
I Can't Do The Thing

@totallyinept / totallyinept.tumblr.com

Previously meandmyfacehaveissues. That is now my art blog. This URL seemed more fitting currently. Okay, so you can call me Ella, Ellie or Cheshire. I'm like level 12 Gay Asexual. I like puns and TV shows. Be prepared for some strange content as I have no self control over what I reblog. Also enjoy the occasional personal rants. You're welcome.

i am going to tell you guys something and it's going to sound made up but i need you to believe me just this once

the staff at the café i frequent have a fucking betting pool going about what gender i am

i told my ex about this and they admitted that they didn't know if i was transmasc or transfem until our fourth date and they figured it wasn't their business so they just didn't ask


I think some people would kill in cold blood to have whatever gender presentation you have going on


Tbh I think that when an autistic person says something and you interpret it in a way you think is offensive and then the autistic person is like "no I didn't mean it that way" you should probably just consider the possibility that they actually didn't mean it that way instead of preparing the pyre

Some time ago, one of my best friends said that they found me abrasive until they learned to ask "what did you mean by that" when something came off wrong, and then my intended meaning would always be different than what they thought I meant.

We've gotten along great ever since.

Someone's tried to explain to me how to speak English in a less "brusque" way and it just went fucking nowhere, I didn't understand at all

Fuck that shit man


[Video Description: a tiktok by @radio_tsar, featuring a nonbinary person who plays both roles in the video.

The video shows a non-binary person leaping sideways onto a bed and says, “People have been asking some questions about my gender so i thought i’d come on here and clear a few things up.” The scene changes to show them sitting on a desk and they explain, “I’m a woman in the same way that Bernie Sanders is a democrat.” Another person is in the doorway and asks “Wait, so are you a woman or non-binary?” The nonbinary person, now crouching on top of a shelf, answers, “Well, is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable?” The other person says “I’m confused.” The non-binary person, emerging from a cabinet says “I’m non-binary in the same way that pink is just light red.” The other person says “What?” The non-binary person, exiting out the closet door, says “Rectangles and squares, you know?” The other person, confused, asks, “So, are you a man?” The non-binary person, entering back through the blind doors of a window, says “No ❤️” END DESCRIPTION]


them: you don’t watch game of thrones?? really? how come?


Oh my god, this is going on my list along with doesthedogdie.com


Holy shit that’s useful

I probably won’t find myself using this but for my followers: if you can’t handle this shit, USE THIS. If you think a movie or tv show may be hard to watch, do your homework.

1 - the very reason why I don’t watch GoT

2 - This and rotten apples are some of the best sites ever

3 - Does the dog die have a TON of subcategories, such as jumpscares, strobe effects, does a kid die, does an LGBT person dies and many, many others (they actually link to unconsenting media under “someone is sexually assaulted”). Please save it to tour favorites is really freaking usefull


Useful info. But… (and I sort of doubt it) is there a database like this for car and/or motorcycle accidents? I end up having to give up on lots of movies and shows because there’s often too much for me to handle still. Don’t really like playing the guessing game of “how traumatized is this gonna make me”

Does the Dog Die has car crashes, and if someone gets hit by a car

Seriously, they have a ton of things, and if they don’t, you can reach out to them and they’ll add a category

Hey y’all I know I haven’t posted in literal ages but here’s a bunch of sites who do this way better than I do!

I have epilepsy (among other things) and use these sites. When friends haven’t seen a show/movie and can’t inform me if it’s safe, I browse these sites. Saved me from having seizures.


It recently came up in conversation with my toddler that some birds can talk, and this has caused her great concern.

See, we were talking about how movies are pretend and how in real life, animals don’t talk. I mentioned that there are some birds who talk a little bit, but not like the animals in movies, and she just looked at me like “???”

So I informed her that some kinds of parrots can copy sounds that people make, and can learn how to say words. I thought this would give her a giggle, as fun new facts often do, but she was just deeply perplexed and a little worried about this.

“Birds can talk?” “Do they ask questions?” “What do they say?” Why do they talk?” “Do chickens talk?” “What about Blue Jays?” “Why do some birds talk?” “How do they talk?” “Birds TALK???”

