Frankly Autistic


A disorganised blog about disorganised autism

These sorts of personal-slash-poetic posts don't usually do well but that doesn't really matter, there's more to life than the dopamine rush of a viral post.

Last year I had a falling out with my best friend, who long-time readers (lol) will know as Ellis. It is probably terminal - despite my overtures, Ellis does not want to reconcile with me and probably never will. Frankly that makes me pretty pissed off at her, which sucks, because despite it, she's the best person I know.

Life without Ellis around is worse, but truthfully, my life has been on a decline for a long time. My optimism in my late teens and early 20s that I would gradually get my shit together, form lasting friendships and progress through a career has been shattered. I have struggled at work, I have lost my home, and now I have lost my best friend - the person with whom I had the easiest camaraderie, a person who seemed to understand and appreciate me like few others.

I've tried getting out, doing more, doing new things, meeting new people, spending quality time around existing friends, doing exercise, being creative, eating healthily, comfort eating, sleeping more, sleeping less, meditating, being mindful, being grateful. I've tried pregabalin, fluoxetine, mirtazapine, sertraline, venlafaxine, and psilocybin. I have tried psychodynamic therapy, cognitive behaviour therapy, art therapy, counselling, dialectical behaviour therapy, and acceptance and commitment therapy. I have supplemented with multivitamins, omega-3, magnesium, and spiralina.

I'm not saying any of those things were useless, but fundamentally my life has only got worse, and I no longer want to live it without my. The only thing that stops me from killing myself is the thought of my parents finding out I'd died.


how do you do it? how do you go on


You've been doing this longer than me, so you'e better positioned than I am.

Some things that impact me:

  • I don't want to have another unsuccessful suicide attempt, and accompanying involuntary commitment
  • I don't want to use the methods that are very likely to work, as they are messy, seem likely to lead to a few seconds of intense suffering, and are traumatic for those who witness them.
  • I don't have access to acceptable compromise methods (principally, euthanasia) that combine likely success with non-violence.
  • I don't want to kill myself close to a loved one's birthday or other important dates. This gives me narrow windows in which to potentially kill myself, in June and September.
  • While I think that it's very unlikely my life will become worth living, I don't think it is impossible.
  • I try to show myself compassion - it is understandable that I am feeling bad in this situation.
  • I try to appreciate the small things in life, including my small achievements.

There's a pervasive assumption that people deserve what they get.

You probably, immediately, think, "no, sometimes we don't". Like, I think most people instinctively know that poor people don't deserve to be poor.

But what about people who don't have any friends?

I think there's more of an assumption that friendship, relationships, and such, are basically reflections of how much people like us, and therefore deserved.

The truth is that sometimes, for no fault of their own, people don't live fulfilling social lives, for very similar reasons to being poor, or having an unsuccessful career. If things aren't working out for you, it isn't necessarily "your fault" - maybe you're doing everything right, but the circumstances aren't right for you.


no matter how much i try to reframe things this way, it doesn't make me any less suicidal... even without the guilt, not being able to have the one thing i want is just... crushing. and added insult to injury is that, if i try to meet people, they will inevitably realize that I'm so socially isolated and they will judge me for it...

All I can say is "mood". I know that feeling well. It sucks, often there's no getting around it. I could say "well, try reaching out and seeing if anyone would like to hang out", but you've probably heard it all before, tried it, and found that it doesn't work. Any good advice that exists is something you have probably tried by the age of 37. I'm trying to think what I'd like someone to say to me, and honestly, there's nothing.


There's a pervasive assumption that people deserve what they get.

You probably, immediately, think, "no, sometimes we don't". Like, I think most people instinctively know that poor people don't deserve to be poor.

But what about people who don't have any friends?

I think there's more of an assumption that friendship, relationships, and such, are basically reflections of how much people like us, and therefore deserved.

The truth is that sometimes, for no fault of their own, people don't live fulfilling social lives, for very similar reasons to being poor, or having an unsuccessful career. If things aren't working out for you, it isn't necessarily "your fault" - maybe you're doing everything right, but the circumstances aren't right for you.


Interesting miscellanea from my medical records

This week I requested all my medical records from my first GP. This covers well over 20 years. At some stage I will come onto my diagnostic reports, but in the mean time there’s lots of weird stuff going on that might be amusing to people.

1. The very first entry merely confirms that I have testes.

When I was nearly two months old, I was taken to the GP for the first time. The only note is “scrotal contents present”. Glad to see they had their priorities in order.

2. Until I was seven years old, the GP spelled my name incorrectly.

The first document with my name spelled correctly on comes from the letters in the build up to my ASD diagnosis, which wasn’t even sent by my GP. Even better, while this spells my name correctly, it calls my mother “Mrs. Brown” - which isn’t remotely her name.

3. At one of my autism assessments, my mum noted that I had trouble with social relationships at nursery.

I have some memories of struggling with other children before school age, but not in a nursery context - mostly with family friends. According to the letter from the clinical psychologist, I “found peer relationships difficult” at nursery. I don’t remember this, but it is interesting.

reblogged, the largest autism forum, is in the midst of a hostile takeover

tl;dr: WrongPlanet’s owner got hacked and there are now no mods. Please signal boost this so that autistic people know the site is likely to be unsafe from now on.

I heard that Alex Plank, the absentee admin of WrongPlanet, had returned with a big announcement. 

Hey there, fellow Wrong Planeters! I know it’s been an eternity since I last graced this forum with my presence. I apologize for my absence, but I come bearing an astonishing tale of woe and wonder. Brace yourselves, for I suffer from the most peculiar affliction known to mankind: “Chronic Update Blockage Disorder (and forgetting to change my password).” Yes, you read that right. For a decade now, I have been plagued by a condition that has kept me from updating Wrong Planet, ensuring that it remains untouched, like a relic preserved for future generations to marvel at. Imagine the monumental impact this has had on the state of the internet. Don’t worry; I’ll give you a moment to gather your thoughts. Now, you may be wondering how such an unusual ailment came to be. Well, let me enlighten you. It all began when I was innocently tinkering with some HTML code, trying to add a dancing unicorn GIF to my signature. Little did I know that this innocent act of digital mischief would lead to my tragic downfall. In a bizarre twist of fate, my fingers slipped on the keyboard, causing a cataclysmic error in the space-time continuum. A rift opened up, and Wrong Planet was sucked into a parallel dimension—an alternate reality where updating websites is a crime punishable by being forced to listen to dial-up modem noises on repeat for eternity. It’s a dimension where webmasters are trapped in a perpetual loop of server errors and broken links. Oh, the horror! Ever since that fateful day, I have been caught in a cosmic limbo, unable to break free from the clutches of my disorder. Every time I attempt to update the site, my hands freeze, my eyes glaze over, and my mind is overrun with visions of cascading style sheets and merciless pop-up ads. It’s like a digital possession straight out of a techno-horror movie. But fear not! I refuse to let this affliction define me. In my isolation, I have become a webmaster hermit, a guru of outdated HTML and obsolete plugins. I have attained a level of enlightenment that transcends the mere mortal realm of web development. My website, frozen in time, stands as a testament to my indomitable spirit and steadfast refusal to give in to the relentless march of progress. So, as I sit here in my digital dungeon, surrounded by stacks of floppy disks and a shrine dedicated to the ancient Netscape Navigator, I implore you all to cherish your ability to update your websites. Take a moment to appreciate the mundane task of uploading a new blog post or tweaking your site’s layout, for it is a privilege denied to the unfortunate few, like me. In conclusion, I hope my tale of woe has brought a smile to your face, despite the tragic consequences it has had on my own online presence. Remember, life is unpredictable, and so are the pitfalls of the digital world. Cherish your ability to hit that “Publish” button, for you never know when it might be taken away from you, leaving you stranded in the abyss of chronic update blockage and forgetting to change my password that’s been used for over 10 years. Yours humorously, The Eternally Unresponsive Webmaster Alex i come in peace

