
Don't quit before the miracle happens!

@feuer-bluete / feuer-bluete.tumblr.com

25+ years - she/her - sorry to say I'm not an exclusive rdr2 blog - but you'll still find a lot of stuff in the tag

Found my 53yo very-much-not-online father in the kitchen today meticulously arranging cutlery on the countertop and i was like 'what are you doing' and he looked up at me with the world's most shit-eating grin and said "Your mother told me this is how you rick-roll the Youth" and i looked over and it was fucking. Loss.jpg.

i must stress that he's never seen the original comic. My mother simply showed him the shorthand symbol and he memorized it. As far as he is aware this is just a fucking hieroglyph that deals instant psychic damage to everyone under the age of 30


Since the silly transphobic polls are happening atm and just asked if men can get pregnant, here's a local story I really love to remind you that yes, men do give birth, and they deserve the best of care. It's happening no matter what a few loud twitter transphobes are saying, we are out there thriving and creating wonderful families. A vast majority of the responses were extremely positive too <3


Back in the UK (not home until tomorrow) with better internet to post pictures, so here's some African five-lined skink from holiday

Plus bonus Spot the Skink minigame for everyone


a raven father (i call him "pants") I've been feeding sometimes likes to sit outside my window and either wait for more food or just listen to the stuff I'm watching while I draw. Today's a colder day so he likes to fluff up a bit, and I kid you not :

this is an accurate representation of my view

Pants sure is pantsing today


being in the saw fandom is so funny. non-horror fans think you’re sick in the head, sensible horror fans don’t like them/don’t wanna subject themselves to all that, extreme horror fans think you’re a phillistine. most of the fandom is dickriding either Brunette Guy or Brunette Girl. there’s 10.7 of these movies and 5 to 9 of them suck depending on who you ask. they’re all straddling the lines between horror, crime drama and soap opera. every single ship is utterly unmarketable. everyone has 2 saw jokes and they’re both bad. there seems to be a prevailing assumption that the puppet is the bad guy. the actual bad guy was confirmed bisexual on tiktok

the puppet was also confirmed bisexual.



A werewolf who works in their local national park bcos they feel like it's their territory who gets really mad about littering by day and single handedly keeps the deer population at a manageable level by night

Once the local government tried to force the trust into selling off some land for farming but the trial run was quickly suspended after some... incidents

They strongly back the ongoing attempts to reintroduce wolves to the area because it's a more sustainable way to maintain the ecosystem but also bcos they miss their family*

*their brother is a city banker who hates mud

Their partner is a vampire who has lived in a heritage property in the park for 200 years and spends all of their time complaining that the trust restored the grounds wrong and trying to convince the werewolf to let them eat lost hikers


"I told you. You can have the idiots who bother the bison."

"But they're all mushy and gross after the bison get done with them."


Paraglider and black vulture chilling



I NEVER get tired of this video. It would be fantastic if the bird was just flying near him, but the fact it feels safe and comfortable enough to land ON his paraglider, isn't startled when he pets it, and is NIBBLING HIS SHOES... blessed moment, absolutely fabulous, 10/10 gold stars.

Okay but the bird isn't just nibbling

Note that it doesn't start nibbling until he starts smoothing its feathers.

They're grooming each other.

This is called parahawking! That vulture is tame -- it’s wearing jesses (a leather tie around the leg that a falconer will use to hold a bird when it’s on the glove). In fact that vulture is employed. Parahawking birds seek out thermals the same way they would naturally, allowing paragliders to follow them in the process.

Vultures are often used for parahawking both because of their attraction to thermals, and because vultures, as scavengers, are comparatively gentler and more sociable than birds of prey!


Dear Sigmund is such an episode. We go through the mental disorders of every single character and dissect them all so carefully and then it gets to BJ and it's just like "yeah he's probably more fucked than everyone else, but we're not gonna get into it" and then the episode just ends

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