
Uh-oh Spagettios


I'm so gay and born from an egg

Camp camp AU idea: Street camp

Idk if this has been done yet. But like… Street kids version of camp campbell campers?

Hear me out, General idea:

All the campers, but like super street rat style, they gotta beg or steal to survive. David is a former camp councilor for camp Campbell, but worked only for a single year, before it was shut down when the childrens health and safety organisation refused the obvious bribe from Mr Campbell and did further digging into the place and found a decaying body with no explanation to it. Gwen works a shitty job as an assistant teacher at her local primary (elementary) school… Because those who can’t ‘do’ 'teach’. But she’s her plan is running out and she has herself more than half way out the door already.

Specific ideas:

- David works voluntarily for an orphanage on odd days and works full time at a school as a councilor

-David first meets Max when he ran away from home and attempted to go to the orphanage when he didn’t know what else to do

- Max, Nikki and Neil stick together and will probably or already have, robbed a bank at some point and actually gotten away with it, only to dumb the money with david (they are the dream team)

- Preston is a failed child actor and now performs on the street for money

- Nikki is delusional af and thinks being stuck on the outside is like and endless adventure

- Dolf joined a gang. He just. Joined a gang, he is now the youngest tattoo artist ever probably

- Nikki used to go to loads of summer camps and has specific memories of it. Calling their outdoor adventure 'street camp’

- nerf and edeth get kicked out of their home a lot

- with the help of Neil, max once started a revolution with rats

- dolf has a pet squirrel named nutsie. (I’m sure you can tell how that goes)

That’s all I got for now, I keep thinking of this idea @sorceress1410 told me to do something with it. SO I WILL ;0


*the Avengers on a mission*

Tony, who is usually rowdy and can be aggressive: ha! You’ll never beat us!

Peter, who is small and adorable: YEAH DICKHEAD!

Tony, startled: Hey woah, you’re going a little overboard, watch the Language-

Peter, with a huge grin: EAT SHIT AND DIE!

Tony: Hey, kid, how was your day?
Peter: I have no clue! I wasn't there for most of it. :)
Tony: W-What?
Peter: Yeah, I haven't slept in like three days, so I've been drinking a lot of coffee, except it kind of just cancelled out and now I don't feel anything at all. :D
Anonymous asked:

For the foster care au, I had a thought about what if Skip wasn't a foster parent, but another foster kid (maybe only a year or two older than Peter). Their foster parents either don't know or don't care what's going on. Maybe the other kids suspect something, but they're not sure, so when Tony visits, one kid hints at something between Skip and Peter, and protective Dad!Tony is instantly activated before even meeting the kid.

Ah! Love it! 😍

Warnings: mentions of (non-graphic) sexual harassment/assault.

Skip would sleep in the large dorm with all the other kids, but when Peter is moved out into his own room because he wakes up screaming too much, it gives him the perfect opportunity to take advantage of him because he’s alone and nobody would know.

When Peter screams in his own room at night, nobody cares. But now that he’s alone, Skip can make him scream all he wants, and because all the other foster kids and caretakers are used to the screaming, they ignore it.

When Tony shows up and the other foster kids start bad mouthing Peter, calling him names and saying that “Skip said Peter is an s - word!”

“A what?” Tony would ask. Then one of the younger foster kids would lean in and whisper,

“A slut…” and Tony would frown, jerking away and asking which one is Peter.

When Peter is pointed out to him, he’s expecting some ragged older kid wearing something provocative, but all he sees is this scrawny little teenager with glasses, hunched over a physics book and wearing oversized clothing that had clearly been donated.

When Tony sits down, Peter looks up, flushes and then closes his book.

“S - sorry Sir.” He mumbles, moving to stand.

“Woah, woah… how did I scare you off already?”

“I um… I figured you w - wanted the desk,” Peter says quietly.

Tony shrugs him off and admits that he sat down to talk with him.

He can see the bruises along Peter’s neck, and the bite marks near his collarbone.

When Peter notices him staring, he lifts a hand up to tug his shirt collar higher, but then his sleeve falls down a bit and Tony can see all of the harsh contusions in the shapes of fingers.

Tony knows enough about abuse to tell when someone has been grabbed and then pulled by their wrist, he just never experienced it in the context of sexual abuse…

He doesn’t know how to ask, or say anything for that matter.

He’s terrified of making Peter upset, so he talks with him for awhile before allowing the caretaker to drag him off to the other dorms.

Tony notices Peter doesn’t have a bed, and he asks where he sleeps.

The caretaker reluctantly takes him further down the hall and pushes open Peter’s door without knocking.

Skip is sat right next to him on the bed, a hand fisted in the back of Peter’s hair and one on his own belt, which he lets go of immediately and puts on a very fake smile.

