that mina looked up to her. in yoojung’s eyes, they weren’t in too different situations. actually, they were living in the same situation, after all. they were both trainees fighting for a spot in this group, but that didn’t really seem to matter with mina. mina still looked at her with stars in her eyes, which was extremely odd quite honestly. yoojung hardly expected it, especially now that she and mina were sort of in the same situation. but that was fine, yoojung could deal with it - no matter how odd it felt.

that’s fair, she chuckles, shrugging. we’ll get you up in skill though, it’ll be alright. she says with a nod. after all, if sphere was going to push mina toward rap, then she was going to help the younger girl as much as she could. the group was ... odd, quite honestly - they had too many rappers in the first place. but yoojung wasn’t really going to question it for now. so we’ll make sure you’re ready for evaluation. she points out with a nod.

yoojung can’t help but chuckle at mina’s off-guard expression. no problem. you deserve it, after all. she points out. she chuckles at the other’s statement, nodding. makes sense. it’ll be interesting to see it all come together ... i was kinda surprised, that we’re doing a k.arma song. but i like it a lot, i never thought about performing the songs since i have friends in the group, but ... she chuckles gently. it was odd, after all - they were watching videos over and over again with none other than kim doyeon herself. it was strange, honestly. it was already weird to see the girl on stage, realizing that she was an idol was already strange sometimes.  we’ll make this performance really good, then. she points out with a smile. plus, it may be one line - but one line can make all the impact. she says. there aren’t killing points in songs for no reason. 


— miss me


( ... )
she reaches over, laughing as she pats gahyeon on the shoulder in a way to deflect sentimentality while also attempting to show her appreciation. “i don’t like sappy, but that’s okay, i’ll let it go this time. anyways, it’s not like we’re disappearing forever or something, even if you make it in you’ll still be able to see us. maybe you can just think of this as like…” she waves her hand in the air as she tries to find the words. “a good opportunity for growth.”

yoojung hums, you’re right. she points out, before shrugging.  it’s just strange, is all ... and i don’t know how i’m gonna come back without being at least a little embarrassed i couldn’t make it. she didn’t want it to reflect poorly on her, whether she decided to leave or ended up not being what they were looking for in the first place. it would just feel a little ... odd ... she guesses. but yoojung guesses in the long run, it doesn’t matter. she’d end up where she was meant to be, right ?

yoojung furrows her brow, and quirks her head to the side. you mean a place at royal again ? ” yoojung asks. she hums, then shrugs. it’s not the same. i miss all of you, and i felt more comfortable and at home in royal. i know there’s still time, and it’s not like it was immediate at royal, either, but ... she hums, then shrugs again. as much as i kinda want this, i also feel like ... most of it is because i just want something. it’s been two years and i just feel stuck. but i don’t know if this makes me feel any better, if it’s the right choice. she point out, then shrugs. maybe just because it’s different, i’m uncomfortable with it ... i don’t really know. i don’t feel like i’m doing it for the right reasons, though. she admits quietly, glancing down.

at least this once, yoojung chuckles, nodding. i know, but still. it’s just ... sad, really. i know how busy people get once debut happens - and i know i haven’t talked much with my debuted friends ... i miss it - it’s not the same. she complains, pouting. who knows, maybe i’ll come back. there’s no guarantee, after all. she points out. so who knows, maybe this is just a good opportunity for growth. she shrugs.


beautiful minds.


gahyeon is no exception.  she still looks tired.  maybe if she had more time to convince gahyeon not to push herself too hard, she would have been a little less weary going into the future months too.  sua doesn’t respond at first, keeping her expression neutral as she thinks.  "i guess they’re not too bad.“  she says finally, turning her head away to bend and tie her shoe a little tighter.  "i like the song a lot better than the ones that they gave to 1/3 at least.  it’s more my taste.”  sua pauses when gahyeon mentions that she suits the concept.  is that what this is about? fitting a mold? she has to hold herself back from clicking her tongue in annoyance, slowly righting herself and turning her attention back to the other girl.  "we’ll have to see about that.  they still haven’t told me what they’ve thought of my progress on the song.“  after a small pause, she continues with a confession, "i like the song, even though the process is difficult.  hopefully you will, too when you hear it.”

yoojung hums gently, trying to read sua’s expression. it wasn’t exactly easy - after all, yoojung didn’t know sua that well in the first place. but she didn’t seem entirely happy. she wasn’t sure, though - and decided not to comment on it. are you excited, at least ? ” she asks, brows raised. debut’s a big step. she points out quietly with a slight smile. after all, it had to be exciting - right ? but she’s not entirely sure.

