
@the-great-impasta / the-great-impasta.tumblr.com

aro ace kiwi, go by xe pronouns yo,

Ūropi (Europe)

Ūropi, also known by its indigenous name “Europe”, meaning “wide-gazing” or “broad of aspect”, is a small continent first discovered in 1806 by Moehanga of Ngāpuhi, although indigenous Europeans had been living there for many thousands of years. Modern researchers believe the indigenous Europeans originally migrated from the Middle East, and over time split into separate tribes or “kingdoms,” with many retaining their ancient rangatira (called “monarchs” or “nobility”) to this day.

While many see Ūropi as timeless and exotic, indigenous Europeans have actually adapted well to the modern economy, often exporting cultural products like baguettes and vodka, the former of which may be recognisable as the basis for bánh mì.


These little fuckers are round gobies. They are a freshwater goby that's invasive in Michigan, and they're in the nearby lake. They're distinct from the four native species due to their fused pelvic fins (middle pic) and a big black dot at the rear of their front dorsal fin. Though some other gobies have spots on their fins, NO Michigan-native species has a fused pelvic fin. These guys are very aggressive feeders and are very good at outcompeting native gobies.

They're also extremely good at stealing bait off big hooks as people on the docks reel in their lines. In particular, the bastard in the bottom photo stole my bait two days ago, so I caught him and filleted him for Bug.

Today, after acquiring smaller hooks, I went back and got 16 more, and educated several other fishers about their invasive nature. I got two turned over to me by others, and caught 14 more myself.

One man wandered over and asked why I was catching them on purpose. It was too much trouble to explain my feelings about invasive species, so I just told him, one of them stole my bait two days ago. He stopped watching my bobber and boggled at me and goes:

"You're doing this for revenge?"

So now there's some guy in town that thinks I am exacting revenge upon fish kind for a single stolen worm.

Kedreeva. Kedreeeeva listen to me


Does anyone with chronic pain have recommendations for therapies that actually work?

My body pain is all interconnected but the problem is that fixing one issue sets off the other issues.

I have:

  • Rolling ankles that sprain easily
  • Which affects my knees which crack and pop out of place easily
  • Which tightens the muscles in my hips so my pelvis is tight and hurts all the damn time
  • Which wraps round to my lower spine which is hypermobile and constantly one bad sneeze from being triggered
  • Which affects my spine which already has scoliosis and lardosis
  • And all those tight muscles affect my shoulders and neck which hurts all the time
  • Which means I have headaches all the time

I've been in and out of different therapies but nothing helps long term and the stretches always trigger another of the areas, so I end up giving up.

I don't even know where to begin and this is only going to get worse as I get older.

Sorry to hear you're struggling, chronic pain is the worst. It sounds a bit like the stretches make things worse.

When I went through the pain clinic (in Aotearoa/New Zealand, not sure if you have something similar in Aussie) one of the physios had the idea/theory that stretches often makes pain worse.

Basically stretching loosens the area around the pain letting it expand and strengthening compresses the area and minimizes it. Not sure how widespread this theory is within the profession but it certainly made sense to me.

It sounds like exercises to strengthen the muscles and stabilizers around your joints, especially ankles and knees, would work better for you. Especially if you have issues with hypermobility.

Hope this helps and things improve for you, your blog is such a great resource it's kinda nice to return the favour.

Tldr: stretching made things worse you said so strengthening with a focus on lower limbs seems more likely to succeed.


I see Hollywood is now very into the idea of buying something once and then owning it forever and being able to make infinite copies. Which. Isn’t quite the message they imparted upon me in my childhood. In the spirit of their own long-held stance:

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