Now this is a weird post, right?

Some early commenters mentioned that this was weird - one accused “Alex” of being high - but most of them seemed to think it was just Alex being a bit goofy.

Then on page two, we have a post from The_Walrus, a long-serving moderator. Well, former moderator:

There is a >95% probability that it isn’t the real Alex, and instead his account has been compromised. Firstly, Alex doesn’t write like that. It just isn’t his style. It’s far too poetic. Alex is usually very direct and blunt. It’s also self-deprecating in a way I do not associate with Alex. Additionally:
Take a moment to appreciate the mundane task of uploading a new blog post or tweaking your site’s layout, for it is a privilege denied to the unfortunate few, like me.
In conclusion, I hope my tale of woe has brought a smile to your face, despite the tragic consequences it has had on my own online presence. Remember, life is unpredictable, and so are the pitfalls of the digital world. Cherish your ability to hit that “Publish” button, for you never know when it might be taken away from you, leaving you stranded in the abyss of chronic update blockage and forgetting to change my password that’s been used for over 10 years.
This is pretty much spelling it out - this individual has gained access to Alex’s account. Alex’s email address has been involved in 30 data breaches, according to Having failed to update his site for a long time, the “hacker” (using that word loosely) feels that Alex has forfeited the right to it.
Additionally, all moderators and admins (apart from Alex himself) have been stripped of their permissions.
This is obviously a regular WrongPlanet user, and I can make an educated guess as to who, but almost certainly isn’t the real Alex.

To this, “Alex” responded “educate my balls, Cartman”.

It seems WrongPlanet is probably permanently compromised. It has always been a site that has serious issues with spammers, scammers, and passing trolls, but those issues are only likely to get worse now.

If you are on WrongPlanet mailing lists, be very suspicious of any emails you receive. They are likely to be scams or otherwise misleading.

Please signal boost this post as much as possible… @autie-j @asdcats @chavisory I’d be grateful if you could help get the word out however you feel appropriate.

WrongPlanet is now back.

The site is safe to use. At least, as safe as it ever was.

Passwords were not compromised but some users are reporting having had their password scrambled.

reblogged, the largest autism forum, is in the midst of a hostile takeover

tl;dr: WrongPlanet’s owner got hacked and there are now no mods. Please signal boost this so that autistic people know the site is likely to be unsafe from now on.

I heard that Alex Plank, the absentee admin of WrongPlanet, had returned with a big announcement. 

Hey there, fellow Wrong Planeters! I know it’s been an eternity since I last graced this forum with my presence. I apologize for my absence, but I come bearing an astonishing tale of woe and wonder. Brace yourselves, for I suffer from the most peculiar affliction known to mankind: “Chronic Update Blockage Disorder (and forgetting to change my password).” Yes, you read that right. For a decade now, I have been plagued by a condition that has kept me from updating Wrong Planet, ensuring that it remains untouched, like a relic preserved for future generations to marvel at. Imagine the monumental impact this has had on the state of the internet. Don’t worry; I’ll give you a moment to gather your thoughts. Now, you may be wondering how such an unusual ailment came to be. Well, let me enlighten you. It all began when I was innocently tinkering with some HTML code, trying to add a dancing unicorn GIF to my signature. Little did I know that this innocent act of digital mischief would lead to my tragic downfall. In a bizarre twist of fate, my fingers slipped on the keyboard, causing a cataclysmic error in the space-time continuum. A rift opened up, and Wrong Planet was sucked into a parallel dimension—an alternate reality where updating websites is a crime punishable by being forced to listen to dial-up modem noises on repeat for eternity. It’s a dimension where webmasters are trapped in a perpetual loop of server errors and broken links. Oh, the horror! Ever since that fateful day, I have been caught in a cosmic limbo, unable to break free from the clutches of my disorder. Every time I attempt to update the site, my hands freeze, my eyes glaze over, and my mind is overrun with visions of cascading style sheets and merciless pop-up ads. It’s like a digital possession straight out of a techno-horror movie. But fear not! I refuse to let this affliction define me. In my isolation, I have become a webmaster hermit, a guru of outdated HTML and obsolete plugins. I have attained a level of enlightenment that transcends the mere mortal realm of web development. My website, frozen in time, stands as a testament to my indomitable spirit and steadfast refusal to give in to the relentless march of progress. So, as I sit here in my digital dungeon, surrounded by stacks of floppy disks and a shrine dedicated to the ancient Netscape Navigator, I implore you all to cherish your ability to update your websites. Take a moment to appreciate the mundane task of uploading a new blog post or tweaking your site’s layout, for it is a privilege denied to the unfortunate few, like me. In conclusion, I hope my tale of woe has brought a smile to your face, despite the tragic consequences it has had on my own online presence. Remember, life is unpredictable, and so are the pitfalls of the digital world. Cherish your ability to hit that “Publish” button, for you never know when it might be taken away from you, leaving you stranded in the abyss of chronic update blockage and forgetting to change my password that’s been used for over 10 years. Yours humorously, The Eternally Unresponsive Webmaster Alex i come in peace

Now this is a weird post, right?

Some early commenters mentioned that this was weird - one accused “Alex” of being high - but most of them seemed to think it was just Alex being a bit goofy.

