
Thy will be done ❤

@worthythunder / worthythunder.tumblr.com


Janine Moriarty

From Sherlock’s POV, Janine’s role in HLV makes total sense. But from Janine’s POV? No chance. She’s playing him.

1) Janine’s in Sherlock’s bedroom when Sherlock says he’s going after CAM. This is the big one. She can hear him. She even admits she heard him when she comes out of Sherlock’s bedroom. Then Sherlock goes on to tell John about CAM while Janine’s getting dressed in his bedroom. So she knows Sherlock’s dating her to get to CAM. We know from their interaction in the hospital that she and Sherlock weren’t working together, yet she can clearly hear him at this point.

2) Sherlock’s fake seduction plot is pretty terrible. I don’t care how good looking he is: we’re moving out of the realm of adorably eccentric and into the realm of creepy stalker. He takes her to his flat and has her sleep there when he’s not there… what kind of message even is that? When a guy I’ve known for a month proposes to me, my reaction is not “How sweet!” It’s “Oh, shit.” And we’ve all talked about the least sexy kiss in this history of mankind:

We know they’re not having sex, despite the fact that Janine would’ve liked to:

JANINE: Just once would’ve been nice.

So she’s definitely not hanging around Sherlock for the great sex.

3) She knows he’s not interested in her in TSoT, yet she still dates him in HLV. At the wedding, she says:

JANINE (sighing wistfully): I wish you weren’t … whatever it is you are.

So she clearly knows Sherlock’s not interested/capable of having a romantic and/or sexual relationship with her. Yet she still goes on to date him.

4) When she comes to the hospital, she doesn’t ask Sherlock who shot him. Sherlock was shot from the front, so he obviously knows who it was (unless they were wearing a mask, but Janine wouldn’t know, so she would still ask). You think: “Okay, well, Janine’s annoyed about the fake engagement, and that’s why she doesn’t ask him,” but this person also knocked out Janine, so she’d want to know, no matter how angry with Sherlock she was. But she doesn’t ask him, which must mean she already knows.

Janine is based on an ACD character - in “The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton,” Holmes gets fake-engaged to Milverton’s housemaid. But we know that Janine, unlike Milverton’s housemaid, was not taken in by Sherlock - because she can hear him say he’s going after CAM - so she must have been using him to further her own plans. Here’s how we know what her plans are:

Sherlock dated Janine to know when CAM would and would not be in office and to get an easy way in:

SHERLOCK: And, of course, because he’s in town tonight, the letters will be in his safe in his London office while he’s out to dinner with the Marketing Group of Great Britain from seven ’til ten. JOHN: How-how do you know his schedule? SHERLOCK: Because I do.

Sherlock obviously got this information from Janine. But CAM wasn’t out of his office from seven to ten. So Janine lied.

So Janine’s role in HLV was to get Sherlock to CAM’s office at a specific time. Obviously, the fact that Sherlock, John, and Mary all arrive within two minutes of each other means it was a set-up. CAM didn’t set it up. Mary didn’t set it up. That only leaves Jim. So Janine must be connected to Jim.

Moriarty had a brother in ACD, although it’s inconsistent. Both names started with a J. Mofftisson make lots of little plays on inconsistencies in ACD: Mrs. Hudson was called Mrs. Turner once in ACD; Lestrade’s first name was only referred to as G.

Also, of course Jim and Janine look very similar and are both Irish and of the same age, which is why it’s likely she’s his sister, not just another person who works for him.

And let’s not forget the nail in the coffin:

Janine literally has devil horns. As do both Jim and Mary at other times.

Here are more reasons we know Janine is connected to Jim.

