

@alonehuntress / alonehuntress.tumblr.com

Indie RP blog for RWBY OC team PWTR, penned by Rose. Multi-muse (Kori, Aerynn, Brenna, Leo), multi-ship, semi-selective. Mun and muses 18+. Follows will come from feelingofnothing. Please read rules upon following and specify muse in asks. If you can't get to the pages for my rules and other blogs, search the tags "rules" and "other blogs" for mobile friendly posts. Blog avatar by the immensely talented magarts.
Anonymous asked:

jack o'lantern! (@alonehuntress)

Neptune sat down next to Kori with his knife in hand, “So now that we have all the seeds roasting in the oven, would you mind passing me the marker so we can figure out what faces we are going to make?”


Neptune uncapped the marker with a mischievous smirk. The inner teenage boy of Neptune was itching to get out. Instead, the mistrali decided to draw two eyes to begin a simple skull. “H-he-h-Hey babe,” Nep said as an attempt to get Kori’s attention through a series of chuckles.

Kori looked up from her pumpkin and eyed Neptune curiously, trying to figure out why he was laughing.

"Hmm, what's up?" She looked to his pumpkin. "Is this a set-up for a joke or something?"

Anonymous asked:

jack o'lantern! (@alonehuntress)

Neptune sat down next to Kori with his knife in hand, “So now that we have all the seeds roasting in the oven, would you mind passing me the marker so we can figure out what faces we are going to make?”


Kori looked up from the complex 3D design she'd just started mapping.

"Sure!" She quickly grabbed a marker off the table and offered it to Nep. "I think I'm gonna do something with a creepy mouth, but dunno bout the rest."

Neptune’s gaze lingered on his partner’s complex design. After he managed to pick his jaw off the floor, his mouth finally caught up to his brain, “I was honestly gonna try to either do a trident or a spoopy skull. I just need to figure out how to draw it.”

Kori paused her work to consider the two ideas for a moment. "I think a skull would be cool," she decided. "But lemme know if ye need any help drawing or suggestions with whatever ye decide on."

Anonymous asked:

jack o'lantern! (@alonehuntress)

Neptune sat down next to Kori with his knife in hand, “So now that we have all the seeds roasting in the oven, would you mind passing me the marker so we can figure out what faces we are going to make?”


Kori looked up from the complex 3D design she'd just started mapping.

"Sure!" She quickly grabbed a marker off the table and offered it to Nep. "I think I'm gonna do something with a creepy mouth, but dunno bout the rest."


Mikado is stumbling into his bedroom at 3 am with pancakes and ice cream for Brenna.

"Baaaaabe, I'm tiiiired."


Brenna looked up from the book she was reading and eyed the food. "You're the one who chose to make pancakes and a sundae when I asked you to grab me some food, Mik."


🐧 (Aerynn @ Blitz)


“Only if we can marry Leo too.”


Leo nodded and started prepping to cook. "Rynn, get out of my kitchen."

The wolf faunus frowned at Leo before following Blitz out and sitting next to him.

"Ooh, is the puppy bowl on?" They asked, tail wagging.


“Yeah! Speaking of puppies... did you hear Mikado got one? He sent me photos and everything...”

"No... I want to see!" Aerynn looked to Blitz, their tail wagging faster. "Can I see, please?"


“Yeah!” Blitz took out his scroll, swiping through pictures of the rottweiler puppy. “His name is charlie.”

Aerynn leaned over for a better view of the scroll. "Cute dog, although why'd he name it Charlie? Seems a little random."


🐧 (Aerynn @ Blitz)


“Only if we can marry Leo too.”


Leo nodded and started prepping to cook. "Rynn, get out of my kitchen."

The wolf faunus frowned at Leo before following Blitz out and sitting next to him.

"Ooh, is the puppy bowl on?" They asked, tail wagging.


“Yeah! Speaking of puppies... did you hear Mikado got one? He sent me photos and everything...”

"No... I want to see!" Aerynn looked to Blitz, their tail wagging faster. "Can I see, please?"


🐧 (Aerynn @ Blitz)


“Only if we can marry Leo too.”


"Can do." Aerynn nodded and went to yell down the hall. "Leo, we're marrying Blitz!"

"Kay, ask him what he wants for dinner!"


“Steak is something people eat at weddings, right? I feel like we should at least have a decent dinner...”

Aerynn nodded. "Steak sounds good... maybe a vegetarian option too?"

Leo eyed the two as he walked into the room. "Kay, either ya tell me what you want to eat or I'm cooking something random tonight."


“Rynn, babe... it’s just us three having a nice dinner here. Not a full blown wedding. I really want steak anyway... I’m feeling catty.”

Aerynn blushed, rubbing their neck. "Oh, sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself."

Leo raised an eyebrow at the two as he opened the fridge. "So steak, right?"


🐧 (Aerynn @ Blitz)


“Only if we can marry Leo too.”


"Can do." Aerynn nodded and went to yell down the hall. "Leo, we're marrying Blitz!"

"Kay, ask him what he wants for dinner!"


“Steak is something people eat at weddings, right? I feel like we should at least have a decent dinner...”

Aerynn nodded. "Steak sounds good... maybe a vegetarian option too?"

Leo eyed the two as he walked into the room. "Kay, either ya tell me what you want to eat or I'm cooking something random tonight."


