
The Rick of Unamusement, CEO of Dedebro

@makerofmadness / makerofmadness.tumblr.com

(DON'T ASK ME TO SIGNAL BOOST OR DONATE PLEASE) Iranian-American. Neurodivergent and a minor. Bisexual. Cisfemale (she/her and it/its [with sentence consistency). This blog stands with trans, Jewish and POC people and against those who fetishize and glamorize pedophilia and the likes. I'll block you if I don't like you probably. But if you slip by and you oppose my morals then it's your loss and not mine that you get autism-blasted on the dashboard.

finals have been kicking: my butt and I've mainly been on Wattpad but I made a realization regarding my blorbos

uh. I don't know what else to say other than "they would be friends" and "being a kid really deep in the undertale fandom has had a permanent impact on my psyche" but


more good news from tiktok: they’ve started blocking celebrities.

they’re calling it block party 2024. just blocking and ignoring countless celebrities who havent said shit about palestine. influencers, actors, anyone who went to the met gala, whatever, they’re getting blocked. and people keep talking about how cathartic it is, how good it feels, how they never realized they could DO that. there was some kind of subconscious law against blocking famous people, but it’s broken, and people are LOVING it. and it’s WORKING. a social media/digital advertising coordinator was talking about how ad companies are PANICKING, because they can’t accurately target anymore. so many big influencers, including fucking LIZZO started talking about palestine the MOMENT their follower counts started going down. and the best part? no one is forgiving them. lizzo posted a tiktok asking people to donate to palestinian families, and all the comments just said you’re a multimillionaire. put your money where your mouth is. blocked.

i feel like i’m witnessing the downfall of celebrity culture, right here right now. people are waking up.

PEOPLE ARE WAKING UP. so many comments saying “blocking x celebrity was hard until i remembered they don’t care if i die. it got a lot easier then. they aren’t my friends, why should i feel like im betraying them?” what a beautiful thing to see

does this not fill you with immense pride and joy

(screenshot from stickbugss1 on tiktok)


Here's how to write an authentic Grimm style fairytale, brought to you by a Certified German TM:

  1. Forget everything Disney movies taught you, besides maybe Snowwhite, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty. But even those are on thin fucking ice. Also ignore modern fantasy literature conventions, especially Dungeons & Dragons type stuff.
  2. Ideally only the protagonist or none of the characters ought to have names. And the names should either be really fucking ordinary, or some kind of epithet. Like, either that's a Franz or a Bramblesock, cause when Bramblesock was a child he lost a sock in a shrub of brambles. Everyone else is either the king, the grandma, or the carpenter.
  3. The common types of protagonist: Regular working class guy who cons his way into a life of riches, poor downtrodden peasant who through hardworking kindness is granted salvation (usually via gaining riches), too pure too good for this world princess who can't catch a fucking break, too nasty too bratty for this world princess who gets taught a lesson in humility.
  4. The characters are generally very one note and the only kind of character growth they can experience boils down to "maybe I shouldn't have been a dick, huh?"
  5. The location is either as vague as possible or super fucking specific for no reason; either the story takes place literally nowhere or in the town of Buxtehude.
  6. Animals and inanimate objects that can talk for no apparent reason and no one bats an eye at are always a great addition.
  7. If you want to add any fantasy races, use giants (large, dumb brutes), dwarves (angry little guys who live in the wilderness and get really angry if you touch their beards), or gnomes (mischievous house spirits who might be helpful but watch out!), but never more than one of these. Fairies are rare and usually the "tall beautiful wise woman" type, not the small annoying pixie type. Dragons are very pointedly no-where to be found, those distinctly belong in sagas, which are their own distinct type of literature.
  8. Weird moral of the story that either boils down to "be smarter than all the other fuckers", "good things happen to good people, bad things happen to bad people", or "don't upset the supernatural".
  9. Random tidbits of gore that no one bats an eye at.
  10. Witches eat children, if a mother gets more than single line dedicated to her she's evil, fathers are spineless and/or assholes who either die or come around in the end.
  11. Ugly means evil, pretty means good. Except when it doesn't.
  12. Optional: Repeated rhyming phrases and numbers. Seventh son of a seventh son kinda stuff. The numbers 3, 7, 12, and 13 in particular.
  13. Ideally a 19th century scholar should be able to read some clumsy Germanic pagan wishful thinking into the story, no matter how big and obvious the Christian overtones are.
  14. Optional: Start the story with "Once upon a time" and end it with "And if they didn't die, then they are still alive today."

OK but I do genuinely believe we need to push for something like this before it's too late - and not just in digital spaces. We should have the right to peace and quiet from advertising. There should be more limits on how much and where we get advertising because otherwise it'll just become a creep of more and more until every fucking public space is lit with several billboards blasting us with ads, and the walls between spaces lined with ads, and our commutes filled with ads, and local parks sponsored by corporations to offset the cost of local councils, and so on and on and on and on. No. I need quiet. I need spaces where ads cannot touch me.


Had the funniest experience earlier of my swiftie coworker putting the new white girl breakup songs™️ album on the speaker at work and the moment she left the room long enough for her phone to disconnect from Bluetooth our older coworker immediately put on 10 hours of relaxing tibetan flute music instead and we all collectively sighed in relief


warding spell against Taylor swift


my partner doesn’t use pet names nearly as much as i do, which is very funny because i will crack my gay little knuckles and say some shit like “good morning my sun and moon, my loveliest boy, my baby my sweetheart my darling dearest” and he will reply “hello adrian”

This is because you are a straight girl. In a heterosexual relationship.

i love how many people saw this post and invented a world where i’m a sad little trans “guy” (aka confused woman) throwing endless love and affection at some loserly cisgender brick wall. first of all, my boyfriend doesn’t use pet names as often as i do because english isn’t his first language. our pet naming conventions do not come naturally to him. second of all, this is the t4t website. we both have vaginas


Please stop telling people, for any reason, to kill themself. Stop advocating for suicide in any form or capacity.

"Terfs kill yourself challenge!" No, we're not doing that.

There is literally no reason why you should tell someone, no matter how evil they are, to kill themself. When you do that, you're putting on a value on human lives and saying that under certain circumstances, you lose that value. I don't care who you are, there is no reason you should be told to kill yourself.


Any time somebody argues that you should avoid the use of obvious pop culture references and current slang in prose fiction in order to avoid "dating" the text, I'm reminded that our primary evidence for when several of Shakespeare's plays were written is that their dialogue quotes specific pieces of contemporary popular media, and that there's strong evidence many of the words he's credited by modern authorities with inventing are literally just contemporary youth slang. Like, if it's good enough for Shakespeare it's good enough for me, buddy!

(Besides, trying to deliberately cultivate "timelessness" in one's work is a fool's errand because it's a state which any work which survives for long enough achieves without effort. Shakespeare reads as "timeless" to modern audiences not because of anything he did, but because only dedicated students of a specific twenty-year slice of early modern history are able to catch the references. If your work is still being read in four hundred years, the experience will be much the same!)

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