
Brooke Loves Nature


New to witchcraft
Need all the help I can get
Anonymous asked:

Hello, Diana. I’ve read through what seems like it must be your entire blog in a few short days. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and insight on so much already. I’m wondering though about what makes one spell a more effective engine than another? Can new spells still be powerful if done right, or does a spell have to be ancient to be strong? What’s the source of a really good spell?

Elements that Make a Spell Truly Powerful

The Number of Witches Who Have Used It

Ancient orisons are powerful not because they are in Latin or in another old language. But because they draw their power from all the witches throughout the centuries who have used them. Every time someone recites an incantation, it echoes with the voices of those who, ages ago, also spoke them.

The Gratitude of Those It Helped

If a spell is protective or healing, then the thanksgiving of every soul who benefited from it acts like oil that lubricates its engine, keeping it alive, and preventing it from corroding.

The Fear of Those It Harmed

If a spell is malicious or avenging, then the terror of every soul who suffered from it acts like wind that feeds a wildfire, keeping it alive and eternally spreading.

The Faith of Those Who Saw or Heard It

One reason that a modern spell can never outrank an ancient one is because almost every single mortal who came across an old spell believed in it. Feared it, cherished it or hated it. But believed in it. Priests, nuns, peasants, merchants, children, politicians. The lingering memory of their existence enhances the gratitude or the fear of those whom a spell has affected. The integrity of modern spells, on the other hand, is eternally vulnerable to the sneers and dismissal of today’s skeptics who come across them on the internet, magazines or whatnot.

The Deities or Entities Invoked for It

Ancient spells are associated with certain gods, demons, fairies or other immortal creatures. Whenever these spells are spoken or written down, the old ones can feel a presence. They draw near to the one who cast it, judging if the invitation deserves to be accepted. And then they bend the laws of the Universe to help the witch make magic happen.

The Passion of the Mortal Who Cast It

In every spell I have shared, I emphasize the importance of emotions. Exploding anger when casting curses. Caring devotion when casting protection. An elixir of hope and desperation when casting a spell of desire. Because none of the above matters when this requirement is not satisfied. Ancient words are the engine. The others are what keeps it in good condition. But it is the witch’s faith and feeling that provide the fuel to keep it running.



~ What are Crystals and what are they used for?

   Most crystals ( in this case including gems, rocks, precious stones, semi-precious stones, and simple stones) are of mineral origin. Crystals, like amethyst, come out of the ground naturally faceted and don’t need to be changed in anyway. Diamonds, for example, come out of the ground equally as rough, but are usually polished and cut into intricate styles.

 For many years, crystal have been used as a tool to aid spiritual healing, psychic development, and meditation.

~ How can I incorporate Crystals into my everyday life?

   You can carry around your crystals. This way you can feel your crystals energy when needed. Place them in a little sachet or pouch and they are ready to go!

    Infuse your water with your clean crystals. This is a fast way to feel your crystals energy.

    Decorate your magickal space and/or surroundings with crystals.

    Meditate with your crystals. Just spend a minimum of 30 seconds with each crystal. Hold it in your hands, close your eyes, and feel its energy soaking into your skin.

How Crystals Can Help You


  ~Banded: help you feel grounded, remain focused, and banishes fears.

  ~Blue Lace: helps you adjust and adapt.

  ~Moss: refreshes spirit, brings peace of mind, helps to develop intuition.

  ~Tree: aids meditation and clear thinking, reduces stress.

Amazonite ~ soothes the nervous system, increases self-esteem and confidence.

Amber ~ relieves depression and lifts your spirits.

Amethyst ~ the great healer of mind, body, and spirit. helps the development of psychic abilities and intuition.

Apache Tears ~ brings good fortune and positive energy.

Apatite ~ aids in motivation and communicative powers.

Aquamarine ~ helps you during hard decisions and times. promotes compassion and empathy.

Azurite ~ relinquishes harmful beliefs.

Bloodstone (aka Heliotrope) ~ calms fears, and dispels confusion and obsessive ideas.

Calcite ~ boosts energy and provides amazing psychic protection.

Carnelian (aka Sard) ~ banishes jealousy and inspires courage. aids perception.

Celestine ~ helps with communication and good thoughts.

Chalcedony ~ balances emotions and lifts your spirits.

Chrysocolla ~ eases stress and promotes self-confidence.

Citrine ~ helps steady emotions and give inspiration.

Coral ~ strengthens and protects emotions.

Desert Rose ~ promotes love and stability in relationships.

Diamond ~ assists in your connection with the universe.

Emerald ~ strong healer with both physical and mental problems.