Then on page two, we have a post from The_Walrus, a long-serving moderator. Well, former moderator:

There is a >95% probability that it isn’t the real Alex, and instead his account has been compromised. Firstly, Alex doesn’t write like that. It just isn’t his style. It’s far too poetic. Alex is usually very direct and blunt. It’s also self-deprecating in a way I do not associate with Alex. Additionally:
Take a moment to appreciate the mundane task of uploading a new blog post or tweaking your site’s layout, for it is a privilege denied to the unfortunate few, like me.
In conclusion, I hope my tale of woe has brought a smile to your face, despite the tragic consequences it has had on my own online presence. Remember, life is unpredictable, and so are the pitfalls of the digital world. Cherish your ability to hit that “Publish” button, for you never know when it might be taken away from you, leaving you stranded in the abyss of chronic update blockage and forgetting to change my password that’s been used for over 10 years.
This is pretty much spelling it out - this individual has gained access to Alex’s account. Alex’s email address has been involved in 30 data breaches, according to Having failed to update his site for a long time, the “hacker” (using that word loosely) feels that Alex has forfeited the right to it.
Additionally, all moderators and admins (apart from Alex himself) have been stripped of their permissions.
This is obviously a regular WrongPlanet user, and I can make an educated guess as to who, but almost certainly isn’t the real Alex.

To this, “Alex” responded “educate my balls, Cartman”.

It seems WrongPlanet is probably permanently compromised. It has always been a site that has serious issues with spammers, scammers, and passing trolls, but those issues are only likely to get worse now.

If you are on WrongPlanet mailing lists, be very suspicious of any emails you receive. They are likely to be scams or otherwise misleading.

Please signal boost this post as much as possible… @autie-j @asdcats @chavisory I’d be grateful if you could help get the word out however you feel appropriate.

Update: while the WrongPlanet home page and a few other pages will still load, the forums are inaccessible.

The hacker has created a new admin account, “God”, instead of using Alex’s. They seem to have completely broken the site.

Second update: WrongPlanet is now completely down. Attempting to access it returns a white page with these words:

This Site Has Been Disabled
Contact your service provider for more information.

“God” has even managed to close the site mirror that was continuing to work.

Third update: WrongPlanet passwords are not encrypted, and the hacker has access to them. This is a major security issue for any users of WrongPlanet.

My source is a post in the members-only section of AutismForums by a (now former) WrongPlanet moderator.

WrongPlanet passwords are stored in unencrypted (unsalted) form, and the nefarious new admin has access to them, along with email addresses. There is no point changing your WrongPlanet password as long as the site is under control - this person will still be able to change it. However, you should change your password as a matter of urgency on any sites where it is the same as your WrongPlanet password, especially if associated with the same email address.

If you routinely practice good password hygiene - password manager, unique password for each site - then you are fine. If however you use your WrongPlanet email address and password on multiple sites, especially sensitive ones like email or banking, change them now.

The mod in question has posted a couple of new updates:

As I mentioned in another thread, I was wrong about the passwords. They are encrypted (salted and hashed), and as I understand it admins cannot even see the encrypted version. However, admins can overwrite the password. The hacker has certainly overwritten my password along with my email, and seems to have done the same for other users. Changing other passwords that are the same as your WrongPlanet password is a reasonable precaution in any case.

This is a relief. It did seem strange that WrongPlanet was storing passwords unencrypted. It’s always had a “held together by string and prayers” vibe to it, but it is phpBB and was last updated in 2015, so it’s not like it comes from the 90s.

The second update:

It looks as if Alex is currently in control[...] I am still locked out of my account (password not working) and Alex has not given anyone their mod powers back. I'd encourage you all to test your credentials. Do not panic if they do not work. It remains to be seen whether this is a "false dawn", and the attacker will regain access, or the problem is actually solved.

The site is currently unmoderated. Users are taking advantage of this to have some chaotic fun... “Post Your Dick Pics Here” doesn’t contain any actual penises as far as I can see, just pictures of Alex or puns.

reblogged, the largest autism forum, is in the midst of a hostile takeover

tl;dr: WrongPlanet’s owner got hacked and there are now no mods. Please signal boost this so that autistic people know the site is likely to be unsafe from now on.

I heard that Alex Plank, the absentee admin of WrongPlanet, had returned with a big announcement. 

Hey there, fellow Wrong Planeters! I know it’s been an eternity since I last graced this forum with my presence. I apologize for my absence, but I come bearing an astonishing tale of woe and wonder. Brace yourselves, for I suffer from the most peculiar affliction known to mankind: “Chronic Update Blockage Disorder (and forgetting to change my password).” Yes, you read that right. For a decade now, I have been plagued by a condition that has kept me from updating Wrong Planet, ensuring that it remains untouched, like a relic preserved for future generations to marvel at. Imagine the monumental impact this has had on the state of the internet. Don’t worry; I’ll give you a moment to gather your thoughts. Now, you may be wondering how such an unusual ailment came to be. Well, let me enlighten you. It all began when I was innocently tinkering with some HTML code, trying to add a dancing unicorn GIF to my signature. Little did I know that this innocent act of digital mischief would lead to my tragic downfall. In a bizarre twist of fate, my fingers slipped on the keyboard, causing a cataclysmic error in the space-time continuum. A rift opened up, and Wrong Planet was sucked into a parallel dimension—an alternate reality where updating websites is a crime punishable by being forced to listen to dial-up modem noises on repeat for eternity. It’s a dimension where webmasters are trapped in a perpetual loop of server errors and broken links. Oh, the horror! Ever since that fateful day, I have been caught in a cosmic limbo, unable to break free from the clutches of my disorder. Every time I attempt to update the site, my hands freeze, my eyes glaze over, and my mind is overrun with visions of cascading style sheets and merciless pop-up ads. It’s like a digital possession straight out of a techno-horror movie. But fear not! I refuse to let this affliction define me. In my isolation, I have become a webmaster hermit, a guru of outdated HTML and obsolete plugins. I have attained a level of enlightenment that transcends the mere mortal realm of web development. My website, frozen in time, stands as a testament to my indomitable spirit and steadfast refusal to give in to the relentless march of progress. So, as I sit here in my digital dungeon, surrounded by stacks of floppy disks and a shrine dedicated to the ancient Netscape Navigator, I implore you all to cherish your ability to update your websites. Take a moment to appreciate the mundane task of uploading a new blog post or tweaking your site’s layout, for it is a privilege denied to the unfortunate few, like me. In conclusion, I hope my tale of woe has brought a smile to your face, despite the tragic consequences it has had on my own online presence. Remember, life is unpredictable, and so are the pitfalls of the digital world. Cherish your ability to hit that “Publish” button, for you never know when it might be taken away from you, leaving you stranded in the abyss of chronic update blockage and forgetting to change my password that’s been used for over 10 years. Yours humorously, The Eternally Unresponsive Webmaster Alex i come in peace

Now this is a weird post, right?