At the end of HLV, I think Sherlock starts to pick up on the fact that Janine’s more than she seems:

Sherlock tilts his head and looks at CAM. I think he’s thinking: “Why would Janine have put up with the kind of crap CAM must have subjected her to? He must have dirt on her. That means there is dirt on her.“ 

I’ve also heard the theory that Janine is Mycroft’s secret agent, but I’d say that if that’s true, she also has to be Jim’s sister. Because - assuming she’s Mycroft’s secret agent - Janine was very helpful in HLV for Mycroft because she was CAM’s PA. But now CAM’s dead, so Mycroft doesn’t need a spy/agent on CAM anymore. But we know Janine’s going to continue to be a character, so if she’s Mycroft’s secret agent, she’d have to continue to be helpful to the plot in order to keep being a character. That means she needs to have a use/connection somewhere else - like Jim. 

I think the final showdown with Jim in 5x3 is going to happen at Janine’s cottage in Sussex. (By this point, Sherlock will have figured out she’s Jim’s sister, obviously.) And I think it’s likely that Janine may escape at the end - if Mofftisson want to do any more episodes after Jim’s dead, Janine would be an ideal Main Criminal for those.


This hasn’t crossed my mind until I read the amazing fic “Act IV” by @silentauroriamthereal, and now with all this evidence… I’m crossing my fingers. Andrew did insinuate that he’d be back for series 5, so…

Omg could you link me to said fic? I always love @silentauroriamthereal ’s writing style, plot, and flare for Sherlock angst


Fan canon vs bbc canon

Fanon Mycroft: - controls the entire British government - is omni present - can single-handedly make jerks who are mean to Sherlock disappear without a trace - can get Sherlock out of literally ANY sticky situation - can make any crimes/killings/drug charges that Sherlock made go away - always has everything under control - is god

Canon Mycroft: - can barely control anything - struggles to keep Moriarty locked up - can’t take down Magnussen - is barely able to control sociopathic sister to stay in prison - has to whore around to ensure Sherlock doesn’t get incarcerated - almost got himself and/or Sherlock killed in sherrinford - has a sad fridge


Don’t forget to add, ‘throws up at the sight of blood/murder

feel free to add more x’D

and also

fanon john: - always kind - the only one to appreciate sherlock - always compliments sherlock when sherlock is being brilliant with his deduction skills - the only one who treats sherlock like a human being with feelings - has infinite patience and is eternally kind forever and can never get angry or do sherlock any wrong - always wears ugly-cute jumpers

canon john: - kind of a douche, laughs at people - blames sherlock when anything goes wrong - always stops sherlock from explaining his deductions because sherlock “is a show off”  - overlooks 1001 things sherlock has done for him and calls him a “machine” or “cock” or a “serial liar” - only wears ugly jumpers twice in the entire show and is eternally trying to change his fashion statement to run away from the shadows of ugly jumpers


fanon molly: - either completely nonexistant  - or is single-handedly the central most important human in the entire universe in sherlolly fics

canon molly: - occasionally appears for rare but important scenes to progress the story narrative - tries her best but almost always gets screwed over - eternal pining

These are too funny. Fanon Moriarty: -thinks about sex more than crime -is secretly a soft, precious muffin -frequently uses foul language -gaygaygaygaygay -says “dear” and “darling” every other scene -strangely archaic dialogue -keeps reusing things he already said in the show -had a deeply tragic past -loves Glee and Doctor Who -is high-key in love with Sherlock Canon Moriarty: -flirtatious personality -unapologetic king of crime who would not fall in love with OCs or cry in front of anyone without shooting them afterward -basically never uses foul language -is not Andrew Scott; flirts with both men (Sherlock, helicopter henchman) and women (Molly, Kitty Riley, girl who gave him gum), described his time as Jim from IT as “playing gay,” which implies he was acting a part -says “dear” once and has never said “darling” -actually said the word “doofus” before (I burst out laughing the first time because it was so childish) -delightfully unpredictable, never does or says the same thing twice -might have had a dark past, but clearly doesn’t give a crap -watched Glee once while attempting to seduce a woman to get to his enemy -desperately wants to kill Sherlock and destroy his reputation for the sake of relieving boredom *Bonus - has been implied as a cannibal twice??? What the frick, Mofftiss O.o


LOL, accurate. Somebody please do this for Sherlock, Greg, Mary, and Mrs Hudson. I tried to think of something but I just finished traveling for one week with barely enough sleep.