Fluorite ~ helps with rationality and combats anxiety and worries.

Garnet ~ protects against melancholy and depression. encourages perseverance and patience.

Hematite ~ helps with psychic development and building self-esteem.

Jade ~ a very useful healing stone for both the body and spirit.

Jasper ~ aids with stress relief and grounding. promotes tranquility.

Jet ~ keeps evil spirits at bay and strengthens character.

Kunzite ~ helps align emotions. provides security.

Kyanite ~ helps to align and heal chakras.

Labradorite ~ aids with strong development of psychic powers.

Lapis Lazuli ~ helps develop your sixth sense. stimulates intuition. promotes creativity.

Lepidolite ~ great for relieving stress and dispelling negative emotions.

Malachite ~ used for healing when dealing with negative emotions.

Moonstone ~ restores harmony and emotion balance.

Obsidian ~ helps you to focus on the paranormal, used for protection and a scrying tool.

Onyx ~ instills a protective psychic shield. 

Opal ~ helps with rationalizing emotional states.

Pearl ~ aids self-respect, stability, and self-esteem.

Pyrite ~ opens the mind to new ideas.

Quartz ~ channels and aids in meditation. a powerful healing stone.

Rose Quartz ~ aids in anything love-related. instills comfort, relieves grief, and promotes harmonious relationships.

Rutilated Quartz ~ releases energy blockers.

Rhodonite ~ helps with assurance and confidence.

Ruby ~ purifies love, promotes spiritual knowledge and to be realistic about situations.

Sapphire ~ aids in mental clarity, clearing your inner eye, and bringing good fortune.

Smoky Quartz ~ filters out negative thoughts and emotions. helps with telepathy.

Sodalite ~ heals damaged emotions, and aids in restful sleep.

Tanzanite ~ helps you to accept change.

TIger’s Eye ~ a powerful aid in those seeking knowledge about past or future lives. promotes persistence and protection.

Topaz ~ allows you to transmit your visualizations as universal messages. an aid in telepathy.

Tourmaline ~ repels all negative energy and is a powerful stone for protection.

Turquoise ~ an aid in luck, love, money, and protection.

Unakite ~ heals the psyche, helps you realize your higher self.

Crystal Care Tips

  Some crystals shouldn’t be left in direct sunlight. These include: Amethyst, Ametrine, Aquamarine, Celestite, Citrine, Fluorite, Kunzite, Opal, Rose Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Topaz, and Turquoise.

  Some crystals shouldn’t get wet. These include: Celestine, Desert Rose, Lapis Lazuli, Lepidolite, Malachite, Selenite, and Sodalite.

Click here to learn about Crystal Shapes.

* If there is anything we missed or you’d like to add, just let us know! *

I hope this is useful! xx ~ @chlovoyant


One Word Spells

Vellunedom: To make a week fly by (Taken from the words veloce, lunedi, and domenica)

Amiqui: To attract new friends (Taken from the words amici and qui)

Posiflo: To send positive energy to someone (take from the words positive and flow)

Dolono: To ease pain (taken from the words dolore and no)

Famicco: To attract a familiar (taken from the words familiar and ecco)


There’s been a lot of tips for beginners on my dash today so I wanted to chuck in some of my own.

  • RESEARCH, you can ask more experienced witches for help and advice and answers, but also do your own research, there’s plenty of helpful blogs and posts, and we understand you’re new but when we get the most basic google-able questions a million times it can be frustrating. You also need to forge your own path. We all did and it made us all the better for it.
  • You don’t need fancy tools, or any, to be a witch. Use what you have, if you have it, a bed sheet can make a fine altar cloth and a stick off the ground is a perfect wand (hell, I just slapped some paint on mine, that’s the only difference)
  • Research local shops. I didn’t find out about my crystal rock shop until a year after I started because I assumed living in a smaller Christian city in a Christian area of a Christian state it wouldn’t have one.
  • Amazon for herbs cheap in bulk.
  • You don’t have to follow deity but do research before ruling it out, something just might click.
  • You don’t have to be Wiccan.
  • You don’t have to obey the three fold law.
  • You can curse people.
  • You don’t have to only do white magic.
  • The universe contains both good and evil. Gods contain both good and evil. Don’t stress because you contain both good and evil.
  • Your path is your own, you can’t do it wrong.
💖Self love spell💖

I made a little spell bag with a note and a spell bottle in.