Some early commenters mentioned that this was weird - one accused “Alex” of being high - but most of them seemed to think it was just Alex being a bit goofy.

Then on page two, we have a post from The_Walrus, a long-serving moderator. Well, former moderator:

There is a >95% probability that it isn’t the real Alex, and instead his account has been compromised. Firstly, Alex doesn’t write like that. It just isn’t his style. It’s far too poetic. Alex is usually very direct and blunt. It’s also self-deprecating in a way I do not associate with Alex. Additionally:
Take a moment to appreciate the mundane task of uploading a new blog post or tweaking your site’s layout, for it is a privilege denied to the unfortunate few, like me.
In conclusion, I hope my tale of woe has brought a smile to your face, despite the tragic consequences it has had on my own online presence. Remember, life is unpredictable, and so are the pitfalls of the digital world. Cherish your ability to hit that “Publish” button, for you never know when it might be taken away from you, leaving you stranded in the abyss of chronic update blockage and forgetting to change my password that’s been used for over 10 years.
This is pretty much spelling it out - this individual has gained access to Alex’s account. Alex’s email address has been involved in 30 data breaches, according to Having failed to update his site for a long time, the “hacker” (using that word loosely) feels that Alex has forfeited the right to it.
Additionally, all moderators and admins (apart from Alex himself) have been stripped of their permissions.
This is obviously a regular WrongPlanet user, and I can make an educated guess as to who, but almost certainly isn’t the real Alex.

To this, “Alex” responded “educate my balls, Cartman”.

It seems WrongPlanet is probably permanently compromised. It has always been a site that has serious issues with spammers, scammers, and passing trolls, but those issues are only likely to get worse now.

If you are on WrongPlanet mailing lists, be very suspicious of any emails you receive. They are likely to be scams or otherwise misleading.

Please signal boost this post as much as possible… @autie-j @asdcats @chavisory I’d be grateful if you could help get the word out however you feel appropriate.

Update: while the WrongPlanet home page and a few other pages will still load, the forums are inaccessible.

The hacker has created a new admin account, “God”, instead of using Alex’s. They seem to have completely broken the site.

Second update: WrongPlanet is now completely down. Attempting to access it returns a white page with these words:

This Site Has Been Disabled
Contact your service provider for more information.

“God” has even managed to close the site mirror that was continuing to work.

Third update: a WrongPlanet moderator has made a comment on AutismForums, the second biggest autism forum. This isn’t publicly viewable but the key message:

WrongPlanet passwords are stored in unencrypted (unsalted) form, and the nefarious new admin has access to them, along with email addresses. There is no point changing your WrongPlanet password as long as the site is under control - this person will still be able to change it. However, you should change your password as a matter of urgency on any sites where it is the same as your WrongPlanet password, especially if associated with the same email address.

This is a major security issue. If you have a WrongPlanet account, and you reuse your password across other accounts with the same email address, especially bank accounts or email, then you need to change them. Your password is not safe.

So the site is back up, seems to be the same as always, outside of security issues. I wanted to note that even if it were permanently struck down, a lot of WrongPlanet is still available on Web Archive. WrongPlanet is was never exclusively related to the Neurodiversity Movement, but it does contain some important autistic history. 

The site is “up”, in the sense that you can read old threads if you like, but it is definitely not the same as always: the attacker has access to all accounts. People on this thread are behaving dramatically out of character (one on page 2 claims that she did not write a post that appears in her name) and the old mods do not have their mod powers. Some users seem to have created temporary accounts because they have been locked out of their accounts.

It is an unmoderated zone controlled by a troll.

If there are any threads you particularly want to preserve - old Mel Baggs posts for example - then make sure they have been archived.

reblogged, the largest autism forum, is in the midst of a hostile takeover

tl;dr: WrongPlanet’s owner got hacked and there are now no mods. Please signal boost this so that autistic people know the site is likely to be unsafe from now on.

I heard that Alex Plank, the absentee admin of WrongPlanet, had returned with a big announcement. 

Hey there, fellow Wrong Planeters! I know it’s been an eternity since I last graced this forum with my presence. I apologize for my absence, but I come bearing an astonishing tale of woe and wonder. Brace yourselves, for I suffer from the most peculiar affliction known to mankind: “Chronic Update Blockage Disorder (and forgetting to change my password).” Yes, you read that right. For a decade now, I have been plagued by a condition that has kept me from updating Wrong Planet, ensuring that it remains untouched, like a relic preserved for future generations to marvel at. Imagine the monumental impact this has had on the state of the internet. Don’t worry; I’ll give you a moment to gather your thoughts. Now, you may be wondering how such an unusual ailment came to be. Well, let me enlighten you. It all began when I was innocently tinkering with some HTML code, trying to add a dancing unicorn GIF to my signature. Little did I know that this innocent act of digital mischief would lead to my tragic downfall. In a bizarre twist of fate, my fingers slipped on the keyboard, causing a cataclysmic error in the space-time continuum. A rift opened up, and Wrong Planet was sucked into a parallel dimension—an alternate reality where updating websites is a crime punishable by being forced to listen to dial-up modem noises on repeat for eternity. It’s a dimension where webmasters are trapped in a perpetual loop of server errors and broken links. Oh, the horror! Ever since that fateful day, I have been caught in a cosmic limbo, unable to break free from the clutches of my disorder. Every time I attempt to update the site, my hands freeze, my eyes glaze over, and my mind is overrun with visions of cascading style sheets and merciless pop-up ads. It’s like a digital possession straight out of a techno-horror movie. But fear not! I refuse to let this affliction define me. In my isolation, I have become a webmaster hermit, a guru of outdated HTML and obsolete plugins. I have attained a level of enlightenment that transcends the mere mortal realm of web development. My website, frozen in time, stands as a testament to my indomitable spirit and steadfast refusal to give in to the relentless march of progress. So, as I sit here in my digital dungeon, surrounded by stacks of floppy disks and a shrine dedicated to the ancient Netscape Navigator, I implore you all to cherish your ability to update your websites. Take a moment to appreciate the mundane task of uploading a new blog post or tweaking your site’s layout, for it is a privilege denied to the unfortunate few, like me. In conclusion, I hope my tale of woe has brought a smile to your face, despite the tragic consequences it has had on my own online presence. Remember, life is unpredictable, and so are the pitfalls of the digital world. Cherish your ability to hit that “Publish” button, for you never know when it might be taken away from you, leaving you stranded in the abyss of chronic update blockage and forgetting to change my password that’s been used for over 10 years. Yours humorously, The Eternally Unresponsive Webmaster Alex i come in peace

Now this is a weird post, right?