“Skip, what have you been told about mingling, go back to the dorm with the rest of the normal kids.”

While the caretaker shoes Skip off, Tony walks into the room and crouches down in front of Peter. From the new angle, he can see Peter’s tears.

“Does he hurt you?” He asks quietly, his fists clenching when Peter nods sadly.

“What else does he do, Peter?” Tony takes his hand and squeezes gently, letting Peter have a moment to brush away his tears.

“H - he touches me…”


That evening, Tony walks out of the orphanage with Peter clutching his hand and gushing grateful thank you’s and promising to be on his best behaviour.

That same night, Peter walks out of the hellhole clinging to his new Dad’s hand.

Anonymous asked:

got any fics where peter is a HYDRA assassin? OR fics where peter is a bad ass and is a damn good fighter who doesn't need to be babied?

Peter Parker knows how this works. HYDRA is the good guys. They fight for good things. The Avengers are the bad guys. They hurt people, like they hurt Peter.

But when Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, and Bucky Barnes are taken by the same base that Peter lives at, his life gets all messed up. His memories of when the Avengers had him are getting all blurry, and the faces are starting to look more like HYDRA Agents and less like Captain America. Besides, what kind of bad guys beg for a kid to be released from a base? What kind of bad guys tell him to go to medical and get some sleep after a battle?

Maybe the kind of bad guys that aren’t so bad.

At 6 years old, the son of Tony and Pepper Stark, Peter, is kidnapped, never to be seen again. Or, so they thought. Ten years later, while raiding a HYDRA base, the Avengers come across a new, enhanced individual, working for the enemy: in black spandex, with a tendency to stick to walls and shoot webs from his wrists, the Black Spider is a pain in the ass in more ways than one.

Peter Parker has been living in HYDRA ever since his parents died at age four. All he can remember are the lesson’s HYDRA taught him and a series of words that strike fear into his heart. The only thing driving him forward are the memories of meeting his hero The Winter Soldier when he was seven and the goal to one day be as great an assassin as him.

At age sixteen Peter finds himself tangled in the lives of the Avengers and can’t help but wonder if there’s more to life than what he’s been told.

Tony wants to help him, no matter what.

Peter Parker was never raised with his Aunt May or Uncle Ben. He was raised by HYDRA to be a weapon just like, or even better then, the Winter Soldier. After ten years, Peter has lost all hope that he will ever make it out of HYDRA’s clutches. Until the Avengers are unknowingly sent to retrieve Peter. Maybe they can help Peter understand that he can be more then some weapon.

AU where the team actually talked out their problems, like an actual team would.


peter: Hello, Comrade Shuri

shuri: Hullo, Comrade Peter, its a fine Communist day today isn’t it

peter: oh yes,,, I feel the Communism coursing through my veins

shuri: the Communism is strong within me

tony: literally none of you have a single drop of Communism in you, Communism isn’t even a thing that could be in your blood-

peter, throwing himself into shuris arms: SEE I TOLD U MY DAD DIDNT ACCEPT ME AS COMMUNIST


Anemic Peter, he's always showing his datemates how cold his hands are and stealing sweaters and hoodies because slight breezes on a hot day make him freezing MJ and Ned tease him about always being cold and needing to be pressed against both of them in public when he gets cold cuddle parties everywhere So so much love for their trans cold boyfriend


sjklfjsdlf peter’s constantly like “feel my hands!!” and randomly pressing his cold hands unprompted onto ned and mj’s faces. and they always recoil like wtf peter bc his hands are too fuckin cold for their faces

also he especially likes curling up together when they sit to watch things on the couch, partly bc he’s a cuddly guy, and partly bc he can tuck his feet up against one of them to warm them up

also like,,,, peter is such a hoodie thief like one day it’s actually chilly so ned and mj both go to put on a hoodie and neither of them can find Any and mj texts in the group chat “peter you took all of my hoodies” followed by “all of them peter you took ALL my hoodies” followed by “bring one to school with you please”

and ned texts right after that “yeah mine too. i’ll just wear a sweater”

and peter realizes he’s actually wearing one of their hoodies and he texts “idk what you two are talking about i don’t even know what a hoodie is can you DEFINE hoodie for me” but he grabs one of mj’s for her and they see him wearing ned’s hoodie when they get there and they’re both like??? and he’s like “well i was already wearing it i wasn’t going to change”

and ned asks “so you do have like all our hoodies right?” 

“i literally,,, i literally don’t know what a hoodie is,, seriously can you define hoodies,,, oops there’s the bell” – there was no bell – “okay see you guys later love you………..” and he disappears down the hallway


you guys seemed to like the first one, so here it is. it’s back. if peter parker had a twitter part 2.

“Twitter for Android”



Peter needs an andriod cuz he needs a phone that wont break when he swings around the fucking city

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