We showed her a video of a parrot doing the “Hello, pretty bird, give a kiss” thing, and she was dead silent the whole time, hugging her comfort pillow with her knees to her chest. We asked if she wanted us to turn it off, and she shook her head. But we also asked if she wanted to see another one, and she shook her head even harder.

I don’t know why it has distressed her so greatly to learn that some birds can mimic human speech; but then again, I don’t know why it doesn’t distress the rest of us more to know that some birds can mimic human speech.

I keep thinking about that post that’s like “The first person to hear a parrot talk was probably Not Okay.” Because that’s exactly what happened. She had never been introduced to the concept, and her entire worldview got SHOOK.

Part of why Ravens are considered Spooky Bad Things We Associate With The Faeries is because they can and do mimic human speech - but much, much better than a parrot. With a parrot, you can tell something is off about the sound. You can tell it doesn’t belong to a human. Ravens don’t sound like that, no, cause they’re overacheivers. (And passerines). They sound EXACTLY like the voice of whoever they are mimicking.

But more importantly they love the sound of human laughter. No one knows why. But it is totally, 100% possible, and it happens to this day, to walk along the paths in the Black Forest and suddenly hear a strange kind of giggling sound, or maybe even a very clear, definitely human sounding “hello?” “Hiiiii!” Or “let’s go!”.

However, it takes a lot of practice for them to copy sounds as perfectly as they do, so you’re equally likely to hear something that definitely sounds human-like, but the words make no sense and the sound is unlike any language you know.

Ravens at the Tower of London do this all the time. Theyre pretty sociable with humans though, so they do it quite openly. I have seen videos of people, mostly Americans, look absolutely spooked out of their skins when a big ol’ raven (mind ye, these are birds that are 2 feet tall with a 5 foot wingspan) comes waltzing up on the deck and starts talking to them.

And ravens, especially the ones there that have been bred and raised by humans for centuries, don’t just imitate - they have one of the same language processing genes we do, and they understand the way a toddler might that things, places, and individuals have names, and can string together basic sentences much like an african grey.

I know because I used to work with one, Darlene, who knew, quite well, what she wanted and how to ask for it. If you were preparing her breakfast, she would hop on up and investigate. She used to be an illegal pet, and had been taught “manners”. That is to say, if she went for something and you told her, sternly, “mind your manners missy!” She would stop, look at you, perhaps for up to a minute, and then point with her beak to what she wanted. If that did not work, she would ask, in plain English, “grape?” Or “Darl have grape?” And lord help you if you gave her anything less than what she asked for. She would throw it at you, and try to bite you, sometimes while saying “No!” In the same tone as I imagine she was reprimanded in her home.

So yeah. Parrots arent the only ones.

Was anyone gonna tell me that ravens can talk or was I meant to read about it on a tumblr post?!


Oh, here’s another cool video - a woman, Amy, stuck a camera in with her raven, Fable, and got a bunch of neat sounds.

noises include:

  • “Hi, Fable.”
  • “Hello there.”
  • “Hi~”
  • (^ all in Amy’s voice)
  • singing, like notes and stuff. Sounds like idle humming
  • the call of a harris hawk
  • “boop boop” also in Amy’s voice
  • (rooster crows from outside) “What the fuck?”
  • some actual raven croaks, surprisingly enough

*said in the most normal tone possible* i love seeing queer people irl

not to elaborate or anything but its genuinely such a comfort to see queer people in public. like idk. visible queerness and pronoun pins and little flags and everything in between is so nice to see in a setting that isnt just online in pictures. its just. nice to know that we are out there and that we do exist and that despite it all i can maybe be like that too one day.

I live in the queerest neighborhood in my city (literally, it's a haven for the local community. this is the first time i've had trans neighbors who i run into in the elevators) and holy shit. the confidence it has given me when just existing in public.

my identity is important to me, but until recently i've only felt a real sense of queer community in online spaces. i like being visibly queer in public, but it does come with a sense of aloneness. even in places where i feel comfortable, i also feel set apart.

now, every day I pass by multiple queer people and couples on the sidewalk. and it's amazing. i find myself standing up a little straighter. i take up a little more space. and the physical world is just that much easier to inhabit. I don't just belong to a global community. I belong here, in this one.

It's a good feeling.

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