Some early commenters mentioned that this was weird - one accused “Alex” of being high - but most of them seemed to think it was just Alex being a bit goofy.

Then on page two, we have a post from The_Walrus, a long-serving moderator. Well, former moderator:

There is a >95% probability that it isn’t the real Alex, and instead his account has been compromised. Firstly, Alex doesn’t write like that. It just isn’t his style. It’s far too poetic. Alex is usually very direct and blunt. It’s also self-deprecating in a way I do not associate with Alex. Additionally:
Take a moment to appreciate the mundane task of uploading a new blog post or tweaking your site’s layout, for it is a privilege denied to the unfortunate few, like me.
In conclusion, I hope my tale of woe has brought a smile to your face, despite the tragic consequences it has had on my own online presence. Remember, life is unpredictable, and so are the pitfalls of the digital world. Cherish your ability to hit that “Publish” button, for you never know when it might be taken away from you, leaving you stranded in the abyss of chronic update blockage and forgetting to change my password that’s been used for over 10 years.
This is pretty much spelling it out - this individual has gained access to Alex’s account. Alex’s email address has been involved in 30 data breaches, according to Having failed to update his site for a long time, the “hacker” (using that word loosely) feels that Alex has forfeited the right to it.
Additionally, all moderators and admins (apart from Alex himself) have been stripped of their permissions.
This is obviously a regular WrongPlanet user, and I can make an educated guess as to who, but almost certainly isn’t the real Alex.

To this, “Alex” responded “educate my balls, Cartman”.

It seems WrongPlanet is probably permanently compromised. It has always been a site that has serious issues with spammers, scammers, and passing trolls, but those issues are only likely to get worse now.

If you are on WrongPlanet mailing lists, be very suspicious of any emails you receive. They are likely to be scams or otherwise misleading.

Please signal boost this post as much as possible… @autie-j @asdcats @chavisory I’d be grateful if you could help get the word out however you feel appropriate.

Update: while the WrongPlanet home page and a few other pages will still load, the forums are inaccessible.

The hacker has created a new admin account, “God”, instead of using Alex’s. They seem to have completely broken the site.

Second update: WrongPlanet is now completely down. Attempting to access it returns a white page with these words:

This Site Has Been Disabled
Contact your service provider for more information.

“God” has even managed to close the site mirror that was continuing to work.

Third update: a WrongPlanet moderator has made a comment on AutismForums, the second biggest autism forum. This isn’t publicly viewable but the key message:

WrongPlanet passwords are stored in unencrypted (unsalted) form, and the nefarious new admin has access to them, along with email addresses. There is no point changing your WrongPlanet password as long as the site is under control - this person will still be able to change it. However, you should change your password as a matter of urgency on any sites where it is the same as your WrongPlanet password, especially if associated with the same email address.

This is a major security issue. If you have a WrongPlanet account, and you reuse your password across other accounts with the same email address, especially bank accounts or email, then you need to change them. Your password is not safe.

reblogged, the largest autism forum, is in the midst of a hostile takeover

tl;dr: WrongPlanet’s owner got hacked and there are now no mods. Please signal boost this so that autistic people know the site is likely to be unsafe from now on.

I heard that Alex Plank, the absentee admin of WrongPlanet, had returned with a big announcement. 

Hey there, fellow Wrong Planeters! I know it’s been an eternity since I last graced this forum with my presence. I apologize for my absence, but I come bearing an astonishing tale of woe and wonder. Brace yourselves, for I suffer from the most peculiar affliction known to mankind: “Chronic Update Blockage Disorder (and forgetting to change my password).” Yes, you read that right. For a decade now, I have been plagued by a condition that has kept me from updating Wrong Planet, ensuring that it remains untouched, like a relic preserved for future generations to marvel at. Imagine the monumental impact this has had on the state of the internet. Don’t worry; I’ll give you a moment to gather your thoughts. Now, you may be wondering how such an unusual ailment came to be. Well, let me enlighten you. It all began when I was innocently tinkering with some HTML code, trying to add a dancing unicorn GIF to my signature. Little did I know that this innocent act of digital mischief would lead to my tragic downfall. In a bizarre twist of fate, my fingers slipped on the keyboard, causing a cataclysmic error in the space-time continuum. A rift opened up, and Wrong Planet was sucked into a parallel dimension—an alternate reality where updating websites is a crime punishable by being forced to listen to dial-up modem noises on repeat for eternity. It’s a dimension where webmasters are trapped in a perpetual loop of server errors and broken links. Oh, the horror! Ever since that fateful day, I have been caught in a cosmic limbo, unable to break free from the clutches of my disorder. Every time I attempt to update the site, my hands freeze, my eyes glaze over, and my mind is overrun with visions of cascading style sheets and merciless pop-up ads. It’s like a digital possession straight out of a techno-horror movie. But fear not! I refuse to let this affliction define me. In my isolation, I have become a webmaster hermit, a guru of outdated HTML and obsolete plugins. I have attained a level of enlightenment that transcends the mere mortal realm of web development. My website, frozen in time, stands as a testament to my indomitable spirit and steadfast refusal to give in to the relentless march of progress. So, as I sit here in my digital dungeon, surrounded by stacks of floppy disks and a shrine dedicated to the ancient Netscape Navigator, I implore you all to cherish your ability to update your websites. Take a moment to appreciate the mundane task of uploading a new blog post or tweaking your site’s layout, for it is a privilege denied to the unfortunate few, like me. In conclusion, I hope my tale of woe has brought a smile to your face, despite the tragic consequences it has had on my own online presence. Remember, life is unpredictable, and so are the pitfalls of the digital world. Cherish your ability to hit that “Publish” button, for you never know when it might be taken away from you, leaving you stranded in the abyss of chronic update blockage and forgetting to change my password that’s been used for over 10 years. Yours humorously, The Eternally Unresponsive Webmaster Alex i come in peace

Now this is a weird post, right?

Some early commenters mentioned that this was weird - one accused “Alex” of being high - but most of them seemed to think it was just Alex being a bit goofy.

Then on page two, we have a post from The_Walrus, a long-serving moderator. Well, former moderator:

There is a >95% probability that it isn’t the real Alex, and instead his account has been compromised. Firstly, Alex doesn’t write like that. It just isn’t his style. It’s far too poetic. Alex is usually very direct and blunt. It’s also self-deprecating in a way I do not associate with Alex. Additionally:
Take a moment to appreciate the mundane task of uploading a new blog post or tweaking your site’s layout, for it is a privilege denied to the unfortunate few, like me.
In conclusion, I hope my tale of woe has brought a smile to your face, despite the tragic consequences it has had on my own online presence. Remember, life is unpredictable, and so are the pitfalls of the digital world. Cherish your ability to hit that “Publish” button, for you never know when it might be taken away from you, leaving you stranded in the abyss of chronic update blockage and forgetting to change my password that’s been used for over 10 years.
This is pretty much spelling it out - this individual has gained access to Alex’s account. Alex’s email address has been involved in 30 data breaches, according to Having failed to update his site for a long time, the “hacker” (using that word loosely) feels that Alex has forfeited the right to it.
Additionally, all moderators and admins (apart from Alex himself) have been stripped of their permissions.
This is obviously a regular WrongPlanet user, and I can make an educated guess as to who, but almost certainly isn’t the real Alex.