Spell bottle:

  • Cinnamon
  • Sugar
  • Rose quartz
  • Rose petal
  • Lavender oil
  • Glitter
  • Eye shadow

Note to self:

  • A note to yourself acknowledging your self worth and saying how you love the parts of your body that you might be insecure about
  • Self love sigil

As I put in every ingredient I named one part that I loved about myself. I was on FaceTime to someone that made me feel special and shows me that I am beautiful. I then circled it clockwise, with a quartz point, to bring confidence to me and then circled it anti clockwise to take away any negative thoughts I have.

For the note I painted a page with some pink water colour and then drew a rose and a moon with pentacles as stars. You can decorate the note however you want! The note is supposed to be personal to you. I then wrote I love... And then named things about myself that I am insecure about. I held it close to my heart and kissed it.

I then put everything in the bag and kissed it again. I then carried it around with me the next day and held it close to me.

I hope this helps someone! You can make it the way you want to and personalize it to yourself.

Blessed be

Uses for Moon Water

Hello again lovelies! I woke up this morning to a lot of questions about Moon Water and how one can use it, so I thought it would be fun for me to provide a little insight and give a few ideas!

1. Moon water is great of cleansing and purifying! It can be used on objects or people and a little sprinkle goes a long way. Whenever you’re feeling down or out of sorts sprinkle a little moon water over your head to help clear away and negative energy that may reside in the area. Or if a room is prone to negative energy, sprinkle a little around to help replenish good vibes. I personally sometimes dip my finger in and draw a little pentagram on my forehead when i’m having ill thoughts or emotions and it helps cheer me right up!

2. If you previously asked the moon to bless your water with something other than standard energy (such as tranquility, or self love) then it should be used more specifically. As stated above moon water can be put on your person, and when it has extra blessings then it should be put on in times when you need that little extra something. Of course just because moon water is blessed with another energy doesn’t mean that it can’t be placed on physical objects too, it totally can!

3. Moon water is great for spells and other more intense rituals. Many rituals call for a sprinkle over alters or around surfaces, although it is quite often that salted water is called for as well. It’s perfectly alright to add some salt to your water before you set it out to let it soak up the moons energy. Salt is protection and moon energy is a stable power source.

4. Store it for later use! If you don’t have anything big going on right now but feel the urge to make moon water you can totally store it for later! That way you always have some on hand in a pinch for spells and rituals. 

5. If you’re really in a pinch during the day and a crystal that you need is undercharged, moon water is a good second charger for crystals. Fair warning though-I personally would never charge a crystal in moon water during the day unless I had to. Once something is charged in moon water, it loses a lot of it’s power and it’s really good anymore. The crystals also don’t get charged nearly as well as they would at night. So please take that into consideration!

Good luck everyone! And please please always remember to thank the moon!


This is a little spell jar I did to promote my own self love and self care! This is not something that I plan to bury, but rather keep in my space as a reminder to continue my journey of loving and caring for myself. It was such a nice uplifting experience to make💕


🌸 A glass jar of your choosing that can be sealed with a cork or lid 🌸 Fire proof container, incense burner, mortar and pestle 🌸 Rose quartz 🌸 Self love sigil 🌸 Rose and frankincense incense for love and peace from insecurity and anxiety 🌸 Cinnamon 🌸 Nutmeg 🌸 Dried rosemary 🌸 Dried rose petals or rosebuds 🌸 Sugar 🌸 Pink Himalayan salt 🌸 Pink candle

💖What to do💖

🌸 Burn the incense and self love sigil 🌸 Combine with mortar and pestle and pour into jar 🌸 Add the following into the jar in this order: cinnamon, nutmeg, rosemary, sugar, pink salt and then top up with rose petals/buds 🌸 Cleanse and charge your rose quartz, hold it in your hands and think loving thoughts about yourself then add into jar 🌸 Create a list of things you love/enjoy about yourself 🌸 Light pink candle, look into the flame and read your list aloud 🌸 Put cork on the jar and seal with the candle wax 🌸 Charge overnight in moonlight and place jar somewhere you will see it often

Let me know if you make this and how it works out for you!! Love, light and blessings my dear friends 💖


Water Witch Self Care Tips

💧 listen to the sounds of waves or rain as you fall asleep

💧 carry a water bottle around with you that’s infused with your favorite fruits

💧 take a bubble bath

💧 go for a swim

💧 paint your nails a sparkling blue

💧 use an ocean-scented lotion to draw sigils on your body and then gently massage them into your skin

💧 dab your face with coconut water before bed and when you wake up

💧 take time to meditate and reflect on how your day went and the things you felt

💧 spray your hair with rose water that’s been charged by the sun or moon

💧 soak your feet in a body of water

💧 learn to recognize how different everyday things make you feel

💧 incorporate moisturizing setting sprays and liquid highlighters into your makeup routine