that’s good, then - right yoojung asks, shrugging. but that’s definitely good to hear - that it’s more suitable. i couldn’t imagine you doing the other songs, either ... although, maybe it’s just because all the other girls have made their songs their own ... ? she suggests, before shrugging. i’m glad to hear it, though.  she hums, nodding. i’m sure it’s going well. after all, they want you to make it yours - not anyone else’s. you can’t possibly do that wrong.  yoojung suggests, shrugging. that makes sense, after all - it was sua’s song in the end. what she did with it would be what the song was.  i’m glad to hear that, though. and i’m sure i will - you’re very talented. ” she points out, smiling.

i’m wondering how different the second subunit will be from the first. she wonders aloud, humming. can you give any hints ? she asks, wiggling her brows. “ or is it a secret ?

here we are, back at the beginning ~ this is just a small notice that i’ve changed gahyecnrk’s fc back to weki meki’s choi yoojung. not much other than her name and face have changed, other than her birthday being february 28th, 1999 instead of the 3rd so she’s back in her pisces glory ~ as well as her url going from gahyecnrk > yccjungrk. aside from that, everything else should be the same !! welcome back, yccjungrk !!
here we are, back at the beginning ~ this is just a small notice that i’ve changed gahyecnrk’s fc back to weki meki’s choi yoojung. not much other than her name and face have changed, other than her birthday being february 28th, 1999 instead of the 3rd so she’s back in her pisces glory ~ as well as her url going from gahyecnrk > yccjungrk. aside from that, everything else should be the same !! welcome back, yccjungrk !!
lgahyeon_ THAT’S MY BEST FRIEND !! after living with you for so long, i never knew you could look so pretty ㅋㅋ i’m so proud of you for making it so far, and i can’t wait to see where you go from here ( and i know you’ll go far ~ ) ♡ i can’t wait to hear your beautiful voice once you fully debut, for now i’m okay with looking at your pretty face instead ~  @sangkeumyuzu

— `, ● under cover .

 ( ... )
once again, she sighs, but this time it’s a little more contently as her entire demeanour appears much more relaxed. feeldog was always her inspiration, and the person that motivated her the most, so she would have loved to have the slight chance of bumping into him in the corridors. now, however, she is going to have to make do with convex, who is certainly an excellent plan b. “but, sphere is nice so far, really. i’m happy to be here.” quick in her moves, yoorim puts her belongings into the locker, wanting no such thing as to waste gahyeon’s time. water bottle in her hand, she is ready to leave.

despite the look on yoorim’s face, gahyeon shrugs and smiles. it’s possible, she points out. she would consider anything possible at this point, quite honestly - none of them really know what’s going on. hell, gahyeon wasn’t entirely sure that the casting she did would be the last one. none of them really knew if they’d end up in the line-up, the trainers had been very adament on that. gahyeon herself wasn’t even sure it was possible for herself, but only time would tell. but especially sphere scouting new trainees for their own company ? that seemed like a dead ringer. you’re an actual sphere trainee, gahyeon points out. it would make more sense for you to get priority over someone who wasn’t. sphere looks at you and sees their company ideals. she explains.

i don’t know about you, but that just makes sense to me. she points out.

gahyeon smiles, after all gahyeon knows this is a dream only so many can say they’ve reached. even if it’s not with the preferred company of the person. i feel that. i wanted nova. she says quietly with a sheepish smile. royal’s an amazing company, but nova’s something else. she points out, but shrugs. maybe she was just blinded by their dance moves - gahyeon isn’t sure how she felt about their newest groups - or rather, if she would’ve been a good fit. but hey, sphere’s a good company. i hope you find your home here. she says with a smile.

that’s good,  gahyeon says, nodding. i’m glad to hear it. even if we’re technically under different companies, i’m glad that sphere’s comfortable so far. i hope it all works out. ” 



moving to sit by the mirror it was a little nice to just sit and watch her friend train for once. it reminded yuzu of the old days when she’d still only dance with gahyeon for fun and not because she had to due to being a trainee herself. simply dancing for the sake of it and out of a genuine desire to improve; that had always been a feeling she wanted to cherish forever.
so far the streamer had been able to keep it but would the recent turn of events change that? yuzu really hoped that wouldn’t be the case.
for now she’d be content to sit there, sip down her water bottle as a reminder to keep herself hydrated and maybe text a little with sehun while she watched gahyeon practice. hell ye I wanna. y'bet I wanna. y'know I love watchin’ yer dance. what song did ya pick for this eval?curious as always she decides to ask away even if she’s bound to find out in a second anyway.