To this, “Alex” responded “educate my balls, Cartman”.

It seems WrongPlanet is probably permanently compromised. It has always been a site that has serious issues with spammers, scammers, and passing trolls, but those issues are only likely to get worse now.

If you are on WrongPlanet mailing lists, be very suspicious of any emails you receive. They are likely to be scams or otherwise misleading.

Please signal boost this post as much as possible… @autie-j @asdcats @chavisory I’d be grateful if you could help get the word out however you feel appropriate.

Update: while the WrongPlanet home page and a few other pages will still load, the forums are inaccessible.

The hacker has created a new admin account, “God”, instead of using Alex’s. They seem to have completely broken the site.

Second update: WrongPlanet is now completely down. Attempting to access it returns a white page with these words:

This Site Has Been Disabled
Contact your service provider for more information.

“God” has even managed to close the site mirror that was continuing to work.

Third update: WrongPlanet passwords are not encrypted, and the hacker has access to them. This is a major security issue for any users of WrongPlanet.

My source is a post in the members-only section of AutismForums by a (now former) WrongPlanet moderator.

WrongPlanet passwords are stored in unencrypted (unsalted) form, and the nefarious new admin has access to them, along with email addresses. There is no point changing your WrongPlanet password as long as the site is under control - this person will still be able to change it. However, you should change your password as a matter of urgency on any sites where it is the same as your WrongPlanet password, especially if associated with the same email address.

If you routinely practice good password hygiene - password manager, unique password for each site - then you are fine. If however you use your WrongPlanet email address and password on multiple sites, especially sensitive ones like email or banking, change them now.

reblogged, the largest autism forum, is in the midst of a hostile takeover

tl;dr: WrongPlanet’s owner got hacked and there are now no mods. Please signal boost this so that autistic people know the site is likely to be unsafe from now on.

I heard that Alex Plank, the absentee admin of WrongPlanet, had returned with a big announcement. 

Hey there, fellow Wrong Planeters! I know it’s been an eternity since I last graced this forum with my presence. I apologize for my absence, but I come bearing an astonishing tale of woe and wonder. Brace yourselves, for I suffer from the most peculiar affliction known to mankind: “Chronic Update Blockage Disorder (and forgetting to change my password).” Yes, you read that right. For a decade now, I have been plagued by a condition that has kept me from updating Wrong Planet, ensuring that it remains untouched, like a relic preserved for future generations to marvel at. Imagine the monumental impact this has had on the state of the internet. Don’t worry; I’ll give you a moment to gather your thoughts. Now, you may be wondering how such an unusual ailment came to be. Well, let me enlighten you. It all began when I was innocently tinkering with some HTML code, trying to add a dancing unicorn GIF to my signature. Little did I know that this innocent act of digital mischief would lead to my tragic downfall. In a bizarre twist of fate, my fingers slipped on the keyboard, causing a cataclysmic error in the space-time continuum. A rift opened up, and Wrong Planet was sucked into a parallel dimension—an alternate reality where updating websites is a crime punishable by being forced to listen to dial-up modem noises on repeat for eternity. It’s a dimension where webmasters are trapped in a perpetual loop of server errors and broken links. Oh, the horror! Ever since that fateful day, I have been caught in a cosmic limbo, unable to break free from the clutches of my disorder. Every time I attempt to update the site, my hands freeze, my eyes glaze over, and my mind is overrun with visions of cascading style sheets and merciless pop-up ads. It’s like a digital possession straight out of a techno-horror movie. But fear not! I refuse to let this affliction define me. In my isolation, I have become a webmaster hermit, a guru of outdated HTML and obsolete plugins. I have attained a level of enlightenment that transcends the mere mortal realm of web development. My website, frozen in time, stands as a testament to my indomitable spirit and steadfast refusal to give in to the relentless march of progress. So, as I sit here in my digital dungeon, surrounded by stacks of floppy disks and a shrine dedicated to the ancient Netscape Navigator, I implore you all to cherish your ability to update your websites. Take a moment to appreciate the mundane task of uploading a new blog post or tweaking your site’s layout, for it is a privilege denied to the unfortunate few, like me. In conclusion, I hope my tale of woe has brought a smile to your face, despite the tragic consequences it has had on my own online presence. Remember, life is unpredictable, and so are the pitfalls of the digital world. Cherish your ability to hit that “Publish” button, for you never know when it might be taken away from you, leaving you stranded in the abyss of chronic update blockage and forgetting to change my password that’s been used for over 10 years. Yours humorously, The Eternally Unresponsive Webmaster Alex i come in peace

Now this is a weird post, right?

Some early commenters mentioned that this was weird - one accused “Alex” of being high - but most of them seemed to think it was just Alex being a bit goofy.

Then on page two, we have a post from The_Walrus, a long-serving moderator. Well, former moderator:

There is a >95% probability that it isn’t the real Alex, and instead his account has been compromised. Firstly, Alex doesn’t write like that. It just isn’t his style. It’s far too poetic. Alex is usually very direct and blunt. It’s also self-deprecating in a way I do not associate with Alex. Additionally:
Take a moment to appreciate the mundane task of uploading a new blog post or tweaking your site’s layout, for it is a privilege denied to the unfortunate few, like me.
In conclusion, I hope my tale of woe has brought a smile to your face, despite the tragic consequences it has had on my own online presence. Remember, life is unpredictable, and so are the pitfalls of the digital world. Cherish your ability to hit that “Publish” button, for you never know when it might be taken away from you, leaving you stranded in the abyss of chronic update blockage and forgetting to change my password that’s been used for over 10 years.
This is pretty much spelling it out - this individual has gained access to Alex’s account. Alex’s email address has been involved in 30 data breaches, according to Having failed to update his site for a long time, the “hacker” (using that word loosely) feels that Alex has forfeited the right to it.
Additionally, all moderators and admins (apart from Alex himself) have been stripped of their permissions.
This is obviously a regular WrongPlanet user, and I can make an educated guess as to who, but almost certainly isn’t the real Alex.

To this, “Alex” responded “educate my balls, Cartman”.

