
Treel. A Tree Eel.


A fandom sideblog. https://archiveofourown.org/users/HedgehogSquadGoals
Anonymous asked:

I'd really like to see something about two's recovery from zib cause I'm sooo sad for him :( very excited for whatever you do next though! ❤️

I've overloaded myself with work (again), however I am slowly and steadily working on a sequel/prequel type thing to Éxtasis. Here is an excerpt:


Then there'd been the Zimvoid. A strange signal and some wretched trap, a crash, stranding him in this wasteland full of nothing but him. He’d worshipped Zib, then, not knowing what he was. It had been as easy a worshipping himself.

But before that, before Zib, there was someone else. Someone Zim had dreamed of in the sickly starlit hours when he was allowed to dream, a face he’d discovered long ago in the darkness, moon-eyed and afraid. Familiar, comfortable. Love and pain all in one. Something Zib had tried to teach.

But Dib had been his first tutor.

And now the man was there, like a dream, a shadow under the cold bright lights. Eyes that glowed too hot behind flashing round lenses. A jagged white scar across his lips, running opposite a mournful frown. Zim resented and adored him all the same, as he always had, but those feelings had morphed into something unpleasant, something twisted. Zib had seen to it.


I made some Resisty charms! Now Dib can wear one on his very masculine and not lame at all messenger bag.

I was summoned by a SpongeBob voice...

They're up on my Ko-Fi store for anyone who's interested! Tumblr hates external links so hopefully this post shows up. There's only 8 available as of this moment in time.

Anonymous asked:

On my knees begging you to do more with two and the outlier they are sooooooo cool!!

Trust me, I want to! They have an entire backstory. A long history! But what am I doing with it? Nothing, because I'm either busy or sleepy.

Seriously though, I've started a fic about them, I just need the time and energy to work on it


OH MY GODD!!! no spoilers of course but GOD that ending is still giving me chills. excellent work!


Thank you so much!! I've had that ending in mind for months and months and it felt great to finally get it out of my head! 😂

I made an Éxtasis playlist many moons ago to get me psyched up when writing, so I'll drop it down below if anyone is interested.


And with that, Éxtasis comes to an end!

The entire fic was a bit of an experiment, and often just a stream of consciousness. Zib makes for a perfect subject when you want to write from the POV of a completely deluded weirdo. Extra props to the commenter who, toward the beginning of the fic, wondered about Zim2's version of Dib and what he was like. I thought 'Well, it'd be funny if he was super cool and that made Zib jealous' and thus, the Outlier was born (?).

Anyway, thanks everyone for reading my nonsense, here's an Outlier WIP because I (again) didn't have any Real Art prepared!


Happy Éxtasis update day! I told you guys I'd do it, and I did!

This is the penultimate chapter - all that's left is the epilogue, which I will post within the next few days. Thank you all for reading, and please enjoy yet another sketch that I haven't had the energy to finish!


Éxtasis Chapter 9 Preview

The next chapter is almost done! Sorry to leave you guys hanging! Please take this chunk of the next chapter as proof.


It was all so familiar. This cul-de-sac, with its looming circle of houses, Zim’s base strange among them, vibrant in its eeriness, like a color out of space. Dib felt he had stepped out of his new life and back into the old, into beloved boots that were too small for him now. Something he’d missed that he’d had to cast off long ago. An ache, a longing for days lost to memory.

All the familiarities of Earth surrounded him in a miasma of sights and sounds and smells – the warmth of sun on his skin, the smell of the air, as polluted as it was, the intake of natural oxygen. So real, nearly tangible, more intense than even stolen memories could have portrayed. He felt a great swell of emotion, a chest that threatened to burst with it all.

But this wasn’t time to reminisce, and it wasn’t time to soak in his home planet’s wonders. It was time for revenge. It was time for justice, time to win, time to shake off the remora of his failure so he could continue on with his life, take Two and his new family and march forward into the great and shining future.

Because there was Zero, small but unmistakable, slumped to his knees at the fore of his walkway. It had taken time, but the Virus had done its job, and the house had in turn; cables snaked from the open front door, plugged securely into the ports of Zero’s PAK. They pulsed with blue light, as did the Irken’s eyes, and though he twitched, though his claws curled and uncurled uselessly, he was otherwise still. Still and staring, and waiting for Dib to seal his fate.


Hey Treel! Hope you're doing well! Hope the holidays were kind to you, and wishing you much creative energy in the new year!


Thank you so much! And the same to you! Admittedly I haven't had much creative energy this past year, but I'm working on getting it back (it's all I have!)


So I finally got around to reading @treel’s wonderful fic Éxtasis this last weekend and I’m just going to assume this is how it’s going to resolve until the next updates comes out.


How'd you know that this is exactly how the fic will end?! I love this so much, get wreckt roach boy


Fun fact: The Resisty had a logo this ENTIRE time and I've seen nobody use it

@treel has been using it for years


Most often used as the default print on Dib's shirt! (he's not part of the Resisty, he just likes the logo)


Didn't he get himself and Zim in a lot of trouble with the Empire because he put that logo on Zim's ship?

@geekcat Yeah! That's how he and Zim got caught by Enforcers and ultimately brought before the Tallest.

Dib liked the logo so much he bought a sticker of it and slapped it on Zim's ship. Zim had been out of commission since the formation of the Resisty, so had no idea what the logo meant and was just like "eh whatever".

There's a lesson here, children: always know the meaning of the symbol you're putting on the back of your car.

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