Fanon Sherlock: - able to solve every case easily every time - very eloquent, uses long ass complex sentences with fancy words - can deduce anything and usually always gets it exactly right - always has a clever trick and is always ten steps ahead of the villains - talks in formal archaic mannerisms - always refers to Mycroft as “brother mine”

Canon Sherlock: - struggles to solve cases. Nearly gets killed in almost every case - almost always gets it wrong or outwitted by his enemies - thinks he’s a step ahead of his foes but actually overlooks some things and is actually losing - not as clever as he wishes to be - says things like “laterz” or “who he” - “hey bro” - “um sis” - hides his smoking habits from mummy and blames Mycroft if caught


OMG this: “-might have had a dark past, but clearly doesn’t give a crap

I’m not going to suggest we take life lessons from Moriarty, but we should all definitely be this.

Fanon Mrs. Hudson:

  • Flits about making tea. 
  • Is a scatterbrained old lady. 
  • Has no life outside of John and Sherlock. 
  • Clucks about making disapproving noises.
  • Constantly needs rescuing.

Canon Mrs. Hudson:

  • Is a sexually active old lady into kinky shit that’s none of your business. 
  • Blazes it on the regular. 
  • Used to manage a drug empire in Miami. 
  • Can drive a sports car like Mario Andretti. 
  • Used to strip.
  • Is smart enough to hide a secret mobile phone from an international assassin even while being beaten and threatened because she ain’t no snitch. 
  • Can steal shit off famous detective Sherlock Holmes without him noticing. 
  • Can stuff Sherlock Holmes into the trunk of her car when he annoys her. 
  • Tells off Mycroft Holmes all the time and he still gets her off scot-free with the police simply because she called him. 
  • Hired Sherlock Holmes to make sure her husband got the death penalty for his crimes and she got all his money - in process, had Sherlock Holmes fall in love with her and treat her like his surrogate mother. 
  • Is only person allowed to cuddle Sherlock Holmes. 

“Is only person allowed to cuddle Sherlock Holmes” THIS IS SO TRUE

Fanon Greg Lestrade:

  • Mr Good guy
  • Always ready to help Sherlock
  • Quite normal actually
  • Finds Sherlock slightly annoying but puts up with him.
  • Cool Calm and Collected
  • Not half bad at doing detective work

Canon Greg Lestrade:

  • Puts feet up on desk and eats donut
  • Is the personification of Do no Harm but Take No Shit
  • Kicks his car in frustration
  • Actually thought Sherlock moaned when kissing Molly, instead of it being his phone. (How was he made a detective?)
  • Will say what he thinks
  • Enjoys poking fun at Sherlock and John to some degree. (”Can you lower your vioce?” “NOT REALLY”

Don’t forget “records video of Sherlock when drugged by anaesthetic”



- “ignores signs of excessive violence when it is perpetrated against Sherlock” (see cut on the lip in TEH, see John’s bruised knuckles and the account that John had to be pulled off of Sherlock…)

this post is a MASTERPIECE

This is absolutely amazing! (I’d be happy about about fanon / canon Mary, I’d love to read that)

Fanon Mary: - 100% unadulterated cold bitch - has no personality - fully, irredeemably an evil asshole - hates Sherlock with burning passion - enslaves John because she’s just so despicable - is Moriarty’s agent and the one who aimed all 20 guns at John in the pool in tgg - is super evil. The most evil. There is no god. Even the devils in hell are enslaved by her

Canon Mary: - is cheeky and sarcastic but humorous - actually quite lovely to some. But can also rub some people off the wrong way - is desperate to run away from assassin past - pretty selfish but not inherently evil or despicable - she seems to be fond of Sherlock (as long as he isn’t digging into her past) - just wants to try and have a normal domestic life (even though she knows the part will eventually catch up to her)