💧 sit by your window when it rains and watch the rain fall while listening to calming music

💧 carry aquamarine or lapis lazuli around with you

💧 make a list of things that you love about yourself. it may be difficult at first but be patient and let things come to you

💧 perform cleansing rituals in the shower. envision the water washing away all of your worries and anxieties

💧 gently comb out your hair after bathing or swimming

💧 adorn yourself with pearl or sea shell jewelry

💧 use different scented hand creams to give what you create with your hands more beauty or power

💧 buy yourself a mini fountain so that you can be surrounded by the calming sounds of running water

💧 allow yourself to feel angry or sad. cry if you need to

💧 remember to stay hydrated!! 

💎 You’re not a crystal witch until you’ve completed basic training 💎

Jk I just love organization and information.

These are my little notebooks of crystal metaphysical properties. I made them years ago, and they’ve been super helpful cuz crystals are such a major part of my life. I researched my butt off to put them together!

Inside includes basic corresponding information about each crystal.


Hey there, witches! Spring is coming

Here are some tips for the season:

- spring for me is all about waking up and planning ahead for the next half year. Spring is slowly getting up, stretching and being excited for what is to come, so 

- get yourself motivated. Think of all the things you want to do within the next weeks and months and if you don’t have any plans yet, make some! The bees are starting their work again, and so should we :) 

- update your calender. Look up birthdays, transitions of planets that might influence you, vacations, deadlines, get that stuff written down. If you have a big garden, look up when to plant what

- if you have any long term wards, renew them!

- clean, clean, clean! If a full house cleaning seems like too much, break it down and start small. Change your sheets, open the windows and get the air circulating. Clean out your fridge. Take on one shelf, or one side of the closet. But get started, and I promise you, you will feel so good every time you look at your accomplishments

- and cleanse, cleanse, cleanse! 

- if your room is still full with that heavy, sleepy winter energy, do something about it. Let in the spring air in the morning and get the energies flowing. Stirr it up however you feel works best. I love me some harmoneous bells (which I feel wake me up as well), burning incense, any kind of jazz like music, but you do you! If you wanna smash some pots together, do so

- this includes throwing things out. Especially during the colder times we tend to hoard, and while there is nothing wrong with this, there might be things you do not need (anymore). Give away what you can and throw away the rest to make space for something new! Holding onto things that no longer serve a purpose attracts heavy, lazy energies

- get in touch with nature. As you feel nature waking up and slowly blossoming, you will too. If you can, spend time with children and animals 

- get a seasonal calender that provides you with info on what plants grow when

- to make a spring wish come true - take some organic paper and a coal pensil or a paint made from ashes, and write your wish down. Be specific and friendly. Place seeds in the middle of the paper over the writing, and fold it all up. In the early morning hours, but before dawn, bury it in fertile grounds. Dig the hole with your hands (make sure not to cut yourself on anything) and as you close the hole again, ask the forces that awaken nature to bring energy and life to your wish as well

- if you are not on a set schedule, take a few days to wake up with the sun, or generally wake up a bit earlier every day, and reflect on the passing of time from dawn to the sun being all the way up

- look up what local products you can buy and how to live more ecologically responsible to honor nature, small but steady steps, remember!

- take time to meditate about who you are and who you will be this year. If there is any anger or fears within you that might hold you back from living your best life, let go of it now. During winter, we take the time to look within. Choose now what parts of yourself you want to show the world

- connect and reconnect with others. after the time of isolation comes the time of connection - share your love and your joy with your dear ones to fortify it 

- make sure to clean your shoes from old dirt. As you clean them, imagine brushing off all negativity and all hindrances that might appear. You want to walk new places in the new year and not drag the past with you. Also you will have clean shoes and feel much nicer when you wear them

- spring is a great time to rewire your brain and your thought patterns to be more positive :) Each time you see a blooming flower or a new bud on an old tree or a young animal, think a positive thought about yourself or others

Most importanty: the morining stets the tone for the day, and spring sets the tone for the year. Show the universe you are ready for a wonderful year full of love and happiness. Make plans and stick with them. Send as many good vibes out there and get your vibration as high as possible. By all means, there is no need to over-do it and for godeness sake don’t compare yourself to others. Small and steady steps in the right direction will be all that is needed.

I am rooting for you


Witchcraft Asks #1-105

Here is the list of the 105 witchcraft questions I just finished answering. I answered one each day but feel free to answer them all at once or however you want to do it. Tag your it!