It seems WrongPlanet is probably permanently compromised. It has always been a site that has serious issues with spammers, scammers, and passing trolls, but those issues are only likely to get worse now.

If you are on WrongPlanet mailing lists, be very suspicious of any emails you receive. They are likely to be scams or otherwise misleading.

Please signal boost this post as much as possible… @autie-j @asdcats @chavisory I’d be grateful if you could help get the word out however you feel appropriate.

Update: while the WrongPlanet home page and a few other pages will still load, the forums are inaccessible.

The hacker has created a new admin account, “God”, instead of using Alex’s. They seem to have completely broken the site.

Second update: WrongPlanet is now completely down. Attempting to access it returns a white page with these words:

This Site Has Been Disabled
Contact your service provider for more information.

“God” has even managed to close the site mirror that was continuing to work.

reblogged, the largest autism forum, is in the midst of a hostile takeover

tl;dr: WrongPlanet’s owner got hacked and there are now no mods. Please signal boost this so that autistic people know the site is likely to be unsafe from now on.

I heard that Alex Plank, the absentee admin of WrongPlanet, had returned with a big announcement. 

Hey there, fellow Wrong Planeters! I know it’s been an eternity since I last graced this forum with my presence. I apologize for my absence, but I come bearing an astonishing tale of woe and wonder. Brace yourselves, for I suffer from the most peculiar affliction known to mankind: “Chronic Update Blockage Disorder (and forgetting to change my password).” Yes, you read that right. For a decade now, I have been plagued by a condition that has kept me from updating Wrong Planet, ensuring that it remains untouched, like a relic preserved for future generations to marvel at. Imagine the monumental impact this has had on the state of the internet. Don’t worry; I’ll give you a moment to gather your thoughts. Now, you may be wondering how such an unusual ailment came to be. Well, let me enlighten you. It all began when I was innocently tinkering with some HTML code, trying to add a dancing unicorn GIF to my signature. Little did I know that this innocent act of digital mischief would lead to my tragic downfall. In a bizarre twist of fate, my fingers slipped on the keyboard, causing a cataclysmic error in the space-time continuum. A rift opened up, and Wrong Planet was sucked into a parallel dimension—an alternate reality where updating websites is a crime punishable by being forced to listen to dial-up modem noises on repeat for eternity. It’s a dimension where webmasters are trapped in a perpetual loop of server errors and broken links. Oh, the horror! Ever since that fateful day, I have been caught in a cosmic limbo, unable to break free from the clutches of my disorder. Every time I attempt to update the site, my hands freeze, my eyes glaze over, and my mind is overrun with visions of cascading style sheets and merciless pop-up ads. It’s like a digital possession straight out of a techno-horror movie. But fear not! I refuse to let this affliction define me. In my isolation, I have become a webmaster hermit, a guru of outdated HTML and obsolete plugins. I have attained a level of enlightenment that transcends the mere mortal realm of web development. My website, frozen in time, stands as a testament to my indomitable spirit and steadfast refusal to give in to the relentless march of progress. So, as I sit here in my digital dungeon, surrounded by stacks of floppy disks and a shrine dedicated to the ancient Netscape Navigator, I implore you all to cherish your ability to update your websites. Take a moment to appreciate the mundane task of uploading a new blog post or tweaking your site’s layout, for it is a privilege denied to the unfortunate few, like me. In conclusion, I hope my tale of woe has brought a smile to your face, despite the tragic consequences it has had on my own online presence. Remember, life is unpredictable, and so are the pitfalls of the digital world. Cherish your ability to hit that “Publish” button, for you never know when it might be taken away from you, leaving you stranded in the abyss of chronic update blockage and forgetting to change my password that’s been used for over 10 years. Yours humorously, The Eternally Unresponsive Webmaster Alex i come in peace

Now this is a weird post, right?

Some early commenters mentioned that this was weird - one accused “Alex” of being high - but most of them seemed to think it was just Alex being a bit goofy.

Then on page two, we have a post from The_Walrus, a long-serving moderator. Well, former moderator:

There is a >95% probability that it isn’t the real Alex, and instead his account has been compromised. Firstly, Alex doesn’t write like that. It just isn’t his style. It’s far too poetic. Alex is usually very direct and blunt. It’s also self-deprecating in a way I do not associate with Alex. Additionally:
Take a moment to appreciate the mundane task of uploading a new blog post or tweaking your site’s layout, for it is a privilege denied to the unfortunate few, like me.
In conclusion, I hope my tale of woe has brought a smile to your face, despite the tragic consequences it has had on my own online presence. Remember, life is unpredictable, and so are the pitfalls of the digital world. Cherish your ability to hit that “Publish” button, for you never know when it might be taken away from you, leaving you stranded in the abyss of chronic update blockage and forgetting to change my password that’s been used for over 10 years.
This is pretty much spelling it out - this individual has gained access to Alex’s account. Alex’s email address has been involved in 30 data breaches, according to Having failed to update his site for a long time, the “hacker” (using that word loosely) feels that Alex has forfeited the right to it.
Additionally, all moderators and admins (apart from Alex himself) have been stripped of their permissions.
This is obviously a regular WrongPlanet user, and I can make an educated guess as to who, but almost certainly isn’t the real Alex.

To this, “Alex” responded “educate my balls, Cartman”.

It seems WrongPlanet is probably permanently compromised. It has always been a site that has serious issues with spammers, scammers, and passing trolls, but those issues are only likely to get worse now.

If you are on WrongPlanet mailing lists, be very suspicious of any emails you receive. They are likely to be scams or otherwise misleading.

Please signal boost this post as much as possible… @autie-j @asdcats @chavisory I’d be grateful if you could help get the word out however you feel appropriate.

Update: while the WrongPlanet home page and a few other pages will still load, the forums are inaccessible.

The hacker has created a new admin account, “God”, instead of using Alex’s. They seem to have completely broken the site.

Avatar, the largest autism forum, is in the midst of a hostile takeover

tl;dr: WrongPlanet’s owner got hacked and there are now no mods. Please signal boost this so that autistic people know the site is likely to be unsafe from now on.

I heard that Alex Plank, the absentee admin of WrongPlanet, had returned with a big announcement. 