Brenna crept up next to Mik and wrapped her arms around him. "Hey, Babe!"


“Hey, babe!~” He swept her up, holding her in a brideal carry as he pressed a gentle kiss to his wife’s cheek. “How was your day? Sorry I’m home so late...”


Brenna shrugged despite Mik facing away from her. "Probably. She wanted to tape it to the fridge and was disappointed when I reminded her it might break like that. As for lunch, the kids have next monday off for some reason, would that work?"


Brenna crept up next to Mik and wrapped her arms around him. "Hey, Babe!"


“Hey, babe!~” He swept her up, holding her in a brideal carry as he pressed a gentle kiss to his wife’s cheek. “How was your day? Sorry I’m home so late...”


Bren snuggled against Mik as he picked her up. "It was pleasant, just busy. I am never chaperoning a field trip for the twins' class again. Twenty six year olds is too many," she said, pretending to shudder. "But Slate and Trina were exhausted by the time we got home at least. Trina actually wanted to stay up to show you this leaf she found, but passed out an hour ago." Brenna chuckled and shifted in Mik's arms." Anyway, how was your day, Sweetie?"


“Oh, it was great. Work was the same as always, but it puts food on the plate... I ended up catching up with my father, actually. He looks so much younger now that he’s retired. Acts it too...” A quiet chuckle came from the falcon faunus. “We had a couple of beers at the crow bar and watched the hockey there... pretty decent game. Anyway, I’m home now with my lovely family... where’s the leaf Trina wanted to show me?”

She hummed, listening to Mik talk about his day. "It sounds like you had fun. Speaking of fun with fathers, Slate was asking if all four of us can go out for lunch again soon. And I think Trina left the leaf on the kitchen counter."


Brenna crept up next to Mik and wrapped her arms around him. "Hey, Babe!"


“Hey, babe!~” He swept her up, holding her in a brideal carry as he pressed a gentle kiss to his wife’s cheek. “How was your day? Sorry I’m home so late...”


Bren snuggled against Mik as he picked her up. "It was pleasant, just busy. I am never chaperoning a field trip for the twins' class again. Twenty six year olds is too many," she said, pretending to shudder. "But Slate and Trina were exhausted by the time we got home at least. Trina actually wanted to stay up to show you this leaf she found, but passed out an hour ago." Brenna chuckled and shifted in Mik's arms." Anyway, how was your day, Sweetie?"

“Yet here ya are on a date with us,” the redhead pointed out before kissing her girlfriend’s cheek. “And not like we weren’t always this way.”
“Technically, Mik improved. Now anyone want to switch being designated driver with me? I feel like I might need to drink to get through this.”
Kori raises her glass containing a spiked shirley temple. “Not it!”

“Uuh… I can’t drive.” She turned to Mikado. “Guess it’s up to you, buddy.” 


“…Fine by me.” He shrugs, continuing to sip[ his soda through a straw. “So… how’s the food here? I don’t exactly wanna try anything unless I know I won’t get food poisoning.”

Kori frowned at the idea of Mik driving but was quickly distracted by the change in topic. "Hasn't killed me yet," she declared, picking up a chicken wing and looking it over.

Brenna shrugged. "It's nothing to write home about but it's decent."


“Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens…”


“Sticking my dick in rotisserie chickens.”

Kori nearly choked on her drink as she burst into laughter, threatening to fall off her chair.

Brenna glanced between the two bird faunus and rolled her eyes. “Gods, you guys are so immature. Seriously, Mik, we just got here so I know you aren’t drunk yet.”


“I love you Brenna, but you need to live a little. “ he chuckled, sipping his soda. “Who said anything about getting drunk just yet? Like you said, we just got here.”


“I’m with Brenna, you two are hopeless.” She took a bite out of a chicken wing, sitting back.

"Yet here ya are on a date with us," the redhead pointed out before kissing her girlfriend's cheek. "And not like we weren't always this way."

"Technically, Mik improved. Now anyone want to switch being designated driver with me? I feel like I might need to drink to get through this."

Kori raises her glass containing a spiked shirley temple. "Not it!"


“Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens…”


“Sticking my dick in rotisserie chickens.”

Kori nearly choked on her drink as she burst into laughter, threatening to fall off her chair.

Brenna glanced between the two bird faunus and rolled her eyes. "Gods, you guys are so immature. Seriously, Mik, we just got here so I know you aren't drunk yet."


“Will I ever tell Mother that my winter outfit includes a mask so I’m harder to detect when I spray paint buildings in the city? Probably not.”


“You’re not mad? Could you- take me shopping for that stuff? I guess it’s better than being chewed out for vandalism…” He chuckled “I guess a proper breather is a good idea too…”

“Mhm, I’d give you my old one if it weren’t old and buried in the attic. Just do me a favor and stand stand about six to twelve inches from your father while wearing it a few times. And if I find out you’re vandalizing small businesses, I’m confiscating your equipment for up to six months and making you help fix what you did, got it?”


“Understood, mom.” He nodded, making a written list of what he’d need in terms of new supplies and equipment. He then folded it and put it in his pocket, humming and smiling “Thanks for the help mom… don’t tell dad but I want to get a motorcycle. Easier to take through alleys.”

Brenna chuckled. "He'd be a giant hypocrite if he said anything against that. But we can see what Rory can hook you up with... Did you want to go shopping now or later?"

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