gahyeon hummed, nodding. she had to work on it anyway, so if yena wanted to sit there and watch she guesses it was fine that she was there anyway. now that yena wasn’t around much, she didn’t know what gahyeon was doing and probably hadn’t seen the girl going through her routine every time she had any free time between their group training - so it made sense she was curious. 

wandering out to the middle of the dance studio, gahyeon turns to face the mirror - and subsequently, yena. dessert, that new a-zi song. gahyeon says, throwing her hair up in a ponytail. could you turn on the music when i’m ready ? she asks, sure that yena would agree to it. it was just easier than running over and running back. drawing in a breath, gahyeon prepares herself, in the same position as always. once yena hit the stereo, gahyeon was off performing.

it was always the same - always hard working and quick, sharp movements. gahyeon wanted to always perform at her peak. so, she dance easily along with the music, quick and fluid movement. 


。˚∘ better together ;

( ... )
“honestly, i think you can come in freshly and show something that maybe we’ve lacked so far and they haven’t even realised it yet.” chungha shrugs. “i really feel as though its anyone’s game because the girls from the first audition got spots in heartz quickly. so don’t discount yourself!” but from now on, as much as they loved each other they were now competing for the same goal. what a strange position that puts them in. chungha wasn’t worried though.
“i look forward to every month we spend together. until the end!”

gahyeon hums and furrows her brow - i’m not sure if that’s a good or a bad thing ... but it doesn’t sound great. she points out quietly with a nervous smile. she doesn’t really like to hear that, that just means what she’s getting herself into is no different than what she was already doing. the fear of her working for some time before she ultimately got bored with it all over again loomed above her shoulder as she joined, but she wasn’t exactly sure what would happen in the end. she didn’t want to be stuck in another bad experience, quite honestly. 

of course, she would only see as time passed.

i know, but still ... she sighs, shaking her head. it was so weirdly sudden. like ... i don’t know. i know there’s the chance i don’t debut anyway, but it still feels odd. and she felt like going back would just be a bit of an embarrasment, as well - but she’d deal with it when the time came. she has no idea what would happen. gahyeon smiles and chuckles at the other girl. they should ... it’s just strange, thought. i’ve been picturing debut one way - for it to happen another just seems strange, you know ? i never considered it happening another way. ” 

gahyeon blinks at the other girl - why wouldn’t i have ? i mean ... i thought about it beforehand, but you kinda put it in my brain. then when yena asked about it ... i guess it just seemed to all come together with that. she points out and shrugs.

maybe.  gahyeon considers with a shrug. we’ll see what happens ... you all are incredibly talented, i can already tell - it’ll be interesting to see what happens. i’m excited for it, i suppose ... we’ll see what all goes down. she says and nods. but the time we spend here together will be fun, nonetheless. 


beautiful minds.

a closed starter for @rksuas

gahyeon can’t say she was surprised that sua was confirmed in heartz, especially so sooner. after all, the older girl was very clearly one of the more motherly members in the project thus far, it only made sense they had a level-headed one among them all. even those who wouldn’t end up debuting were similar enough, personality wise, that it was clear the group would be chaotic. they needed sua.

but gahyeon had to admit, she was a little sad to see the elder girl leave. it was odd, really - gahyeon hadn’t realized they’d grown close throughout the past month until it was clear sua was going to spend less time with them. gahyeon felt strange - it was almost like every time she began to get close to someone they were whisked away. she wasn’t sure how to feel about it, but she tried to ignore it for now. she wanted to be happy for the girls that were chosen, after all. because even though gahyeon wasn’t chosen, at least they were having a good day ... right ?

on one of the few days sua was working with them, gahyeon turned to the older girl with a soft smile. how are preparations going  she asks, voice careful. she hasn’t exactly been able to read how people were feeling about debut, so she’s sort of wants to dance around it. i’m sure it’s a little stressful, huh ? i hope everything’s going well, though. i’m sure it’s stressful, so suddenly - but i think you suit the concept really well. she points out with a soft smile. you’re going to do really well as the first girl of the unit, you know ... i’m interested what it’s going to be like - you’re gonna do well. she hums.

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