Hey there, fellow Wrong Planeters! I know it's been an eternity since I last graced this forum with my presence. I apologize for my absence, but I come bearing an astonishing tale of woe and wonder. Brace yourselves, for I suffer from the most peculiar affliction known to mankind: "Chronic Update Blockage Disorder (and forgetting to change my password)." Yes, you read that right. For a decade now, I have been plagued by a condition that has kept me from updating Wrong Planet, ensuring that it remains untouched, like a relic preserved for future generations to marvel at. Imagine the monumental impact this has had on the state of the internet. Don't worry; I'll give you a moment to gather your thoughts. Now, you may be wondering how such an unusual ailment came to be. Well, let me enlighten you. It all began when I was innocently tinkering with some HTML code, trying to add a dancing unicorn GIF to my signature. Little did I know that this innocent act of digital mischief would lead to my tragic downfall. In a bizarre twist of fate, my fingers slipped on the keyboard, causing a cataclysmic error in the space-time continuum. A rift opened up, and Wrong Planet was sucked into a parallel dimension—an alternate reality where updating websites is a crime punishable by being forced to listen to dial-up modem noises on repeat for eternity. It's a dimension where webmasters are trapped in a perpetual loop of server errors and broken links. Oh, the horror! Ever since that fateful day, I have been caught in a cosmic limbo, unable to break free from the clutches of my disorder. Every time I attempt to update the site, my hands freeze, my eyes glaze over, and my mind is overrun with visions of cascading style sheets and merciless pop-up ads. It's like a digital possession straight out of a techno-horror movie. But fear not! I refuse to let this affliction define me. In my isolation, I have become a webmaster hermit, a guru of outdated HTML and obsolete plugins. I have attained a level of enlightenment that transcends the mere mortal realm of web development. My website, frozen in time, stands as a testament to my indomitable spirit and steadfast refusal to give in to the relentless march of progress. So, as I sit here in my digital dungeon, surrounded by stacks of floppy disks and a shrine dedicated to the ancient Netscape Navigator, I implore you all to cherish your ability to update your websites. Take a moment to appreciate the mundane task of uploading a new blog post or tweaking your site's layout, for it is a privilege denied to the unfortunate few, like me. In conclusion, I hope my tale of woe has brought a smile to your face, despite the tragic consequences it has had on my own online presence. Remember, life is unpredictable, and so are the pitfalls of the digital world. Cherish your ability to hit that "Publish" button, for you never know when it might be taken away from you, leaving you stranded in the abyss of chronic update blockage and forgetting to change my password that's been used for over 10 years. Yours humorously, The Eternally Unresponsive Webmaster Alex i come in peace

Now this is a weird post, right?

Some early commenters mentioned that this was weird - one accused “Alex” of being high - but most of them seemed to think it was just Alex being a bit goofy.

Then on page two, we have a post from The_Walrus, a long-serving moderator. Well, former moderator:

There is a >95% probability that it isn't the real Alex, and instead his account has been compromised. Firstly, Alex doesn't write like that. It just isn't his style. It's far too poetic. Alex is usually very direct and blunt. It's also self-deprecating in a way I do not associate with Alex. Additionally:
Take a moment to appreciate the mundane task of uploading a new blog post or tweaking your site's layout, for it is a privilege denied to the unfortunate few, like me.
In conclusion, I hope my tale of woe has brought a smile to your face, despite the tragic consequences it has had on my own online presence. Remember, life is unpredictable, and so are the pitfalls of the digital world. Cherish your ability to hit that "Publish" button, for you never know when it might be taken away from you, leaving you stranded in the abyss of chronic update blockage and forgetting to change my password that's been used for over 10 years.
This is pretty much spelling it out - this individual has gained access to Alex's account. Alex's email address has been involved in 30 data breaches, according to Having failed to update his site for a long time, the "hacker" (using that word loosely) feels that Alex has forfeited the right to it.
Additionally, all moderators and admins (apart from Alex himself) have been stripped of their permissions.
This is obviously a regular WrongPlanet user, and I can make an educated guess as to who, but almost certainly isn't the real Alex.

To this, “Alex” responded “educate my balls, Cartman”.

It seems WrongPlanet is probably permanently compromised. It has always been a site that has serious issues with spammers, scammers, and passing trolls, but those issues are only likely to get worse now.

If you are on WrongPlanet mailing lists, be very suspicious of any emails you receive. They are likely to be scams or otherwise misleading.

Please signal boost this post as much as possible... @autie-j @asdcats @chavisory I’d be grateful if you could help get the word out however you feel appropriate.


PSA: self-diagnosis is usually, at worst, harmless.

I am in favour of self-diagnosis if it is helpful to you.

I think most self-diagnosis, especially around autism, is intelligent and considered, with probably greater consideration than a professional diagnosis.

I don’t think self-diagnosis is at all harmful to other autistics (replace with relevant adjective).

While gaining the complete knowledge of a psychiatrist takes a lot of dedicated study, gaining the average psychiatrist’s knowledge of autism is entirely plausible for the interested amateur with university-level critical thinking and research skills. The diagnostic criteria for autism typically used by psychiatrists are not especially difficult for most people to understand, and can often be self-applied.

Even in a professional setting, differential diagnosis is often spotty, but one of my few pieces of advice to those self-diagnosing is to consider ADHD, the dyslexia-dysgraphia-dypraxia family, and for those with later onset of symptoms, personality disorders like borderline and schizotypal.


Autism: correct versus useful

Every definition of autism, ever, has been incorrect.

What do I mean by that?

I mean that autism is not a thing that you can describe.

This is actually true for most things. It’s not possible to describe the colour “green”. You can try to do it with reference to wavelengths of light, but at some point you run into a version of Xeno’s Paradox - if you change the wavelength by a miniscule amount, you don’t suddenly stop having green.

I am sure you can think of examples from your field of expertise. In biology, species. In chemistry, the difference between ionic and convalent bonds. In literature, what is a poem? In music, what is a song? In law, what is pornography? In history, who was the first reigning Queen of England? (There are at least three correct answers)

What I am describing is probably postmodernism, but I cannot say for sure. There is probably lots of better writing by smarter people on the inability of humans to define seemingly simple things, but it is 9am on a Sunday and I didn’t sleep at all last night, so I am not going to show my working.

Autism. We were talking about autism.

Autism is the way we categorise a set of brains based on the shared personal characteristics of those brains, particularly as manifested in observed behaviour.

This categorisation is inevitably incorrect. The real world is messy. Thousands of variables go into making you who you are. You cannot draw a line around a group of people and coherently, definitively say that these people are autistic and these people are not. There will always be edge cases and arbitrary decisions.

We could simply choose not to bother. No more categorising people. Everyone is an individual, judged on their own merits. And, yes, this is both correct and moral.

The issue is that it’s entirely unpracticable.

The whole reason we tried to categorise some people as autistic was because we have common issues that can be addressed together. Saying “everyone is an individual”, while true, probably only makes it harder for people to access support and gain self-knowledge. The label is flawed, but it is useful.

Any perfect description of autism would be so precise as to not be possible for humans to understand. Any useful description of autism will be wrong. The challenge is to make a description that is the least wrong it can be while still being useful.

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