1. Are you solitary or in a coven? 2. Do you consider yourself Wiccan, Pagan, witch, or other? 3. What is your zodiac sign? 4. Do you have a Patron God/dess? 5. Do you work with a Pantheon? 6. Do you use tarot, palmistry, or 
any other kind of divination? 7. What are some of your favorite herbs to use in your practice? (if any) 8. How would you define your craft? 9. Do you curse? If not, do you accept others who do? 10. How long have you been practicing? 11. Do you currently or have you ever had any familiars? 12. Do you believe in Karma or
Reincarnation? 13. Do you have a magical name? 14. Are you “out of the broom closet”? 15. What was the last spell you performed? 16. Would you consider yourself knowledgeable? 17. Do you write your own spells? 18. Do you have a book of shadows?
If so, how is it written and/or set up? 19. Do you worship nature? 20. What is your favorite gemstone? 21. Do you use feathers, claws, fur, pelt, skeletons/bones, or any other animal body part for magical work? 22. Do you have an altar? 23. What is your preferred element? 24. Do you consider yourself an Alchemist? 25. Are you any other type of magical practitioner besides a witch? 26. What got you interested in witchcraft? 27. Have you ever performed a spell or ritual with the company of anyone who was not a witch? 28. Have you ever used ouija? 29. Do you consider yourself a psychic? 30. Do you have a spirit guide? If so, what is it? 31. What is something you wish someone had told you when you first started? 32. Do you celebrate the Sabbats? If so which one is your favorite? 33. Would you ever teach witchcraft to your children? 34. Do you meditate? 35. What is your favorite season? 36. What is your favorite type of magick to preform? 37. How do you incorporate your spirituality into your daily life? 38. What is your favorite witchy movie? 39. What is your favorite witchy book, both fiction and non-fiction. Why? 40. What is the first spell you ever preformed? Successful or not. 41. What’s the craziest witchcraft-related thing that’s happened to you? 42. What is your favourite type of candle to use? 43. What is your favorite witchy tool? 44. Do you or have you ever made your own witchy tools? 45. Have you ever worked with any magical creatures such as the fea or spirits? 46. Do you practice color magic? 47. Do you or have you ever had a witchy teacher or mentor of any kind? 48. What is your preferred way of shopping for witchcraft supplies? 49. Do you believe in predestination or fate? 50. What do you do to reconnect when you are feeling out of touch with your practice? 51. Have you ever had any supernatural experiences? 52. What is your biggest witchy pet peeve? 53. Do you like incense? If so what’s your favorite scent? 54. Do you keep a dream journal of any kind? 55. What has been your biggest witchcraft disaster? 56. What has been your biggest witchcraft success? 57. What in your practice do you do that you may feel silly or embarrassed about? 58. Do you believe that you can be an atheist, Christian, Muslim or some other faith and still be a witch too? 59. Do you ever feel insecure, unsure or even scared of spell work? 60. Do you ever hold yourself to a standard in your witchcraft that you feel you may never obtain? 61. What is something witch related that you want right now? 62. What is your rune of choice? 63. What is your tarot card of choice? 64. Do you use essential oils? If so what is your favorite? 65. Have you ever taken any kind of witchcraft or pagan courses? 66. Do you wear pagan jewelry in public? 67. Have you ever been discriminated against because of your faith or being a witch? 68. Do you read or subscribe to any pagan magazines? 69. Do you think it’s important to know the history of paganism and witchcraft? 70. What are your favorite things about being a witch? 71. What are your least favorite things about being a witch? 72. Do you listen to any pagan music? If so who is your favorite singer/band? 73. Do you celebrate the Esbbats? If so, how? 74. Do you ever work skyclad? 75. Do you think witchcraft has improved your life? If so, how? 76. Where do you draw inspiration from for your practice? 77. Do you believe in ‘fantasy’ creatures? (Unicorns, fairies, elves, gnomes, ghosts, etc) 78. What’s your favorite sigil/symbol? 79. Do you use blood magick in your practice? Why or why not? 80. Could you ever be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t support your practice? 81. In what area or subject would you most like your craft to grow? 82. What’s your favorite candle scent? Do you use it in your practice? 83. Do you have a pre-ritual ritual? (I.e. Something you do before rituals to prepare yourself for them). If so what is it? 84. What real life witch most inspires your practice? 85. What is your favorite method of communicating with deity? 86. How do you like to organize all your witchy items and ingredients? 87. Do you have any witches in your family that you know of? 88. How have you created your path? What is unique about it? 89. Do you feel you have any natural gifts or affinities (premonitions, hearing spirits, etc.) that led you toward the craft? If so what are they? 90. Do you believe you can initiate yourself or do you have to be initiated by another witch or coven? 91. When you first started out in your path what was the first thing or things you bought? 92. What is the most spiritual or magickal place you’ve been? 93. What’s one piece of advice you’d give someone who is searching for their matron and patron deities? 94. What techniques do you use to ‘get in the zone’ for meditation? 95. Did visualization come easily to you or did you have to practice at it? 96. Do you prefer day or night? Why? 97. What do you think is the best time and place to do spell work? 98. How did you feel when you cast your first circle? Did you stumble or did it go smoothly? 99. Do you believe witchcraft gets easier with time and practice? 100. Do you believe in many gods or one God with many faces? 101. Do you eat meat, eggs and dairy? 102. What is your favorite color and why? 103. What is the one question you get asked most by non-practitioners or non-pagans? How do you usually respond? 104. Which of your five senses would you say is your strongest? 105. What is a pagan or witchcraft rule that you preach but don’t practice?

