
Your Obedient Servant, A. Hal

@sillystringlouis / sillystringlouis.tumblr.com

Ally. 27. Bi/Pan. She/Her. Suddenly a 1D Stan Blog Again? Whoops?

The Youngblood Chronicles // “Fall Out Boy Forever” - They Can’t Kill Us Until They Kill Us


We are not going to let that fuckwad DeSantis gain a foothold in the 2024 election.

You are going to fucking vote for Joe Biden, and you are going to give us a fucking chance to save our country from fascism, and you aren't going to fucking complain about it, because there is literally no other choice.

We will not let another election be a close call. Are you listening?

Vote for Biden. Vote for whatever Democrat is most popular in your local elections. Our system sucks, but this is what we're working with. Just fucking vote.

"But he's --"

It doesn't matter. It does. not. matter.

Not every battle is about progress. Sometimes it's just holding the line until we get reinforcements. And they are coming. The Gen Z vote was monumental in stopping the red wave, and there are increasing numbers as more and more come of age.

Hold the line.

Sokka heard that story before. Of course he did, the turning point of Zuko’s destiny, the single bravest and most noble (or stupid) thing he’s ever done. He retold the thoughts that went through his head back then, the repercussions… but he left out a single detail. And it’s that detail that changes everything.
I need to see his soulmark. Sokka thinks, heart hammering in his chest.

this logic is so irrelevant. no one promoting this sort of bill actually cares about this. they know full well that drag performance and theatrical cross dressing is perfectly fine and a type of performance. the stupid lists of plays you can't do is absolutely 1000000% irrelevant to the discussion. And talking about this hurts trans people. I have well educated; well considered; liberal freinds who i had to sit down and talk through the ramifications of this step by step because they have no idea what its like to be gnc in this world. This is so they can criminalize being trans in public without running afoul of any thin claims of equal treatment and discrimination. Thats the point. The same way they used the drug war to criminalize being left or black; they are criminalizing drag to get at an ideology and a people they want to commit genocide on; but can't openly. Fascists do not care at all about the logic'd "gotcha" of the liberal thought. They don't care. They found a way to get the result they wanted (criminalizing queer people) and they don't care how silly they sound doing it so long as they have power. Spare me these absolute miss the point liberal ass takes and talk about how now; anyone who is deemed too gender nonconforming and is even potentially in proximity to a child can be charged with crimes.

What kind of terminal theater kid Hamilton-brain do you have to have to see something like this and immediately think "WE HAVE TO WARN PEOPLE, THE PLAYS!"


The reason you bring up the plays is in order to sway some judge somewhere, someways down the line, that this law violates some form of free speech. This is why you bring up the list of plays - because you are hoping that the system isn't broken enough that somewhere in all the litigation and apleals, you will encounter a judge that isnt fascist-poisoned enough to see how much this hurts the entire entire country to let laws like this stand, and overturn the law.


yeah like i saw someone saying ‘who cares if it goes against jewish people’s religious freedom (to perform purim skits), this is about TRANS GENOCIDE’ and it’s like, well, actually, the fact that it specifically violates people’s religious freedom is fucking crucial. we all know this is specifically to kill trans people and that if it shuts down liberal arts and non-christian celebrations along the way that’s just a bonus to these fascists.

but the thing is also that states rights can be countered by federal protection and if a state law compromises freedom of speech and freedom of religion, at the same time, that state law can get struck down as unconstitutional.

so, yeah. it does actually matter that this law designed to kill trans people is going to inconvenience a lot other people along the way. it is important to talk about how wide-ranging and absurd this thing is. that’s part of the fucking fight.

Moreover, if the law is not equally enforced, then that itself is something that can be taken to court.

If a theater puts on Twelfth Night and is not prosecuted, but a trans person is arrested just for walking down the street, then the discrimination becomes obvious, and they have to say the quiet part out loud.


It also highlights for civil rights attorneys a way to select a model defendant for a test case that even the most bigoted judge will be unlikely to want to convict and that will likely win in the court of public opinion. A pretty cishet white woman playing Portia in a Shakespeare in the Park rendition of Merchant of Venice, for example. An upstanding professional who is putting on a Purim play in synagogue. A locally-respected high school teacher and football coach who screens Les Miserable as part of an AP English class.

Selecting a model defendant for such a test case is a longstanding strategy. There's a reason Rosa Parks, a schoolteacher and grandmotherly figure, was the one who the NAACP called the bus boycott over, and not Claudette Colvin, a pregnant teenager who was arrested for the exact same thing as Parks just 9 months before. There's a reason that John T. Scopes, a football coach, was chosen to test the Butler Act, which prohibited the teaching of Darwinian evolution in Tennessee (famously known as the Scopes Monkey Trial).