I’m adding another one, this poor guy needs to be appreciated a bit more:

Fanon Anderson: - is almost ALWAYS in every fic - exist as a supporting character, but when he’s in the scene, he actually gets quite a lot of lines - is the epitome of Sherlock’s primary school bully

Canon Anderson: - not actually a scary bully. More like a fumbling, incompetent guy jealous of Sherlock coz Sherlock can dothe job better than him - only appeared in 3 out of 13 full length episodes - is just a pissy and grumbling lil critter, not a scary bully - kind of redeemed himself in TEH - believes in Sherlock. Believes that Sherlock is a hero without a cape - ships Sheriarty - full time meta-theorist


Anderson ships Sherlolly. It was the fan in The Empty Hearse club that shipped Sheriarty.

Oh right!

ya i mean the only thing i agree with here is mary so i post it 

This post shows how fandom has warped the story and characterization of BBC Sherlock. Excellent side by side comparison.


Leave everything - everything - behind and just FLY @worthythunder as Hinata Colossalcon 2017 So Colossal was a BLAST and I actually cosplayed and TOOK PICTURES. 70% of which ended up being volleyball kids. Which is worthythunder’s fault. <3 <3 <3 (Thank you to assistants for tossing that ball a bajillion times and making sure Chibi-chan didn’t fall off the ladder!)

Thank you, Ctgraphy! This was such a fun shoot. I really enjoyed visiting with you and I'm not sorry for introducing you to Haikyuu!!


Leave everything - everything - behind and just FLY @worthythunder as Hinata Colossalcon 2017 So Colossal was a BLAST and I actually cosplayed and TOOK PICTURES. 70% of which ended up being volleyball kids. Which is worthythunder’s fault. <3 <3 <3 (Thank you to assistants for tossing that ball a bajillion times and making sure Chibi-chan didn’t fall off the ladder!)

Thank you, Ctgraphy! This was such a fun shoot. I really enjoyed visiting with you and I'm not sorry for introducing you to Haikyuu!!


I was depressed but then I watched Kirk get beaned in the head by tribbles for 3 minutes and now I’m cured

Ok but im not done

How bout some slow motion

Sniper tribble

And a cherry on top

And just incase anyone is still sad here’s spock lovingly petting a tribble while kirk gazes at him with confusion and amusement




I will always be left in awe at those moments where God makes His presence so clear to you. As if He is saying, “Hey, I’m listening. Keep going.” Whether it’s when your lifting up your broken heart to Him during church worship or talking to Him while staring at your ceiling fan, the Lord is listening. He hears you. He is at work. I just love that.


It was a windy day in front of the Ohio Statehouse. Cosplayer is worthythunder.


Looking back I realize that Jesus didn’t just save me once all those years ago on the cross. No, He is still saving me, even now.

He saved me when I was struggling with addiction, drowning in sin and shame. He saved me when I absolutely hated myself and wanted nothing more than to give up and be done with this life. He saved me when I thought I was too far gone, too wretched to be saved. He saved me when my heart and soul were as black as the night and cold to Him. He saved me when I thought He had forsaken me. He’s saved me, I’m sure, more than I even realize.

Don’t you see? Jesus is Savior, and Jesus is good. He’s the only way to the Father. He’s the only One truly capable of saving us-not our efforts, not our achievements, nor any cheap, temporary thrill this world offers can save us. Only Jesus.

And don’t you know, He’s so, so faithful? He will never leave you nor forsake you. He will never fail you. Even if you’re just that one, little, wandering sheep, He’ll seek you out, because you’re that precious to Him. You may think yourself too sinful, too dirty, too wretched, too far gone, too worthless; too this, too that.

But don’t you realize? He came into this world to save the sinner, the weak, the dirty, the wretched, the lost. He came to save you. Yes, you.

So, won’t you come to Him? Can you hear Him calling?

Come to Me, and be made new.

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