Send some!! 


💌Spell Envelopes💌

Y’all this is seriously a game changer!! 

As a college student, I’m super broke and haven’t wanted to buy sachets for spells, but I have a solution! Just use an envelope instead! You can get a whole box for like $3 (or you probs already have some) and they work just like a sachet: you put your herbs, pieces of paper, little crystals, etc. inside.  

You can also decorate them with designs, colors, and sigils that correspond to the spell you’re doing!  The one in this picture is a love spell I made for a friend! Art isn’t your thing? Just use stickers! Washi tape! 

You can carry them around easily and discreetly too.  You could even mail a spell to a friend! And add a layer of enchantment to bless your postal delivery person while they’re carrying the spell :)


Addition:  As the lovely @crystal-w0lf added to the comments, you can also bury them for offerings or protection spells!!!


Tari’s Spellbook Masterpost

My Spellbook is a sorted collection of all of the spells and spell ideas that I have reblogged or posted here on Tumblr.  The Spellbook is constantly under construction, with new categories being added, so please click here to see the updated version of this on my blog ^_^

NOTE: Please open this post in a separate tag, as the links are to tag groups and will not be supported in the sidebar blog format on Tumblr.  If you open this post in a sidebar, the links will bring you to my blog’s homepage.  

Spells Sorted By General Intent

Spells Sorted By Type of Witchcraft & Magick

Spells Sorted By Specific Desire

Spells Sorted by Kitchen Ingredient


“Where Do I Start?” |  Baby Witch Q&A


This is all based on my path, opinion, research & experiences.  Now onto the rest of it.  I get a lot of you saying you don’t know where to start, you feel you don’t really know what you’re doing. Here’s a quick tip, none of us do either! Let me stop you there, and tell you now, witchcraft is not an easy path. You have to make decisions, the path is not set in stone. There is no right way, or wrong way, you just have to decide and be confident in your choices and interests. 

That being said, this is some advice that I’ve picked up from answering a lot of questions & hearing a lot of horror stories. It is an outline for anyone that is new, regardless of path. I hope you find it useful. 

The Basics 

What is witchcraft? 

My favorite explanation of witchcraft is,

Witchcraft is the practice of manipulating energy through various means to produce a desired result.” - Skye Alexander 

But my dear newbies, you will find that each witch may define witchcraft a little differently. Overall, that quote is meant to simply give you a vague idea of what witchcraft is so that you will know if it may be a path you’re interested in.  What don’t witches do? | Misconceptions 

Now we shall go over what witchcraft is not. Here’s a few quick facts for you. 

  • Witches do not worship Satan (Most of the time.)
  • Witchcraft is not a religion, Wicca is. 
  • You do not need to work with deities/spirits or be Wiccan to be a witch. 
  • You do not have to be a woman, or be any certain gender, culture, race, age, ect to be a witch. Anyone who tells you so is full of shit. 
  • You don’t have to born a witch, or have some special magickal experience to be a witch. 
  • We do not always wear dark clothing.
  • We may or may not curse you.
  • You can be any religion & still practice witchcraft. 

What do witches do? 

If you’re looking into witchcraft knowing absolutely nothing, a curious outsider who wonders if witchcraft is for you. Here are some things witches do.

Spells & Magick Of course, this is one of the first things that come to mind when you think of witches. Even one in a movie or fairy tale. Here are some fun examples of types of spells and magick:

  • Candle magick  Any magick that involves candles, some examples of this are using candles based on color, you can also cover them with herbs, oils, or care sigils and symbols into them. 
  • Sigils I mentioned these in the last section! Sigils are symbols imbued with the magickal intent of a witch. In other words, they’re a symbol that means something specific. You charge (fill with energy) and activate the sigil. Sometimes people just draw them places too, but charging and activation give them more power. 
  • Potions  Yes! Witches do actually make potions. In cauldrons too! They’re exactly like in the movies. Mixtures of liquids, oils, herbs, ect. 
  • Glamours  A glamour is a spell that alters your appearance or energy! Often people use them to hide, to appear more attractive, or to intimidate others. 