A test case that involves a "respectable" cisgender person dressing in drag for non-trans reasons, like drama, would be a great test case. No judge in their right mind, even the most bigoted and fascist among them, will be able to apply to wave away the First Amendment in the name of child protection in these cases. This is exactly what our allies should be doing.


Hi hello could we please make sure that no one watches this and that it flops. Moffat can't get back on his bullshit in 2020 let's all leave him back in the 10s thank you very much.

Just a few reminders



This is the same man who:

  • joked about the Ninth Doctor sexually assaulting Nancy from the Empty Child (watch the behind the scenes, he openly jokes about it, and basically calls Nancy a tramp for having been a teen mother, despite the hinting that the situation wasn’t one of choice), 
  • wrote Madame du Pompadour as a sex fiend when she suffered from vaginismus and suspected endometriosis to the point that she would barely even kiss Louis -- the King kept her because he was in love with her mind, but none of that came across -- this would be a fact the Doctor knew well, because he fucking reads,
  • said if RTD hadn't put Rose in another Universe he would have killed her off because she was not classy enough or good enough to be the Doctor's wife, 
  • said Rose was the sort of character you were shocked wasn’t teen pregnant but had clearly been around, 
  • said he chose Karen Gillan for Amy when he saw her in the hallway, and she was more attractive and skinny than the actress that had hit the mark in her audition
  • calls women he finds unattractive ‘dumpy’
  • is fatphobic
  • is racist
  • is homophobic
  • is misogynist
  • joked about Rose’s abusive ex boyfriend ‘’just being sick of her’’
  • joked that her being lost to Pete's World was "convenient" for the Doctor, so his cloying needy girlfriend could be gone from him, 
  • said that the most romantic part of the Time Traveller’s Wife, the problematic book that he based River Song off of, was when she purposefully met the Time Traveller before he ever met her so that she could lie about him marrying her and make it so that he purposefully continued meeting her thinking she was his wife out of love -- and. look. what. he. wrote, he literally said “if you watch it, you’ll see that he never actually married her, River isn’t the Doctor’s wife but he just lets her think she is” 
  • said the part in the Time Traveller’s Wife where she had sex with him before his vasectomy so she could get pregnant by him despite his insistence to her that he didn't want children ever is ‘so women, right?’
  • is rumoured to have been handsy on set with his female actresses,
  • made multiple comments about how women try to trap men
  • wrote a scene where the Doctor forces a kiss from a lesbian woman
  • joked about Amy Pond not being as sexy if she was poc
  • joked about how the Doctor was supposed to save the universe if she was menstruating
  • made abrasive comments about Jodie being cast as the Doctor
  • called David Tennant ‘overrated’
  • made all of his actors sign an agreement that they could never reprise their roles on DW without his express permission
  • joked about asexuality not existing re: sherlock, saying it was an excuse
  • said he only casts female actresses that he finds attractive
  • called his wife a whale and said she deals with everything to do with the kids because that’s her job
  • joked about bisexual people being selfish
  • joked about lesbians still liking men

He was the worst thing to come to Doctor Who, and the amount of people who defended him as “well he was just kidding!” split the fandom. This man is a crusty old bigot who is way too high on himself. Do not support him, don’t watch his stupid shows, he doesn’t deserve the money. 


happy PRIDE i’m here i’m queer and i believe the land should be given back to the proper indigenous stewards.

Non-Natives reblogging this are great and wonderful


Please remember that "land back" does not mean "indigenous people are mystical elves with innate epigenetic wisdom of land stewardship and they don't belong in big cities," nor does it mean "non-indigenous people can't be farmers." What it DOES mean is that "non-indigenous farmers should be paying the equivalent of property taxes to the native governments their land was stolen from." It means, "there's a great deal of indigenous scholarship on sustainable agricultural practices that farmers should be taking into account, because indigenous agriculture was more advanced than European agriculture at the time Europe invaded the Americas and western agriculture *still* hasn't caught up in terms of figuring out how to produce equivalently high crop yields without compromising the ecosystem." It means, "non-indigenous farmers should be in an intellectual discourse with indigenous agricultural scientists and indigenous peoples that still do traditional farming, figuring how to repair the damage western farming practices have done to the ecosystem."

It also means that indigenous peoples should regain the right to sustain themselves on the land according to the practices they want, and they should have free reign to perform their cultural practices and protect their holy sites, as opposed to the current model where if they try to honor their dead on public lands they get violently removed.

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