
Pie, Pinup, and Outer-Fucking-SPACE!

@tomorrowmorrowmorrow / tomorrowmorrowmorrow.tumblr.com


Light-years across, this suggestive shape known as the Seahorse Nebula appears in silhouette against a rich, luminous background of stars. Seen toward the royal northern constellation of Cepheus, the dusty, obscuring clouds are part of a Milky Way molecular cloud some 1,200 light-years distant. Packs of low mass stars are forming within from collapsing cores only visible at long infrared wavelengths. Still, colorful stars in Cepheus add to the pretty, galactic skyscape.

Image Credit: Sergio Kaminsky

Anonymous asked:

do you have a playlist? i love ur vibes 💖

Thank you! I have quite a few playlists on Spotify. Some are just all of a single artist's discography for ease of shuffle listening but I have several mood/vibe collections.

Some (not all) of my mostly finished or older playlists...

South by Southwest - a cinematic western playlist that I listen to more than any other one these days. Heavy Spanish and Mexican instrumentation influence, and liable to transport you to a desert in 1967-does-1877.

L'ART DECO - is a mix of jazz age and swing era, late vaudeville, golden age of hollywood vibes, with lots of lo-fi and tinny recording sound.

Mid-Century Mystique - a smoky, sultry jazz singer mood. Jessica Rabbit- adjacent. Lots of flirtatious lyrics, saxophone, etc.

Bossy Bossa Nova - think, a well-to-do New Yorker in 1965 had a loft soirée with Brazilian instrumentalists.

Tropi-Vegas - Cuban/Caribbean elements of mambo and cha cha and Vegas-style big band meet in a mid-century handshake.

My new and/or in progress playlists:

Marble Halls - a mixture of mostly light and sweet, orchestra-inspired music that is sort of a working soundtrack to this blog. Very delicate, ethereal and princess-y.

DIST0RT!ON - a late 60s/early 70s rock and psychedelia vibe.

Dark Dixie - a southern gothic playlist, very moody and dreary, appropriate with rain and, if you drink, whiskey.


If Cthulhu can be summoned by humans who are so far beneath it, why can’t humans be summoned by ants? The answer is they should be.

Well if a bunch of ants formed a circle in my house I’d certainly notice, try to figure out where they’d all come from, and possibly wreak destruction there.

That’s why knowing and correctly pronouncing the true name is so important to the ritual. Imagine how impossible it would be to not go take a look if the circle of ants started chanting your name. And they’re like, you can’t leave because we drew a line made of tiny crystals - now you have to do us a favor. And you’re like, let’s just see where this goes “yup, you got me… what’s the favor?” and usually the favor is like, “kill this one ant for us” or “give me a pile of sugar” and you’re like… okay? and you do, because why not, it isn’t hard for you and boy is this going to be a fucking story to tell, these fucking ants chanting your name and wanting a spoonful of sugar or whatever. And SOMEtimes you get asked for things you can’t really do, one of them, she’s like, “I love this ant but she won’t pay any attention to me, make me important to her” and you’re like… um? how? So you just kill every ant in the colony except the two of them, ta-da! problem solved! and the first ant is like *horrified whisper* “what have I done”


This is the best explanation for higher powers I’ve ever really heard.

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