There are many, many more types of magick and spells available to witch. Those were just a few examples. 

Divination  Defined as “The act of seeking information or insight by supernatural means.” There are hundreds of methods of divination but a common example of divination is tarot cards. Ever see an old lady pull a few cards for past, present, and future in a movie? Those are tarot cards.

Communication with deities, spirits, or fae Did you ever love ghost stories as a kid? Or read greek mythology? Were you ever obsessed with fairies? I certainly was. Many witches believe in, and work with these beings.  Energy work Really any witchy work that involves energy is, no surprise, energy work. Some examples of this are using crystals to manipulate or attract certain kinds of energy. Manipulating energy with a wand, yes we use those. Cleansing, warding, some even practice energetic healing!  Astral projection Astral projection is a purposeful out-of-body experience where you, well, project a version of your consciousness (also known as an astral body) to a location that is separate from your physical body. I haven’t tried it yet, this is just an example of something that some witches do.  Celebrate the wheel of the year  Primarily celebrated by Wiccans, but some non-Wiccan witches like myself celebrate it too. The wheel of the year is a series of 8 holidays, called Sabbats, that are based on the changing of the seasons & nature.  

In addition to this, pretty much every witch I’ve ever met has had a strong connection to nature & the beings/energies that are a part of it. This is one thing so far I’ve found to be universal to witches everywhere. 

Of course I would recommend you look into all of these yourself, which is what the next section is about. Also, not all witches do all of these things. Once more, this is just to give you a vague idea so you know if spending time researching the craft more seriously is important to you.  

If witchcraft seems like it’s for you, here is how you continue! 

The First Step - Research 

Research is the most important thing you will do as a baby witch! The most important advice I can give is research lots & don’t jump into anything. If you’re new, this is the best place to start. 

I’ll be going over a list of topics I find necessary for every witch to research. No matter the circumstances, path, or interests of the witch. 

  • Types Of Witches
  • Types Of Magick
  • Cleansing
  • Charging
  • Grounding
  • Warding
  • Meditation
  • Closed cultures

Finally I’d recommend you look into your ancestry. There are a lot of magickal practices relating to certain parts of the world/certain cultures. There might be one relating to you that will interest you, so that’s definitely a topic to be looked into. However if it doesn’t interest at all, it’s not essential like the other topics are.  In addition to these, I strongly recommend you follow your own interests. Do you know that a family member practiced the craft? Look into how. Do you want to get into that obscure form of divination? Do it! Even if you’re interests are just things like tarot or sigils. Go for it. 

How Do I Research? 

A very common question I get is what online resources/books/tumblr blogs would I recommend & I feel since I mentioned research, answering this question goes along with “Where do I start?” so here are some links that should help you find resources in whatever form you may prefer.  Tumblr blogs A list of witchy tumblr blogs I’d recommend! 

Websites [Exemplore] Tons of articles on basic witchy topics!  [Witchipedia] They have just about every witchy term/topic defined & explained. Lots of links to further reading on said terms/topics too.  [LearnReligions] Although the title may be misleading I’ve found a ton of useful articles on there! [Labyrinthos] Information on tarot.  [AstroCharts] Website I use for astrology stuff! 

Youtube Channels  Here’s a few witchy youtube channels I loved to watch when I was starting out.  [The Witch Of Wonderlust] [Harmony Nice] [Scarlet Ravenswood] [Magickians]

A few more recommendation lists

A few more recommendation lists

Finally I’d like to suggest this!

It’s a directory of all of my posts. You will likely find information there regarding many of the subjects I mentioned above, such as cleansing. 

Advice For Researching When you’re researching ANYTHING relating to witchcraft no matter the source, no matter how you found it, or rather if you hear it’s good/bad, PLEASE think critically. Learn to pick out the bad bits. Ask yourself things like could this be biased? Does this make sense? Do I agree with this? Is this one sided? Could it be appropriation? Ect. If you do find bullshit, remember that doesn’t mean everything in the book is useless. In addition if you tend to find the same answer in vastly different places it is likely to be true. 

In addition, if a book says any of these things I am suspicious of all unknown information presented by said book: 

  • Wicca is the only way/Wicca and witchcraft are the same.  Very commonly implied in Silver Ravenworm’s books, which are bullshit by the way. If a book implies this I don’t even bother to read it. 
  • Three fold rule  Once more, if a book implies this I don’t bother. 
  • Look out for appropriation 
  • If there’s talk of gypsies, chakras, dream catchers, ect ect I’m usually suspicious of a person’s prospective or ethics. 
  • White magick I personally do not believe magick is white nor black so this is something I avoid because it’s bullshit to me. Might not be true for everyone! 

Those are just my beliefs, still even if you believe the 3 fold rule. if someone tries to shove it down your throat, they are likely questionable. Once again this does not mean all books like this are useless, because some don’t have the means to be as picky about books as I am. You should also always be suspicious of new witchy books and especially authors. These are just red flags for you.  Now we will be moving onto where you will put the information you collect! The next section is all about grimoires. 

What is a grimoire? 

What is a grimoire?  A grimoire is a collection of information to be used by a witch. A witchy journal, if you will. A collection of information or notes from research. 

Why do I need one?  Witchcraft has a lot & I mean a LOT of information to be learned. It will prove to be very difficult to practice effectively & keep track of said information without a place to store it. 

How do I start one?  Do not worry about having anything fancy or organized if you are new. Just have a space, that can be on your laptop, in a notebook, in a binder, or other location that you are storing information on witchcraft. When I’m researching I like to have a page dedicated to the topic, with the date I wrote the information & where I got it. This will prove very useful later. 

For more tips on grimoire making see this post,  [Grimoire Tips

I feel like I’m gonna mess something up… | Common Mistakes To Avoid

A lot of people, particularly young people that are new to witchcraft seem to be worried they’ll “mess something up.” I get questions/concerns relating to that a lot. So, here’s a few things to not do, no matter who you are. It’s also an opportunity for me to lecture and forewarn you, which is much needed. 

  • Research & think critically I know I already covered this, I will likely cover it more, but I had to remind you anyways. Research anything you do to make sure it is not part of a closed culture, and make sure it is safe, advisable, and necessary.
  • Always cleanse & ward I have said this a million times & I mean it. 90% of the problems/bad situations I am presented with could be solved by simply returning to the basics.
  • Don’t jump into spell/spirit work The other 10% of problems could be solved by listening to this. Don’t jump into this stuff. It’s not a toy. It is a tool. It is powerful. You are powerful.
  • Research herbs/crystals before use Don’t just go foraging for, ingesting, burning, or rubbing things on you that you know nothing about. Same goes for crystals. Some crystals are sensitive to water, sunshine, ect. If you put a crystal in your water it could dissolve and render the water very toxic. Be careful. 
  • Practice fire safety Yes it’s a problem. Be aware. Research anything you burn, do not leave it & keep a glass of water nearby in case things get out of hand.

What tips do you have for babies? | Some Extra Advice 

Intuition  Follow your intuition. If it tells you to do something or change something about a spell, do it. Learn to distinguish it from everything else. It will prove useful in the years to come. 

Routine A lot of witches, particularly new ones are young & have school or a job or both keeping them busy. That’s why it’s very important you work witchcraft into your routine. It makes it so much easier to feel accomplished & like you’re advancing. For more tips on that, see these posts:  [Everyday Magick Tips] [Are You A Busy Witch?]

Witch Type / Path  A lot of people are going to try to convince you that you have to pick a certain path. Finding interests of your own is great & very important, but here’s a hot take, you’re likely not a crystal witch. Most witches are eclectic in some form. Your interests & what you focus on will change & that’s okay. Don’t feel any pressure to stick to one certain thing. If you want to be a hedge witch or a ceremonial magician, go right ahead, this is for those that feel restricted & stressed out by the idea. It’s okay if your path changes, too. Most people have different interests throughout time, it makes sense the same would apply to a spectrum of topics as broad as witchcraft.  Supplies Another common question is what supplies are essential for a baby to have? If you’ve come this far & the contents of this post are new to you, then you aren’t ready for supplies yet. Just keep researching & learning about your interests. When it’s time for you to go buy something, you’ll know what to get.  People have different ideas  Another important tip, a lot of information and specifically methodology you see is just a person’s personal method or opinion. Many of the asks I receive can be answered with “Well some people think that, others don’t” so learn that most of the time if you want to do something differently, you can.  This post took 2 weeks to finish. It’s finally done! 

I hope this post helped you or you learned something new!  Enjoy! Have a lovely day 💖

Great information for those just starting out!

hey love i saw your ask! Here’s a good guide for beginners ❤ I hope this helps!

Thx 💕

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